The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1412 Junior Sister

Huang Wen couldn't help being excited. After all, he spent most of his life in pursuit of immortality. Now, he is very close to this dream. Once he takes the medicine in Duanmuweizhuang's tomb, he will become a man who returns to his original nature. A master of the realm becomes a demigod-like existence. When the time comes, look at the whole world, there will be no place he can't go, no one he can't kill, what kind of prestige is this?

Even if the United States seriously develops that kind of superman and comes out, what is there to be afraid of? If you dare to come over, just punch him to the ground.

"Longfeng, come and explain the situation to them." Huang Wen said while trying to calm his agitated heart a little, his eyes falling on Huang Longfeng.

In fact, most of the information that Huang Wen got about the magic cave, the five-colored stones and the safety buttons, and even the refining methods of Shenwan and Guiwan came from his nephew Huang Longfeng.

Huang Longfeng is an excellent archaeologist. It has been 30 years since he entered this industry in his twenties. During these 30 years, he has participated in the excavation of countless ancient tombs and saved a large number of ancient tombs. Cultural relics have made great contributions to the national archaeological work.

At the same time, and he has deep research in many more mysterious fields.

For example, the Book of Changes, ancient military affairs, ancient pharmacology, and the study of ghosts.

More than 20 years ago, he was the one who inadvertently obtained an ancient book from an excavated ancient tomb about Duanmu Weizhuang, a generation of ghost doctor thousands of years ago. The ancient book recorded information about Guiwan and Shenwan. Tell Huang Wen about this.

Only then did Huang Wen know that Chen Yibing was not the inventor of ghost pills at all. The method of collecting ghosts and developing ghost pills he mastered was discovered from an ancient book and improved through experiments.

Then, Huang Wen began to refine Guiwan and Shenwan. Nearly 20 years later, although Guiwan still failed to be produced, Shenwan was successfully produced. Huang Longfeng naturally contributed to such a success. of.

Not only that, Huang Longfeng also found a lot of information about the colorful stones from related ancient books, and finally discovered the secret of the Hand of God, inferring that the Hand of God may have collected all the safety buttons, otherwise his various behaviors would not be so It's against the sky... He also found the serious consequences of having five safety buckles at the same time and integrating them into his body... God's hand is dying soon!

It was precisely because of this that Huang Wen dared to take action against the Hand of God who had already exposed one of his plots, no matter in skill or means.

Afterwards, Huang Longfeng learned from relevant ancient books what was the matter with the dense fog in the forest of the Demon Cave. Yes, the dense forest in this dense fog is arranged according to the Jiugong Bagua. Those who are not proficient in this way will only be completely fascinated by it. I also know that if you want to enter the tomb of Duanmuweizhuang, the five safety buttons are the key .

What excites Huang Wen the most is that he has also found the master who has broken through the legendary realm of inner strength and returned to the original, who was temporarily trapped in the thick fog.

Yes, temporarily trapped, not defeated. Huang Wen is arrogant, but not so arrogant that he wants to defeat a master of that level with just a few of them. Otherwise, a master of that level would be too good, right?

Huang Wen was already very satisfied to be able to trap her temporarily so that they could smoothly enter the ancient tomb and obtain the things in the ancient tomb.

As for how to trap a master of that level, Huang Longfeng explained it to him, but it was very fantasy. Simply put, in that special place in the magic cave forest, you can find no less than eight people in a special place called "Bagua Formation" Formation, of course, not just any of these eight people can do it, at least one must have a clear mind and be familiar with this formation, and the other seven must be masters.

In addition, because this gossip formation is evolved by Taoism based on the gossip graphics, the eight hexagram images contain eight kinds of hexagram meanings: dry is a horse,

Kun is an ox, Zhen is a dragon, Xun is a rooster, Kan is a hog, Li is a pheasant, Gen is a dog, and Dui is a sheep. Therefore, the zodiac signs of these eight people are horse, ox, dragon, rooster, pig, and rooster. , dog, sheep... Anyway, the zodiac signs of eight people must be these.

Huang Wen was dumbfounded, even though he was well-informed, it sounded like he was the first and the second big.

After that, Huang Wen began to determine the personnel. Excluding him, six of the eight people around him occupied six of the six zodiac signs. Then he was pleasantly surprised to find that with the addition of Li Zedao, there were just enough eight people.

Huang Wen very much hoped that Li Zedao could participate. On the one hand, it was because of the zodiac. The most important thing was that he had already integrated into the yellow stone, so that he could find one less piece. Maru has been reformed, so no matter it is the academic ability and memory, everything is in the top state. In other words, he must be able to understand and understand what Huang Longfeng is saying. Therefore, Huang Wen originally planned to send Li Zedao to talk to Huang Longfeng. Learn to understand the Eight Diagrams formation.

As for Xi Keshang, the two have the same zodiac sign, so Huang Wen has no objection to whoever gets the yellow stone and enters the ancient tomb with him.

However, what he didn't expect was that Shang had the courage to kill Xi, and he died in the end. For this reason, Huang Wen also had a headache for the candidate.

At this moment, Huang Longfeng said yes, his zodiac sign is the same as Xi Heshang, and because one of the eight people doesn't need to be very skilled, he just needs to be in charge of commanding, and he has a lot of research on this formation. It couldn't be more suitable.

Regarding Huang Longfeng's initiative to invite Ying, Huang Wen was naturally more relieved. He only felt that the things in the tomb of Duanmu Weizhuang were really within easy reach.

At that moment, Huang Longfeng showed a faint smile on his sickly face, glanced at these people standing in front of him, and said, "Then I will explain the situation to everyone, why do I need eight people... Of course, to be precise, it is seven people."

As he said that, Huang Longfeng's eyes fell on Li Zedao. The previous peaceful eyes were gone, replaced by hot, even greedy eyes, and then, his sickly face leaked a look that seemed Very nervous and scary smile.

"Moreover, you must be included among these seven people." Huang Longfeng said.

Li Zedao frowned slightly. Others obviously haven't noticed that Huang Longfeng is completely different from before in terms of tone and demeanor. They only think that Li Zedao will play a key role in this kind of action, so their eyes Qi Shushu stared at him.

He glanced right at Li Zedao, his eyes filled with murderous intent, and thought to himself, don't let me find a chance, otherwise I will definitely make your death very ugly.

At this moment, Huang Wen's back, who had been drifting away for a long time, suddenly felt cold, as if a pair of cold eyes were staring at you on his back.

Huang Wen sensed danger!

At that moment, he turned around suddenly, and the moment he turned around, his heart shrank suddenly, and his pupils widened slightly.

In front, a woman stood there quietly, as if there was no sound at all. This is a stunning woman, a woman with an amazing face, big enough breasts, thin waist, round buttocks, and long legs. She is wearing a strangely white white dress and a pair of white cloth shoes. , and this pair of white cloth shoes is actually a woman about three inches from the ground; a woman with long hair that reaches her waist is actually silver-white, all silver-white, and there is no black hair.

The reason why Huang Wen's heart shrank suddenly was not because this woman was enough to attract people to commit crimes, but because he knew that there was a back-to-basics master living in this thick fog, and that master was Duanmu Weizhuang's wife!

This woman who appears so strange here is the master of returning to basics, right?

This is really... Don't look at the almanac when you go out. Originally, they wanted to talk about it. After entering the thick fog, they used some gossip formation to trap this person under the command of Huang Longfeng. They didn't expect that they hadn't had time to go in Yes, she actually came out.

Dong and the others naturally saw this stunning... female ghost, and Li Zedao even heard the sound of swallowing.

These desperate beasts, do they know how terrifying the woman who appeared there now is?

Li Zedao wanted to tell them proudly, I know! I even know her name! Her name is Bingxue!

Now, she actually came out, so...

While Li Zedao stared at the woman, he tried his best to move forward without making any noise, and stopped Bei behind him.

Bei was also looking at that woman. A few seconds ago, when she saw this woman, she couldn't help but feel instantly amazed.

Bei is actually very conceited, at least when she was waiting for Li Zedao in the hotel room in the morning, she felt that no matter what she looked like, she was no worse than Li Zedao's other women, or in other words, no worse than any woman in the world, but After seeing this woman now, even though she was dressed in such a strange way, she felt inexplicably ashamed.

It wasn't until Li Zedao stopped himself behind him and saw his dignified profile that Bei finally realized that this woman was not only beautiful, but also dangerous!

Of course, her beauty is a very dangerous thing for all men and even women, so she also became vigilant.

While these people were looking at the woman, Bingxue's big black and white eyes were only staring at one person.

Huang Longfeng, she only stared at Huang Longfeng, in her eyes, Huang Longfeng was the only one!

"Junior Sister, what are you waiting for? We don't have much time." Huang Longfeng looked at the woman and smiled, and suddenly said something that made everyone else puzzled except Li Zedao.

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