The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1416 Two Big Problems

The two souls and seven souls of Duanmu Weizhuang were trapped in the tomb with some kind of formation, so his life soul couldn't touch the tombstone. Even now that he was close, his life soul was almost sucked. It feels like going in, so he can't do this kind of thing... Although he really wants to open this tombstone by himself, release his soul, and even smash this tombstone!

As for asking junior sister to do it... how can I ask junior sister to do such a lowly and boring thing? So, naturally, Li Zedao had to do it.

"Put the safety buckle into the round hole of the tombstone? Why?" Li Zedao asked with wide-eyed eyes.

Although he can push the tombstone away after putting the safety buttons into the row of concave holes on the tombstone one by one, and then he can be freed from the two souls and six souls trapped inside, but Duanmu Weizhuang still feels that this is extremely It's a boring thing, because the safety buckle must be put into the cavity one by one in the order of the only color. Once it is put in the wrong place, the tombstone cannot be pushed away.

As for the order of the colors, Duanmu Weizhuang doesn't know whether to put a white safety buckle or a pure blue safety buckle in the first concave hole from left to right, so he can only experiment one by one.

Duanmu Weizhuang carefully counted... still don't know how many combinations there are, after all, his math is not very good.

"You have too many questions." Duanmu Weizhuang said.

Li Zedao didn't say much, he opened the box, took a look at the five safety buckles lying quietly inside, then took a few steps forward, walked to the tombstone, and picked up the white safety buckles, feeling unavoidable. Feeling sad for a while, because the master's soul is in this safety button.

"I don't need an order? Put it as you like?" Li Zedao looked back at Duanmu Weizhuang and asked. He naturally knew that it needed to be in order, and he knew which hole the safety buckle of that color should be put into, but now he has to pretend to be ignorant, right?

Of course one has to enter the tomb, how can one completely dispel the demon's soul if one doesn't enter? It's just that with such a terrifying master like Bingxue by his side, it doesn't seem like he has any chance to do such a thing, right? Even, how could they allow themselves to open the sarcophagus and take out the Xuanyuan Xia Yu Sword inside?

"A specific arrangement of colors is required." Duanmu Weizhuang said, "But I don't know the exact order of colors, so I need you to try one by one."

Li Zedao nodded slightly: "Put five safety buckles of different colors into five holes, and there are a total of 120 combinations, so it will take some time to find the correct combination."

"One hundred and twenty kinds?" Duanmu Weizhuang's eyes widened slightly. He knew that there were quite a few combinations, but he didn't expect that there were more than a hundred kinds.

"It's a very simple math problem, don't you know?" Li Zedao mocked.

"If I were you, I would hurry up and find the correct color arrangement, and push away the tombstone." Duanmu Weizhuang said sinisterly, "Because, in fact, I am not such a patient person, I am anxious to wait. Now, I will be very unhappy, and if I am unhappy, I will vent my anger on a certain woman, and I will make her regret why she is still alive."

Seeing Li Zedao who had put the safety buckle in his hand into the first concave hole with an extremely ugly face, the corners of Duanmu Weizhuang's mouth curled up slightly: "That's right."

Li Zedao didn't speak, and put the safety buttons in the box into the concave hole one by one with a sullen face. Of course, he couldn't help but know in his heart that this color arrangement is definitely wrong.

Therefore, he exerted all his breastfeeding strength, but he couldn't move the tombstone that seemed to be completely rooted.

Li Zedao buckled the safety buttons of the last two holes, switched positions, and continued to try.

Seeing Li Zedao adopting such a method, Duanmu Weizhuang nodded slightly with his lips curled up. This kid still intends to open the tombstone very seriously, rather than just trying to put him off.

Of course, after the swap, the tombstone still couldn't be pushed away.

Li Zedao took off the three safety buttons at the back and continued to change positions.

"Are you really Duanmu Weizhuang? You just said... Chen Tuan, your soul or something... Do you know Chen Tuan?" Li Zedao continued to try and ask.

People are curious, so Li Zedao knew that he should not be too calm, as if he already knew everything, otherwise, if this thousand-year-old monster doubted something, wouldn't he be fucked?

"I'm just... curious, and I know I can't stop you. The senior beside you who has entered the realm of returning to nature is really so powerful that it makes people despair... I also want to know what will happen to me, or rather, I want to know what my own fate is." Is there any chance of surviving and leaving this place."

The corners of Duanmu Weizhuang's mouth twitched slightly, and he said bluntly: "I'm afraid I will disappoint you, you have no chance of surviving, your soul will be used by me to refine medicine, and your body will be used to refine medicine." Integrate into my soul, so... you have the right to treat yourself as alive."

Li Zedao looked back at Duanmu Weizhuang, his face was ugly and gloomy, as if he had suffered a serious illness: "Your answer is really hopeless, so why should I help you with things?"

"I've already answered this question for you." Duanmu Weizhuang said.

Indeed, I have already answered, if you don't cooperate obediently, I won't do anything to you, but I will make that woman's life worse than death.

Li Zedao turned his head, and firmly embedded the safety buckle in his hand into the concave hole.

"As for my relationship with Chen Tuan...he is my junior brother." Duanmu Weizhuang said.

Li Zedao turned his head back, with a look of astonishment on his face: "Master... Junior brother?" He couldn't be more satisfied with his reaction and the expression on his face at this moment.

Li Ze said in his heart, the acting skills of the Oscar winner is probably no more than this, right? Now that the entertainment industry has little fresh meats with good looks but no acting skills, if they enter the entertainment industry, people's views on little fresh meats will definitely be greatly improved, right?

"Junior Brother." After Duanmu Weizhuang said these two words in a cold tone without any warmth, he said, "Also, before the tombstone is opened, I don't want to hear any nonsense from you."

Li Zedao shut up, and continued to repeat the actions that seemed very boring to him, digging out the safety buttons, inlaying them in, and kept trying various combinations of colors. countermeasures.

Li Zedao now faces two problems.

Difficulty one, after entering this ancient tomb, what should I do to successfully raise the sword of Xuanyuan Xia Yu and then chop off the gossip on the sarcophagus that trapped the soul of Duanmu Weizhuang? He won't let himself do that, even, he doesn't seem to be able to get the famous ancient sword smoothly, right?

You can't accidentally knock open the coffin first and then see the ancient sword inside, and then your eyes immediately brighten up, saying that I love swords like my life, so let me see this sword...

Problem 2, in case of luck, how to escape from here? If I cut off Duanmu Weizhuang's soul with a single sword, this woman would not be able to fight myself desperately... Li Zedao found out very sadly that he was not qualified to fight desperately with others at all.

Besides, this is the Devil's Cave Forest. The last time I left here with the help of the almost imperceptible wind, and according to the woman, there will be a wind blowing here on a fixed day every month. The direction of the wind is to leave here The direction of... Who knows if the cloudy wind has blown this month?

Of course, those who are familiar with the formation here will naturally have a way to get in and out here at any time without relying on the so-called dark wind. Li Zedao is not familiar with it at all. Gossip set up.

What makes Li Zedao feel even more painful is that he knows that the distance between Bei and his grave is not too far, but Li Zedao doesn't think he can go back to the previous place.

"Forget it, didn't you say that about the insanity? Don't be too pressured. It's up to people to make things happen. If it really fails, it can only show that God's will is so... Just do your best..." Li Zedao comforted himself.

As for Qing Xuzi's words, "The poor Taoist will be with you, and the poor Taoist will fight side by side with you", he simply forgot about it.

It will take about two minutes to try a color sequence, and to test whether the tombstone can be pushed away. If the luck is really bad, you will not find the right one until the 120th time. color sequence, it will take at least four hours or more.

Of course, it is impossible for Li Zedao to foolishly say that he did not display the correct order of colors until the last time. If he really did that, who knows if these two will become suspicious?

In the end, it took more than three hours. At the eighty-fifth time, Li Zedao put out the correct order of colors. The colors of the safety buttons from left to right are red, pure blue, and yellow. , blue and white.

Then, like the eighty-four times before, Li Zedao began to try to see if he could push the tombstone away.

Of course, the color of the safety buckle was correct this time, so Li Zedao didn't use much force at all. The tombstone, which he couldn't move even with all his strength, was pushed.

"It's okay..." Li Zedao swallowed, looked back at Duanmu Weizhuang and said.

Duanmu Weizhuang's eyes were fixed on the tomb, so when he saw that the tomb had been moved, his whole body was stunned, and then he looked up to the sky, letting out a piercing and ferocious laugh.

"Haha...haha...I came out...more than a thousand years...I came out...haha..."

Li Zedao saw that his tears were flying.

"Senior brother..." He quietly looked at his ice and snow, and also washed his face with tears.

"Push it away completely, quickly..." After laughing, Duanmu Weizhuang urged with an excited expression.

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