The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1402 Master and Apprentice

"So, the tomb must not be opened? Otherwise, it would be the same as releasing that Duanmuwei Village?" Li Zedao asked with difficulty. .Fastest update access: щщщ.79XS.сОΜ.

"Wuliang Tianzun." Qingxuzi patted Li Zedao's shoulder, and said with a look of pity for heaven and man, "The benefactor is wrong."

"Wrong?" Li Zedao was confused, what was wrong?

"On the contrary, the benefactor should go to the 'mist' land, open the tomb, and then disperse the soul of Duanmu Weizhuang." Qing Xuzi said, "Because, even if you don't go in, the day when the senior brother leaves will not be too late." It's far away, because the poor can only trap him for a while, but can't trap him for a lifetime... Almighty, where have you been?"

"Oh, I didn't sleep last night, go back and catch up on sleep." Li Zedao stood up and wanted to leave.

Allow yourself to break up the soul of the thousand-year-old ghost in the tomb? Are you making an international joke, you think highly of me too, don't you? No wonder when we met before, you would say, "Slaying demons and eliminating demons, and fighting against evil forces will be 'leaved' to you, thanks for your hard work..." This kind of nonsense came out, so it was the idea.

And you can't speak so high, can't you? Pindao can only trap him for a while... After more than a thousand years, what is called a moment?

"Wuliang Tianzun, God's will is so, then let Duanmu Weizhuang reappear in the world, and do evil... But, alas, how many people will die by then?" Qing Xuzi looked sympathetic to heaven and man, and even more with The sleeves wiped the corners of the eyes, of course, there was not a single tear there.

Li Zedao responded very depressed: "Nervous... Uh, no, Mr. Chen, since you can trap him... for a while, you can definitely trap him for a while again, so, this honor of killing demons for Tian Xingdao Mr. Chen, you can do the great task yourself, and a small person like me will silently cheer for you."

"Boundless Heavenly Venerable, Pindao has a strong heart but lacks strength, otherwise, how can Pindao tolerate Duanmu Wei's dignified life?" Qing Xuzi said with emotion, "Let's not say that the pindao's limit has come, and the pindao is now in danger. As long as the aura of Pindao appears in the surrounding area, the junior sister who is already a master of the realm of returning to nature will definitely cut off the head of Pindao immediately. For the 'color' part, there is no special antidote, so naturally there is no way to get into the dense fog."

Li Zedao looked at the psychopath suspiciously, and asked, "Master Dao, you should also be a master of returning to the basics, right?"

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, Pindao just stepped into that realm with one foot. In the journey of martial arts, Pindao's talent is not as good as his junior sister after all, and he has not received the favor of heaven, so he failed to enter that realm." Qing Xuzi was very humble. explain.

"That's right, even a master like you, Daoist Master, would have his head cut off if he approached. I couldn't be cut to pieces in the past?" Li Zedao said very speechlessly.

He didn't forget that before he came out of the Devil's Cave Forest that day, the "female" ghost told him that he would kill you if he dared to go in. Li Zedao didn't think that the "female" ghost was joking.

Qingxuzi smiled slightly, and said with certainty: "Junior Sister will not kill you."

Then her face became sour again: "Because she knows that you entered the ancient tomb to let her beloved brother come out."


"Wuliang Tianzun, benefactor, please sit down and ask the waiter to bring you some side dishes and tea. Rong Pindao will tell you in detail." Qingxuzi looked at Li Zedao and smiled.

As if he had been bewitched by something, Li Zedao who had already stood up sat back down again. After sitting back up, he realized why he didn't leave? What is it if this is not a crime?

At that moment, while listening to Qing Xuzi rambling over there, he took out his mobile phone and sent Bei a message, saying that the acquaintance he met had broken up in love, and he had to comfort him.


A long, long time ago, there was such a person who was proficient in astronomy, geography, five elements and gossip, Qi'men' Dunjia, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and even farmland water conservancy, economic strategy, etc. He was proficient in everything. 'A mysterious old Taoist priest who possesses peerless magical skills, this awesome Taoist priest has three apprentices.

The eldest apprentice is called Duanmu Weizhuang, the second apprentice is called Chen Tuan, and the younger apprentice is a girl named Bingxue. The four masters and apprentices live peacefully in a certain Taoist temple on Dongyue Taishan.

One day, the old Taoist felt something in his heart and counted his fingers, his expression became solemn, he shook his head again and again and said: "God's will, God's will, God's will cannot be violated."

Then he told his three apprentices that he had to go out to do errands, and let them keep an eye on the Taoist temple and not slack off.

A month later, the Taoist priest came back in a hurry. After dinner, he asked the little Taoist boy to call his second apprentice Chen Tuan to him.

"Master." Chen Tuan came to him, saw Master sitting in meditation with his eyes closed, and called softly.

Taoist Lao slowly opened his eyes, looked at his disciple with a kind smile on his face, stretched out his big hand, touched his head lightly and said, "Teacher, as a teacher these days, you need to be careful." If I go out to observe, I am afraid I will not be able to come back for a long time, even..."

The Taoist wants to say, even if you and I will never meet each other, but he is familiar with the disposition and kindness of his second disciple. If he said this, he would surely burst into tears, and I am afraid he will cry later One night, so I changed my words and said: "In short, after the teacher leaves, you must work hard to practice what the teacher taught you, and don't be slack in your heart."

"Yes, Master, this disciple has remembered, and this disciple will definitely practice hard until Master comes back." Chen Tuan said seriously.

The Taoist smiled very satisfied and said: "I am very relieved of you as a teacher."

Then with a serious expression, he let out a long sigh.

"Master, why is he sighing? This disciple is willing to help Master solve problems." Seeing Master's expression, Chen Tuan hurriedly said.

"Apprentice, sit down." The Taoist watched Chen Tuan sit down in front of him with his legs crossed, and continued, "I don't know when I will come back as a teacher. It may take a long time to think of you and my master and apprentice." It's been a long time since we met, and I feel very uncomfortable as a teacher, and besides, I really can't let go of your elder brother when I leave."

"Senior Brother? What's wrong with Senior Brother?" Chen Tuan asked.

"Disciple, do you know why the teacher refuses to teach your big brother the art of peeping the heavens, and even the most basic martial arts, but only teaches him the art of distorting yellow?"

Chen Tuan froze for a moment, then shook his head. You can't say that Master is biased, right?

Chen Tuan really felt that the master was biased. You must know that the master knew everything about astronomy and geography, five elements and eight trigrams, Qi'men' Dunjia, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and even farmland water conservancy, economic strategy, etc. Not 'fine', even got the method of peeking at the way of heaven and cultivating the breath of heaven and earth. Simply put, he can be regarded as a demigod now, and there is no problem living for hundreds of years. Even after a hundred years, other The soul is not controlled by the power of heaven and earth, and it can go to the place where it should go, but can be regenerated, in other words, it is fine.

It has been more than 20 years since Chen Tuan followed his master and accepted his careful guidance. Being talented and intelligent, he has basically learned the art of peeping into the way of heaven.

But these, the master taught himself all of these, he didn't teach the senior brother and the third junior sister, he only taught the elder brother the art of diverting the yellow, as for the third junior sister, he taught her the art of strengthening the body.

The Taoist smiled slightly, looked at Chen Tuan and said, "I know it as a teacher, but you think it's partial for a teacher."

Chen Tuan looked at Master and nodded slightly.

"Being a teacher is not partiality, but knowing the dispositions of the three of you brothers and sisters. You are all talented and intelligent, but your dispositions are different."

"Teacher, you are kind by nature. Even if you accidentally step on an ant to death, you will be sad for a long time. At the same time, you can stick to your own ideas and not be influenced by others. Therefore, the more abilities you have acquired , the more it can benefit all people. As for your junior sister, she is innocent and romantic, which is a good thing, but she is easily bewitched by others. This is her biggest shortcoming. I taught her a peerless martial arts, just to Let her have the ability to protect herself, the most important thing is that she is a 'female' woman, and 'female' women are not allowed to practice my 'door' method of peeking at the way of heaven, this is the rule."

"As for your elder brother..." The Taoist shook his head and said, "As a teacher, I can see that he is actually a sinister and ruthless person, so I only teach him the art of distorting yellow, and the purpose is to let him He has a benevolent heart in his heart, but... oh... the country is easy to change, and its nature is hard to change."

"Master, did senior brother do something to make you unhappy?" Chen Tuan asked.

The Taoist couldn't help laughing: "You brat, do you think that being a teacher is because of what your senior brother did to make me unhappy?"

"I don't dare." Chen Tuan said quickly, "I just think that the senior brother is 'very good', he respects the teacher and teaches, and he is easy-going and informal."

The Taoist waved his hand: "Anyway, remember, after the teacher leaves, your senior brother may do some extremely harmful things. At that time, the teacher hopes that you can kill your senior brother instead. , lest he do more outrageous things..."

Chen Tuan's face changed drastically: "Master..."

"Disciple, remember what you said as a teacher." The expression of the Taoist priest has become a little serious, "I am not joking with you as a teacher, but to 'explain' something to you very seriously."

"Yes, master, this disciple will keep it in mind." Seeing that his master was angry, Chen Tuan dared not say anything more.

"This is for you..." Saying that, the Taoist priest took out a silver bag from his pocket and handed it to his second disciple.

Chen Tuan took it, and asked with some doubts: "Master, this is..." It couldn't be that Master planned to give them some money for living expenses before he left, right?

"Open it and have a look." The Taoist said.

Chen Tuan opened it, but found that there were some colorful broken stones of different sizes and shapes in the bag, his eyes widened suddenly, and he said in a low voice: "Master, this is... a colorful stone." Stone? How did it become like this?"

"You read that right, this is the five-colored stone, the most precious treasure of this 'door', which is the piece left over from the past when Nuwa mended the sky, but it was divided into five by the master according to the color."

"Master, why is this?"

"Because the teacher wants to polish five safety buckles according to the color, these are the leftovers." The Taoist said, "These stones have supernatural powers against the sky, so you should take care of them."


Li Zedao stared at Qingxuzi with wide eyes, swallowed hard, and found that his mouth was dry.

"Wait...wait..." Li Zedao said with difficulty, then picked up the half cup of tea provided by the hotel for free in front of him, drank it in one gulp, and then looked at Qing Xuzi: "So, that is made of five-colored stones. It's not you who got the five safety buckles, but your master?"

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