The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1430 Car Accident

After walking out of the funeral parlor, the rain that wasn't too heavy started to fall harder and harder.

Such an unfortunate incident happened to his closed disciples, which made Teacher Li Gu feel extremely bad, just like this bad weather, dark and humid, naturally he was not in the mood to go to class, so he let these students leave on their own. Need to go back to school and have a day off tomorrow.

After briefly explaining some things, he got into a black car by himself and left, and then these students left one by one, either alone or by appointment.

Jin Suyan saw the pervert waiting there, and after saying goodbye to her classmates, she walked towards him with a small umbrella.

Lu Xiaodong originally wanted to ask her to go to a corner where no one was around and beg for a few words, or even kneel down, but someone was already waiting for her there, and that person seemed not to be trifled with. I swallowed that thought back, it seems that I can only find another opportunity.

I can only comfort myself in my heart helplessly, if the other party wants to trouble me, I am afraid that I will be short of arms and legs, and even go with Cheng Yang, so I am very safe, yes, don't scare myself...

"Sister-in-law..." Seeing Jin Suyan approaching, the pervert flicked the cigarette butt in his hand, said hello, and hurriedly opened the door of the back seat.

"Pervert brother." Kim So-yeon nodded in response.

Although the pervert has said several times that it’s fine to call me pervert, but Kim So-yeon is a good and polite boy, and every time she adds the word "brother", the pervert just calls me pervert.

Of course, in Jin Suyan's heart, she really treats perverts like her older brothers. Since she was a child, she has been particularly envious of those classmates who have older brothers.

"Sister-in-law, go back directly? Or where do you want to go?" The pervert started the car and asked.

"Well, it's still early, and I want to go back to school to practice the piano." Jin Suyan looked at the sparse raindrops outside the car window and said softly. A tall and handsome figure already appeared in his mind.

Recently, she has been in a daze habitually, thinking about the same person in her mind, thinking about his good looks, thinking about his handsomeness, thinking about his violent beauty when he beat someone, thinking about every word he said, and thinking about him. His... Jin Suyan's cheeks felt a little hot, and she quickly threw those messy thoughts out of her mind.

The pervert didn't tell his sister-in-law about the boss calling him. After all, the boss must have contacted his sister-in-law before calling him. What can I say? If the boss didn't call his sister-in-law, he must have wanted to surprise his sister-in-law or something. If he said it, wouldn't it ruin the boss's business?

At the moment, I am driving the car conscientiously, and don't say a word... Have you ever seen those ruthless bodyguards talk when watching a movie?


In the past, the pervert didn't understand why those bodyguards didn't speak, but now that he became a bodyguard, he understood why they didn't speak, because when he spoke, he seemed less forceful!

Of course, the pervert's mind was not idle, and his thoughts were flowing. He thought of those young and beautiful girls he saw at the school gate when he sent Jin Suyan to school in the morning.

What a pretty girl, with that figure, that face, that long legs, and that smile... The pervert quickly wiped his saliva, glanced at his sister-in-law through the rearview mirror, and saw her looking outside with a dazed expression. Pay attention to yourself, and then feel relieved. What if my sister-in-law sees me drooling and misunderstands me?

After giving the pervert ten courages, he didn't dare to have any disrespectful thoughts towards his sister-in-law.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and the vision is quite bad, so even though the pervert thinks that his driving skills are very good, he doesn't dare to drive too fast. Everything is based on the safety of his sister-in-law

When the car drove to a certain intersection, just as the pervert was turning the steering wheel to turn right, an earth-moving truck suddenly rushed over and slammed into the right side of his car.

"Sister-in-law, be careful..." Changed his expression and yelled at the same time, stepped on the gas pedal and tried to dodge, but it was too late.

Caught off guard, the two off-road vehicles that the pervert and Jin Suyan were in were hit from the middle by the earth-moving vehicle that rushed out suddenly.

An earth-moving truck against an off-road vehicle is equivalent to an expert like Bingxue meeting an expert like Huang Wen before. The only result is that Huang Wen has no strength to fight back and is instantly killed.

So, the only result now is that the whole off-road vehicle was knocked out very simply, the body creaked and creaked, the front of the car shook and tilted violently, and then the whole body rolled over in the middle of the road, and the hard iron sheet was even more There was a fierce friction with the asphalt ground, and sporadic sparks appeared, which were quickly wiped out by the downpour of rain.

"Pa la pa la..." The rain was urgent and heavy, as if he had a deep hatred for everything that grew on this earth.

At the same time, the earth-moving truck that rushed out suddenly did not turn around and leave after knocking over the perverted off-road vehicle, but continued to hit the off-road vehicle. Blowing thick black smoke... the driver in the earthmoving truck has already exerted the horsepower of the car to the maximum.

He wants the people in that car dead!

Then there was another muffled "bang!", and the earth-moving truck slammed into the body of the rolling off-road vehicle again.

Suffering another heavy blow, the off-road vehicle rolled more and more, and finally slammed into a small car parked there, and it was very difficult to stop with its four wheels upturned.

I saw that the entire body of the off-road vehicle was at least half dented, and it was visible to the naked eye that blood flowed out of the gap and mixed into the rainwater.

The door of the earth-moving truck was pushed open, and a figure jumped out of the truck, rushed into the rain curtain, and quickly disappeared without a trace.


Fashion label, this is a large-scale beauty and hairdressing institution not far from the Victory Garden community.

After everything calmed down, Li Zedao wanted to hug that delicate body and lay on the bed, but Bei disagreed, and kicked Li Zedao off the bed very simply, and ordered Li Zedao to clean up the bed... She didn't want that girl named Suyan When the child comes back and sees this scene, she will be... shy.

Moreover, that senior has lived for thousands of years and still retains his virginity... Li Zedao seriously doubts whether there is something wrong with Duanmu Weizhuang's body, otherwise he would not eat with such a beauty around him.

When Li Zedao put forward his conjecture, Bei said coldly: "Because he is not a beast."

After Li Zedao cleaned up, Beicai didn't care that it started to rain heavily outside, and directly dragged Li Zedao out. He found such a beauty salon and planned to dye his long white hair black.

Bei was entertained by a handsome handsome guy named joke, who is the art director here... All the employees of this beauty agency use English names, which makes the company appear to be of a higher standard and in line with international standards. His hair is also white, of course, he is dyed, while Bei is natural.

The moment Bei walked in, joke's eyes straightened up just like everyone else's.

Yanjing, an international metropolis, has never lacked beauties, but the one who walked in was so shockingly beautiful, so beautiful that people didn't even want to commit crimes, it's really rare... no, no, never I've seen it, at least joke Zhang is so big, I've never seen it before.

And her hair is snow-white, just like her... If it wasn't for the fact that there was a man behind her, joke would have wondered if this girl came to pick him up. After all, this kind of thing hasn't happened before, it happened before But some girls said they came here for a hairdresser, but they actually came here to soak themselves.

joke, the chief art director personally received this beauty...Of course, other people also want to receive this beauty, but it's not easy to compete with the director for guests.

Joke tried his best to squeeze out a smile that he thought was the most handsome: "Hello, beauty..."

"Dye my hair black." Bei didn't give the supervisor a chance to say a word, and interrupted him very simply.

"...Okay, this way please." joke wondered, could he not be handsome enough today, otherwise why would this beauty not want to take a second look at him?

"Sir, please take a rest in the rest area over there." joke said politely to the beauty's male companion.

Li Zedao smiled, nodded, and then, the cell phone in his pocket rang.

At that moment, Li Zedao took out his mobile phone to look at it and walked to the rest area.

The caller was from an unfamiliar number, and Li Zedao answered it after pondering for a while, but a familiar voice came over: "Young Master Li?"

It was Shangguan Peng's voice, but there was tension and doubt in his voice, so Li Zedao frowned slightly: "It's me, Uncle Shangguan, what happened?"

Shangguan Peng was obviously relieved: "It's good that you are fine. I just received a call saying that there was a car accident at the intersection of Sihai Road. An off-road vehicle was hit by an earth-moving vehicle. The car I left for you, Young Master long as you are fine."

Li Zedao's heart skipped a beat, and a very bad feeling suddenly surged up, because he left the car to the pervert, so that he could pick up Jin Suyan back and forth conveniently.

"What happened to the people in the car?" Li Zedao asked coldly.

Hearing that Li Zedao's tone had changed, Shangguanpeng knew that this matter was serious, and those who were hurt were those close to Li Zedao.

Immediately said quickly: "There was a man and a woman in the car, the man died on the spot, and the woman was sent to the hospital... I will investigate the specific situation.

As soon as Shangguan Peng received the call and heard that the man died on the spot, he thought that something had happened to Li Zedao, so he called him quickly, so he really didn't know much.

Li Zedao's face instantly became extremely gloomy, and an extremely strong violent air surged all over his body, so he died perverted? Kim So Yeon was seriously injured?

"Which hospital?" He was like a wounded beast, his eyes were terribly scarlet, making other people in the store look sideways.

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