Li Zedao wiped away his saliva, and looked at Bei with vigilant eyes: "As you said, you said that you will never beat me again... and I don't seem to provoke you, right? When you changed your didn't remind me I close my eyes."

"Oh, pretend I didn't say that." Bei said coldly.


"have opinions?"

Li Zedao asked cautiously: "Is the aunt with this body here?"

Bei directly punched him, hitting Li Zedao hard on the face.

A minute later, Bei exhaled lightly, feeling much more comfortable, and then looked at Li Zedao, who had a bruised nose and swollen face, and said, "I can take a taxi back to my residence."

"Oh, is it safe there?" Li Zedao asked aggrievedly, covering his face. Liars, all women are liars, but they are still so ruthless when they say they won't beat you up.

There is naturally a reason for him to ask this question. After all, Bei is already a "dead person" now, and he is the kind with no bones left. If people from fc see such a non-existent woman appearing in Bei's residence, Do you suspect something?

Li Zedao didn't plan to let them appear in the safe buckle in the forest of the Devil's Cave, the Xuanyuan Xia Yu Sword in the tomb, and the Taoist classics in the Zangshuge that would cause madness just by throwing any one out.

Once such a thing comes out, maybe those greedy people will fight again, and then they will start some research, and the unlucky ones will be ordinary people.

No matter what the purpose is, Li Zedao does not think that the kind of research that kills people without any humanity is right, such as Onimaru, Shenwan, or transforming people.

Such research is cruel, bloody, and inhumane. If it gets out of control, those culprits can pat their asses and leave, and the unlucky ones will always be the unarmed ordinary people.

Bei understood Li Zedao's meaning, frowned and said, "It doesn't seem that safe." They belonged to the elite level in the FC organization, and naturally, their residences were also provided by FC.

Bei didn't even think that he would come to this point, and he was also a person who was afraid of trouble, so he directly lived in the luxurious residence provided by fc, and he didn't even think about buying a residence secretly outside. Living in a lot of other members of fc is considered a benefit from the superiors, such as Dong and the others, and some people she seldom contacts,

Live there too.

Although these people appeared to be from all walks of life and had little communication with each other, everyone seemed to know each other, but in fact they knew the basics more or less. Besides, there must be someone watching everything in that place.

If she returned to the previous residence with such a face and was seen by others, how would she explain it? North friend? Northern relatives?

"Let's go to Victory Garden." Li Zedao thought for a while and said, "It's the place where you looked for me before, 1101, Building 7. Suyan is not here at this time, she is in school, and she will go back in the evening... There is a Big shopping mall, you can buy something first.”

Bei didn't object: "Then go there." Previously, he rejected contact with Li Zedao's other women, but now... he doesn't mind getting in touch, and Bei doesn't mind beating them up if they reject them and are unfriendly.

Looking at Li Zedao's pig-headed face, he felt inexplicably wanting to laugh, and then, an inexplicable emotion arose spontaneously, and he bit his lip lightly, then actively moved over to him, and tapped on his lips. , and left quickly like a guilty conscience, the ears were already a little hot.

Li Zedao chuckled, "I'm giving you a kiss."

"Get haven't brushed your teeth for two days." Bei said with "disgust".

"You haven't brushed your teeth for more than a thousand years." Li Zedao said with more "disgust" with playful eyes.


"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Li Zedao rolled directly out of the car.


He found a pack of cigarettes in the car, Li Zedao lit one, and then started the car again, carrying the five corpses and quickly drove towards Huang Wen's courtyard, which was very close to the center of power.

As if someone had greeted him beforehand, and as if the masters hiding in the alley knew this car, so without any hindrance, the car driven by Li Zedao slowly stopped at the gate of the courtyard.

Li Zedao pushed the car door and got out of the car, his eyes were immediately attracted by the old man standing at the gate of the courtyard wearing an ordinary Chinese tunic suit with a majestic expression and gray hairs on his head.

Li Zedao is naturally unfamiliar with this person, but the aura he exudes and the fact that he can appear in this courtyard as if he has returned to his own home let Li Zedao know that this is not an ordinary person, even if he has no status in fx Probably higher than Huang Wen, right?

And judging by his aura alone, I'm afraid his skills are not inferior to Huang Wen's.

Li Zedao straightened his body, and then made his expression a little more serious... It's time to test his acting skills. Li Zedao allowed the other party to be suspicious, but he didn't allow the other party to know that he was lying.

The man was also looking at Li Zedao, with a serious and dignified expression, and he said after a long time, "Come in with me."

After finishing speaking, he turned and walked into the small courtyard.

Li Zedao stepped in to follow, and finally, the two of them came to the front yard where Huang Wen always liked to sit and make tea.

It can be seen from Li Zedao that this person is very familiar with this courtyard house, and often comes here to find Huang Wen to make tea?

At that moment, the old man sat down on the chair, looked up at Li Zedao, and didn't intend to let Li Zedao sit down, so he spoke with a heavy tone: "So, you came back alone?"

"I'm the only one who sent people back." Li Zedao said. I'm really dissatisfied with this old man in my heart, I really don't know how to treat guests, right?

Of course, Li Zedao somewhat understood the intention of this extraordinary old man's move. He was putting pressure on himself, exerting psychological pressure.

"Huang Wen, Dong, Xia, left and right corpses are in the car, as for Bei and Huang Longfeng... I can't find them." Li Zedao said, his shoulders shook slightly, the sadness and reluctance flashed in his eyes And pass.

Li Zedao knew very clearly that those people in fc must know that Bei was conquered by his charm, and also knew how much he loved his woman, so the shaking of his shoulders and the sad look in his eyes, Naturally it is necessary.

What is acting? This is acting!

The old man raised his head and looked at Li Zedao like two bolts of lightning, as if he was planning to see through his heart.

If an ordinary person is stared at by such eyes, I am afraid that his legs will be weak, and he will feel guilty or something, but how powerful is Li Zedao's aura? Not to mention that he is already a master of returning to basics... oh, a fake master of returning to basics... This is Li Zedao's definition of his current state.

His strength is indeed enough to rival the back-to-basics masters, but he can't enjoy the benefits of being a back-to-basics master. He can't live forever, and he doesn't even know when he will die suddenly, so Li Zedao said that he is a master of false back to basics.

But even so, he was basically invincible. If he wanted to, even if there were many masters hiding around at this time, even if the old man himself was very strong, he would not escape death.

At present, Li Zedao's eyes are watching his nose and nose, his heart is watching his heart, his calm expression looks sad and sad from time to time, and his eyelids don't even blink casually.

The old man got nothing, he had no way of judging the authenticity of Li Zedao's words, if his words were false, but his expression was so serious, most importantly, he had no way of proving the truth of these words. If it is true, but I can't help but doubt my IQ.

But if he wanted to say that this kid killed everyone including Huang Wen, he wouldn't believe it even more. After all, he knew Huang Wen's ability well, even if Bei Bei rebelled.

Immediately, he looked away, and said with some sadness: "It seems that we still think of the Devil's Den Forest too simply."

"Yes, the situation inside is much more complicated than what we imagined before." Li Zedao's tone was low and heavy. Damn, who can't act.

"At the beginning, it was very smooth. According to Huang Longfeng's instructions, we found the tomb of Duanmuweizhuang, and successfully put the safety buttons into the round holes on the tombstone of the tomb, so that we can smoothly open the tomb of Duanmuweizhuang. The tomb was gone, and at that moment, the woman appeared."

"She looked at us coldly and said, leave or die! Several of us teamed up and successfully trapped her temporarily by relying on Huang Longfeng's formation, but the price we paid was heavy. Bei and Huang Longfeng fought directly. Fly away, I can't find them afterwards, I'm afraid that the danger is too bad now..."

Li Zedao scratched his hair a little irritably, exhaled heavily, and continued: "The rest of us also suffered serious injuries. Because I took Shenwan, my body has a strong ability to heal itself. , so it’s okay, but Huang Wen and the others...they couldn’t last long enough for me to take them out of the Devil’s Nest, so I feel very...pity."

Li Zedao learned about Huang Longfeng's nonsense about the so-called array used to trap the back-to-basics master in it from Bei.

Li Zedao probably knows why Huang Wen, who is so cunning and shrewd, even believes such flimsy nonsense. It's nothing more than believing in himself too much, and his ambition and greed have completely blinded his IQ.

There are all kinds of scams in today's society, such as pyramid schemes, wealth management benefits, and winning big prizes. At first glance, this kind of scam will make you feel naive, without any technical content, and whoever falls for it is an idiot. But there are people who are really fooled. The irony is that these people who are fooled are not lacking in IQ or lack of social experience, but are just too greedy.

They always delusional that the world can fall into the pie, delusional that they can get something for nothing, and delusional that they are right. The dissuasion of their relatives all hinders them from making a fortune... Who will be deceived if they are not deceived?

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