The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1448 Molesting the Goddess

Not seeing each other every day is like three autumns, so inevitably, in the next few days, Li Zedao was severely "tortured" by them. Of course, the fact is that they were all tortured by Li Zedao in turn, so that everyone I couldn't get up in the morning, and I was almost late for work or school.

During this time, Li Zedao found a boat and came to the vast sea, and then scattered the perverted ashes in the sea.

"Rest in peace, brother." Li Zedao said in his heart with a sad expression.

At this time, the end of the semester was approaching, and Li Zedao also returned to the long-lost campus, and began to live the life of an ordinary college student, shuttling through the classrooms, listening to each teacher's key points, and then taking turns accompanying several girls in the empty classrooms Or study in the library.

For example, now, he accompanied Pan Xiaoyan to the school library.

As soon as Pan Xiaoyan became a student of the Architecture Department of Phoenix University, she immediately became the darling and pursuit of the boys from the Architecture Department. I even heard that on the night when Pan Xiaoyan reported for duty, the boys from the Architecture Department met to celebrate. The Department of Architecture finally has a pretty girl.

Recently, when Pan Xiaoyan came to the library to review, there were always boys following her lingeringly, which really annoyed Pan Xiaoyan, so she pulled Li Zedao over, and she wanted those who tried to pursue her to know that she already had a boyfriend , or Frog Prince, the man of the Phoenix University, so that they can get out of trouble.

The library of Phoenix University is in the shape of a clock tower. Before entering, Li Zedao was very bored to check the time on the oversized clock above. It was good and accurate.

The first floor is a large self-study room, but what college students always pursue is temporary cramming, so the end of this period is approaching, so naturally it is necessary to reserve a seat in advance, and there are separate reading rooms on the upper floors, of course, you can also It is used as a study room. If you want to read newspapers and magazines on these floors, you only need to press your student card to the administrator and exchange them for the magazines and newspapers you need.

In the reading room of Chinese and foreign novels, Pan Xiaoyan frowned and carefully reviewed the key points of the notes. Li Zedao sat next to her and played with the mobile phone in his hand. Those "research results"... have to be fake, don't they?

Facts have proved that Pan Xiaoyan's thinking is right. When Li Zedao sat there, those boys who had ulterior motives for Pan Xiaoyan retreated, and then secretly beat their chests and stamped their feet. Why is this bastard again? Why are all the famous beauties in the school related to him? You are such a beast, aren't you afraid of lightning strikes?

Facts have proved that Pan Xiaoyan's other worry is also correct. When Li Zedao sat there, she couldn't concentrate for some reason. Her thoughts were always on Li Zedao, and her involuntary eyes were about to leave the notebook and fall on him. .

For her nympho behavior, Pan Xiaoyan expressed contempt and incomprehension, thinking that she was not the kind of person who would commit nympho behavior at all. For example, when she cheered on her professional athletes on the basketball court, the women next to her would Shouting something over there, "xxx, you are so handsome...", some girls even exaggerated, because they were too excited, they turned pale and passed out, and when they passed out, they still had an expression of nympho... …

Pan Xiaoyan didn't think those so-called male gods were so handsome.

But facing Li Zedao... she has completely become a big nymphomaniac. Her eyes fell on the book, but what was displayed on the book was not the words and pictures, but his face; she smelled the good smell emanating from him, and she couldn't help taking a few more breaths; She couldn't help but want to look at him more...

"Student Pan, why don't you study hard and keep watching secretly? Because I'm handsome?" Li Zedao asked with a hey smile.

"Ah... smelly and shameless..." Pan Xiaoyan quickly looked away, how could she be sneaky? Is it fair and aboveboard?

"I'm reviewing,

Don't bother me, there are a few courses that are difficult, and if you fail, you will lose face..." Goddess Pan, who has always been a top student, wants to be a top student even in the "sixty-one waste" university hall.

"It's okay, failing a major will make up the exam." Li Zedao said with a smile, "I won't laugh at you."

"Ah, I don't want to, how embarrassing." As a top student, I have never failed a subject since kindergarten, how can I fail a subject now? Pan Xiaoyan didn't want her fame to be ruined in the next exam.

"Smelly shameless, you cover your face." Pan Xiaoyan said.

"Ah... oh." Li Zedao picked up a book casually to cover his handsome face that made Pan Xiaoyan unable to calm down, and then secretly looked at the former goddess from the corner of his eyes.

Pan Xiaoyan began to work hard to concentrate on reviewing, muttering something silently, occasionally closing her eyes, raising her head slightly, biting her lips, frowning...that look is very cute.

So Li Zedao wanted to kiss her. In his opinion, classmate Pan was flirting with him.

Of course, this is in the self-study room, so naturally Li Zedao can't do such a shocking thing. It's not good to disturb others. He quickly restrained his thoughts and continued to look at the phone a little bored The content displayed on the screen seemed a bit boring to him.

"Just treat it as reading a novel written like shit." Li Zedao muttered in his heart, "Oh, no, it's even uglier than that kind of shit novel."

For example, how to trap the back-to-basics master in the magic cave, Huang Longfeng said this. Simply put, in a special place in the magic cave forest, you can find eight people to set up a formation called the eight trigrams formation. These eight people are not Anyone can do it, at least one must have a clear mind and be familiar with this formation, and the other seven must be masters.

In addition, because this gossip formation is evolved by Taoism based on the gossip graphics, the eight hexagram images contain eight kinds of hexagram meanings: Qian is a horse, Kun is a cow, Zhen is a dragon, Xun is a chicken, Kan is a hog, and Li is a pheasant Gen is a dog, and Dui is a sheep. Therefore, the zodiac signs of these eight people are horse, ox, dragon, rooster, pig, rooster, dog, and sheep... This is simply nonsense.

What makes Li Zedao feel gloating about his misfortune until now is that Huang Wen believed it to be true, what an idiot.

Li Zedao still knows one thing now, that is, his father, Shangguan Haoyu, is not actually Huang Wen's grandson. There is no blood relationship between people. For this, Li Zedao expressed his gratitude.

As for Director Yang, they can't understand these things. On the one hand, the ancient formations and ghosts and gods involved are indeed mysterious and profound. There is no way to explain it with current science, so it is naturally quite jerky and difficult to understand.

The more important aspect is that Huang Longfeng made up these things casually, and maybe in the end even he himself didn't know what he was writing, let alone someone else.

At this moment, Pan Xiaoyan suddenly reached out and tugged at Li Zedao's hand. When Li Zedao looked back, she saw that Goddess Pan's expression was a little red and strange, and she motioned him to look inside the two of them. A table next to the wall was side by side. Sitting on a couple.

Li Zedao sneaked a few glances. Although the two did not kiss or hug, the girl's face was slightly flushed, while the man's breathing fluctuated violently. In addition, their hands were all hanging under the table, so they sneaked under the table. Why basically even primary school students know.

This made Li Zedao somewhat puzzled, why is he in the library? Can we go outside in the woods on the grass, in the car, or in a house?

Li Zedao remembered a sentence...things always happen when they should not happen, and it is more interesting and exciting to do it while being afraid, just like Alice always likes to park the car on the side of the road and eat him; And Teacher Su Shan always likes to eat him in the office... So, the lock on the door of Teacher Su's small office is habitually broken, for example, it broke again yesterday when Li Zedao passed by.

What made Li Zedao more concerned was, what does Goddess Pan mean? She also thought... So Li Zedao's heartbeat started to speed up inexplicably. If Goddess Pan wanted to stimulate him, he would definitely cooperate. How could he disappoint Goddess?

"Are we... coming too?" Li Zedao asked in a low voice.

"Ah... shameless, what are you thinking?" Pan Xiaoyan shook her head fiercely, blushing like a rattle, the reason why she told Li Zedao was mainly because she thought it was fun, a little exciting, and that the relationship between lovers I should share it, anyway, my mind is very simple, this shameless person, what is going on in his mind all day long?

"But, I thought about it." Li Zedao whispered shamelessly, and when he said this, his hand was already on her thigh.

"Ah... shameless, don't bother me, he's about to fail the exam, go back..." Pan Xiaoyan's body was tense, but she couldn't bear to take Li Zedao's hand off her thigh.

Li Zedao smiled ambiguously, moved his hands away from her thighs, patted her on the head with a loving expression, and said, "You say you are about to fail your exams and don't study hard? Why are you peeping at her?"

The sound was a bit loud enough for the thrill-seeking couple to hear. Therefore, the bodies of the coquettish male and female students who dared to seek thrills in this kind of place vibrated visibly, and the ones placed under the table The two hands bounced back quickly, and they put them on the table, with an embarrassed expression on their faces, and quickly packed up their things and left.

Li Zedao was more willing to believe that they were looking for a place to vent their anger than that they were embarrassed to stay any longer.

"They've gone to vent their anger... Let's find a place to go too?" Li Zedao said in Pan Xiaoyan's ear as a joke, and he found it very interesting to tease the goddess like this, seeing her embarrassed, shy and helpless.

Pan Xiaoyan was so shy that she almost said this out of breath: "Ah... you are shameless, you still have to review... If you feel uncomfortable... then find a place, it will definitely not work here..." At the end These few words, if it weren't for Li Zedao's amazing hearing ability, he could hardly hear them.

Li Zedao packed up his things decisively.

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