The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1449 God of War

"Ah, smelly and shameless, are you really leaving?" Pan Xiaoyan was so ashamed that her little head almost dropped to the bottom of the table, I was... anyway, how could you take it seriously? shameless!

"You set me on fire." Li Zedao said, "And I found that you are also on fire."

"Ah, how can there be? Smelly shameless, disgusting..."


In the villa next door where Mr. Pete and Shabert Beckham lived, Li Zedao and Mr. Pete sat in front of the stone table in the courtyard.

As for Mr. Chef God, he was in the same mood as before, cooking all kinds of delicacies for the guests in the back kitchen of the Emerald Restaurant.

It can be said that since Shabert Beckham became the head chef of the Emerald Restaurant, the number of customers in the Emerald Restaurant has more than doubled. If you want to go there, you must make a reservation for at least two or three days, otherwise you will not be able to get a seat.

Shabert Beckham quietly came to the restaurant from the back kitchen more than once. When he saw the intoxicated satisfaction and happiness on the faces of the guests after eating the things he made, his heart was full of happiness I am even more fortunate to have met the teacher and come to Huaxia, otherwise his cooking skills may have stagnated.

Shabert Beckham is now gradually feeling that his culinary skills are about to break through.

Teacher Pete likes to sit with Li Zedao very much, because it means that he can drink the tea that Li Zedao made... Li Zedao left him a small pot of tea before, and Teacher Pete was reluctant to make it. He said that he didn't understand anything, so he was naturally afraid of ruining this extremely precious tea.

Li Zedao showed off his tea art in front of Teacher Pete in a decent manner, washing tea, cleaning cups, brewing, the movements are skillful and graceful... At least in the eyes of Teacher Pete, he felt that he was just smelling the fragrance of tea and watching the tea art performance It is already a beautiful enjoyment, and I feel that China's culture is really broad and profound.

After the tea was brewed, Li Zedao brought a cup of tea to Teacher Pete with tea tweezers, and made a gesture of invitation: "Mr. Pete, the tea is ready."

Teacher Pete's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to pick up the tea. He sniffed it with an intoxicated expression, and then took a sip. His expression became even more intoxicated, and he exclaimed: "Oh, God, this is so delicious."

"Zedao, do you know? I am reluctant to die now, because I am afraid that if I die, I will never be able to drink such a delicious drink... Oh, it should be tea, Huaxia Mingcha, it is called a drink That would be humiliating it." Teacher Pete looked at Li Zedao intoxicated and said again.

Suffering from an incurable disease, Mr. Pete, who has already regarded life and death very lightly, actually said such words now. It is conceivable how obsessed he is with this kind of tea.

Li Zedao smiled slightly and said, "If Mr. Pete likes it, I can brew it for you often..." He didn't comfort him by saying that you can live for a long time, and Mr. Pete doesn't need such comfort at all.

Although this peerless strong man actually looks full of vigor, Li Zedao knows that this is an illusion. This is an illusion that appears after taking that super expensive medicine. Running out.

"It's a pity." Li Zedao expressed regret: "The two tea trees that produced this kind of tea have died, and this kind of tea is brewed a little less."

"Oh, God, such news is really frustrating." Teacher Pete said with emotion, and then took a sip of the fragrant tea, but he felt reluctant to swallow it.

"Mr. Pete, I want you to help me with something." Li Zedao looked at Teacher Pete and said.

"Oh, you are too polite. Your business is the business of the entire Luciano family, and it is my business. Even if you want my life, I will stab my heart with a sword without hesitation." Teacher Pete swallowed the tea reluctantly. If he didn't swallow it, he couldn't speak.

"Do you know that the U.S. government is secretly researching genetic superhumans?" Li Zedao asked. Take the cup of justice,

Pour clear and fragrant tea soup into the empty cup in front of Mr. Pete.

"Gene superman?" Old man Pete frowned.

"Oh, yes, such as Spiderman, Batman, Iron Man, etc. The US government plans to create a superman like this. It is said that if it is successfully developed, it will be stronger than a master of your level." Li Zedao said .

"Oh, God, is this true?" Teacher Pete's eyes widened slightly, and his expression was a little unbelievable. He is very talented and has worked hard for most of his life to achieve his current achievements. Those who have been transformed Superman is stronger than him, which makes Mr. Pete somewhat unacceptable.

Then he shook his head and said: "Zedao, you know that the Luciano family has always had a dislike for the US government, and they will not contact it if they can't contact it. Besides, this kind of thing must be the top official secret, so I also Not very clear."

Li Zedao nodded and said, "I also heard that the Rothschild family was involved."

Teacher Pete took a sip of tea, then looked at Li Zedao, nodded and said, "Oh, I understand what you mean, give me some time, I'll investigate."

Mr. Pete intends to dispatch the undercover agents of the Luciano family hidden in the Rothschild family to investigate this matter. Of course, he knows very well that Li Zedao wants him to do so.

Li Zedao was somewhat embarrassed. After all, it was extremely difficult to drive such a nail into the interior of the Rothschild family. Unless it was the most critical moment, this nail would not be used. Shark, one of the three elders who had been lurking in the Luciano family for many years, revealed his identity at a critical moment in order to blow the head of "Mr. Pete" with a fist.

"Thank you, Mr. Pete." Li Zedao said sincerely.

According to Bei, the Huaxia side has lost a lot of good players, but they haven't been able to get much useful information. They just know that the US side has achieved initial success, so Li Zedao doesn't mind using the resources he has on hand to investigate. .

"Oh, don't say that. This is what I should do. You are Miss Mitty's lover, so you are my master. Besides, Chief Moss told me before, let me cooperate with you unconditionally." Any action." Teacher Pete said very politely.

Helping Teacher Pete to refill the already empty teacup in front of him, Li Zedao said, "There is one more thing... After the exams are over in the past few days, I want to go to the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau."

"Sichuan-Tibet Plateau? Oh, I see. Are you taking back your master's body?" Teacher Pete asked.

"No, I just want to go to worship." Li Zedao said, "I hope you can go with me."

The Sichuan-Tibet Plateau stretches for thousands of miles, and a skeleton buried there is like a small boat in the vast ocean. It is so small that if you do not know the exact location, you will never even try to find it.

Teacher Pete sighed slightly and said: "Your master is a peerless powerhouse and the person I admire the most, not to mention that he escaped my life that day on the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau, so I will naturally go with you .”

After chatting for a while, Li Zedao said that he had to go to class in the afternoon, so he left first.

After Li Zedao left, Mr. Pete sat there, continuing to taste the remaining tea soup in small sips, the intoxication on his face couldn't fade away no matter what.

"Oh, God, it's so delicious, I can't bear to die," he said to himself.

After drinking the last cup of tea, Mr. Pete got up, picked up the expensive purple clay tea set, and walked slowly into the villa.

After putting down the tableware on the tea tray, Mr. Pete went upstairs slowly and came to the room on the second floor. The moment he opened the door, his hand was like a claw, and he grabbed it forward suddenly, and then a neck appeared. It's in his hands.

"Oh, you are so brave, you dare to lurk in my room, aren't you afraid of death?" Mr. Pete said coldly.

This is a man wearing a security uniform of Baili Real Estate. His face is plain, and Mr. Pete is holding his neck firmly, but there is no look of panic in his eyes. Instead, he is smiling, which is very bright smile.

"Oh, good afternoon, Mr. Pete." The security guard said, emphasizing with a strong London, "You are one of the strong men I respect the most, so if I can die by your hands, it can be said to be my honor."

"Who the hell are you?" asked Mr. Pete. He knew that the security guard must be wearing a fake mask, and he knew that his real identity was not a security guard in the community at all.

How can the security guards in this community have such skills to sneak into this villa without anyone noticing.

In addition, Teacher Pete also knew that this man had a chance to avoid the one he grabbed just now, but he didn't, and obediently sent his neck to his hands.

"Oh, I'm the God of War." The man said with a smile.

"God of War?" Mr. Pete's eyes narrowed slightly, with a murderous look in his eyes, "The God of War of the Rothschild family?"

In addition to the number one master Firefox, the Rothschild family also has three major combat powers, namely the God of War, the God of Fire and the God of Ice. The god of war is majestic, the god of fire is violent, and the god of ice is cruel!

"You came here to let me kill you? You're welcome." Teacher Pete said, his fingers were about to tighten, and he cut off the God of War's neck. He really didn't want to talk nonsense to the God of War, besides, their Dialogue is not equal either.

To put it bluntly, God of War is not qualified to talk to Mr. Pete at all. Firefox is almost there. Of course, it is impossible for Firefox to come, because he is dead, and the death is very humiliating.

"Oh, no, I didn't come here to let you kill..." God of War said quickly.

"I think it's fine."

"Oh, I'm just a messenger. On behalf of Patriarch Meier of our Rothschild family, I invite Mr. Pete to become a member of our Rothschild family." God of War said with a smile.

"Oh, I think you are insulting me." Teacher Pete said in a cold tone, his fingers were about to exert force, of course, the other hand was ready to attack, he knew very well that although the neck of the prey In your hands, but this does not mean that the prey will be strangled by you obediently.

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