The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1417 He is here

On a lush tree about a kilometer away from the dense fog in front of him, a middle-aged man stood steadily on the tree trunk with a thick bowl mouth.

He stared at the thick fog in the distance very seriously and muttered to himself: "Eldest senior brother, don't blame the younger brother for not thinking of fellowship. He trapped you a thousand years ago, and after a thousand years, he is trying to trap your soul." Break up, it's only your fault that you have evil thoughts in your heart, and the poor have no choice but to let your soul fly away, and you will never be reborn, so as not to harm the common people in the world..."

"Infinite Heavenly Venerable, benefactor, Pindao said, Pindao is with you, and Pindao will fight side by side with you." He muttered to himself again.

Then, in a flash, he disappeared there.


"Push it away completely, quickly..." Duanmu Weizhuang urged excitedly after looking up to the sky and laughing like a psychopath.

It has been trapped for more than a thousand years, and it has been tortured for nearly a thousand years.

For more than a thousand years, his life and soul first attached to the concubine whom Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin doted on, resisting the nausea and showing off to Zhao Kuangyin, and loving Zhao Kuangyin with humiliation... The past is really unbearable!

Fortunately, after paying such a painful price, he was rewarded quite generously. He made good use of Song Taizu's status as the favorite concubine and left some things behind.

Of course, because the concubine's body is not very good, and his soul only has part of his wisdom and thoughts, so the things left behind are not so comprehensive.

After the death of the concubine, his soul wandered for more than a thousand years, not to mention the bitterness, sweetness, bitterness, and bitterness. Afterwards, his soul finally attached to this person named Huang Longfeng again. body.

Picking a man this time doesn't mean that he will have a better life and a better mood in the future.

This Huang Longfeng's mother had fetal gas when she was pregnant with him, so the baby's health was not very good after birth, and he started coughing heart-piercingly every now and then, so Duanmu Weizhuang felt that his soul was also going to die. Coughed out.

What makes Duanmu Weizhuang extremely regret attaching his life soul to this body is that this Huang Longfeng is an extremely henpecked master. You punched and kicked... I am Duanmu Weizhuang, a dignified ghost doctor, how could you do anything to me?

Therefore, Duanmu Weizhuang resolutely fought back.

As a result of fighting back, his drawn hand was simply grabbed by that woman.

The old lady stared at him with big murderous eyes, and shouted: "You dare to fight back? You dare to hit my old lady? You have eaten the heart of a bear, right?"

"Bang... ku... ah..."

For the next week, Duanmu Weizhuang spent time in the hospital, while his so-called wife spent the turmoil with a little fresh meat in that mansion...

But now, after waiting for a millennium and suffering for a millennium, the dawn finally dawned. Why isn't Duanmu Weizhuang excited? Why not urge Li Zedao to hurry up?

He didn't want to wait for a second... no, half a second, or even a tenth of a second!

His eyes opened wide and stared at the tombstone that was pushed away little by little, and big tears flowed down his cheeks.

"I want to kill! I want to kill!" He yelled in his heart, he wanted to kill all those who bullied and humiliated him, especially that damned woman, he wanted to torture her with the cruelest means in the world, he wanted to She would rather die than live, and those damn Taoist priests...

Li Zedao pushed the tombstone aside and gritted his teeth secretly, or... Find the right machine and rush in directly, then open the sarcophagus with the fastest speed, take out Xuanyuan Xia Yujian, and then chop the gossip ?

Li Zedao felt that he seemed to be thinking too much. Once he did something different, it would be impossible for that woman with such terrifying strength to not react?

At this moment, Bingxue's eyes that were looking at her senior brother with tears in her eyes suddenly narrowed slightly,

The extremely strong murderous aura has already been revealed, and at the same time, the surrounding temperature seems to have dropped several degrees.

"He's here." Bingxue said.

"Him?" Duanmu Weizhuang instantly understood that the only person who could make Junior Sister Bing so resentful and at the same time fearful was the cunning and ruthless Junior Brother.

Duanmu Weizhuang thought where his soul was wandering now, but unexpectedly, he became a human again. He must have sensed that there was a change in the misty land, so he rushed over to try to stop it, right?

"No one can stop me, especially him!" Duanmu Weizhuang had sparks in his eyes, and his voice was extremely cold and vicious, "I want him to, I want his soul to be scattered, and he will never be reborn forever!"

Li Zedao, who was moving the tombstone, listened, his heart skipped a beat, who is here, Qing Xuzi? That thousand-year-old demon with not so good character said that Pindao is with you and that Pindao wants to fight side by side with you, isn't he fooling you?

If he really came, he would definitely be able to attract Bingxue, so...the opportunity is here!

Just when Li Zedao had this thought in his mind, he only felt that his body was suddenly frozen, and he couldn't move anymore.

His back was even more icy cold, as if a thousand-year-old ice was sticking to his skin.

Li Zedao's heart sank suddenly, he knew that the female ghost was behind him, and even more so, all the acupuncture points on his body were blocked by her.

So, when she left to deal with Qing Xuzi, she was afraid of causing trouble by herself, so she controlled herself first... Li Zedao wanted to cry, but his heart was still full of powerlessness.

This could she be so unreasonable and distrust him so much?

The Qianqian hand that was frozen in the snow stretched out, and flicked lightly on the edge of the tombstone.

"Boom..." With a muffled sound, the tombstone has been completely moved aside, revealing the dark hole, and at the same time, a cold air mixed with a decaying smell wafted out from inside.

"It's open, haha, it's open... I'm going to come out, I'm finally going to come out..." Duanmu Weizhuang raised his head to the sky and screamed again.

Of course, he knew that there was a soul-locking formation in the tomb. Once the tombstone was pushed away, the soul-locking formation inside would be activated immediately, and his two souls and seven souls would be locked by the formation immediately. Once he entered, this The life soul attached to Huang Longfeng's body will also be directly absorbed by the formation, so even if the tombstone is opened now, he can't get close.

But the Soul Locking Formation is not permanent, it can last up to two quarters of an hour. At this time, as long as those powerful people who understand the formation... such as Chen Tuan, such as his master, as long as they don't come, they can last up to two quarters of an hour. Zhong, the two souls and seven souls of Duanmu Weizhuang will be freed.

But now, Bingxue felt Chen Tuan's breath.

"Junior brother, do you still want to trap me again and even make me lose my mind?" Duanmu Weizhuang said coldly.

"Brother, I'm going to kill him now..." Bingxue said.

"Go ahead... Before you kill him, say hello to him for me. I haven't seen him for a thousand years, and I miss him." Duanmu Weizhuang said sinisterly.

Bingxue nodded slightly, and disappeared in place, as if it had never happened.

At the same time, Li Zedao's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. Chen Tuan's appearance had successfully attracted that terrifying woman away, but he couldn't move. That Xuanyuan Xia Yu sword split the soul of this demon.

"What should I do? What should I do?" Li Zedao was really anxious, because he knew very well that Qing Xuzi was not an opponent of Bingxue at all, he was a master who stepped into the realm of returning to nature with one foot, but Bingxue was really in the realm of returning to nature It is clear at a glance who is strong and who is weak.

Not to mention, now that Bingxue hates this second senior brother to the bone, he is afraid that if he meets him without saying a word, he will directly kill him?

Therefore, Qingxuzi can't hold on to Bingxue for too long!

Therefore, it can be said that this short but extremely precious few minutes can be said to be exchanged by Qing Xuzi with his life!

But Li Zedao can't do anything, it's like you were tied up by Wuhuada, and then a * was placed in front of you, you know very well that once * the number on the display board jumps to zero Afterwards, *will* blow you to pieces.

But you don't have the slightest ability to dismantle *to pick up* and throw away or something, you can only be tortured mentally, you can only wait for death...Of course, you can still curse, resent, and cry, but, It doesn't help, the gun will still explode and you'll still be smashed to pieces.

Suddenly, Li Zedao thought of the foreign object hidden in his mouth.

Onimaru! The ghost pill refined by Duanmu Weizhuang thousands of years ago! The ghost pill that is said to make you a back-to-basics master in one fell swoop after taking it!

At the steamed stuffed bun shop, Qing Xuzi kindly suggested that you quickly take the ghost pills and take Pindao to protect the law. If something happens, Pindao can help in time...

Of course, Li Zedao simply told him to go, saying that he didn't want to take this "three no products". Who knows if he will die after taking it?

After separating from Qing Xuzi, Li Zedao wrapped the ghost pill in wax and hid it in his mouth, treating it as the last trump card, or more precisely, the last straw that the drowning man encountered.

Li Zedao is now a drowning person, and he is about to be drowned, so he gritted his teeth and bit through the layer of wax wrapped on the ghost ball in his mouth.

"Gudong..." He swallowed resolutely.


When Qingxuzi got close to the dense fog, he felt a flash in front of his eyes, a beautiful, familiar, but strange, and at the same time, an unusually cold figure appeared in front of him, blocking his way to go.

Of course, what Bingxue didn't know was that Qing Xuzi's ultimate goal was not to enter the foggy land, and he couldn't get in. Once he encountered the dense fog, he would definitely die.

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