The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1428 Hero of the Country

Huang Wen, who is as cunning as a fox, believed it, and the FC organization naturally believed it, so the old man in front of him naturally believed what Huang Longfeng said.

Therefore, Li Zedao didn't think there were any obvious loopholes in his seemingly clumsy and simple rhetoric. His tone and expression, especially the expression of true feelings when he talked about Bei...perfect!

Of course, having no loopholes does not mean that the other party does not doubt what he said, but Li Zedao, who you doubt or not, doesn't care that much. You can't imprison me and use the top ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty or even beauty tricks to force me To be honest, right?

If they dare to do this, Li Zedao dares to teach them how to behave.

To be honest, Li Zedao doesn't have a good impression of the FC organization at all, and it's best not to have any contact in the future.

He is just a common man, he just wants to be a handsome man quietly, as for such a great thing of worrying about the country and the people... Li Zedao is also worried, but he will use his own method.

If he is not in his position, he will not seek his own government. Therefore, Li Zedao does not want to criticize and say whether certain practices of this organization are extremely inhumane or not, and he does not want to change this society. Silently contributing a little bit of your own strength to others, that's fine.

"It's a pity." The old man sighed, "Huang Wen is the pillar of the country and has made a lot of contributions to the country. He is the hero of the country. If he goes like this, the country will suffer a great loss."

Only then did Li Zedao realize that Huang Wen, that evil old man, was much "greater" than he had imagined. It seemed that he had been judging the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

"After Huang Wen and the others sacrificed, what about the stones on their bodies?" the old man looked at Li Zedao and asked. But in my heart, I was thinking about how credible this kid said these words.

Huang Wen has always been in charge of matters related to the Devil's Nest, so the old man doesn't know too much. He only knows that there are tombs in the Devil's Nest, and there are precious things in the tombs.

I also know that there is a back-to-basics master in Mercury. As for why that master doesn't come out and hide in the magic cave forest, it's not very clear.

"It's all here." Li Zedao took out five stones from his pocket and handed them over. After all, the body is there, but the stone is gone, which is a bit unreasonable. Besides, Li Zedao didn't intend to keep this thing privately. For example, Li Zedao put the yellow stone that melted into Huang Longfeng's mouth directly on the tombstone, and didn't bring it out.

The man reached out to take it, then looked at Li Zedao and said, "So,

Those five coins were safely detained on the tombstone? "


"It's such a pity," said the old man, frowning.

Li Zedao didn't answer.

The old man looked up at Li Zedao and nodded: "Thank you for your hard work, go back and have a good rest. As for Huang Wen and Dong, they are martyrs, and we will bury them in memory of them."

Li Zedao nodded without saying anything, then turned around and strode away.

After walking out of the courtyard, Li Zedao looked at the car again, and then walked out of the heavily guarded alley with a blank expression, came to the street outside, and stopped a taxi.

"Master, go to Victory Garden." After getting into the car, Li Zedao said to the taxi driver.

With the corner of his eyes, he glanced at a car parked not far away, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised a little helplessly. It seemed that he would be under surveillance for a long time from now on.

If he hadn't been a master of returning to basics now, I'm afraid he wouldn't have noticed it.

Of course, Li Zedao does not easily let others know that he is already a master of returning to basics. He has to hide his clumsiness, otherwise, you will not be able to explain many things. It's just a matter of one sentence.

Of course Li Zedao is not afraid of getting hurt, and no one can hurt him now, but he has to think about his family and friends.

As for monitoring... let's monitor, Li Zedao doesn't care, after all, he is not such a stingy person, after a few days of monitoring, they couldn't find anything useful, so they naturally gave up.

In less than half an hour, the car slowly stopped at the entrance of the garden of Shengli Community. Li Zedao paid the fare and got off, but he didn't go into the community immediately. Instead, he went to the shopping mall across the road to buy a change and laundry for himself. The clothes he was wearing were all dirty now, and there was a smell, not the smell of sweat, but the smell of blood. After all, he had hugged Bei's headless corpse for a whole day before.

At this time, the sky was still clear before, but now the dark clouds have begun to gather, and it is estimated that there will be a heavy rain in a while.

Li Zedao walked back with the clothes, shoes and socks he just bought, and called the pervert to check the time. Kim So-yeon was in class now, so he didn't bother her.

The phone was connected quickly, and the perverted voice came over with a bit of surprise: "Boss..." He couldn't help but be surprised, after all, before the boss left, he told him that he might be away for a long time, and he would contact him naturally when he was done with work. He's only been busy for a few days now?

It seems that the boss is more and more fond of pretending to be deep. It is obviously a trivial matter, but the expression on his face before leaving is so solemn, as if the sky is about to collapse.

"Is nothing wrong?" Li Zedao asked.

"I didn't encounter anything, and I didn't have the little bastard you mentioned." The pervert reported. At first, he thought that the boss was overqualified, but three days had passed, and there was not even a single person to pick things up, so his hands were almost itchy.

"Oh, by the way, boss, my sister-in-law went to the funeral home with her teacher and classmates to attend a funeral. It seems that one of my sister-in-law's classmates passed away." The pervert said again.

"Well, I see, follow along, secretly protect your sister-in-law." Li Zedao frowned and said, of course he knew whose funeral Jin Suyan was attending.

Cheng Yang died in a car accident while drunk driving, out of reason, Teacher Li Gu and his students including Jin Suyan had to attend his funeral.

"Boss, someone will be unfavorable to sister-in-law at that funeral?" The pervert heard that Li Zedao's tone had changed a bit.

"Probably not, but be careful." Li Zedao said. He didn't think that Cheng Yang's mother, Li Ping, would act aggressively towards Jin Suyan at his son's memorial service, she wasn't that stupid.

After talking on the phone with the pervert, Li Zedao felt water droplets falling on his head, and when he raised his head slightly, he saw that the rain was starting to fall sparsely.

Immediately, he quickened his pace, walked into the unit, entered the elevator and came to the eleventh floor, then knocked on the door, and felt a slight movement coming from inside, so Bei was inside.

Although she doesn't have a key... she never goes out without a key.

Soon, the door was opened, and Bei appeared behind it.

At this time, she looked as if she had just taken a shower, her long silver hair like a waterfall still contained water vapor, and her body smelled like the fragrance of milk shower gel. It can be said that it is the face that is disastrous to the country and the people, and the snow-white skin that is wearing shorts and a vest that reveals a lot of spring... This is unbearable.

Li Zedao quickly raised his head to prevent the nosebleed from falling down.

Bei coldly glanced at him and said, "What are you thinking about all day long? Beasts!"

"I miss you." Li Zedao smiled, walked in and said, "I'm going to take a bath too, wait for me."

"...Why should I wait for you? What are you waiting for?" Bei's tone was a little tough, his ears were hot for no reason, and his eyes were a little afraid to meet Li Zedao.

"Eat, aren't you hungry?"

Glancing at the half-eaten bread and milk on the table, Li Zedao changed his mind: "I guess I'm not hungry anymore, and I can do something else, such as go shopping, buy you some clothes, and don't you want to dye your hair? Is it black? Oh, yes, and most importantly, you have to buy a lottery ticket..."

This woman's luck is so bad, if she doesn't buy a lottery ticket, Li Zedao thinks it's too wasteful.

The corner of Bei's mouth twitched: "Get lost!"

"Otherwise what do you think? No matter what you want to do, I don't mind cooperating with you." Li Zedao lowered his head slightly, with an embarrassed expression on his face. When he said this, it was like a mosquito buzzing over there. of.

"...I want to kill you! Go take a shower, it stinks." Bei's ears turned red, and he said angrily, then kicked Li Zedao into the bathroom.

"I always take a shower very quickly, so I won't keep you waiting for too long... Oh, by the way, do you think I need to lock the door?" Li Zedao looked at this shy and angry pretty face that was shockingly beautiful , asked with a slight smile.

"Bang!" Bei pulled the bathroom door for him very hard.

You can wait for a beautiful woman for a few hours, but you can't make her wait a second longer, so after taking a shower indiscriminately, Li Zedao walked out with a pair of underwear on. Such a good figure does not allow that woman to appreciate it Isn't that too wasteful? He heard the sound of a hair dryer coming from the room, and walked over immediately, and saw Bei was drying his hair standing in front of the dressing table.

Bei didn't seem to know that Li Zedao had already walked over, and looked at Jin Suyan's jewelry on the table with indifferent eyes.

"I'll help you." Li Zedao said with a slight smile, he knew that although this woman looked so cold now, she was really too ashamed... This can be seen from the fact that her hair was still blown dry even though it was already blown dry It can be seen that if she doesn't find something to do, she will be even more at a loss, right?

Besides, at times like this, men have to take the initiative.

Bei didn't speak, and didn't even look at Li Zedao, but she turned off the hair dryer and put it on the table.

Li Zedao stretched out his hand, and gently wrapped his arms around her slender waist... Didn't he want to help dry her hair? Idiot, what kind of hair do you blow at this time?

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