Director Yang was silent for a while and said: "They all have an indistinct relationship with the Rothschild family, just like Nan, but your master regards them as brothers, so pretend that you didn't see them. Your master said that if he died Now, they will definitely join the Rothschild family, and the Rothschild family will undoubtedly get a lot of money by then, and your master agrees that they can be cleaned up after his death."

"Your master is dead, so it's understandable for them to find another way. The bad thing is that the Rothschild family has an unclear relationship with the United States. We even got information that this huge and ancient family is secretly helping The United States studies that kind of reformed people... So, seriously, their behavior of taking a lot of resources to join the Rothschild family is no different from treason."

Li Zedao's face changed slightly. He never expected that this happened. The master was actually a participant in that incident. Uncle Tathagata and Uncle Lin Sen had an unclear relationship with the Rothschild family. of……

"You think I'll believe it?" Li Zedao looked at the old man coldly and asked.

"I didn't say you must believe it, but what I said is the truth." Director Yang said.

"..." It was this sentence that made Li Zedao feel very painful.

"Your master finally put aside personal grievances, put down everything and even his own life to cooperate with us, just because he doesn't want to see Huaxia fall into a passive situation one day."

"What kind of superman do you want to talk about in the United States?" Li Zedao asked after drinking a cup of tea. The tea soup has no tea taste, and he wants to pour out the tea dregs to make tea again, but he is reluctant to leave the tea.

"Yes, once the American side finally succeeds in researching the superman who can't be destroyed by modern weapons and doesn't have any emotion or pain, and can only execute instructions 100%, they will definitely make some small moves in secret... such as Well, we in Huaxia have been researching a security system for the past few years, and we are about to succeed. This security system cannot be defended by the famous anti-missile system 'Desa' owned by the United States. Therefore, the United States regards it as It is a thorn in the flesh, after all, once this security system is successfully developed and put into use, some strategic deployments of the United States in the countries surrounding China will come to naught!"

"Before the United States has sent many agents over to try to steal and destroy the research and development results of our country's security system, and they were all killed or captured by us in the end. If that kind of superman is successfully researched by them, to At that time, they will definitely send this kind of superman out. I am afraid that we will be unable to defend ourselves and fall into an extremely passive situation... Oh, what I told you is the top secret of the state. Without our permission, please Don't tell anyone, including your women, otherwise, they will be in trouble."

Li Zedao didn't even look at him, thinking I'd be damned if I listened to you... No, it should be said that I'd be damned if I believed you.

"You talked so much, you even brought out my master. Don't you just want me to do something for you? Come on, I probably won't cooperate anyway." Li Zedao said.

"The medicine in Duanmu Weizhuang's tomb that can make people become masters of returning to basics is extremely important to us, so we hope you can enter the magic cave again." Director Yang said with a serious expression.

"...Are you begging me to die?" Li Zedao raised his head and asked, "Just like that day when you begged my master to die quickly?"

Director Yang quickly denied: "I have absolutely no intention of begging you to die..."

Li Zedao nodded: "I know, I know, although you don't have that kind of thought in your heart, but the fact is the case. Could it be that Director Yang thinks that there is still a possibility of survival? Last time I was able to escape, it was because of my luck and fate. You can’t tell if you go in once.”

"..." Director Yang thinks this kid is disgusting, and it's fine to say this kind of thing in his heart, but you said it out, isn't it a slap in the face of my old man?

"I just think that the probability of you entering the devil's lair and surviving and finally entering the ancient tomb to get the pill in the ancient tomb is much higher than other people...Of course,

The fact is exactly the same, if there is anyone who can enter the magic cave again and enter the ancient tomb to get the medicine, that person must be you. "

Looking at the other person's calm old face, Li Zedao knew he was wrong. Before, he felt that Huang Wen's thick skin was so thick that no one had ever done it before, but now he saw that his thickness was comparable to that of Director Yang in front of him. Speaking of it, there is still a big gap after all. As for Master's kind of shamelessness compared with him, there is no comparison at all.

Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders: "I know I'm good, but I'm not as good as you think. For example, I really can't finish the thing you just said. It's not that I'm not patriotic, and I don't want to throw my head and blood for this country. It’s that I really can’t do it.”

Li Zedao felt that Director Yang was kidnapping patriotism, which was difficult for others. Now he can indeed enter the magic cave forest and enter the ancient tomb at will, just like returning to his own home. However, there is really no That kind of medicine left by Duanmu Weizhuang.

Moreover, if I hadn't smashed Duanmu Weizhuang's conspiracy and chopped off Duanmuweizhuang's soul with a single sword, I am afraid that one day in the future, China will change the sky, right?

Of course, it is impossible for Li Zedao to say these things. He is a beautiful man who can only silently contribute his part. No one believed it.

Director Yang once again denied Li Zedao's statement: "No, you are excellent, you are even better than I imagined... After all, you were transformed by Onimaru."

"..." Li Zedao just wanted to stand up, turn around and leave.

"It's like this. Huang Longfeng has devoted himself to studying the Devil's Cave Forest for more than 20 years and has achieved a lot of results, but the research results he left behind are too profound for us to understand. For example, his gossip Formation, what kind of zodiac sign and how to cooperate with the formation to trap that senior in the devil's lair... But, we believe, you can definitely understand."

Li Zedao finally understands Director Yang's intentions. He wants to study the results left by Huang Longfeng, and finally he leads people into the magic cave forest and enters the ancient tomb to finally get the things in the ancient tomb... what? joke? The things Huang Longfeng left behind were all made up by him when he had nothing to do, okay? You fool actually think it's a treasure?

"I definitely don't understand after reading it." Li Zedao waved his hand.

"You haven't seen it yet, how do you know?" Director Yang was unwilling to give up.

"I still have this self-knowledge."

Director Yang looked at this young and handsome face, and his tone gave people a feeling of daggers being drawn: "Is it really impossible to help, or is it unwilling to help? Or... can't help? What happened in the magic cave is the same as what you said before. Not the same? Once we enter again, are you afraid that things will be revealed? Those five safety buttons are actually on your body? You secretly left a yellow stone, so naturally you can also secretly leave those five safety buttons. "

Li Zedao met the other party's eyes that had become bright and sharp with the same calm eyes, and said word by word: "I really can't help, and besides, those five safety buttons are really on the tombstone, so they haven't been taken off."

Li Zedao knew that it was inconvenient to talk about Duanmu Weizhuang and the ancient tomb, and they would not believe it... How could they believe that Huang Longfeng was controlled by Duanmuweizhuang's life soul, and the reason why they wanted to enter the magic cave forest was fundamentally It's not because of the so-called medicine left by Duanmu Weizhuang and the quick method of internal power left by Chen Tuan in the Moku Forest, but because he wants to resurrect, and even, the reason why he proposed to refine Shenwan is because he resurrected Such a powerful body that has been completely remodeled by Kammaru is needed!

After all, Duanmu Weizhuang's conspiracy had already begun from the moment Shenwan began to be refined.

How could they believe that Duanmu Weizhuang still had such ambitions, he wanted to be the number one chief!

Besides, even if they believed it, how could they prevent Li Zedao from entering the ancient tomb again? How could the higher authorities allow the Xuanyuan Xiayu sword and a large number of precious Taoist classics to be buried in the ancient tomb?

Director Yang's voice was still tense: "You should be clear that you are refusing to help the country. To be more serious, you are a Chinese. This country gave birth to you and raised you, but you are unwilling to dedicate yourself to your motherland. You are not patriotic at all, which is really a pity."

Li Zedao smiled, and gently put the teacup back on the tea tray, saying, "It's really serious. With such a big hat off, it's really hard to breathe."

"So, you changed your mind?"

"I regret."


"I regret listening to your ink marks for so long. Isn't this torturing myself with nothing to do?" Li Zedao stretched his waist and said lazily.


"In addition, whether I love the country or not, what you say doesn't matter, I just have a clear conscience." Li Zedao looked at Director Yang with a calm expression and said, "When the country needs me to throw my head and blood, I will judge by myself and do what I should do." I will do it too, I don’t need you to arrange it for me.”

"Why don't you want to enter the devil's lair again, afraid of death?'s pointless?" Director Yang looked at Li Zedao and said, "I have to suspect that Huang Wen's death has a lot to do with you, and I have to suspect that Huang Wen's death has a lot to do with you. The white-haired woman next to us, who we can't get any useful information from, is that senior from the Devil's Nest..."

Li Zedao said indifferently: "Then you should be suspicious."

Director Huang's tone was already a little cold: "If we really doubt it, you will be in trouble, and you will most likely stand directly on the opposite side of the entire country, and even, you will have a treason on your head there. The crime is light, you know, I have that ability."

Recommend the new book of urban master Lao Shi:

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