The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1387 Throwing Sulfuric Acid

"However, let's go to breakfast first, I can hear your stomach growling." Li Zedao said with a smile, "Also, I guess your back is sore now, are you tired?"

Kim So-yeon was embarrassed: "Brother Zedo..."

"However, are you...are you alright?" Her eyes fell again.

"It's okay, didn't you teach physiology? This is a natural reaction." Li Zedao said.

"Huh? Oh."

Li Zedao joked: "Little sister Jin Soyan, why do I feel that you are disappointed?"

"Ah? How can it be?" Jin Suyan was embarrassed, "Brother Zedao is so annoying."

"Get down." Li Zedao smiled evilly.

"Ah... don't you... want to eat?" Jin Suyan was so ashamed that she said in a voice like a mosquito. While speaking, her body was struggling, and she was about to put on the embarrassing expression that Li Zedao wanted. posture.

"What are you thinking? I want to give you a massage to relieve your body pain." Li Zedao said a little funny.

"Ah... Brother Zedao really hates..."

Facts have proved that Li Zedao's massage techniques are really effective. After letting him massage for a while, shy and nervous but stimulating, Jin Suyan only felt that the soreness all over her body had eased a lot.

Then, after the two finished dressing, Jin Suyan planned to tidy up the battlefield. Li Zedao smiled and said that he should ignore it, and was looking for another hotel.

Jin Suyan simply tidied it up, because it was too embarrassing to be in such a mess.

Then Li Zedao used Kim So-yeon's mobile phone to call Teacher Li Gu, saying that I am So-yeon's family member, and then found a reason to ask for leave for her. Teacher Li Gu was still very talkative, and he gave the leave very happily. .

After that, the two went downstairs, came to the front desk, and retreated out of the room.

The front desk staff looked at the two guests in room 1015, their eyes were a little weird, and they were naturally anxious. After all, with the acquiescence of their hotel yesterday, those people went up to make trouble, but in the end they turned out to be disheartened gone.

For this reason, the manager was so worried that he didn't sleep all night, afraid of being retaliated, but fortunately, that kind of thing didn't happen.

After walking out of the hotel, Jin Suyan, who was as happy as a bird holding Li Zedao's arm, walked a little awkwardly. After seeing Li Zedao's gaze, she said in embarrassment: "Brother Zedao, don't laugh... it's all your fault." ?”

"You are still like this, come?" Li Zedao smiled ambiguously.

" like it." Kim So-yeon said shyly and blissfully whispered, "I... also like it, it feels so good to blend with the man I love, I will try to eat more later"

"..." Li Zedao felt that he was such a beast, that he had led such a girl into ruin.

At this moment, he only felt a chill down his back, as if a pair of extremely vicious eyes were staring at you from behind.

Seemingly unintentionally, he glanced back at the black Audi parked there, and then turned around, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

It seems that I still underestimate that kid. Even if that kid knows his own energy, even if his mother lost her job because of his stupid way, he still doesn't feel scared, he still can't swallow that breath, and he still doesn't know how to hold his breath. Be a man with your tail on your back, and plan to continue doing things.

At this moment, a dirty, tattered beggar walked slowly towards him. The beggar lowered his head, his unkempt face was slanted, his mouth was drooling, and he was muttering to himself. What, looking at it like that, the mental aspect is not very normal.

Jin Suyan looked at the beggar sympathetically. Once, she felt that she was very unfortunate and her life was very dark, but now, she felt that she was the happiest person in the world.

Thinking about it, he hugged those powerful arms in his arms tightly, as if he was grasping the whole world.

Li Zedao was also looking at the beggar, and then he clearly saw his flickering and somewhat familiar eyes.

So... here comes the troublemaker.

The beggar was naturally pretended by Xiaosan according to Cheng Yang's request. After pretending, he looked in the mirror and found that he couldn't recognize himself anymore, so he didn't think that the special soldier who was walking towards him at this time would find any flaws. So, bad luck is going to happen to him and this beautiful woman who is holding his arm!

The kind mistress began to sympathize with this sweet couple, don't blame me, if you want to blame, blame Cheng Shao, blame this shitty world, if I have money, I need to ruin it for 500,000 lost you? Can't do it, right?

At this time, Xiaosan was holding a bottle of highly soluble sulfuric acid, and Cheng Shao asked him to splash the sulfuric acid on the faces of the men and women. If their skins were stained by this thing, they would naturally rot. Then this face will be completely ruined, plastic surgery will not work, even if it gets into the eyes, the eyes will be blind.

Xiaosan sighed that Cheng Shao's move was too ruthless, but at the same time felt that the 500,000 yuan was too easy to earn. This job is really not difficult at all, and if he is dressed like this, the police will definitely not be able to find the murderer.

The man and woman got closer, Xiao San secretly raised his head, glanced at the man and woman vaguely, swallowed, and then secretly opened the cap of the bottle filled with sulfuric acid.

As long as he took a step forward, he would slam his hand and pour the liquid in the bottle all over their faces!

In the next second, he took a step forward, and Xiao San suddenly stopped. At the same time, he raised his hand with a ferocious look on his face, and was about to make a splashing movement.

However, before the splashing action could be done at all, Xiao San felt that his hand holding the bottle of concentrated sulfuric acid suddenly went stiff, as if it had been frozen instantly.

The next second, something even more tragic happened. The bottle cap had already been opened, so the concentrated sulfuric acid emitting a thick mist slipped from his hand.

"Bang Dang!" The bottle shattered, and the liquid in it spilled out quickly. Instantly, the dense fog and pungent smell scattered, as if something was on fire, and then, a lot of it was directly splashed on Xiaosan's body. In order to pretend to be a beggar, so bare without shoes on the instep.

"Ah..." Xiaosan's face froze suddenly and at the same time she let out an extremely tragic cry, and then she sat on the ground and swung her legs, wheezing, and finally rolled over because of the excessive pain.

His foot, under the corrosion of concentrated sulfuric acid, was already bloody and bloody. Even if he didn't deal with it quickly, as long as the flesh and blood were corroded, the bones would be seen.

What's even more tragic is that because it was so fucking painful, he rolled involuntarily, and then his body was stained with the concentrated sulfuric acid left on the ground, so the situation was even more tragic.

At this time, Li Zedao had already taken Jin Soyan back a few steps.

The two of them were like passers-by, just like other passers-by, they didn't understand what happened.

Jin Suyan smelled the pungent smell, opened her eyes wide and looked at the scene happening in front of her, and then, she probably understood what happened.

She has good grades in school and has done chemical experiments in school, so she knows that it is the smell of sulfuric acid, plus the thick fog emitted and the miserable appearance of the beggar's foot, so it is a very high concentration. high sulfuric acid.

So, what happened was that this strange beggar seemed to be trying to attack her and Brother Zedao with such a bottle of concentrated sulfuric acid, but for some reason, he slipped his hands or something, and fell directly on his feet?

She looked up at Li Zedao with some trepidation in her eyes: "Brother Zedao, this..."

Li Zedao looked at the man rolling on the ground indifferently, and said, "It's okay, and I won't let this kind of thing happen again."

Jin Suyan Bingxue is smart, she has already thought of something, and said with difficulty at the moment: "So, he is..."

"He was one of the four men and one woman who was beaten up by me yesterday afternoon." Li Zedao said in a low voice, "You can still look back, your brother's Audi is still parked there... oh , he is planning to slip away."

Jin Suyan looked back, and sure enough, she saw the back of an Audi. She was familiar with the license plate number of the Audi, so it was really a senior.

At the same time, more people saw that something happened here, and came to watch.

"What's going on here?"

"Damn it, it smells like sulfuric acid... He was splashed with sulfuric acid?"

"Hurry up and call the ambulance..."

So, some people took out their mobile phones and rushed to call the police and an ambulance, while others started taking pictures and posting them to Moments, with the titles also attracting attention.

"Brilliant, it seems that the rich second generation poured concentrated sulfuric acid on beggars in the street..."

Li Zedao led the chaotic and terrified Jin Suyan away from the crowd, and dialed a phone number with a cold face.

Not long after, the phone was picked up, and Sun Jundong's voice came from inside. Judging from his tone, he only woke up after receiving a call from Li Zedao.

So I put my spirits up: "Young Master Li..."

"As soon as my wife and I walked out of the hotel, a beggar came over, and the beggar was holding a bottle of concentrated sulfuric acid in his hand. If I hadn't noticed it, the bottle of concentrated sulfuric acid would have been poured on my wife and I. face." Li Zedao said coldly, "Besides, I saw Cheng Yang's Audi at the entrance of the hotel."

"Ah?" Sun Jundong woke up suddenly, his whole body in cold sweat. You know, he promised on the phone yesterday that Cheng Yang's mother Li Ping would resign in the future, and that Cheng Yang would not appear in front of Jin Suyan in the future. , I guarantee that Cheng Yang will be a man with his tail between his legs in the future, but now...

"Idiot, that big idiot, does he know what he's doing?" Sun Jundong cursed viciously.

"Young Master Li..."

"Of course, it's not necessarily that he did it. He might just pass by by coincidence, or, I read wrongly, that car is not his...someone has played cards? It is also possible, that is the car. It belongs to him, but the one in the car is not him, who knows?" Li Zedao said coldly.

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