But Li Zedao is not easy to get angry, and he can't get angry, so he can only say in his heart that you are killing a donkey, this is a rabbit dead dog cooking, this is a farmer and a snake... I don't believe you can find a job. Better than me... No, you can't look for anyone else except me!

Li Zedao, who is traditional in his bones, now firmly believes that Bei is his 'woman', who only belongs to him, and can only belong to him...Although, he actually doesn't quite understand, and he is not sure who this 'woman' is. What do you think. . For more latest chapters visit: ШЩЩ.⑦⑨XS.сОМ.

What Li Zedao didn't know was that, in fact, Bei himself didn't know what was going on in his heart.

After the two tidied up in silence, Bei Yi sat down on the steps, took out a cigarette and a lighter, and lit one. His expression was indifferent, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Li Zedao sat down next to her, looked at her blushing smiling face, thought for a while and said, "Why don't you say something?" Other men and women would say something sweet after doing that kind of thing What's the matter, this 'woman' is fine, just put on her 'pants' as if nothing happened...too irresponsible.

Bei said coldly: "Shenwan's sequelae broke out, Master Huang asked me to help you, this is my task, it's as simple as that."

I felt shy and unbearable again, 'Bastard', if you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb!

Li Zedao smiled wryly, and said, "So... other 'women' can also help me, or is it just you?"

"As long as you are a virgin." Bei didn't want to hide anything, and after slowly exhaling a puff of smoke, he said, "So, you are a beast."

"Uh..." Li Zedao understood what she was referring to. She was blaming her for not being ignorant of pity and pity. It was the first time for her to be so violent. She explained in embarrassment, "I lost consciousness, so ..."

"You will regain consciousness later." Bei didn't give Li Zedao any chance to refute, and didn't give him a chance to get rid of the title of beast!

"..." Li Zedao's old face was hot, and he felt that he was indeed a beast. He just ignored her once because he was happy, and then he said this very embarrassedly: "Next time I will pay attention."

Then, he realized he had said the wrong thing.

Sure enough, Bei turned his head and looked at him like a dead man, without any human warmth in his tone: "You said... next time?"

"Uh...the moon is so round tonight, haha...don't we go back? Stay here tonight? I'll find some dry wood to make a fire? By the way, see if I can catch a hare and roast some game?" Li Ze said. Hit a haha.


After a while of silence,

Li Zedao said: "Other 'women' can do it, but why did Huang Wen let you come over?"

Li Zedao knew very well that if Huang Wen hadn't asked, this woman would definitely not have made up her mind to give herself up...Although Li Zedao knew very well that she was secretly in love with him, maybe she had already I want to eat such a juicy Chinese cabbage like myself.

This kind of thing can be done by other women. If you give enough money, there will definitely be women who are willing to sleep with you. Of course, even if you don’t have money, you will definitely be willing. Charm, Li Zedao has always been quite confident... Well, he forgot, or he didn't know how scary his eyes were before, how cold his body was, if it were an ordinary 'girl', even if he hadn't been Shocked and fainted, it is estimated that he will also be frozen to death.

What's more, he will have to be tortured by him like a beast without mercy afterwards. If his physical fitness is not good, he may die like that.

"Am I not good?" Bei glanced at him, feeling an urge to beat him to death, is this 'bastard' so cheap and good-looking?

"Uh...of course you are fine, but...you feel that you are not good enough for you, so you don't need to torture yourself and wrong yourself." Li Zedao said.

Knowing that this guy was talking nonsense, Bei's mood improved a lot for no reason, and he said contemptuously, "You can't guess what Master Huang is thinking?"

Li Zedao smiled wryly again, he had indeed guessed the purpose of Huang Wen.

Huang Wen knew that Li Zedao was determined to kill him, and he was also worried that Li Zedao would not cooperate to do some small tricks after entering the magic cave forest, so he put Bei, a woman, next to Li Zedao, and the two of them broke through that level now. Therefore, the woman Bei has completely become Li Zedao's weakness, just like Li Zedao's other women are his weakness.

On the other hand, Huang Wen was almost 100% sure that Bei would not betray him. Under such circumstances, Li Zedao would get in the way if he wanted to make trouble, because he had to consider Bei's safety.

Thinking about it, he looked at Bei Na's profile and asked, "Will you betray Huang Wen?"

"No." Bei didn't even think about it, and said directly, with an unquestionable tone, "You will never imagine how much he is divided into two in my heart."

Li Zedao was so sore, please, I took your body away just now, how can you lift your trousers and refuse to recognize anyone? Immediately said: "If, I have the opportunity to kill him and want to kill him, what will you do?"

"Kill me first." Bei glanced at him and said coldly.

"What if he wants to kill me?" Li Zedao asked again.

This time, Bei did not answer immediately, but slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, glanced at Li Zedao, and then said coldly: "Kill me first..."

"You saved me, I'll pay you back, it should be." As if to cover up something, she immediately gave such an explanation.

At this time, Bei had already forgotten what she said when Li Zedao lost consciousness. She said, you saved my life, just treat it as if I paid it back to you. In the future, when it is time to kill you, I will still kill you. your……

So, seriously, she has actually repaid Li Zedao for saving her life, but now she forgot, or deliberately didn't remember.

Li Zedao looked at her handsome profile and said, "I see."

"what do you know?"

"You like me." Li Zedao said. He used a joking tone, so that even if he was denied, it would not be too embarrassing.

"...you think too much." Bei denied, and there was panic in her indifferent eyes that she didn't even know.

Li Zedao sighed, that sentence is really true, no matter what kind of 'woman', they like to do things that deceive their ears and steal their bells.

Then Li Zedao started to have a headache. He originally planned to do something when he entered the magic cave, especially when he entered the tomb. He was probably familiar with the structure of the tomb and the various organs, so he had a chance to do it. But now ...how? That cunning old man!

"Oh, I'm always too sentimental..." Li Zedao sighed in his heart.

Bei thought for a while and said, "Besides, Lord Huang won't kill you, because you are no threat to him at any time except in the Devil's Cave Forest."

"...Your words are too insulting." Li Ze said helplessly.

"It's just a fact." Bei said coldly, "Your skills are there, and you don't have any ambitions. In addition, there are too many people to take care of. In name, you are his great-grandson. Besides, the higher-ups are actually protecting you. You... Anyway, you are not a threat to him at all, so he doesn't bother to kill you."

"..." Li Zedao felt that he was insulted again.

Bei flicked the cigarette butt out of his hand and lit another one.

Li Zedao took it, put it in his mouth, and said very depressed: "Why do girls smoke so much?"

Bei looked at him like an idiot, and didn't bother to argue with such a childish guy, then lit another one, and said coldly: "There are many things you don't know."

"Why do I feel that you are so concerned about the country and the people in your tone?" Li Zedao asked looking at her pretty face. It's really hard to imagine that he actually broke through that relationship with this 'woman', and it's even more difficult to imagine that after breaking through that relationship, he still hasn't been able to grasp this 'woman'.

Bei did not answer, or was too lazy to answer.

"Let's hear it?" Li Zedao said, "Anyway, the night is long and I don't want to sleep... Doing something else is also negotiable."

Bei's ears burned for no reason, and he glanced at Li Zedao with murderous eyes, and said, "China's Shenlong organization is the Ming group, which represents the strongest power in China. Other countries, such as America's Aegis , the Imperial Army of the Eagle Kingdom is also the strongest on the surface..."

"What you want to say is that the strongest on the surface is for others to see, and the real strongest is hidden in the dark?" Li Zedao asked.

Bei nodded and said, "If those members of the Ming Team of the Shenlong Organization were the strongest, then Huaxia would have suffered a long time ago. The entire Ming Team of the Shenlong Organization, except for Yanhuang who is a master, is not worth mentioning."

"So tell me, which organization is the strongest? fx? fc?" Li Zedao asked. I agree with what Bei said. Now that I think about it, I really feel that the engineers and soldiers seem to be quite weak.

"Dark group." Bei said.

Li Zedao was stunned: "The secret group of the Shenlong organization?"

"Yes." Bei nodded and said, "Although, in name, both the bright group and the dark group belong to the Shenlong organization, but in essence, the dark group has not belonged to the Shenlong organization for a long time, but belongs to fx, the members of the entire dark group The weakest one is not inferior to me, and the people in the bright group are all selected from the dark group and then assigned to the bright group."

"Uh...Yanhuang doesn't know these things either? He doesn't know fx? He doesn't know fc?" Li Zedao asked in astonishment.

"He doesn't know." Bei said, "Because fx and fc exist, but they don't exist. They are well protected and hidden by the government, and they are the top secrets of the state."

"..." Li Zedao suddenly felt that he had become taller all of a sudden, because he had learned the top secret of the state.

Bei looked up at the bright moon in the sky, his eyes were a little deep, and his tone was cold: "In fact, other countries also have such unknown but extremely huge and powerful forces that silently contribute to the development of this country and An organization that serves security."

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