The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1444 Begging to die

Begging him to die early? Li Zedao was so choked by the old man's words that he was completely speechless

Director Yang looked at Li Zedao's wide-eyed eyes, and continued: "Your master is an absolutely smart person, so he guessed many things and made some arrangements. For example, he guessed that Huang Wen was not dead. So the news about Duanmuweizhuang's tomb and the five safety buckles was deliberately spread to confirm some things he guessed. Coincidentally, we do need those five safety buckles and are planning to unlock them So, I went to your master, and I told him some things he didn't know, such as fx and fc, such as the importance of Huang Wen to this organization..."

Li Zedao drank tea with his head down and remained silent, but there was an inexplicable glint in his eyes. He probably guessed something.

"Of course, in order to avenge his own revenge, Huang Wen was also stunned by the so-called immortality, so he had unforgivable actions. After that, we punished him..."

Li Zedao couldn't help sneering: "Punishment? Is that punishment? It is said that he took the lives of many people back then, even a three-year-old child was not spared, and even dug out his heart to make some kind of immortality pill... this kind of The devil who has died hundreds of times is not too much, but just spent five years thinking about the wall? Thinking about the wall? Hehe..."

Director Yang poured himself another cup of tea, took a sip and said, "Have you heard of Shangguan Qingmu?"

Li Zedao narrowed his eyes slightly and nodded. Shangguan Qingmu is Ji Yuemo's great-grandfather. Li Zedao probably knew that Huang Wen had a deep hatred for Shangguan Qingmu, and also knew that after Shangguan Qingmu passed away, the Shangguan family also fell into a slump and was squeezed out. Of course, a lean camel is bigger than a horse for the position of a top wealthy family. In addition, the descendants of the Shangguan family are still promising, so the Shangguan family is still relatively strong.

Of course, Li Zedao didn't know exactly what happened back then, and even Ji Yuemo didn't know too well. Ji Yuemo had asked her family members before, but no matter whether it was her mother or anyone else in the family, I don't want to talk too much about it either.

What Ji Yuemo felt was that as soon as she asked about this matter, their expressions would be a little...embarrassed.

"Shangguan Qingmu is actually your master's godfather... in name." Director Yang glanced at Li Zedao and said.

Li Zedao frowned: "What do you mean?"

"It means that in name Shangguan Qingmu is your master's god-grandfather, but in fact he is not, he is your master's real grandfather."

"..." Li Zedao was a little confused.

"In fact, your master's situation is very complicated. According to our investigation results, your master is actually a person who died once. To be precise, his real name is the same as yours, Li Zedao. After Li Zedao died, his soul possessed On Wang Zi's body, he became the future Wang Zi, as for how he came back to life, we are not so clear."

"..." Li Zedao had an extremely horrified expression on his face. The master turned out to be a person who had died once, and he came back to life with a different body, just like Bei now?

"Of course, everyone has their own adventures and secrets, so we don't care so much about how he survived. After all, just because he can be resurrected again doesn't mean that all of us can be resurrected again." Director Yang waved his hand, "Oh, I seem to be digressing."


"Did you just say that Huang Wen deserved to die? He really deserved to die. He cruelly deprived countless people of their lives! In this way, Shangguan Qingmu deserved to die too. Decades ago, Shangguan Qingmu and Huang Wen turned against each other for a woman, and finally Shangguan Qingmu set up a In the must-kill bureau, Huang Wen's father was executed because of his conspiracy to usurp the highest power. He was shot to death soon, and the rest of the Huang family suffered. Even Huang Wen was arrested for treason I'm in prison... If you were Huang Wen, you would take revenge too, right?"

"Yes, but..."

Director Yang directly interrupted Li Zedao: "Of course, you will definitely say,

Naturally, I will take revenge, but I will not involve innocent people, so tell me, what is an innocent person? Those who are weak, those who cannot protect themselves are all innocent people, whether it is the change of dynasty, the invasion of foreign enemies, or civil turmoil, these people are the first to be deprived of their lives..."

Li Zedao couldn't stand it anymore, and sneered: "You want to say that if you are weak, you deserve to die? If you die, you deserve to die? Even if the strong make mistakes, they can be forgiven... At least they don't have to be punished too severely?"

"I've never had this kind of thought, but in this cruel world, it's a fact." Director Yang looked at Li Zedao and said, "Don't tell me that you regard the saying 'the emperor breaks the law and the common people are the same crime' as the truth, if In this way, you violated the law by committing a private execution, shouldn’t you be thrown into prison now?”

"Also, those people around you, the killer's killer, the mercenary group's mercenary group, the international thieves' thieves, which one of them didn't have a few lives in their hands? Those who were harvested by them should be damned The punishment they received was too light, right? Oh, no, they didn’t receive any punishment at all, but followed you to eat and drink hot food, and slowly bleach their identities.”

"..." Li Zedao really wanted to hit someone, but just because I said I can't beat you doesn't mean I can't beat you. I'm a back-to-basics master, okay? If I make a move, I'm afraid you will have to accompany Huang Wen.

"Why can they get away with it? That's because they are yours, so you think they can be forgiven. In the same way, Huang Wen is also ours. Can't we forgive him?"

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched, what he said seemed to make sense, and he didn't even know how to refute it.

In fact, the truth is exactly the same. People are always subjective to themselves, but objective to others. If you make a mistake, you can forgive it for thousands of reasons. Mistakes, but ignorantly use your own ideas to criticize and attack.

"You are very kind, but we are not bad people, it's just that our way of thinking about things and our standpoints are completely different." Director Yang said, "I just want to say that you can see things from a farther perspective."

"No need, I'm short-sighted, I can't see that far." Li Zedao took a deep breath and said, "I only know that I will dare to touch anyone who dares to touch the people around me, and if I see anyone who bullies me, I will dare to go to him. Bullying to death, whoever needs help, I will try my best to help each other... That is the life I want, a life of real sunshine without too much darkness."

Director Yang took a sip of tea and said, "So, even though your master is so good, we didn't want him to be one of us, including Yanhuang. The sense of justice in my heart is too strong. Let them know something. It might end up being bad."

"...What do you mean?" Li Zedao's face was a little ugly. They didn't know anything because the sense of justice in their hearts was too strong. I know everything, so I am different from Master and Yanhuang. I am like you Same, I'm black-bellied? Damn, who is like you?

Li Zedao felt insulted to death.

"Of course, you are the same as them, so we didn't want you to know everything about fc, but God's will, some of our actions require your cooperation, so..." Director Yang took another sip of tea, and suddenly realized, "I seem to be digressing again."

"..." Li Zedao got up and left. He didn't want to talk nonsense to the old man anymore. Of course, he didn't forget to take the small pot of tea on the table.

He still has the same attitude in his heart, he doesn't want to destroy some projects secretly supported by the above, such as the research on Onimaru and genetically modified people, but he doesn't want to be one of them, taking other people's lives as a matter of course. The development of the motherland dedicates his life...

Director Yang looked at Li Zedao's back, and said flatly, "I went to your master that day to beg your master to die."

Li Zedao's body froze, then turned around and returned to the seat he was sitting on before, and continued to make tea.

"This kid has a thick skin." Director Yang said after evaluating Li Zedao in his heart, "I told your master some things, including some preliminary plans formulated by Huang Wen. Your master finally nodded, and he He said he was going to die anyway, so he was doing what he could for the country.”

"So, my master actually knows that he will be completely discredited after he dies?" Li Zedao asked, if this is the case, he can feel relieved in his heart.

Li Zedao also probably knew that when Director Yang came to Master, Master had already left the USB flash drive with Stevenson, and also explained the things about Yingying. It might be because of laziness, so he didn't get it back. The U disk left for him did not explain anything about Yingying again, of course, he may not have time.

Director Yang nodded and said, "Of course he knew about it. I think you probably know about what happened afterwards. Your master led people to the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau, where he killed many Rothschilds and The purpose of the masters brought by Junichi Ito was to weaken some of their strength, but they spared the masters sent by Luciano and Huang Wen. At most, they were seriously injured. Your master said at that time, according to the plan Proceed, there is a high probability that you will chase the princess of the Luciano family, so the Luciano family is not a problem, and it is very likely to become an ally... Now that I look at it, it is indeed the case."

"So, your master died voluntarily, and was completely discredited after voluntary death to cooperate with our plan. It's just that only a very few people know about this."

"Where are my two uncles?" Li Zedao asked. He didn't believe that Master would allow them to be slaughtered without making some arrangements after deciding to cooperate.

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