Now, Cheng Yang intends to go to extremes regardless of everything. Anyway, the most tragic ending is death. What's the big deal? As for whether his family would be involved, Cheng Yang didn't think about it that much at all, even if he thought about it... If you are involved, you will be involved!

He remembered the scene that happened after returning home. Without saying a word, his father raised the stick in his hand and slapped him hard on the back. I'm afraid that in the end he will be beaten to death by his extremely angry father, not just as simple as his brother's 'leg' being broken. . шщш.㈦㈨ⅹS.сом is updated so fast.

So, his back hurts a lot now, it hurts more than that pig's face, and his heart hurts a hundred times more than his back, so let's get involved.

After taking a few puffs of cigarettes, Cheng Yang stubbed out the cigarette butt in the ashtray in the car, then picked up the bottle of beer on the co-pilot, raised his head, and took a big gulp. There are four or five empty bottles.

Then he took out another cigarette and lit it.

A black figure quietly came to the two Audi cars, put his head close to the window, glanced inside, and then tapped on the window.

Cheng Yang squinted at the black figure outside, stretched out his hand, pressed the car window, and said coldly: "Get in the car." Then he closed the car window again.

Heiying opened the door of the back seat of the car and climbed in. In an instant, a pungent smell of alcohol, tobacco, and blood hit his throat, if he was not afraid of offending Cheng When it was sunny, he had already vomited wildly.

"Young Master Cheng." He nodded.

"Little San, is the injury okay?" Cheng Yang said, and then threw the cigarette and lighter in his hand towards him, "'Smoke' a cigarette."

Xiaosan reached out to catch it, and said in a flattering but grateful tone: "It's nothing serious, thank you Cheng Shao for your concern." Then he took out a cigarette, lit it, and smoked it beautifully, feeling emotional in his heart , the feeling of "smoking" is different.

Xiaosan was one of the four men and one woman who troubled Li Zedao under Cheng Yang's instruction. He was the last one to be beaten to the ground. He simply knelt down to Li Zedao and said, "Master, I was wrong..." Finally, he obediently told Li Zedao that Cheng Yang was in room 1010.

He originally thought that since he knelt down and confessed so actively, he wouldn't have to be beaten, but he was wrong, the other party still kicked him, and said righteously that he hated spineless people the most.

Xiao San felt that it was the most unreasonable sentence he had heard since he was a child.


After receiving a call from Cheng Yang, he came over again.

"Young Master Cheng, what do you need me to do?" Xiaosan asked. On the phone, Cheng Yang told him to do one thing, and after the task was completed, he would be given half a million dollars. For the sake of the five hundred thousand dollars, Xiao San immediately rushed over.

Before he lost money in a casino and borrowed usury, the other party was "pressing" tight, if he didn't pay back the money in the past few days, his hands would be chopped off, so the 500,000 is a "lure" for Xiaosan Confusion' great.

Of course, Cheng Shao didn't say what he wanted him to do on the phone, so I don't know if it's a homicide case. If it's a homicide case, Xiaosan feels that he has to think carefully. It's not so cost-effective to commit a crime... Well, the most important thing is that he is not that courageous, and his methods are not that clever.

"Young Master Cheng, you know, it's okay to cut off people's hands and feet, but murder cases... I don't have the guts to do it."

As he said that, he wanted to return the cigarettes and lighter to Cheng Yang with a flattering face.

"I'll see you off." Cheng Yang said coldly, but didn't answer. He is somewhat of a clean freak, the lighter and cigarettes have been 'touched' by such a person, and they are already dirty, so I don't want them anymore.

And this car was taken by such a person, so... I still need it, but I have to wash it well.

"Thank you Cheng Shao, thank you Cheng Shao." Xiao San hurriedly said, not to mention how much the half pack of cigarettes is worth, just this golden lighter under the light of the fire is worth a lot of money.

Cheng Yang probably knew the little bastard in this little bastard's heart, so he said coldly, "Don't worry, it's not a homicide case."

Xiaosan felt slightly relieved: "That's it?" Seriously, if he was really asked to kill people, even if he added 500,000 to the 500,000, his courage would still be sudden.

"Let you continue to do the thing that you couldn't finish in the afternoon." Cheng Yang looked at the opposite Regal Hotel with cold eyes, and said coldly.

"..." Xiaosan's face changed drastically, and he even felt a dull pain in his abdomen. After being kicked in the hotel room, he vomited blood very simply, and it still hurts now .

So, is this going to maim that terrifying kid by yourself? So, that is to say, that kid is still alive and kicking and sleeping with that little beauty in that hotel after beating up Cheng Shao? So, what's wrong with Cheng Shaonai, who has such a terrifying background at this time? So... that kid not only has terrifying skills, but also has a great background?

Having come to this conclusion, Xiaosan said with great difficulty: "Young Master Cheng... That man, all of us brothers have been tortured to death. I am not his opponent. Besides...his background doesn't seem to be good. Small."

Cheng Yang glanced at him, and said coldly: "That kid used to be a soldier under my father, and later joined the special forces, but he was demobilized because of a mistake, so it's no big deal, because of the relationship with my father That's right, plus my dad is usually very strict with me, and this time I took the initiative to find trouble, so my beating was for nothing."

This rhetoric explained why the kid was still able to sleep well in the hotel. The mistress believed it, so he couldn't help but not believe it. After all, Cheng Yang's rhetoric was considered to be true for him who didn't understand the actual situation. Perfect.

Then, he knew that Cheng Shao couldn't swallow this breath, so he planned to take revenge on the other party without telling his father.

"Cheng Shao, I understand what you mean... But, I'm not his opponent." Xiaosan said with difficulty.

"You don't need to do anything to him." Cheng Yang said, "You're like this..."

Then, he lowered his voice and whispered in Xiaosan's ear for a while.

"If it can be done, I will give you 100,000 yuan as a deposit, and after the matter is completed, I will give you the remaining 400,000 yuan." Cheng Yang said, "If it can't be done, I will find someone else."

"What can be done, what can be done." Xiaosan nodded hurriedly, following the way Cheng Shao said, this matter will become extremely easy, and Xiaosan is very confident that he can do it well.

"Then give me the bank account number, and I'll send you money right away." Cheng Yang said coldly, "Then, you start preparing."


In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight pierced through the eastern and western sky, and 'shot' into the bedroom through the gap in the curtains, adding a ray of light to the originally dark room, Li Zedao woke up directly as usual. No matter how long he sleeps now, it's all the same to him.

Beside her, Jin Suyan's even breathing sounded rhythmically in Li Zedao's ears, her straight and beautiful 'legs' unceremoniously pressed on Li Zedao's 'legs', her body curled up in Wang Zi's arms like a cute kitten , slept soundly.

Soon, because the biological clock has been fixed, even though she was really exhausted yesterday, Jin Suyan's eyes opened slowly, then opened wider and wider, and finally met Li Zedao's eyes, and then closed them again , and then her pretty face flushed red.

She is still shy, still not used to it, and still nervous, even though the two of them have "treated each other calmly", even though, she was more proactive than Li Zedao after yesterday, asking frantically, even when Li Zedao didn't ask, she was very proactive Make some shameful moves.

Of course, those actions were all seen from the video on the phone at the same table before. Jin Suyan has a good memory and high comprehension, so... full marks for the actions.

"Shouldn't you be getting up? You still have to go back to school to study." Li Zedao patted his buttocks lightly and said with a smile. Unlike Kim So-yeon, he has already experienced many battles, so there is nothing shy or shy about him.

"Ah... yes, you have to arrive at the teacher before 9:30, otherwise Teacher Li Gu will get angry, don't look at him who is usually very kind, but when he is angry, he is also very scary..." Jin Suyan didn't care about being shy when she said that. , struggling to get up.

Li Zedao smiled, and sat up, ready to get out of bed and get dressed.

The next moment, Li Zedao's body fell into Jin Suyan's eyes, her pretty face blushed instantly, and she said shyly, "Brother Zedao, you... this... is still like this, isn't it hard? Or..."

Jin Suyan feels that her back is sore now, her thighs are numb, and she is exhausted. Unexpectedly, brother Ze really amazing.

"Isn't it because you are too charming?" Li Zedao said, his gaze fell on her unobstructed chest.

Jin Suyan bit her 'lip' lightly, mustering up her courage: "How about..."

"What else?" Li Zedao asked.

" know." She said in a voice like a mosquito.

"Maybe there is not enough time, you have to arrive at the classroom at 9:30." Li Zedao joked a little.

"...I can... ask for leave, just tell Teacher Li Gu that I have a cold, okay?" Jin Suyan looked at Li Zedao and said embarrassedly, she likes the feeling of being obsessed with Li Zedao, That feeling makes people want to stop.

"Okay, let's ask for leave... In a while, you can give me your teacher Li Gu's contact information, and I will help you ask for leave." Li Zedao laughed, how much does this make Li Zedao feel that such a hardworking and kind girl is willing to lie for him Somewhat touched, and if he refuses to insist on letting Jin Suyan go to class, it will undoubtedly be very sad, Li Zedao would not do such a stupid thing.

On the other hand, Li Zedao reckoned that Huang Wen would find him to gather today, but isn't he still looking for it? Therefore, it is very good to be accompanied by such a lovely girl during this period.

"Yeah." Jin Suyan smiled sweetly, "Thank you brother Zedao."

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