The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1403 The Village is Haunted

Qing Xuzi smiled and said, "Who said it was me?"

"Uh..." Li Zedao really wanted to say, the so-called family secrets that have been passed down from generation to generation that I have heard all prove that the safety buckle was polished by you, Chen Tuan. --

Qingxuzi looked at Li Zedao and said, "Wuliang Tianzun, do you still want to continue listening to the benefactor?"

Li Zedao nodded busyly, let's not say whether it is true or not, at least this version about the colorful stone is completely different from the versions he has heard before, and it is good to know more about the situation as he is about to enter the magic cave forest.

"Then ask the waiter to bring over another drawer of steamed buns and a pot of fragrant tea." Qingxuzi looked like a master, "Wuliang Tianzun, it's rare for Pindao to talk so much, and now I'm hungry again."



After some explanations by the old Taoist priest, Chen Tuan knew that the master had made some preparations for going out for more than a month. Now the old Taoist priest told Chen Tuan all the preparations and arrangements he had made, so that He must remember, don't forget.

"After all, master and apprentice are together. Therefore, it is unnecessary to worry about being a teacher. The previous calculations were wrong. The arrangement arranged for the teacher should never be used." Finally, the teacher The Taoist said with a heavy sigh.

Three days later, the Taoist priest left the Taoist temple, and the three apprentices went straight to the foot of the mountain.

"Let's all go back." The Taoist turned to look at the three talented apprentices and said, "Don't forget the teacher's usual teachings." When he said this, he gave Chen Tuan an extra look.

"Aim for kindness with all your heart, and don't do anything that hurts nature or reason, otherwise the teacher will definitely not forgive you! Even if the teacher spares you, the sky will not forgive you." The Taoist said immediately, and when he said this, he had to watch He glanced at Duanmu Weizhuang, who nodded with a respectful and reluctant expression.

"Yes, Master, the disciples will keep it in mind." The three disciples said in unison.

The Taoist smiled slightly, turned around and walked away with a flick of his sleeves, without taking a cloud with him.

"Ouch..." The Taoist screamed... He accidentally kicked a stone while walking.

After the master left, the life of the three apprentices was actually the same as usual. They did their homework in the morning and evening, practiced the knowledge taught by the master, and occasionally went down the mountain.

Of course, Chen Tuan was also secretly paying attention to every move of the elder brother Duanmu Weizhuang, seeing that his behavior was the same as usual, what he did before the master left, and after the master left, he still did those things, the same as usual , or study medicine,

Or go into the mountains to collect medicinal materials, and go down the mountain every few days to help the sick villagers down the mountain relieve their pain.

At the moment, Chen Tuan felt relieved a little, thinking that maybe the master was worrying too much.

It made Chen Tuan feel sore, the innocent romantic junior sister Bingxue clings to the senior brother all day long, when the senior brother is studying medical books there, she rests her chin on the side and stares at his face; when the senior brother eats, She helped her pick up the vegetables; when the senior brother went out to collect 'medicine', she also murmured that she wanted to go out with him, but if the senior senior brother refused to let her, she would grab his sleeve and act coquettishly...

As for him, the second senior brother, she always said respectfully, good morning second senior brother, hello second senior brother, and more, when facing this second senior brother, she never said a word more of.

For this reason, Chen Tuan stared at his own face reflected in the bronze mirror more than once, and finally came to a very cruel conclusion: this is actually a world of looking at faces!

The elder brother is handsome and personable, and he even wears the taoist robe with a bit of suave taste. At the same time, there is a well-known title at the foot of the mountain: ghost doctor!

The reason is that his medical skills are extremely superb. He is afraid that the patient is already terminally ill and the ghost has left the body. He also has a way to send the patient's ghost back to that body again.

Chen Tuan also heard that the unmarried and even married girls in the village at the foot of the mountain like to pretend to be sick. They just want to see the ghost doctor Duanmu Weizhuang up close when they are sick, and even get eaten by him. Tofu... As for the junior sister who always followed the senior brother, she was afraid that the senior brother would be eaten by those shameless women in the village at the foot of the mountain!

And what about myself? The appearance is plain, so inconspicuous!

Handsome gentleman, lady is so cute! So it's normal for junior sister to like senior brother. If I were junior sister, I would definitely like senior brother... Chen Tuan really wanted to 'slap' himself, is it fun to belittle himself so cheaply?

However, Chen Tuan is a very kind person, and he dare not have envy and jealousy, let alone hate. Many times, he silently blesses the senior brother and the junior junior sister in his heart, and feels lucky for them, because Although this 'door' is a monk, except for the head of the 'door', other people are allowed to marry.

The master has long been cultivating Chen Tuan as his successor, and before leaving, he declared that Chen Tuan will be in charge of the teaching and manage the Taoist temple well, so senior brothers and junior sisters can get married.

In this way, the peaceful, monotonous but fulfilling days passed day by day, and finally, two years passed, and the master still had no news from the bird and did not return to the Taoist temple.

In the past two years, Chen Tuan's practice of spying on the way of heaven has deepened. One night, he bathed and burned incense, made a fortune telling, and then he knew that the master left to accept the tribulation and would never return to the Taoist temple.

That night, Chen Tuan shed tears silently all night.

One morning, while Chen Tuan was having breakfast with his brothers and sisters, Dao Tong came to report that the villagers from the village at the foot of the mountain went up to ask for help. Go down the mountain to catch ghosts.

Chen Tuan brought his brothers and sisters to the main hall and saw the villagers who came to ask for help. They should not panic at the moment, but speak slowly.

The villagers were all panic-stricken, and they began to talk one after another.

"Yes, Master Xiaodao, it's really haunted..."

"Yes, yes, several people have died inexplicably in the past few days..."

"Yes, yes, Zhang Laosan died in front of me. We drank together yesterday afternoon. Who knows, he suddenly collapsed and lost his breath..."

In the end, Chen Tuan finally understood that these days, there were murder cases one after another in the villages at the foot of the mountain, and more than ten people had died in all the villages.

The strange thing is that the conditions of the deceased are almost the same, they were eating or walking or sleeping, and somehow they stopped breathing, and they just died like this, and people went to the Yamen, but they couldn't find out the situation .

In addition, Wu made an autopsy for a long time, but he couldn't find any cause of death on the body. In the end, he could only say with great difficulty that the deceased... died of natural causes, that is, he was dying at the end of his life.

After saying such a conclusion, Wu Zuo's face immediately became hot, as if an invisible hand had slapped him hard several times.

After all, what does it mean to die at the end of life? It means that people have lived to a certain age. According to the laws of nature, they have reached the point of extinction. Therefore, it is okay to say that those ancient and rare people have died, but among the dead are young people in their prime of life, and there is even one Children less than ten years old...they are also dying?

Therefore, the villagers all know that this is not a shitty end of life at all, but an abnormal death! But there were no fatal wounds or even the slightest wound on the body, and there was no sign of poisoning, so the only possibility was... a ghost! They must have been killed by ghosts!

As a result, rumors about ghosts taking lives in these villages at the foot of the mountain began to spread, and it became more and more evil to travel through time. Some people even said that when he got up in the middle of the night to go to the latrine, he saw a female ghost there Hanging by the side, he was so frightened that he peed in his pants, and some even said that he saw the night walk of the ghosts, and the scene was terrifying.

Although the yamen sent yamen to the village to guard and inspect, to prevent people from being killed, and to prohibit rumors about ghosts from continuing to spread, and those villagers also worshiped the Buddha statue at home devoutly, but There are still people who die in the same way.

This really made people panic, and the people were not at peace, so the villagers couldn't bear it anymore, so they hurriedly made an appointment to the Taoist temple on the mountain, and wanted to ask the Taoist priest to go down the mountain to catch ghosts.

"Senior brother, what do you think?" Chen Tuan asked the silent senior brother Duanmu Weizhuang after hearing what the villagers said.

As for the rumors about ghosts taking people's lives, Chen Tuan naturally doesn't believe it, not because ghosts do not exist, but because the master once told him very clearly that ghosts do exist, but there is nothing they can do about it Staying in the human world, after ghosts leave the body, they will naturally go to the place where they should go, which is the legendary "Yin Cao Difu".

Of course, there are exceptions, such as some extremely "yin" things, such as the ancient sword summoning the soul, human ghosts can be attached to such things, but there is absolutely no way to show up to scare people, let alone attack humans .

There is another exception, that is, those who practice the spirit of heaven and earth, once they have a glimpse of the secrets of heaven, they have a way to prolong their lives, and even live forever. Even if they die at the hands of others, they can also make their ghosts stay in the world Controlled by the power of heaven and earth, he can go where he should go, and as long as he has the right desire, he can be reborn again.

Therefore, Chen Tuan knew very clearly that it was impossible for some evil spirit to be behind! There must be other reasons for the abnormal death of villagers in the villages at the foot of the mountain, most likely poisoning! It's just that the kind of poison can't be detected by ordinary lawyers and doctors.

Among the brothers, Duanmu Weizhuang's medical skills are undoubtedly the most exquisite, so Chen Tuan asked him what he meant.

Duanmu Weizhuang smiled shyly and said, "Master only taught me the art of diverting yellows, but he didn't teach me the ability to catch ghosts and draw talismans."

Chen Tuan smiled: "Brother likes to joke.

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