The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1431 Find an opportunity to test

"problem occurs?"

Bei, who was following the chief director joke, felt the murderous aura emanating from Li Zedao, turned around and saw his face was extremely ugly, and hurried towards him.

" to the bathroom in that direction..." joke looked at her back in a daze, and reminded him in a daze, he thought this beauty was going to the bathroom first, after all, she would start doing her hair later. Time is measured in hours, not minutes.

Bei ignored his words and walked quickly to Li Zedao. She knew something must have happened, otherwise Li Zedao would not have such a reaction.

"Suyan had an accident, and she is in the hospital now." Li Zedao said, and then strode outside.

Bei frowned, and quickly followed.

"I haven't... done my hair yet..." joke's expression became even more insane.

As Beiyi left, the souls of most of the men in the beauty salon also followed. For example, a hairdresser who was helping a beautiful woman cut her hair looked at the door obsessively, but the man with the scissors But the hand didn't stop, but mechanically "Kacha! Kacha..."

"Crack!" He simply cut it on the ear of the beautiful woman, directly cutting off a small piece of meat.



Li Zedao and Bei took a taxi to the hospital when Shangguan Peng called again.

"The girl in the car had a broken calf, slight bruises on her body, and was frightened, but there was no major problem." Shangguan Peng said straight to the point, "In addition, according to the situation at the scene and the surrounding surveillance video, the accident was not Accident, not murder, the driver of the earthmoving truck fled the scene and I'm already on the lookout."

"Understood." Li Zedao said, his expression extremely cold. Kim So Yeon is fine, of course it's good, but perverted...

Li Zedao's other hand was already clenched into a fist, with exposed veins and white joints.

Of course he knew that this was not an accident, because with his perverted ability and prudence, if an ordinary car accident happened, he was fully capable of dealing with it.

So it was murder, premeditated murder!

Because your son was drunk and drove into an earthmoving truck and killed himself, but you have to think that your son was murdered, so you arranged an earthmoving truck to kill Suyan to avenge your son?

Yes, now Li Zedao has simply put the label of "murder" on the head of Cheng Yang's mother, Li Ping.

Feeling a soft little hand gently placed on top of his own cold hand, Li Zedao raised his head, looked at Bei with scarlet eyes and said, "I'm fine...I just want to kill someone."

"Well, I'll kill with you," Bei said.

The taxi driver is a fat man with a smile on his face. Like other taxi drivers in Yanjing City, he is famous for his chatter. However, after seeing this young couple getting on the bus, their faces were very ugly, as if they were dead. It’s like a father, so I don’t talk too much, and I try to keep the smile on my face less...Everyone’s family has an accident, but you are laughing. If this kid misunderstands something, it’s not very good, mainly because It was the taxi driver who was thinking about this kid. If he really wanted to do something, this kid would really have to be hospitalized. He could handle two of this kind of skinny and tender kid with one hand.

But now, hearing their conversation, there is still a simple and mocking smile on their faces, thinking that these two dolls are good-looking, except that the male baby is not so good for the female baby, everything else is good, that is, It's too unreliable to speak, and you still want to kill someone? Also said that I will accompany you to kill?

This kind of bragging is popular these days?

Could it be some kind of online game? Didn't the kid who took the car last time yelled all the way to eat chicken and chicken? Damn it, I thought he was going crazy, who would have guessed what kind of game that was.

The taxi driver decided to popularize this knowledge after going back.

The car stopped slowly at the gate of the Second Hospital, Li Zedao paid the fare, and the two got out of the car under umbrellas.

Then he quickly walked inside.

From a distance, I saw a man in black waiting at the gate of the inpatient department. When I saw Li Zedao coming, I hurried to greet him: "Young Master Li, hello, this way please."

Li Zedao had seen this man before and knew that he was one of Shangguanpeng's subordinates. Shangguanpeng called him a frog.

Under his leadership, Li Zedao and Bei entered the elevator and went up to the tenth floor to a high-end ward. There were several other men guarding the door of the ward.

Shangguanpeng now uses his knees to figure out who this girl is from Li Zedao, plus this person is trying to harm this girl, so it is natural for people to protect him well.

"Miss Jin is resting inside, and the boss will be there in a while to deal with some matters." The frog simply reported, "As for the deceased...the body has been sent to the morgue of this hospital."

Li Zedao's face became extremely ugly again, his voice was a little hoarse, and he said word by word: "Take me there in a while."

"Yes." The frog nodded, but his heart trembled inexplicably. The fierce murderous aura suddenly emanating from Li Zedao made his heart beat faster inexplicably.

Li Zedao looked back at Xiang Bei and asked her if she wanted to go in together.

"You go in first, I'll wait here, and when she stabilizes, we'll get to know each other well." said Bei, who was wearing a peaked cap to make her long white hair without a single impurity look less obtrusive and eye-catching. .

She knew that the girl inside that she had never met before was frightened by this and urgently needed Li Zedao's comfort. ...Bei knew that he had to work hard to overcome this resistance, otherwise some beast would have a headache.

Bei now doesn't want to do anything that would give Li Zedao a headache. When you really fall in love with someone, you will naturally think about various things for him.

In terms of love, Bei and her other women are ultimately disadvantaged groups.

Watching Li Zedao open the door and walk into the ward, Bei looked away, and instinctively took out the cigarette and lighter, but left them unlit. Smoking is prohibited in this kind of place, and she still has a sense of public morality.

"There is a smoking area over there." The frog reminded with a respectful expression, not daring to look at this ridiculously good-looking woman too much.

Bei glanced at him, nodded slightly, and then strode towards the smoking area.

In a dark corner at the end of the corridor, a black figure stood quietly talking on the phone.

"Li Zedao is with a woman. I have confirmed it. Although it is not one of the women in the data, it should not be Bei."

"Should?" A deep voice came to Sombra's ear through the receiver, "You know, what I dislike to hear is such uncertain words."

Hei Ying hurriedly explained: "The face can be changed into another face through the face-changing technology, but that woman is not as tall as Bei, and the height difference is at least about five centimeters. This cannot be disguised, so it is not Bei...but the radiance from her There is an indifferent atmosphere but it gives people a familiar feeling, and besides, she also smokes."

On the other end of the phone, keep silent.

Sombra waited patiently, waiting for further instructions from the other party.

"Find a chance to test her." Finally, that deep voice sounded again.

"Yes." Black Shadow said.

This time, the other party did not respond, but hung up the phone directly.


After Li Zedao walked into the ward, he saw Jin Suyan sitting on the hospital bed.

Her left leg was wrapped in thick white gauze, and there were small treated wounds on her hands and face. At this time, her smiling face was a little dull, her eyes were full of horror and out of focus, and she was still hugging a woman tightly in her arms. On the pillow, the naked eye could see that his body was trembling slightly.

Seeing her like this, Li Zedao's heart twitched suddenly.

You know, this is a girl who has experienced a lot of darkness. She can face the past so calmly and face life with an optimistic and confident attitude. One can imagine her inner strength.

A girl with such a strong heart has such a terrified reaction at this time, one can imagine what a terrible car accident she experienced.

Li Zedao came to him, stretched out his hand, and gently stroked Jin Soyan's head.

Jin Suyan's body trembled violently, and then slowly raised her stiff neck, her eyes were already facing a pair of familiar eyes that were thinking day and night.

His expression froze for a moment, then his eyes turned red, and he shouted in a low voice: "Brother Ze Dao, is it really you?"

"Suyan, it's me. I didn't protect you well and surprised you..." Li Zedao said hoarsely. On the one hand, he really felt sorry for this girl. Now he can no longer be mean in front of himself, Li Zedao can't accept anything he says.

His heart is boiling with hostility now, like a volcano that is about to erupt at any time.

He was full of self-blame. If he had used more ruthless methods to eradicate all potential threats before, would the pervert not have to die?

"Brother Zedao..." Jin Suyan's tears rolled down her eyes, and her small face was pressed tightly against Li Zedao's arms.

Li Zedao also tightly wrapped around the trembling delicate body, and comforted softly: "It's okay, it's okay..."

"Perverted brother...Perverted brother, in order to protect me...he protected me under his body, I saw that he bleed a lot..." Jin Suyan cried very sadly, her voice choked up.

It turned out that when the pervert knew very clearly that the car could not escape the fate of being crashed, he chose to jump directly from the driving seat to the back seat, and then tried his best to protect Jin Suyan under his body.

In fact, with his ability, he could have jumped out of the car and escaped the catastrophe, but he didn't. He chose to use this method to do his best to protect Jin Suyan's safety.

The pervert assured Li Zedao that even if he died, he would guarantee the safety of his sister-in-law, and he did.

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