The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1393 Buddha Temple

Li Zedao knew that the woman he just acted as a bitch seemed to have offended this woman, so he touched his nose immediately, opened the back door of the car with anxiety and got in. . шщш.㈦㈨ⅹS.сом is updated so fast.

Of course, I kept my vigilance in my heart. Once I found something wrong, I immediately got out of the car and fled first.

Bei didn't start the car immediately, but turned around and stared at Li Zedao's eyes coldly. She could clearly see that those black and white eyes before now had a few imperceptible red bloodshots.

Therefore, the sequelae of Shenwan began to explode.

"What... what are you doing?" Li Zedao was full of vigilance, and put his hands on the car door, ready to escape from the car at any time.

Of course, I still feel a bit tangled in my heart. If this woman wants to kill herself, then of course I don’t even need to think about running away first, but if this woman’s ultimate goal is not to kill herself, but to do something else Yes, for example, if you need help and ask yourself, if you just run away like this, will it be... too disrespectful?

After all, they are also combat partners, and besides, we are all adults, so we always have to face this kind of problem. Wouldn't it be bad if it made her suffocate?

As soon as he thought this way in his heart, Li Zedao became even more entangled, entangled and entangled, but felt that he seemed to think too much. Of course, he would not admit that he thought too much.

"Open your eyes wider." Bei stared firmly at Li Zedao's eyes, and said coldly.

"Uh... what do you want to do?" Li Zedao was a little helpless, but he kept his eyes wide open, "Is this okay?"

Then, I was so depressed, why should I do what she asked? Would such a move be too spineless?

"Idiot." Bei stared into his eyes. It can be seen with the naked eye that the bloodshot eyes on his eyes are getting more and more little by little, so there is not enough time, and the speed must be accelerated. At the moment, he turned around and started the car very simply and neatly.

Li Zedao is speechless, you are the one who made my eyes widen, but you called me an idiot after I widened my eyes, are you bullying others like this?

"Where are you going?" Li Zedao asked.

Bei did not turn his head back, and said coldly, "Buddha Temple."

At this time, the luxury car was already driving on the road at a high speed, and Bei didn't care about the traffic lights or not. He rushed over and said that this 'woman' was not afraid of the 'traffic' police coming back to trouble her.

"Uh... where? Buddha Temple?" Li Zedao was slightly taken aback,

"Are we going to a temple? What are you going to do in the temple? Do you want to fulfill your vow? Or do you want to ask for a marriage lottery? Could it be... you want to become a nun?"

If this is the case, Li Zedao feels that he should persuade her, what is wrong with being a nun?

Bei was too lazy to answer this time, completely treating Li Zedao as air.

Not getting a response from this woman, Li Zedao was a little puzzled, but not annoyed, after all... he was used to it. This 'female' is very strange. When she doesn't want to talk, she won't answer no matter what you say. When she wants to talk, even if you pretend that you didn't hear her, she will keep talking on her own.

Immediately, he took out a cigarette and lit a lighter, then leaned comfortably on the soft leather back seat, narrowed his eyes, quietly thinking about what happened during this period and what he had to face next matter.

The next thing to face, of course, is to follow Huang Wen into the magic cave forest, and then "excavate" Duanmu Weizhuang's tomb.

Li Zedao had already entered the Devil's Cave Forest once, and his tongue had already merged into the yellow part of the multicolored stone, so the poisonous gas couldn't do any harm to him, so the burden on his heart was not too great.

As for the "female ghost" in the Devil's Cave Forest, Li Zedao wasn't too worried. Since Huang Wen said he had a way to deal with her, he must have a way, not bragging about her.

But to enter the tomb, the pressure is still quite high. Although through the map left by the master, he probably knows the structure of the entire tomb, and knows where there are organs, and what should be done so as not to trigger those organs, but in the end It's a little hairy, who knows what dangers and monsters are hidden inside?

Another headache for Li Zedao is how to completely get rid of Huang Wen's control in the future, or how to get rid of the control of fc organization or even fx, a mysterious but huge organization.

Li Zedao doesn't have that much ambition, he doesn't want to be a hero of the country, make great contributions to the country and the people, he doesn't want to get involved in the battles between factions, and he doesn't want to study some medicine that can improve the combat effectiveness of soldiers Then he casually deprives the lives of those people who have no reason, and then takes it for granted that someone has to sacrifice something for this. He just wants to live a small life in peace and stability, and then within his ability Do your best to help those in need, suppress those bullies as much as possible, and restore the world to a bright future...

To get rid of Yanhuang's control, the simplest and most brutal way is to kill him, or trap him forever in the magic cave forest.

It is very difficult to kill him or trap him in the forest of the Devil's Cave, but it is not impossible. After all, Li Zedao already probably knows the internal structure of the tomb in Duanmuwei Village through the map that his master 'handed' to the shadow. Knowing where there is an agency, maybe you can do something wrong then.

The premise is that the map left by the master is real and that the sometimes confused little girl in the shadow did not miss anything, and the mechanism inside the tomb did not fail due to age.

Thinking about it, Li Zedao opened his eyes and glanced at Bei, who was driving the car with an indifferent expression, and smiled bitterly in his heart. What if this woman stopped him if he really planned to cheat Huang Wen severely in the end? You can't trap her too, can you?

Li Zedao is always inexplicably soft-hearted towards this kind of woman who has been ambiguous and entangled with him.

"Let's talk about it at that time, maybe, I will die as soon as I enter..." Li Zedao threw this annoying question out of his mind first, and then remembered that his grandfather, Old Zhao, who was in Lang Village, told him It is said that Chen Tuan 'handed over' to his ancestor General Wolf and then 'handed' it to a predestined person who had the Fuxi bone and the broken palm of both hands.

One of them is the pure cyan part of the multicolored stone, which Li Zedao has already integrated into his eyes, making himself a super powerful spiritual ability. Of course, Li Zedao didn't dare to use this ability, at least he didn't dare to use it blatantly, for fear that Huang Wen might find out something, and he might be in trouble.

In addition, I don't know what kind of material the 'medicine' jar is made of, and the thing that looks like a ghost pill in the 'medicine' jar... Is it a ghost pill?

In short, Li Zedao was really torn about the one that looked like Onimaru but knew that it was not the one he was familiar with...whether he wanted to eat it or not!

Just when Li Zedao was lost in thought, the fast-moving car ran through several red lights, left the urban area, and came to the suburbs. At this time, the sun was setting little by little, and night was coming, and the surroundings began to dim.

Li Zedao couldn't help asking: "Well, what do you want to do?"

"Go to the Buddha Temple." Bei responded coldly, with a hint of impatience in his tone.

Thank goodness you finally spoke up. Li Zedao muttered in his heart and continued to ask: "What are you going to do? Could it be that you want to kill someone to silence you?"

It was already dark, but he drove to this desolate suburb to go to some Buddha temple that Li Zedao had never heard of. He was really suspected of wanting to find a place where no one was around to kill people.

Bei turned his head and glanced at Li Zedao, his eyes were no different from looking at an idiot, and said coldly: "Do you think I need to find a remote place where no one is around if I want to kill you?"

"..." Li Zedao wanted to vomit blood, this was a little too arrogant, but Li Zedao had to admit that she was right.

"Then what exactly do you want to do?" Li Zedao asked, "You can't really come here to pay your respects, can you? Then you should come in broad daylight."

"I never ask God to worship Buddha." Bei said, then fell silent, and lit a cigarette with one free hand, the faint light of the fire shone on her indifferent face without warmth.

Li Zedao broke down a bit, this answer was not what the question asked, it was really frightening.

"So, where are you taking me and what do you want to do?" Li Zedao asked speechlessly.

"Want to know?"

"I think." Li Zedao nodded quickly.

Bei slowly exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "Admit that you are an idiot, and I will tell you."

"...Don't tell me, I don't want to know." Li Zedao was so depressed that he almost spat out old blood.

Bei Zhen didn't say anything, and continued to 'smoke' a cigarette while driving.

Li Zedao felt as if there was a cat's paw scratching it in his heart. It was really tickling. He never thought that he was such a curious person. He gritted his teeth and said in a broken heart. : "I'm an idiot... Is it okay for the head office now?"

In the darkness, the corners of Bei's mouth curled up slightly in an extremely 'charming' range, but she quickly restrained such a range, and then responded coldly: "This kind of thing that everyone knows You don't need to stress that again."

"Pfft..." Li Zedao vomited three liters of blood and at the same time secretly swore on Zhou Yan's IQ that he would never talk to this woman again!

Glancing at Li Zedao through the rearview mirror, and seeing his gloomy expression, Bei inexplicably felt extremely comfortable in his heart, and immediately said: "The reason why I went to the Buddha Temple is because it is a temple, and because it is deserted and noisy. Even if the movement is large, it will not disturb others..."

There was a lot of movement... Bei thought of something, and his ears felt hot for no reason.

"Uh... what do you want to do?" Li Zedao listened, his scalp tingling for some reason.

"It's what you want to do, not what I want to do." Bei said.

Li Zedao was confused, not understanding what this woman was talking about.

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