The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1443 begging him to die

Director Yang himself gave the answer: "You won't, because they hurt people close to you, so you don't treat them as human beings. If you kill them, you won't feel that three lives are gone."

Li Zedao glanced at the old man with a somewhat embarrassed expression, but didn't say anything.

Director Yang continued: "This country always needs someone to pay, or give their own youth, or their own wisdom, or even their own life! Moreover, things always need someone to do it. The people who died because of our refining ghost pills and studying human genetics are those who gave their lives for this country, and we are the ones who gave a lot of hard work, youth and wisdom... I don’t know if I say this, will you feel uncomfortable? Will you be more comfortable?"

"..." Li Zedao felt very uncomfortable.

"Also, we are not as cruel as you imagine, harvesting lives at will. At least 90% of the souls used to make ghost pills are collected by specialized personnel from all over the country and even around the world. Or a hospital where people die every day, or a battlefield... You should know that the Middle East has been in a state of melee for decades, so many ghosts can be collected in such places."

"As for **, most of the death row prisoners, or those soldiers who voluntarily become human experiments..."

Director Yang looked at Li Zedao seriously and said, "What I'm telling is the truth. If you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do."


Li Zedao turned against the guests, and picked up the kettle to make tea. The main reason was that this director Yang didn't know how to treat guests. His teacup was already empty, but it was too late to fill it up. More importantly, Li Zedao I feel that it is an insult to this tea to make this tea at his level.

After brewing, I took a sip of the tea I brewed myself, and my mouth was full of tea fragrance. Sure enough, my level is much better than this old man.

Director Yang saw that this kid was making tea and drinking tea by himself, and he didn't know how to respect the old and love the young to help him pour a cup of tea, so he didn't care, but looked at Li Zedao calmly.

He knew that this kid's temperament was not that firm, although his skills and IQ were there, his temper was still too soft after all, so he didn't think this kid was a difficult person to persuade.

"It doesn't matter whether I believe it or not." In line with the principle of not wasting the brewed tea, Li Zedao said after drinking a few cups of tea, "Besides, it has nothing to do with me, does it?"

"How can it be okay?" Director Yang denied Li Zedao's thinking out loud. In his opinion, this kind of thinking is naive, perfunctory, and extremely irresponsible... It's okay. I'll go over and get you in person come here please? Don't care about me, as for looking at your kid's face here? Am I a jerk and have nothing to do?

Director Yang is really aggrieved, even Huang Wen dare not show him such shame, this kid is fine.

"What does it matter?" Li Zedao asked back.

"We need you, this country needs you." Director Yang said.

"Don't make me so great, I'm just a handsome and outstanding little commoner, so what you said really makes me feel ashamed." Li Zedao drank another cup of tea.

Director Yang also wanted to drink tea. If he didn't drink tea, he might not be able to suppress the burning fire in his heart. If it wasn't for the fact that there was something urgent that this kid needed to do, and it seemed that only this kid could do it. To do it well in the shortest time, Director Yang has already done it.

Do you think I'm afraid of you because you are as strong as Huang Wen? Do you know that even Huang Wen is afraid of me getting angry? Even, even your master God's hand has to be weighed?

Beating is not allowed, let alone threatened... at least not yet to the point of threatening, and there is still room for negotiation. Threats are a last resort and a last resort.

Although the threat is useful, it will eventually make people resist. If the speed is not grasped, I am afraid that this kid will directly rebound.

So what Director Yang can do is to persuade, Xiaozhi persuaded with emotion and reason: "I just said,

This country always needs someone to pay, or give your youth, or your wisdom, or even your own life...Of course we don't want you to give your life, we need you to give your wisdom , help us..."

"Efforts always pay off." Li Zedao looked at Director Yang and said.

Director Yang waved his hand, with a rich and powerful posture: "As long as you agree to cooperate with us, you can ask for anything."

"You misunderstood me, what I mean is that there is always something to be gained from giving, whether it is gaining fame or gaining profit." A little sadness appeared on Li Zedao's calm face, "However, my master has done everything for this country. You have put in a lot of hard work, right? Why did you end up like that? Let alone die, and after death, you will be ruined, become a smelly mouse, become a traitor...Is he a traitor? If he really wants to treason and hook up with a country that doesn't deal with Huaxia, I'm afraid Huaxia has already fallen into an extremely passive state, right?"

Director Yang looked at this young face seriously for a while, and finally sighed softly, "Your master is a hero, a hero of the country."

Li Zedao sneered, why do these words sound so harsh?

"Heroes of the country? Is this how you treat heroes?" Li Zedao's voice was full of violence, which could not be suppressed no matter what.

"Actually, before your master died, I met your master once." Director Yang decided to make a bigger move. He felt that he didn't need threats to convince this kid because he knew something this kid didn't know.

Sure enough, he saw the boy's eyes widen slightly.

"To be precise, we had a fight." Director Yang said again.

Li Zedao's eyes widened again, and his expression was a little surprised. He knew that the old man was not bad at martial arts, but he didn't expect him to be so powerful that he could still live well after fighting with the master.

Li Zedao reckoned that the master's strength should be similar to that of Qing Xuzi, and he had entered the realm of returning to nature with one foot, so, so is this old man? Compared with Huang Wen, is his skill higher or lower?

Seeing that Li Zedao didn't intend to pour tea for him, Director Yang came by himself, reached out and picked up the justice cup to pour himself a cup of tea, took a sip and continued: "I know your master, or rather, the entire high-level of China, the entire fx There is no one in the organization who does not know your master, but your master does not know me, he has never even heard the words fx and fc... plus throwing out the identity of 'Director Yang', my identity is clear It's just a professor of genetics at Shuimu University, so it's normal for your master not to know me."

"Actually, apart from these two, I have another identity, which is even less known." Director Yang looked at Li Zedao and said, "But to show my sincerity, I think it is necessary for you to know..."

Li Zedao hurriedly said, "Actually, your other identity has nothing to do with me, really."

Li Zedao originally wanted to cover his ears and say loudly, "I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen...", but thinking about it, it felt a little disgusting, so he gave up.

"Of course, I won't stop you if you really want to say it. After all, I'm not such an unreasonable person... At worst, I just pretend I didn't hear it."

Director Yang ran past millions of alpacas in his heart, calmed down, and said, "You must have heard of the dark group, right? I am the leader of the dark group of the Shenlong organization, and my code name is Dark Emperor. "

"..." Li Zedao opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth wide, looking extremely incredible. He never thought that Director Yang would say such an identity.

"Are you the leader of the mysterious dark team? The leader of the dark team responsible for protecting the chief?" Li Zedao asked with difficulty.

The first time Li Zedao knew about the existence of such an organization as the "Dark Team" was from the engineer. According to the engineer, the main task of the dark team is protection, and they undertake more of the task of bodyguards for ordinary soldiers. They don't need too much A strong military value requires keen insight and excellent marksmanship. Of course, fighting skills are also necessary. In other words, engineers feel that when it comes to fighting alone, people in the bright team can torture the dark team to death.

Then Li Zedao also knew that the dark group has a research and development department, which specializes in the development of high-tech military products, such as the simulation mask, and the watch that emits strong current on the shadow's wrist.

Later, Li Zedao learned from Yanhuang that some people in the dark group had a lot to do with the fc organization. After all, a certain department of the dark group was always in charge of finding and cultivating talents.

Afterwards, Li Zedao learned from Bei that although both the bright group and the dark group belonged to the Shenlong organization, in fact the dark group no longer belonged to the Shenlong organization, but belonged to fx, the weakest member of the entire dark group It's not under the North, the people in the Ming group are all leftovers from the dark group and then arranged to go to the Ming group.

Bei also said that this is the top secret of the state!

At that time, Li Zedao felt that he had grown taller all of a sudden, because he had learned the top secrets of the country, and he thought that the engineers and soldiers were terribly ignorant. But he foolishly thinks that the members of the bright group are better than those of the dark group...

Director Yang nodded: "I am."

Li Zedao frowned slightly: "What are you going to do with my master? Kill him?"

"I can't kill him." Director Yang said, "Even if I team up with Huang Wen... your master is certainly no match for him, but if he wants to run away, we won't be able to catch up. I'm just asking him for one thing."

"What's the matter?" What surprised Li Zedao was that the dark emperor, the leader of the dark team, actually used the word "begging". He actually had something to ask his master?

"I beg him to die sooner." After taking a sip of slightly cold tea, Director Yang raised his head and looked at Li Zedao with a calm expression.

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