The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1442 A string of numbers

"Sir... Sir... Do you need us to call 120 for you?"

Li Chen came back to his senses, and found that the waiter in this restaurant was looking at him with worried expressions.

Then when he remembered something, a pain that seemed to come from the depths of his soul suddenly hit, causing Li Chen's body to tremble again, screaming again and again.

"Do you still need to ask? Do you still need to ask such idiot questions? Didn't you see that my hands were all pierced? Believe it or not, I smashed your shop?" Li Chen roared.

"Yes, we will call right away." One of the waiters hurriedly answered the emergency call. As for calling the police, the restaurant will not take the initiative if the guests do not take the initiative. After all, one more thing is worse than one less thing, isn't it?

"Hurry hurts me to death..." Li Chen panted heavily, his face was covered with cold sweat, and then he looked around, nowhere was the bitch who was on a blind date with him.

Li Chen really hated that woman to death, if it wasn't for her, how could his hands be like this? Can you afford to provoke someone who even uncle has to cater to? no! So he deserves his hand to be pierced, but this debt must be recovered from that bitch anyway, right?

"Where's that woman? Huh? Yang Chaolu... get out of here..." Li Chen roared with an extremely ugly expression.

"Sir, that lady has already left." The waiter at the side said cautiously, "Before she left, she said that sir, you will pay the bill."



Li Zedao got into the off-road vehicle that was coming secretly, and came to the familiar courtyard again.

Secretly guessing in my heart, this courtyard house seems to have no fixed owner, it does not belong to Huang Wen, nor does it belong to Director Yang. It is more like a mysterious and huge place like fx for entertaining guests.

He stayed in the front yard secretly, and followed Director Yang and Li Zedao through the backyard with flowers and plants, and finally came to the antique small building.

"Please sit down." Director Yang said. This time, he didn't sit down alone like last time, and then put on a majestic face and used an interrogation-like tone, but tried to show his kindness as much as possible.

Li Zedao was not hypocritical. After sitting down as promised, Director Yang started to make tea, as if he was just chatting about homework. Compared with Huang Wen, his tea-making skills are not very good, and he is perfunctory at a glance, but because of the quality of the tea leaves, the tea soup is still fragrant, but it is still a bit of a waste of this precious tea. tea leaves.

"This kind of tea should be brewed a little less, so there won't be any more in the future?" Li Zedao asked.

Director Yang nodded. Although he is not a tea lover, every time he sees Huang Wen leisurely making tea over there, pretending to be indifferent to the world, he really wants to overturn the table and smash the tea tray.

But at this time, I also felt regretful, and said: "This is the Dahongpao produced by two solitary wild tea trees with hundreds of years on a certain cliff in Wuyi Mountain. A landslide occurred on the mountain, and the two tea trees were washed away, and the tea farmers found them and tried to replant them, but failed.”

"So." Li Zedao nodded. Reaching over, he picked up the small pot of tea leaves on the table, "Is this left by Huang Wen? I'll take it away later, just keep it as a souvenir."

"..." Director Yang's mouth twitched. I knew this kid was very shameless, but I didn't expect to be so shameless. With your hatred for Huang Wen, you probably want him to die now. Whip the corpse? Will you still see things and think about people? Besides... who knows if Huang Wen was killed by you?

Knowing that if he didn't take the initiative, even if he drank tea with this kid for a long time, he would not take the initiative to bring up anything, so Director Yang organized his words and said, "I think you have some understanding of fc, right?"

"Well, an extremely great organization hidden behind the scenes for the country and the people." Li Zedao nodded, his tone inevitably stinging.

Director Yang didn't seem to be able to tell that Li Zedao was sneering,

He nodded and said, "This is indeed such an organization."

"..." Li Zedao felt that there was no way to continue chatting today.

"This organization is hidden in the dark. It doesn't belong to the government, but it has a strong official color. The people in the organization have two or even multiple identities... After all, they are all-round elite talents. Just like me, Ming On the surface, his identity is a professor of genetics at Shuimu University, but secretly he is leading the entire fc with Huang Wen to cooperate with some actions above."

"The above can't do it, and we will do everything that is inconvenient to do..."

"Such as the so-called human experiments? Such as randomly depriving other people's lives and collecting other people's ghosts to refine ghost pills?" Li Zedao continued to mock, "For example, threatening a good boy like me, who is five-speaking, four-beautiful, and three-loving, to cooperate with you or kill my whole family?"

"... I admit that we have indeed gone astray at times on the way forward... However, many times we have to go astray. Moreover, many of Huang Wen's actions have extremely strong personal grievances, but please believe that, Our original intention has never changed, we hope that China can become the world's most powerful country both economically and militarily, and we don't want that kind of national humiliation to happen again."

Director Yang looked at Li Zedao seriously, his voice was not loud, but sonorous and forceful: "So the United States has * and we must also have *, and the United States has aircraft carriers, and we must also have aircraft carriers. The United States is about to use genetic technology to create that kind of When Superman comes out, we must also have it! It is a pity that our domestic genetic technology is decades behind the United States, and it is impossible to surpass it in a short period of time, so we have to find another way! In a short period of time, we want to compete against the United States. The created superman, the magic medicine in the tomb of Duanmuweizhuang in the magic cave, which can make people become masters of returning to the original, is our hope!"

Director Yang sighed heavily, but stared seriously at Li Zedao's eyes: "Unfortunately, Huang Wen failed and died...Of course, if he can persuade the master in the deep forest of the Devil's Den to come out, there will be such a master to do it." Now, our country doesn’t need to worry about America’s Superman.”

After director Yang went back, he took over the so-called research materials about the magic cave forest left by Huang Longfeng. After looking at the first two big ones, he still couldn't find the reason why the back-to-basics expert kept hiding in the magic cave. So he can only guess for himself.

The love was too deep, so I helped guard the tomb and stayed with me for the rest of my life, so I didn't want to leave... At a certain moment, Director Yang was moved by that kind of love.

Li Zedao looked at him calmly, and said lightly: "I know what Director Yang wants to express... Director Yang is nothing more than doubting whether Huang Wen's death has anything to do with me. The information is different, so you suspect that I was hiding my clumsiness before and gave Huang Wen a fatal blow after entering the magic cave, right? You also suspect that the white-haired woman who appeared next to her looks very similar to Bei Could it be Bei, or even, the back-to-basics senior in the devil's lair, because that senior in the devil's lair also has white hair..."

Director Yang picked up the teacup and drank tea without saying anything, which was regarded as acquiescing to Li Zedao's words.

"Huang Wen's death has nothing to do with me. He was indeed killed by that senior in the devil's lair. Dong and the others were the same. They were almost killed by one move. There is no room for resistance. You will know when you check their bodies... You want to Go dig the tomb she guards, how could she not lay hands on you?"

Li Zedao said: "Besides, the woman next to me is not Bei, nor the senior in the devil's lair. If she was, your subordinate would have died when he tested her... As for why my skills suddenly improved, In the devil's lair, I was enlightened in an instant when I was hit by that senior's palm. Is there a problem? You know my talent. I can't apologize to you for spending more than 20 years of hard work, and I don't know how many people I have harvested. How many medicinal materials were consumed, and the final refined pill is not it?"

"..." Director Yang smiled wryly, this kid's speech is no longer as simple as being barbed, he has just eaten gunpowder.

Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders and said, "If you don't believe me, there is nothing I can do."

Director Yang didn't say he believed it, nor said he didn't believe it. He didn't bother to continue this topic, and said immediately: "It seems that because of Huang Wen, you have some misunderstandings about fc."

"Perhaps." Li Zedao said, "In your view, a life is just a number. If a life is lost, just subtract one from the total, and you are too lazy to even subtract one."

Li Zedao just can't get used to fc like this, maybe, that kind of evil research is necessary, otherwise you will fall behind, and falling behind means you will be beaten, but don't do this kind of thing while doing it for granted no?

Director Yang looked at Li Zedao seriously, and said softly, "I've never thought about it that way before."

"Really?" Li Zedao sneered, lying to the child.

"Really! But that's the truth." Director Yang said again.


"One death is life, but if there are many dead, it is a series of numbers! The noble status of the dead is life, and the low status of the dead is numbers; the dead are close to you, it is Life, the dead are strangers, it is just a number... Even if the dead is your enemy, the number is not counted, just pretend that they have never existed in this world... This truth has been for thousands of years It will never change.”

Director Yang looked at Li Zedao seriously and said, "It's like the two people who killed each other after being provoked by you in a few words, and the killer who was buried by you. Do you feel that three lives are gone?"

"..." Li Zedao's pupils widened slightly. It seems that he still underestimated fc. They all know this kind of thing, that is to say, their people are lurking around Shangguanpeng. Is Peng one of them?

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