The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1392 go up and kill you

Li Zedao continued with a slight smile: "I'll even be busy for a long time. During this period, I'm afraid that Cheng Yang's mother will take revenge on you for her son's car accident and do some tricks secretly. More latest chapter visit: ШЩЩ.⑦⑨XS .сОМ."

"So..." Jin Suyan smiled and nodded without saying anything. Li Zedao considered her safety so seriously, she felt very happy and sweet.

After Li Zedao helped Jin Soyan choose a few sets of clothes, the two found a restaurant to have dinner, and then found a house rental company non-stop, went in to learn about the rental information, and finally neatly went to the music where Jin Soyan was in class Two houses were rented in a community not far from the college.

The two houses are located on the 11th floor, facing the 'door', the masks are not too big, about 60 square meters, but the location is good, the neighborhood is also high-end, 'fine' decoration, excellent sightlines, and all the furniture inside. So the rent is not too cheap.

Of course, this amount of money is really a drop in the bucket for the current Li Zedao, so he directly signed the contract and rented it for one year.

One of the two houses is for Jin Suyan to live in, and the other is naturally prepared for the pervert.

Afterwards, Li Zedao accompanied Jin Soyan back to her dormitory at the music school and helped her move some items to this house.

During this period, Li Zedao received a strange call.

After picking it up, Bei's indifferent voice came over: "Dong and the others are back."

"Oh, I thought you missed me." Li Zedao's voice was full of regret. Knowing that saying such words is risking his life, but he still couldn't help but want to tease her.

"You want to die?" Bei's voice became colder.

Bei is a typical night owl. She often suffers from insomnia. She also suffered from insomnia last night, but what is different from the past is that when she was up late at night, she was either alone in the ktv, or she was "entrapping" those who used the night on the street. Drunk people who are high on the black wind, who are interested in sex, or small gangsters, or hold a book on insect research and read it patiently... In short, she can calm down.

But last night, she couldn't stay still at all, her mind was full of Li Zedao's figure, all the scenes on the way to Lang Village and what happened in Rong City, which made her extremely irritable.

"Just kidding." Li Zedao said with a smile.

It sounds like Bei wants to kill people even more. Can this kind of thing be joked?

"However, I miss you." Li Zedao said again.


Li Zedao couldn't help laughing when he heard the sound of gnashing his teeth.

"Tell me where you are, and I'll kill you!" Finally, Bei gritted his teeth.

"No, I'm with a beautiful woman right now. It's inconvenient for you to come." Li Zedao chuckled, and then said domineeringly, "So I don't have time right now, you make Huang Wen wait."

Bei responded coldly: "The time for assembly is tomorrow morning, come to that courtyard."

"Uh, oh..." Li Zedao 'touched' his nose, a little embarrassed, he knew that this woman's eyes must be very contemptuous, looking at you like an idiot.

Then, Bei very simply hung up the phone.

After helping Jin Suyan finish moving things, the two cooperated to clean the house carefully. Of course, Li Zedao basically contracted all the work, and Jin Suyan was responsible for watching over there.

Jin Soyan's small face was full of sweetness and happiness, watching Li Zedao busy there, and then imagined wiping off sweat with a tissue like in the TV series, but Li Zedao was very uncooperative, and there was no sweat at all.

After tidying up, the two sat down on the sofa, bathed in the afternoon sunlight projected in, and quietly enjoyed the sweetness, warmth and harmony.

"It's so comfortable..." Jin Suyan snorted softly and stretched her waist.

It's so comfortable... She said the same thing last night, and said it several times, so Li Zedao was so excited that he stretched out his hand and hugged her delicate body in his arms inside.

"During lunch, I saw that you ate a lot, so, do you have strength?" Li Zedao whispered in her ear.

It has become a code word between them to have strength when eating, so, Kim So-yeon was so ashamed that she felt that there was a hard thing on her buttocks, and she was so scared that she didn't dare to move, although I have met each other calmly, but I can't let go after all, not to mention it is still broad daylight and the curtains are not drawn yet.

With flushed cheeks, she whispered, "The curtains are not drawn..."

Li Zedao jumped off the sofa and ran over to pull up the curtains, then looked at Jin Suyan and said, "It's done."

"...I hate it." Jin Suyan said, walked slowly to Li Zedao, looked at him with big watery eyes, then tiptoed, and took the initiative to send her fragrant 'lips' over...

When the wind and waves calmed down, it was already more than an hour later. At this time, Li Zedao received a phone call from a pervert who said that he had arrived. Li Zedao told him the location of the community and asked him to Come here directly.

Half an hour later, the pervert rushed to this community. When he saw Li Zedao, his face was full of wretched smiles. The boss is really a beast. I haven't seen him for a few days. I have an extra sister-in-law ... If it wasn't for the fear of being beaten, the pervert would really like to ask Li Zedao, "Boss, how many good sister-in-laws do I have?"

"He is a pervert, you can just call him a pervert." Li Zedao pointed to the pervert and said to Jin Soyan.

"Change... uh... hello." Jin Suyan said with a slightly restrained smile.

"Hello, sister-in-law." The pervert chuckled, "You don't have to be so polite, just call me pervert, that's what other sister-in-laws call me."

This call of sister-in-law naturally made Jin Suyan feel extremely sweet in her heart, she couldn't restrain the smile on her face, she nodded and said, "Well, pervert..."

Uh, still not used to saying that name.

"Her safety is 'handed over' to you these days, until I finish the work." Li Zedao 'confessed' said.

Seeing the serious face of the boss, the pervert thought that the matter was tricky. The enemy he was about to face was very powerful, and he became serious: "Don't worry, boss, as long as I'm still alive, I won't let my sister-in-law suffer any harm." of."

Do you want to make a suggestion to the boss to let the tigers come over? It's not that the pervert is afraid, but the safety of the sister-in-law is the most important thing, isn't it?

"It's not that serious, at most it's the kind of low-level thugs, little 'thugs' and 'thugs'." Li Zedao said.

"Oh..." The corner of the pervert's mouth slightly 'twitched', expressing his protest against the arrangement of the boss, the boss is killing chickens with a Guan Gong knife, it's too talented and useless, let Feihu and the others come over for such a trivial matter That's fine.

Then, the phone in Li Zedao's pocket rang, he 'touched' it out, frowned, walked aside, picked it up, and said, "Didn't we just gather tomorrow morning?"

"It's tomorrow morning." Bei said coldly on the other end of the phone.


"I'm at the gate of the Shengli Garden Community, you come out." Bei Leng said coldly, his tone not being rebuttable.

"Uh..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched. Isn't the neighborhood where the house he rented for Jin Suyan is called Shengli Garden?

Li Zedao wasn't surprised that his every move was being monitored, but this 'woman' Bei came here... so surprised.

"Are you here to kill me?" Li Zedao asked.

Bei's answer was crisp and sharp, full of lethality: "Yes."

"Well...if I don't go out and let you kill me, what will happen?" Li Zedao asked cautiously, his little heart twitching.

"I'll kill you, and kill you in front of your little lover." Bei said bluntly, even she didn't realize that there was a trace of sourness in her tone.

"...Wait for me later." Li Zedao looked helpless, how could there be such a domineering and unreasonable woman? No wonder she was in her twenties and almost in her thirties and no one wanted her, and Dong and the others were even more unwilling to carry out missions with her.

After hanging up the phone, Li Zedao walked up to Jin Suyan, put his arms around her slender waist, and said, "I'm going to get busy."

It's not suitable for children... The pervert quickly looked away, and looked at the energy-saving lamps on the ceiling that are usually very common, tsk tsk, this lamp is pretty, and it costs a lot of money, right?

Kim So-yeon nodded obediently and said, "Well, I'll wait until you're done."

Li Zedao lightly 'kissed' her forehead, then turned around and "confessed" a few words to the pervert, and gave the pervert the car keys given by Shangguanpeng, and asked him to drive the car in the future, and then got off Lou walked out of the community.

From a distance, I saw a black Porsche Cayenne parked there. Bei, who was still wearing a black leather jacket and leather pants, leaned back against the car, smoking a cigarette with a cold expression.

If she had an extra whip in her hand, without exception, she would definitely become the 'goddess' of the whip in the minds of many homeboys!

Luxury cars and beautiful women, and the beautiful women are still smoking, so the North at this moment is naturally extremely eye-catching, and many passers-by have to look at it with hidden eyes, two eyes, several times Eye.

Of course, no one dared to strike up a conversation, not only because facing such a beautiful woman in a luxury car was enough to make them feel inferior, but also because the aura emanating from this woman was too cold , just like the cold winter.

Li Zedao walked up to Bei under the eyes of many people who were envious and jealous, and said with a smile: "If I get in your car, will those passing by who are secretly looking at you feel that I am being killed by you?" This little boy who is kept by a super rich woman?"

"Are you saying I'm old?" Bei glanced at her indifferently.

" older than me." Li Zedao expressed his admiration for this thinking, and at the same time risked his life, he calculated it seriously, "You are almost ten years old, right?"

"Under nine years old!" Bei responded coldly, looking at Li Zedao in the same way as looking at a dead person. This 'bastard', is he that old? Obviously looks very young, okay?

With a flick of his slender fingers, the cigarette butt with sparks accurately got into a trash can more than ten meters away, then turned around and opened the door to get in the car.

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