"How despicable! To push a woman out as a shield." Li Zedao said bitterly.

Huang Wen understood what Li Zedao was referring to, and said with a slight smile, "If you weren't so lewd, would this little trick of mine succeed?"

"..." Li Zedao was so stabbed by Huang Wen's words that he wanted to vomit blood. Is this lust? How can this be called color? This is due to nature, this is a matter of course, this is... Li Zedao himself is too embarrassed to make it up.

After another period of silence, Li Zedao said very depressed: "After entering the magic cave forest, I will cooperate with you. After the matter is completed, let Bei follow me. From now on, don't threaten me anymore. Go and confront your Superman. I live my little life."

"Would you believe me when I said I promised you?" Huang Wen glanced at him and said with a smile.

"I don't believe it!" Li Zedao said very simply.

Huang Wen let out a sharp and piercing laugh, and then said, "I don't believe it either."


"I can only promise to let Bei go with you, but I can't promise that I won't go to you when I need your strength." Huang Wen said, neither his tone nor his expression seemed to be joking. .

Li Zedao collapsed, and said angrily, "Why don't you want to let me go?"

"Because my great-grandpa put so much effort into transforming you into what you are now, wouldn't you be too sorry for yourself if you don't need it? It's also because you have a heart for the country and the people." Huang Wen took a sip of tea, leisurely Then came the sentence, "It's more because I am your great-grandfather. My great-grandfather misses his grandson and wants to take a look. What's wrong?"

This... makes sense, so Li Zedao doesn't know how to refute it. He feels that he is resisting and rejecting something. It seems that he has become an outstanding person who doesn't know himself, and then treats the heart of a gentleman with a villain's heart and doesn't care about this country. An Wei's villain is even a traitor!

Therefore, he could only swallow a cup of tea very depressed, and then asked: "There is one more thing, I must get an accurate answer... Will the sequelae of Shenwan still break out?"

Huang Wen glanced at him, smiled and said, "Why do I think you want that kind of sequelae to break out every three days?"

"..." Li Zedao was stabbed again so that he wanted to vomit blood.

"It should not erupt again." Huang Wen said.

"Should?" The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched, so he wasn't sure? So, it might explode again?

"You are the first person in the world to take Shenwan, so you don't have any clinical experience." Huang Wen said.


Li Zedao's already familiar footsteps came from behind. Li Zedao turned his head, and it was indeed Bei who came over, and immediately cast an ambiguous look in the past.

Bei simply ignored Li Zedao, looked at Yanhuang and nodded and said, "Dong and the others have already arrived in the front yard."

Huang Wen waved his hands and said, "You and Ze Dao go there first, and I'll come later."

"Yes." Bei nodded, glanced at Li Zedao, turned and left.

Li Zedao got up to follow, and even stretched out his hand, not caring whether Huang Wen was watching or not, he hugged her soft waist in a rascally way.

Bei's body stiffened suddenly, and he whispered angrily, "You want to die? Let go."

"Don't let go." Li Zedao smiled, and said in her ear, "Huang Wen said, after you come out of the magic cave forest, you come with me, um, you are responsible for my safety, oh, and you have to help me warm the bed. "

"...Get out!" Bei twitched the corners of his mouth, trying hard to keep his expression indifferent, but his ears felt a little hot for no reason.

"Don't want to?"

"Nonsense... we'll talk about it later." Her ears were completely red, "I'll chop off your hand if you don't let go."


In the end, Li Zedao obediently moved the salty pig's hand away. He knew that if he didn't let go, this cold woman would become angry and kill someone out of embarrassment.

The two came to the front yard one after the other, and Li Zedao saw the east, bottom, left and right that he had seen before,

These four people.

Zhong Dong seemed to know something. After seeing Li Zedao walking over, he looked at Li Zedao with an extremely ambiguous smile and gave him a thumbs up.

Li Zedao chose to ignore this super narcissistic and wretched guy who always thinks he is handsome.

His eyes fell on the right side, and he smiled bitterly and said: "Mr. Huang, Uncle Huang..." Li Zedao couldn't think of anything, Huang Yu turned out to be the right side, and the right side turned out to be Huang Yu, this is really unexpected.

The public face on the right showed a smile and said: "After changing to this face, I am You, not some Huang Yu, so you should call me You."

"Okay, Mr. Huang."


An inexplicable smile appeared on Li Zedao's face, giving off a very dangerous feeling: "Say, should I blame you for my father's death?"

Li Zedao had reason to believe that Huang Yu definitely played a major role when his father went further and further down the road of so-called revenge.

Besides, everyone likes to pick soft persimmons, and Li Zedao is no exception. He can't pinch Huang Wen, but it doesn't mean he can't pinch right, so now, he doesn't mind beating this guy violently, and it's good to get out.

"Don't look at me like that and laugh, I'm timid." You said fearfully.

The smile on Li Zedao's face became even wider, but his eyes were full of murderous intent, and he said, "Really? Teacher Huang, find a place to chat?"

You also smiled, showing all his white teeth: "I have always satisfied students' demands... Actually, there is no need to go to other places, this place is very good."

"Then here." Li Zedao twisted his neck slightly.

Then, the eyes of the two collided in the air, making the sound of gold and iron clashing.

The atmosphere at the scene froze, and the already cold air seemed to be frozen.

They are all waiting quietly, waiting to give each other a fatal blow.

Suddenly, a leaf fell from the tree in the yard and flew towards the middle where they were standing...

At the moment when the leaves were about to fall to the ground, You suddenly spoke.

"Although I don't mind fighting with you, I'd better say goodbye, because if I break you, someone will trouble me." You said with a smile. In the end, I didn't have the slightest assurance of winning in my heart. Their skills were evenly matched, but this kid was better than them. If he really did it, he knew he would suffer.

That's why idiots are fighting with you.

As he spoke, he glanced right at Bei who was standing there with an expressionless face. This kid's skill in picking up girls is really well-deserved, but it was only during a joint mission that he took down this thousand-year-old piece of ice... It seems that there is a smoldering and fiery heart under this woman's icy body... Heart.

"You want to die?"

Li Zedao hadn't said anything yet, Bei's cold voice sounded, and she stepped forward a few steps to Li Zedao, stood side by side with him, staring up with cold eyes.

"I don't mind fulfilling you." Bei said again.

"I don't mind cooperating with this beauty to fulfill you." Li Zedao said proudly, and even put his hand on Bei's shoulder.

"Shut up." Bei glanced at him, the cold eyes had already melted a little, but he didn't pat off Li Zedao's salty pig's hand on his shoulder.

On the one hand, slapping Li Zedao's hand off in front of these people might embarrass Li Zedao... Bei realized that he had started thinking about Li Zedao.

On the other hand, she told You with practical actions, if you don't obediently let him beat you up, then I will have to beat you up.

"Uh..." The muscles on the right side of his face twitched, as if he had done something stupid, it was fine for him to say that, but he shouldn't have looked at Bei, because this woman has always been indifferent I'm used to being reasonable, whoever looks at her more than once, it's like insulting her, she will fight you desperately, let alone looking at her in this situation.

As for Li Zedao's shameless and unscrupulous behavior, this is what you expected. This guy's cheeks are already heinously thick.

Dong, Xia, and Zuo watched the excitement with relish, without any intention of helping.

"Brothers, do you want to place a bet? I bet you will be beaten into a dead dog... Do you believe it? Bet ten million..." Dong kept his voice down as much as possible, afraid of being heard by this woman Bei. She heard it. Wouldn't it be fucked to trouble him when she turned around?

Dong said that he didn't want to fight with Bei. If he won, what a beast! You even fight women? If you lose, you won't even be able to deal with a woman, and you'll lose your face. Besides... it seems that you really can't win, at least you can't take advantage of it.

"Get out..." Xia and Zuo rolled their eyes and said angrily, nonsense, who doesn't know that if you really fight, you will definitely become a dead dog, he can't even beat that violent woman in Bei, let alone add Li Zedao, whose upper body skills were no longer inferior to those of them, was gone.

"Let you make the first move, lest others say we bully you." Li Zedao looked at you and said with a smile.

You want to vomit blood, two hit one, isn't this bullying? At that moment, he simply wanted to surrender and said, "I..."

However, Li Zedao didn't give him any chance to speak at all. The moment he opened his mouth, he already punched You in the face fiercely.

He was taken aback, he never thought that Li Zedao would be so shameless, and he would do it immediately after saying that he asked you to make the first move.

In a hurry, he clenched his hands into fists and greeted her.

"Bang!" The fists of the two slammed together fiercely, but because Li Zedao was attacking one side and had the taste of a sneak attack, and compared to the right one, his skill was better, so after the punch, Li Zedao His body just trembled, and his right side simply took two steps back. He felt his blood surging, and his face turned red.

You really can't complain, this bastard, how can you be so shameless? Why does speaking sound like farting? Still playing sneak attack? Can you be a bit of a master?

After a successful punch, Li Zedao looked indifferent, his eyes were stern, his fist was as hard as iron, and he threw himself to the right again.

In an instant, his fist had reached the right face, and he was about to smash his face flat, but at this moment, Li Zedao's fist was probably less than one centimeter away from the bridge of the right nose He stopped abruptly.

Recommend the new book of urban master Lao Shi:

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