Bei looked at Li Zedao and said, "For example, America, the world's largest superpower that has never been friendly to China, we have experienced various dangers, and finally got some important information. -79 Novels -"

"What information?" Li Zedao asked, swallowing.

"A certain organization in this country has been secretly conducting some genetic research over the years. They plan to 'create' the familiar Superman, Spiderman, Batman, Captain America, Hulk, etc... The combat power of this kind of monster beyond the scope of human beings can already be called a demigod. It is estimated that if an expert like Huang Ye confronts them, they will only be killed..."

"Uh... aren't you joking?" Li Zedao was dumbfounded, with an expression of you joking with me. After all, Spiderman, Batman, and Hulk are all fictional heroes, and now it is said that they are about to be "made"? This is too unimaginable.

"You think I'm the kind of person who likes to joke around with others?" Bei glanced at him and asked back.

"..." Li Zedao smiled wryly, this 'female' is indeed not the kind of person who likes to joke.

"It is reported that they have already achieved initial success. Once the development is successful, they would not dare to launch a complete war against China, which has always been regarded as the biggest threat by them. After all, the main theme of the whole world is peace now, and the United States is strong. They don't dare to risk the disgrace of the world, but they still have the guts to send those powerful supermen to secretly do something terrible to China and create all kinds of panic in China."

"Uh..." Thinking of some tragic scene, Li Zedao's expression changed drastically.

For example, Spider-Man, he no longer exists in the image of a superhero fighting crime, but in the image of slaughtering innocent people. What kind of scene would that be?

Bei looked at Li Zedao, and said coldly: "At that time, who will stop them? You? Master Huang is not necessarily their opponent. Do you think you can?"


"At that time, you, a self-righteous idiot who always thinks he's preconceived and thinks he's handsome, will still be able to hang out with all kinds of girls happily, take your girls shopping, eat big meals, buy nice clothes and so on?" Bei also said that at the same time, his heart was inexplicably sour, and he was inexplicably indignant, this beast!

"..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face "twitched", why did it feel like they were severely damaged several times?

"So, why did you have to enter the Devil's Cave Forest and the tomb in Duanmuwei Village even though you knew it was dangerous?" Bei exhaled a puff of smoke slowly.

Li Zedao's expression was messed up,

It was very difficult to say: "After talking for a long time, you actually want to say that for the better tomorrow of China, you must enter the magic cave forest, you must enter the tomb of Duanmuweizhuang, you must get the things in the tomb, and get the things in Duanmuweizhuang. The one left behind can make people break through the back-to-basics realm of 'medicine' pills and then take it and become a back-to-basics master, so that they can withstand the Superman that is about to be created in the United States, right?"


Li Zedao's expression became even more messy, and his heart was extremely sad: "Then, you still want to say that Huang Wen is actually a great man who sacrificed himself for the country and the people?"

"That's who he is!" Bei said.

"..." Li Zedao was already filled with a sense of powerlessness, what made you "misunderstand" that bastard who didn't know how much blood was on his hands so deeply?

Is it right to murder others for one's own self-interest? Is it right to study the evil Onimaru that is against humanity? Is it right to threaten you with people around you from time to time?

"He is indeed that kind of person." Bei said, "Over the past few decades, he has cooperated with many powerful families and organizations abroad on the surface. He pitted them hard!"

"For example, more than 20 years ago, Ito Shinji of the Ito family in the island country rose like a comet. Huang Ye was afraid that he would become stronger in the future, so he fooled him to China to challenge the hand of God, even in secret You secretly helped the hand of God, and in the end, Shinji Ito fell! For example, Junji Ito’s nephew, Yoshitake Ito, also fell into your hands under Master Huang’s deliberate arrangement..."

"Okay..." Li Zedao interrupted Bei's words, his face was very ugly, his hands were already clenched into fists, he really didn't want to hear anyone praise that heinous old man, especially Bei's praise she.

Whether Bei likes it or not, Li Zedao actually already regards her as his "woman" in his heart. When his "woman" praises the person he most wants to kill, Li Zedao can't accept anything.

What's more, the people in Huangwenkeng that time were not only Yoshitake Ito, but also his father! Rather than saying that his father died tragically at the hands of Ito Yoshitake, it is better to say that his father died at the hands of Huang Wen.

Bei glanced at him, flicked the cigarette butt from his hand, and responded coldly: "Idiot."

"Yes, I'm an idiot. I can't compare with great men like you who dedicated themselves to the country and the people before dying." Li Zedao responded with sarcasm like a pique.

"Childish!" Bei responded coldly again, and then for some reason, he wanted to laugh inexplicably. Li Zedao's childish side seemed... quite cute.

Dang Bei stood up and strode forward, intending to leave the small courtyard of this small temple that was shrouded in night and seemed extremely quiet.

"Hey, why are you going?" Li Zedao asked.

"Do I need to report to you for what?" Beitou responded without replying.

"Pee, pee? Do you want me to accompany you? It's quite dark outside. I'm afraid you'll be scared...or you can handle it on the spot, and I'll just turn around." Li Zedao said.

"Idiot, get out!" Bei responded. Under the night, that beautiful figure had already disappeared in front of Li Zedao.

Li Zedao murmured: "What's the matter with embarrassment? I've already done what was supposed to be took the initiative."

It wasn't until Li Zedao, who was still sitting there, heard the roar of the car motor coming from outside, that this 'female' didn't want to 'piss' at all, this 'female' was trying to He threw it in this damn place and walked away by himself.

Immediately got up and ran out.

"Hey, I'm not in the car yet..." he yelled.

He was answered by the roar of the car's engine.

Li Zedao looked at the butt of the car that quickly disappeared from his eyes, and wanted to cry without tears. This woman is really the best representative of a typical woman who immediately lifts her pants and refuses to recognize anyone after having a good time.

He raised his hand and glanced at the watch on his wrist. It was a little past ten o'clock in the evening, and it was still early before dawn. You can't stay in this Buddha temple all night, right? I am not a monk!

So Li Zedao decided to walk back, as long as he walked forward for about 50 kilometers, there should be a taxi... more than 50 kilometers, it would take about 40 minutes to drive at a normal speed, how long would it take to walk? Li Zedao is not good at math, so he can't figure it out.

He wanted to cry again.

Forget it, the long night of sleepless sleep, walking back is just a way to pass the time.

So, Li Zedao started to walk forward unsteadily, humming one song after another with incomplete tone, like ghosts crying and wolves howling. He didn't dare to play to his own level, for fear of attracting the unclean things, and singing a bad song would scare the unclean things away instead.

Li Zedao felt that he was so fucking smart.

After walking for about an hour, Li Zedao suddenly saw a very familiar car parked on the small road in front of him, so he quickly trotted to him, and then opened the co-pilot's door. After getting in, looking at Bei who was sitting in the driving seat, he said emotionally: "I knew it, you won't leave me behind."

In the darkness, Bei looked at him like an idiot and said, "You think too much, the car is out of gas."

"Uh...why is there no oil?" Li Zedao looked at Bei's face with a rather 'excited' expression, trying to discover something.

The car is indeed out of gas, but Bei won't tell Li Zedao that when she drove out in the afternoon, she even filled up the gas, let alone tell him that she used some methods a few minutes ago She drained the oil in the car's gas tank, and she didn't know why she was so nervous, so she did it on impulse.

As if he didn't want Li Zedao to see anything, Bei simply pushed the door open and jumped out of the car, took out the cigarette and lighter, lit them, and then walked forward slowly.

Li Zedao got out of the car, looked at the beautiful and charming figure under the night, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and said in a voice that only he could hear: "This idiot woman, don't think I am Didn't smell that gasoline smell in the air..."

"Hey, wait for me, I'm afraid..." He chased after her.

"Idiot!" Beitou responded without looking back.

Li Zedao looked at her, and deliberately suppressed his nose: "Did you smell it, it seems to smell like gasoline."

"...shut up!" There was a trace of anger in Bei's indifferent voice.

Then, she found that her hand was being held by a big warm hand. Just when she was about to struggle and even hit someone, Li Zedao said pitifully: "I'm afraid..."

"..." By accident, Bei Xin was holding hands like this, and the two walked side by side, step by step, step by step, step by step, neatly but slowly.

Li Zedao wanted to say something: "That..."

"Shut up." Bei said, she didn't want to destroy such a rare and beautiful tranquility.


The two of them walked in silence for how long and how far they walked, when a bright light came from behind, followed by the roar of the motor.

Listening to the sound, this is a sports car, it must be a rich second generation or something who has nothing to do in the middle of the night and has come to such a ghostly place for racing.

"See if I can get a ride? I'm worried that it won't be so convenient for you to walk too much..." Li Zedao said very cryptically.

Bei looked at him, her heart was already warm. It is true that it is not so convenient for her to walk. Walking like this, although her heart is inexplicably sweet and comfortable and she wants to never reach her destination, but...

"Beast!" She said coldly, but nodded.


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