The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1415 Emperor's Dream

Naturally, Bei and Huang Wen couldn't understand these words, but Li Zedao naturally knew what was going on. Back then, Chen Tuan drugged his junior sister, so that she could only live in this mist forever. For a quarter of an hour, she would feel as if thousands of ants were biting her bones, and after that, she would bleed out to death.

It seems that Duanmu Weizhuang knows the antidote, and this antidote requires the use of human ghosts.

Li Zedao secretly sighed in his heart, he really deserves to be a ghost doctor. The prescriptions prescribed by other doctors are naturally all kinds of herbal medicines, but the prescriptions he prescribed are ghosts.

"So, thank you." Duanmu Weizhuang said in a very sincere tone.

Huang Wen squirted another mouthful of blood very simply, his face was already so stiff that he couldn't feel it. He had always thought that he was superior to everyone's IQ both in terms of IQ and skills, but he didn't expect that he turned out to be a big idiot , a complete idiot who has been used for more than 20 years without realizing it.

Even, his stupid behavior not only killed him, but also brought huge disaster to China!

He opened his mouth hard, trying to say something, and finally turned into a sigh full of bitterness and regret.

Li Zedao saw him like this, and the original gloating in his heart was gone. He felt that the old man who is now desperate and dying is actually quite pitiful.

After a long time, Huang Wen said to Bei in a weak voice, "Take off the mask on my face."

His whole palm was bloody and bloody, and even the bone scum that had pierced the skin and flesh could be seen with the naked eye. It was useless, and Bei Can supported his left hand. Of course, even if he hadn't been supported, he really didn't have the strength to do such a thing.

He was injured too badly, and he clearly felt that his vitality was being lost bit by bit. He knew that even if he was lucky enough to leave here alive, his life would not be long.

"Yes." Bei said. The tone remained the same as before, as if Huang Wen gave an order and then she was going to carry it out. Of course, the mood was completely different. Now, it is inevitable to feel uncomfortable.

But for this man, no matter how much blood he has stained his hands, how many vicious things he has done that make people gnash his teeth, or whether he is responsible for the turmoil that China may fall into in the future, this cannot shake Huang Wen in her heart The image in the movie cannot change her view of Huang Wen.

Bei will always remember that it was Huang Wen who took her away from that dark place, and it was also Huang Wen who trained her. Everything she has now was given by Huang Wen! In her heart, she seemed to regard Huang Wen as her father.

At that moment, he stopped, stretched out his north hand, touched Huang Wen's lower bar, and quickly tore off the skin that belonged to Jia Ming covering Huang Wen's face, revealing a Zhang was very unfamiliar to Li Zedao, with a bright white face and many scars on it.

So, Huang Wen looks like this... Li Zedao seems to understand why he has to wear someone else's mask all day long, because his old face is a bit horrible, even Jia Ming, who is too ordinary, looks much better than him ten times.

"Let me go..." Huang Wen said again.

Bei Yiyan let go of him... Although she didn't know what Huang Wen wanted to do, she always obeyed Huang Wen's words. Bei would do whatever he said, even, he said Bei, you go and help Li Zedao Well, then Bei took off both himself and Li Zedao's clothes and raped Li Zedao...

As Bei let go of his arm, Huang Wen's body swayed a few times, like a small boat on a rough sea, which could be crushed by a wave at any time.

But he worked very hard to stabilize his body, looked at Duanmu Weizhuang who had stopped, and said in a weak voice: "Wait...for the sake of helping you so much, can I There is a request..."

As he spoke, he panted heavily, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth again.

He was so badly injured that he almost lost the strength to speak.

Duanmu Weizhuang turned his head and said with a smile that was not a smile: "You can tell me, it's not too embarrassing for me, and I don't mind doing it for you later."

"Okay..." Huang Wen took a few breaths, and then said, "I want to beg you...go...die..."

His swaying body suddenly exploded, so fast that even his eyes couldn't keep up, and he rushed towards Duanmu Weizhuang.

He wanted to inflict serious damage on this demon, and it would be even better if they could die together.

However, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is skinny. Without any accident, his neck appeared in the hands of Bingxue standing in front of Duanmu Weizhuang. His whole body was lifted up by the neck, and his legs Dangling in the air, like a corpse hanging from a branch.

"Master Huang..." Seeing this, Bei's face was full of anger, and his eyes seemed to burst into flames, and he was about to rush towards the other party.

When Huang Wen was beaten into the air before, she didn't know how Huang Wen flew out at all. There was no way, the opponent's speed was too fast, Bei couldn't keep up at all.

But now, Huang Wen's neck was strangled in front of her, and his neck was about to be broken. Bei couldn't stand it anymore.

Li Zedao quickly threw Dong and You away, and then grabbed Bei's wrist to prevent her from being impulsive.

"Let me go..." Bei turned his head and growled at Li Zedao with a murderous look on his face.

"You can't let it go." Li Zedao looked at Huang Wen who was held up by the neck with an extremely ugly look, and said, "You can't save him, and he is atoning for his sins."

Bei was silent, she understood Li Zedao's meaning.

He was indeed atoning for his sins, he was begging to die, and he himself knew that jumping over with such a crippled body was no different from a moth to a flame, but he still rushed over.

"You are very courageous." Duanmu Weizhuang looked at the horrific old Yanhuang, who had turned red, and said appreciatively, "However, you can't die yet. If you die now, I will have a headache, of course. , don't worry, I won't let you live for too long, so don't worry."

As soon as the words were finished, Bingxue let go of her hands, and Huang Wen's body fell heavily to the ground. This time, he couldn't even open his eyes, he was so angry, let alone talking.

Seeing this, Bei felt very uncomfortable, and turned around, unable to bear to see Huang Wen like this. She knew that for him who was so proud, falling into such a miserable situation now was more uncomfortable than killing him.

Bei actually wanted to tell Li Zedao that they were all dead anyway, so why not fight it out? Why do you have to be so obedient and so...begging for perfection?

Then, her heart felt warm again. She felt that Li Zedao did this for her safety, so he must be secretly looking for a chance to escape.

"Okay, the tomb is just ahead, just put the person here, you come with me, as for you, stay here." Duanmu Weizhuang looked at Bei and said.

Li Zedao threw Xia and Zuo away from the other hand as he said, and still held Bei's cold little hand, looked at Duanmu Weizhuang and said, "She also followed."

"Either wait here intact, or be the same as these people lying on the ground." Duanmu Weizhuang simply gave two choices.

"You stay here for the time being." Li Zedao knew that there was no room for negotiation on this kind of matter, so he immediately helped Bei make a choice, and then asked with a serious expression, "Don't leave this place, otherwise, you You will lose your way soon, wait for me to find you."

"Yes." Bei nodded, "I'll wait for you."

Hearing Li Zedao's words, Duanmu Weizhuang had a faint smile on his face. It seems that this boy has such a woman. Apart from being tall, rich and handsome, his body has been transformed by Shenwan, so that aspect is undoubtedly very powerful. The very important reason is that this man is definitely a master of acting.

Obviously, life is at stake, and there is obviously no way to return to this place to find her again... Even if he is released, it is impossible, because this kid is not familiar with this place at all, and he will lose his way completely in just a few steps .

But he was so sure and so confident in telling such an unrealistic lie that made people laugh... But, this woman still believed it.

Sure enough, there is always no shortage of brain-dead fans around strong and handsome men.

He glanced at his junior sister who was looking at him tenderly, and then once again proved in his heart that his idea just now was correct.

Thousands of years ago, no matter what I did, even if I killed more than a hundred innocent villagers, my always kind-hearted junior sister thought that I was right and silently supported everything I did.

It took less than two minutes to walk forward, because the dense fog was too thick, so even though he was almost at the front, Li Zedao could only vaguely see a small tomb that was not too big. There are also various unknown weeds growing on the tombstone, and as Qing Xuzi said, there is no writing on the tombstone, only five sunken holes lined up side by side.

Duanmu Weizhuang stood in front of the tombstone, his body began to tremble slightly, his fists were clenched tightly, and his veins were exposed.

"Chen Tuan..." he roared in a low voice, "If your soul is still there, I will make your soul fly away!"

Li Zedao listened, his expression remained unchanged, he was still looking at the grave with complicated eyes, and he was relieved again, so Duanmu Weizhuang didn't know that Chen Tuan was now a human being again. As for the things that happened thousands of years ago when he blackmailed himself with five drawers of buns in the morning, he had no way of knowing.

Duanmu Weizhuang turned his head and threw the box with five safety buckles in it towards Li Zedao.

Li Zedao's expression seemed panicked and he reached out to catch it... Li Zedao once again expressed his satisfaction with his performance.

Duanmu Weizhuang pointed to the tombstone: "Do you see the round hole on it? You take out the safety buckles from the box, and insert them into the round hole one by one."

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