Duanmu Weizhuang smiled, with a serious expression on his face, and said, "The most likely possibility is that he has been poisoned by some kind of poison, but we can only find out by examining the corpse. -79 Novels -"

Although the master didn't teach him the technique of cultivating the breath of heaven and earth, nor the technique of peeping at the secrets of heaven, he still understands the basic truth that ghosts do exist but can't hurt people at all.

Therefore, the most likely reason is that these villagers have been poisoned by some kind of poison that cannot be detected.

Chen Tuan nodded: "Let's brothers go down the mountain with the villagers to find out the reason."

"I'm going too, I'm going too." Junior Sister Bingxue looked at Duanmu Weizhuang with a smile and said, the joy and ambiguity in her eyes were undisguised, and then her pink fist clenched into a fist, "Hmph, if there is something Li Gui, see if I don't beat him hard!"

"Okay, you go too." Duanmu Weizhuang said with a smile.

"Eldest brother, you are the best." Bingxue grabbed Duanmu Weizhuang's sleeve and shook it.

Chen Tuan on the side looked at it, thinking slightly sour in his heart, junior sister, your second senior brother is also very good.


Li Zedao let out a "grunt", swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and stared at Qingxuzi with wide eyes, not because he was shocked by what Qingxuzi said happened thousands of years ago...Of course, this kind of emotion still exists Yes, but the more aftershocks, everyone was too lazy to run, and the more surprises, Li Zedao didn't bother to say anything.

Anyway, if there is any other big move for this psychopath, let's post it together. Li Ze Daoquan thinks it's the Chinese New Year ahead of time...

What surprised him was that this madman swallowed another drawer of buns. You know, there are seven buns in a drawer, and the buns are not too small, considering that he only took a small bite of one of the buns. In that drawer, this guy has already eaten five drawers, that is, thirty-five buns.

Li Zedao seriously suspected that he hadn't eaten for a thousand years, right?

"Wuliang Tianzun, this steamed stuffed bun tastes really good. Pindao unknowingly ate a few more with his mouth... Wuliang Tianzun made the benefactor laugh." Seeing Li Zedao staring at him with wide eyes, Qing Xuzi felt a little embarrassed up.

Li Zedao is too lazy to even make complaints about the most basic things. Is this called being greedy and eating too much? Did you eat dozens more, okay?

Immediately asked: "So, those villagers actually died at the hands of your big brother Duanmu Weizhuang?"

Qing Xuzi burped, Li Zedao quickly held his breath, the strong smell of steamed buns,

I can't stand it. !

Qing Xuzi sighed slightly and nodded and said: "Wuliang Tianzun, those villagers were indeed poisoned by Duanmu Weizhuang with some kind of 'drug' that could not be detected at all, and the senior brother poisoned them to collect Seeing their ghosts, he intends to use the ghosts to refine some kind of miraculous 'medicine', that kind of 'medicine' can completely regenerate a person, and even allow people to have an immortal body. the realm of..."

Qing Xuzi shook his head, with a self-blame expression on his face: "It will be half a year before I find out the secret of senior brother, and at this time, at least a hundred villagers in the villages at the foot of the mountain have died at his hands, and even Earlier, he had secretly murdered many villagers in the name of going down the mountain to treat their illnesses, but at that time he directly laid heavy hands instead of using poison, so everyone only regarded it as a murder. The rest of the villagers thought there was a ghost, and even the Taoist monks had no choice but to move away one after another, not daring to stay in the village any longer."

Li Zedao nodded with an ugly expression, thinking that when his father and Huang Wen were researching ghost pills, they would randomly deprive others of their lives and collect more ghosts, right?

"Pindao still remembers that day, on the top of Dongyue Mountain, snowflakes were flying." Qing Xuzi fell into memory.

Li Zedao has to admire, this Taoist priest's memory is really amazing, he can still remember things more than a thousand years ago...


"Senior brother, why did you do such a heartless thing?" Chen Tuan looked at this senior brother who had become a stranger to him with a look of anger and asked, feeling really uncomfortable in his heart, Master The feared thing finally happened.

What made him even more uncomfortable was that his junior sister Bingxue stood beside him, following him and confronting him.

"Just do what you want, do you need any reason?" Duanmu Weizhuang looked at Chen Tuan with a sneer, shrugged his shoulders, "Well, since the senior brother insists on giving you a reason, then the senior brother will give you one!"

Then, Duanmu Weizhuang's face became ferocious: "Master has never liked me. He always thinks that I am a cruel and merciless person. If you don't teach me the method of spying on the secrets of the sky, once you get a glimpse of the secrets of the sky in the future, you will see me." It is not impossible to live forever, and even have the opportunity to accept the tribulation, fly to the sky and become an immortal, and rank among the immortals!"

"What about me? Just because Master thought I was a cruel and ruthless person, so he refused to teach me anything. Is this fair? Is it fair?"

Duanmu Weizhuang roared with a ferocious expression: "Okay, since he refuses to teach me, then I will find the method of immortality by myself, what's wrong? To overthrow Master's view of me? This is treason, junior!"

The little junior sister at the side looked at Duanmu Weizhuang with reddish eyes, that is, the master is too old, so can you say that about the senior brother? Shige is very good, really good.

"Shut up!" Chen Tuan shouted with a murderous look on his face, "You have done such a cruel thing, and now I will take the place of Master to eradicate your heinous rebellion! Sister, this is none of your business, get out of the way."

"Second Senior Brother, if you want to kill Senior Senior Brother, then you are my enemy." Bingxue said coldly, the old relationship between senior brothers and sisters has long since disappeared...Of course, the relationship between the two is not very good, more What's more, Chen Tuan wishfully showed the smiling face, and wishfully tried to say a few more words to this little junior sister... yes, a few words, not a few words!

"Junior Sister, you...don't be obsessed with 'enlightenment', you are helping the evil, don't forget the teachings of the old master." Chen Tuan's heart is so sore, you can be biased, but don't be so outrageous , Is it my fault for being ugly? Besides, the beauty of a person's soul is the real beauty, isn't it?

"I only know that senior brother must be good. What does the life and death of other people have to do with me?" Bingxue responded coldly.

"Junior Sister, you..." Chen Tuan felt powerless in his heart, and sure enough, the folk saying is correct, a woman in love has zero IQ!

Duanmu Weizhuang sneered coldly, and said gloomily: "Brother, don't think that brother doesn't know. Master left two years ago, but he actually went to accept the tribulation, right? He was in the immortal class after he succeeded in the tribulation. If the calamity fails, he will never be reincarnated, so no matter whether he succeeds or fails, he will never come back. Therefore, before he left, he must have given you the five-colored stone and Xuanyuan Xiayu sword, the most precious treasures of this door, right? 'Give' them to the senior brother, for the sake of the senior brother, I will spare you!"

"Arrogance!" Chen Tuan's face was full of violence.

"Arrogance?" Duanmu Weizhuang sneered, "You must not know one thing. The master taught my junior sister, and my junior sister taught me secretly during the two years since the master left. Junior brother, you usually have to learn There are too many and too complicated things, so it is inevitable to miss out on the first path of martial arts, so you are not the opponent of the junior sister who is obsessed with the first path of martial arts, let alone me joining forces with the junior sister now!"

"And, do you know why the last few villages at the foot of the mountain have been dying one after another recently?"

Duanmu Weizhuang laughed gloomily: "That's because my refinement has reached the final stage, and I need a lot of ghosts!"

As he said that, Duanmu Weizhuang raised his head with a ferocious smile on his face, with an air of arrogance to the world: "And I succeeded, my dear junior brother, I succeeded! I even named him... Guiwan! I don't know this Do you like the name? As long as I take that ghost pill, my martial arts cultivation base will be able to break through the legendary realm! At that time, let alone you, even the master, I will not pay attention! He can help me what?"

"And, I'm afraid, there is one more thing that will make you even more desperate after listening to it, that is, Master doesn't teach me the method of peeking at the way of heaven, I have found another way! Even if you kill me now, I can still make my own The soul is not controlled by the laws of heaven and earth, so it doesn't need to go where it should go, but can attach to other people's bodies again... Isn't it hopeless? Junior brother."

"Then I really want to congratulate senior brother." Chen Tuan said with an ugly face. He really didn't expect that senior brother could do this step now, you know, he can't do this step with his current cultivation level, if he dies now, he is really dead.

It seems that Master's previous worries have come true, and the arrangements he made before he left will come in handy one by one.

Chen Tuan knew that Master actually did not want his arrangements to come in handy.

Speaking of Duanmu Weizhuang digging in his pocket, his expression changed suddenly, and his hands quickly started to feel around his body.

"Senior brother, what's the matter?" Bingxue asked concerned after seeing the face of the senior brother changed.

Duanmu Weizhuang didn't answer the junior sister's question, but his eyes flickered a few times, then he raised his head suddenly, staring at Chen Tuan, and said in a vicious voice, "Junior brother, senior brother, remember that you turned against me before , said that the clothes on my body were dusty, and took a few shots."

Chen Tuan said coldly with a smile: "I did inadvertently 'pick up' something on senior brother's body. It was the 'medicine' jar made of Tianwai black iron that master gave you. A 'medicine' pill exuding a cold aura... Brother is looking for something like this?"

"Give him back to me!" Duanmu Weizhuang said word by word, looking at Chen Tuan was no different from looking at a dead person.

At the same time, Bingxue also stared at Chen Tuan with an angry face, and even drew out her sword, intending to rush over to kill this 'bastard' who dared to steal from her dear senior brother!

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