Because, each of the two right hands is holding a black pistol, and the deep muzzle is facing Li Zedao's head.

Li Zedao was smiling, but he didn't dare to be careless in his heart, because he could clearly feel the fierce murderous aura flashing in his right eye just now, that is to say, if he made any moves, he would really dare to open it. gun.

Then, You also found that his forehead was blocked by the deep muzzle of the gun.

Bei, this woman also drew her gun, staring at him as if she was looking at someone dead.

"Put down the gun." She said coldly.

You chuckled, and retracted the two guns, not because of the pressure from Bei, but because he saw that Master Huang had already appeared there. Now that Master Huang had arrived, this fight would naturally be impossible.

Seeing that You retracted his pistol, and Bei also put down the gun, Li Zedao sneered, and just retracted the fist that was already on his nose.

"I'm really angry, so what should I do if I really want to beat you up? If I don't beat you up, I will probably be in a bad mood all day today, and I won't be interested in doing anything." Li Zedao looked at the right Said, the expression is so serious.

This is also for Huang Wen, if you don't let me do it, then I may not cooperate so well after entering the devil's lair.

Huang Wen naturally understood Li Zedao's meaning, but he always had a faint smile on his face and didn't say anything.

Then, Li Zedao also understood that if Huang Wen didn't speak, he was tacitly allowing himself to be beaten.

However, you didn't hear the meaning behind Li Zedao's words. He thought that Li Zedao was complaining, and said with a smile: "There will be a chance...Of course, I may beat you at that time."

"Really?" Li Zedao chuckled.

He loosened his shoulders and smiled, turned around and wanted to leave, too lazy to talk nonsense with this guy.

The moment he turned around, You felt a very strong sense of danger in his heart.

Before, you were somewhat vigilant in your heart, but this time, because of Huang Ye's presence, You didn't feel that Li Zedao dared to fight him in front of Huang Ye. Besides, the moment Li Zedao made a move, Huang Ye didn't care? You know, what Huang Ye dislikes the most is when someone beats and kills in front of him.

However, he was wrong, Li Zedao really dared to do something, but Huang Ye really didn't care, as if this thing never happened at all.

Therefore, by the time he felt the danger and reacted, it was already too late.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Li Zedao punched him directly on the back of his right side, sending him flying and even spitting blood from his mouth. In the end, his whole body Even lying there in an unattractive posture.

What makes people feel that Li Zedao is really shameless is that Li Zedao said in a concerned tone: "Mr. Huang, why did you fly out? Are you okay?"

Before he could finish his caring tone, Li Zedao's figure appeared in front of the unguarded right hand, who was sent flying, and then kicked him in the right stomach again, looking at his hideous and distorted face, he said : "Teacher Huang, are you okay?"

Dong and the others looked at this scene dumbfounded, and felt that the whole person was not well. They didn't understand, how did such shameless words come out of his mouth?

Of course, they didn't take any action to stop them, because they are not that familiar, and they only get together occasionally when Master Huang arranges tasks. They usually have their own lives, and no one disturbs the other, so whoever gets caught If you beat them up, you will basically treat them as if you didn't see them, and even applaud in secret.

For example, Zhiqi secretly made a bet on whether You would be beaten into a dead dog.

Besides, Huang Wen was present, and he witnessed all this with a faint smile on his face, which proved that he acquiesced in such things happening, so the beating by You was for nothing.

"Bang!" Li Zedao kicked his right stomach again, and then said with a look of great concern: "Mr. Huang,

Why is your expression so painful? I got sick? injured? Do you want to call an ambulance for you? "

When the right side was stabbed so that a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth again, he remembered to fight back.

As if by magic, two pistols had already appeared in his hands, and he made a gesture to shoot recklessly.

"Okay." A majestic and unquestionable voice sounded.

Li Zedao chuckled, turned around and left very coolly, and didn't continue to do anything.

You looked at Li Zedao's back with bitterness, and had no choice but to put away his pistol, then wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve, and stood up.

Huang Wen glanced at these people one by one, and then said: "Wait a few minutes, there is another one coming soon, when he arrives, we will set off."

Li Zedao, who had already lit a cigarette, glanced at Huang Wen, and his thoughts were surging. Until now, Li Zedao still didn't quite understand why Huang Wen had to gather eight people to enter the magic cave forest. Li Zedao had asked Huang Wen several times before. They always laughed very mysteriously, and as for Bei and the others, they didn't even know. It was always what Huang Wen said, so they just did it, and there would be no extra thoughts.

Are there any special arrangements? Or... just making up a pretense casually?

Also, who is that person who is driving this way?

"Uncle, I'm really sorry, the car was knocked down on the road, so it's a bit late...cough cough..." A weak voice came over.

Li Zedao looked up, and saw a middle-aged man who was wearing a black Tai Chi suit, with some gray hair on his head, a slightly thin body, and a sickly pale face came in.

While speaking, the man covered his mouth and started to cough. The cough was piercing, as if the time would never stop. At the moment, his sickly white face turned into purple red.

Li Zedao looked a little worried that he would be able to spit out his lungs with just one mouth.

Seeing this, Huang Wen hurried over, stroked several places on his body for a while, and his heart-piercing cough gradually stopped.

Li Zedao looked at Bei who was on the side, and asked in a low voice, "Who is he?"

"Huang Longfeng seems to be related to Master Huang. The person in charge of the fc data collection department is an archaeologist and a person with extremely profound knowledge. It seems that he was the one who found the method of refining the god pill." Bei whispered, There was a hint of surprise on that indifferent little face, could it be that Huang Longfeng was the one who filled the vacancy? Although he can even say that he knows talent from the top and geography from the bottom, and it is said that he can tell fortunes, but after all, he has no power to restrain a chicken... At least, Bei didn't feel any strong aura from him.

Li Zedao's eyes narrowed slightly, so the reason why Huang Wen got so much information about Wucaishi, Guiwan, Shenwan and Moku Forest all came from Huang Longfeng, his uncle?

Moreover, his body looks so weak, so Duanmu Weizhuang's soul is actually attached to this person?

"Thank you uncle, I'm fine now..." Huang Longfeng took a few breaths and said after coughing.

Huang Wen waved his hand and said, "Your illness...I will find a way to cure you."

"Thank you, Uncle, I've made Uncle worry about you." Huang Longfeng smiled slightly, and said optimistically, "It's okay if it can't be cured, I have already seen it, and before I die, I have the opportunity to enter the magic cave forest to reveal the mysterious veil. Help uncle you get the things in Duanmu Weizhuang's tomb, I will die without regret."

"Don't think too much, I will definitely find a way to cure your illness." Huang Wen comforted, then took out a wooden box from his body, opened it, took out the yellow stone-colored hair that Bei had taken back from his upper hand, and handed it over to you. It used to be, "Incorporate this stone into your tongue and let's go."

Huang Longfeng obviously understood what it was, nodded slightly, took the stone, put it in his mouth, and let it melt into his tongue.

"Let's go, I'll explain the rest when it's over." Huang Wen looked back at Dong and the others and said.

Soon, a group of eight people boarded two off-road vehicles respectively.

Among them, Huang Wen, right, and Huang Longfeng got into a car and drove from the right, and the remaining five people got into another off-road vehicle and drove from the north, and then the two off-road vehicles headed towards the magic cave forest Running wildly away.

Huang Wen's arrangement, of course, has his own ideas. No matter what you say now, you can't let Li Zedao and the right car be in the same car, otherwise the two will definitely fight in the car, right? It is also conceivable that Bei will definitely help Li Zedao attack You at that time, so the only ending for You is that at least half of his life will be lost.

As he was about to enter the Devil's Cave, Huang Wen naturally didn't want anything to happen to him.

More than two hours later, the two cars entered the Moku Prison, drove into the woods, and continued to drive forward. Finally, the two cars stopped at a distance of about 100 meters from the thick fog ahead.

The door was pushed open, and the people in the car got out one by one.

"It's here." Bei stretched out his hand, and pushed Li Zedao, who was curled up in the co-pilot's seat and fell asleep. Looking at the transparent liquid hanging from the corner of his mouth, he felt inexplicably funny, bastard, still talking about me , don't you drool when you sleep?

Li Zedao didn't wake up, but a wretched smile appeared on his expression, and he was talking in sleep: "Well... come, brother kiss..."

So, this is dreaming? Which woman did you dream about? Beast! Bei was very depressed, so he stretched out his hand, opened the car door, and walked over with a quick kick.

"Ah..." Li Zedao screamed, he was kicked out of the car by Bei, he rolled on the ground a few times in a mess, and finally lay there in an unsightly manner.

Bei jumped out of the car and passed by him, ignoring Li Zedao's aggrieved eyes looking at her, and directly kicked his ass again, and then strode up to Huang Wen.

Soon, except for Li Zedao, who was rubbing his butt and looking at Bei with a resentful expression, everyone else looked at Huang Wen standing there, whose face was flushed because of excitement, waiting for his next instructions.

Recommend the new book of urban master Lao Shi:

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