The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1452 Confession

"I gave this flower to Qianqian." Hou Xiaolong said as he walked towards Zhou Qian, his eyes focused and affectionately looked at Zhou Qian, as if he wanted to pass on his long-suppressed emotions all at once. of.

He has indeed suppressed it for too long. From the most ignorant liking at the beginning to the fiery love that she will not marry now, it has been almost six years. Hou Xiaolong has always buried that emotion in his heart, not daring to any disclosure.

Both parents are teachers, so they would never allow themselves to fall in love in junior high school. This is one point, and another point is that Hou Xiaolong knows that Zhou Qian is a good girl, and she is devoted to her studies. Eighty-nine... Oh, no, it should be said that I will reject myself 100%, and the two of them may blow it up completely.

Normally, he didn't even dare to get close, he was afraid that he would not be able to control his emotions.

Zhou Qian was bullied by her new classmate Wu Dong before, and there were still some bad rumors in the school. At that time, Hou Xiaolong almost troubled Wu Dong. , Hou Xiaolong was unavoidably afraid, and also because Wu Dong committed suicide by jumping off the building before he finally made up his mind whether to trouble Wu Dong.

Now, the college entrance examination is over, they are about to become college students, and their parents will not care about him anymore and even encourage him to find a girlfriend quickly, so Hou Xiaolong decisively showed his love.

Zhou Qian was stunned for a moment, then she was at a loss, and the other students were a little dumbfounded.

"Aw..." Yang Jie cried out, as a follower, he knew what to do at this time. So those dumbfounded students quickly reacted, and the atmosphere on the scene was immediately lifted.

"Confession... Confession..."

"Together with……"

The booing people always think that the matter is not big enough, even teacher Yang, the class teacher, also booed together. At this moment, this old woman who has entered menopause suddenly feels that she has become younger.

At the same time, Hou Xiaolong had already walked up to Zhou Qian whose eyes were slightly wide open, and continued his affectionate lines that he had planned to write down and memorized before: "From the moment I saw you on the first day of junior high school, to Now, we have known each other for five years, nine months and three days. After that, I saw that you are getting more and more beautiful and excellent... I tried my best to catch up with you, and I was afraid of being too far away from you. Fortunately, , my hard work is not in vain... No matter which university or major you want to apply for, I will be with you... Of course, you are so good, I am not qualified to say that I will take care of you in the future, I just want... just I wish I could always be by your side in the future..."

Hou Xiaolong looked at Zhou Qian affectionately, and said: "I am responsible for making you happy when you are sad, and I am responsible for making you happier when you are happy... I want to tell you that since I met you, life is short and sweet! If the story starts from the beginning, I will still love you! I like you, be serious and cowardly, from the beginning to the end..."

It's so nasty to know that everything copied from the Internet has been said, and the booing from everyone is even more enthusiastic.

In such a warm atmosphere, Hou Xiaolong used his trump card... He took out the platinum ring that he had prepared a long time ago, and said to Zhou Qian: "Qianqian, if you want to be my girlfriend, you can accept it." Get this ring."

Seeing that the people around took out the rings, this was not only a confession, but a marriage proposal, and the booing became even louder.

"So happy, so happy..."

"It's so romantic. If someone proposes to me like this, I will definitely agree..."

"Qianqian, promise quickly..."

"together together together……"

Zhou Qian didn't have any other extra thoughts in her mind except being at a loss because of embarrassment. If the person in front of her was Li Zedao, she would have been overwhelmed with shyness, but it wasn't Li Zedao, so there was only embarrassment.

Teacher Yang, the class teacher, said excitedly: "I never thought that student Hou Xiaolong would still be so romantic, Zhou Qian, please agree." In Teacher Yang's heart,

Naturally, she hoped that these two students who were excellent in her eyes could be together, and she felt that Hou Xiaolong had done a good job, so she only mentioned this matter after the college entrance examination, so that her studies would not be delayed.

"Quickly agree, you see Xiaolong's face is blushing... Teacher, I have never seen Hou Xiaolong's red face before." Teacher Yang continued with an excited expression.

The class teacher is like this, and the students are even more booing. Of course, many girls feel sour because Hou Xiaolong is their male god, and many male students are also depressed because Zhou Qian is their goddess.

Zhou Qian shook her head in embarrassment, and then lightly touched Su Li, the only best friend who was not booing, with her elbow.

Su Li murmured in her ear: "I'll help you if I ask your brother Zedao to treat me to a big meal later."

"Well, hurry up." Zhou Qian urged in a low voice.

So Su Li cleared her throat, looked at Hou Xiaolong who looked expectant and said loudly: "Student Hou Xiaolong, you know our Qianqian's temper, you are making such a big fuss, even if our Qianqian has any ideas I dare not say it, so I will help her to say something next... What I said is equal to what she thinks in her heart..."

Hou Xiaolong nodded lightly. He really knew Zhou Qian's temperament. He didn't talk usually, let alone now. He took a deep breath and nodded, "Then I will trouble classmate Su."

Su Li put her hands on Zhou Qian's weak shoulders, looked at Hou Xiaolong slightly with drunken eyes, and said, "Student Hou Xiaolong, do you know which school our family Qianqian is going to apply for?"

Hou Xiaolong is serious and affectionate: "No matter which school she applies for, I will accompany her." He is very confident in his college entrance examination results this time, which should be higher than Zhou Qian's, so he really has the confidence to say such words .

"Even if she wants to repeat, I will accompany her." Hou Xiaolong said. Of course, he knew that it was impossible for Zhou Qian to repeat the exam.

"Fuck you, our Qianqian won't repeat her studies, she can't wait to go to Phoenix University." Su Li hiccupped and said, her fleshy pretty face was flushed, very attractive.

"Qianqian wants to apply for Phoenix University? Then I will also go to Phoenix University, which is also the ideal university in my mind." Hou Xiaolong said quickly.

"Hey, the two of you can go to a better school together, such as Jiangzhou University, or even a better school." Teacher Yang was a little anxious. How could these two children make such an irrational move? Woolen cloth? Obviously, he could go to a better school, but he chose Phoenix University.

"With the strength of the two of you, as long as you perform stably during the college entrance examination, there will be no problem."

"Mr. Yang, you don't know..." Su Li put her arms around Zhou Qian's neck and said with a smile, "With Qianqian's grades, she can naturally apply for a better school, but why does she want to go to Phoenix University? It's not because it's close to home, but because there is a super handsome guy waiting for her at Phoenix University, and Qianqian can't wait to be with him every day... right? Qianqian?"

"Yeah." Zhou Qian, who lowered her head, bit her lips lightly, and nodded slightly, her face full of shyness.

The reason why she bravely revealed her thoughts was that, on the one hand, it was indeed what she thought, and on the other hand, she also wanted Hou Xiaolong to take the initiative to end this farce.

"..." So the expressions of those booers, including Teacher Yang, were a little exciting. In other words, Zhou Qian's family already had a boyfriend, and she planned to apply for the University of Phoenix just to find him and be with him, so this was a rejection... Everyone understood.

Hou Xiaolong's face was already stiff, and the hand holding the ring was trembling. In fact, his thoughts were so simple that he never thought of failing... This is a flower and a ring. So many people followed suit, how could it fail?

"Our Qianqian's is really, really, really handsome and stylish. If Qianqian and I hadn't been best friends, I would have wanted to snatch him." Su Li revealed a nympho smile as she spoke, and she clicked her tongue. "It's so handsome..."

"And... do you know who that handsome guy is? He is... hiccup... he is Li Zedao who scored 749 points in the exam last year..."

"..." Everyone's eyes widened instantly. They may not have seen Li Zedao, but it is impossible for them not to have heard of this name. After all, not everyone can get that kind of sky-defying or even impossible test score, and not everyone has the courage to reject Yan so simply. He went to Phoenix University at the personal invitation of the principal of Peking University.

Su Li looked at Hou Xiaolong with a smile and said: "So, classmate Hou Xiaolong, take back your flowers and rings, our family Qianqian can't accept it... right? Qianqian..."

"En." Zhou Qian nodded lightly again, but she didn't intend to look up at Hou Xiaolong.

" can be classmates and friends if you can't be together..." Teacher Yang smiled awkwardly, intending to ease the awkward and dull atmosphere.

"It's just...haha, let's continue drinking..."

"Hou Xiaolong, I like you, can you be my boyfriend... Oh, don't answer? That means rejection? So sad..."


There were more and more voices around, and the atmosphere was indeed not so awkward.

Hou Xiaolong worked very hard to make his stiff face look natural and unrestrained or indifferent. He retracted the hand holding the ring, then picked up a can of beer from the table, and looked at Zhou Qian who was bowing her head. Said: "Then... I wish you happiness, let's do one."

Zhou Qian still shook her head and shook her head slightly. Brother Zedao said not to drink, Zhou Qian remembered it firmly in her heart, so she didn't take a sip.

"..." Hou Xiaolong felt that his chest was stabbed hard by a knife, and the pain was unbearable.

The people around also felt that Zhou Qian was a bit contrived, and it could even be said that it was too much. It was your right to refuse, but after all this, you still didn't drink with him... This is a bit of a bully.

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