In the end, the break-up meal ended in a somewhat weird atmosphere. Afterwards, the students left in groups of three and five. Many of them walked staggeringly, and their tongues grew louder when they spoke.

There are also people who are attracted to each other and give each other a look, and meet for a while to eat a sausage and drink soy milk together.

Hou Xiaolong was carried away, he was drunk, very drunk. After the confession failed, he sat there alone, drinking one cup after another. During the whole process, no one persuaded him, no one said a word to him.

Zhou Qian, on the other hand, had some difficulty supporting Su Li, who was drinking too much and talking to herself with a smile, walked out of the restaurant, and saw Li Zedao standing there looking at her indifferently.

"Brother Zedao..." She showed a shy smile.

Li Zedao hurried over to help Su Li, who was weak, put her in the back seat of the car, and then helped Zhou Qian open the co-pilot's door to let her get in, then he went around to the other side and drove away.

This scene was seen by many other students who came out, so they all guessed that the boy should be the handsome, handsome, and very handsome student who Su Li said that Zhou Qian couldn't wait to go to Phoenix University to find him. That Li Zedao with a sky-defying score, right?

Looking at it this way, Hou Xiaolong...was not wronged at all for being rejected!

Comparing appearance, grades, family background... Hou Xiaolong was instantly reduced to scum.


In the car, Li Zedao looked at Zhou Qian, whose head was slightly lowered, and said with a slight smile, "After sending Su Li home, I will take you to a place."

Zhou Qian slightly raised her head and glanced at Li Zedao, then she habitually lowered her head again like a frightened rabbit, her small face was shy and hot, and her heart was full of deer bumping, and her thoughts were floating.

The place Brother Zedao a hotel?

The college entrance examination is over, so I have grown up, so... Zhou Qian was so ashamed that she couldn't bear it, and she didn't dare to lift her head. She almost answered Li Ze in a simple voice: "Yes."

Li Zedao has long been used to this kind of shyness of this kind of girl, so he smiled and didn't think much about it, but instead searched for various topics to chat with her. He knew that if he didn't take the initiative, this girl You can keep your head down all the way.

Sending Su Li, who had already fallen asleep because of drinking too much, back downstairs to her house, Li Zedao didn't mean to hug her or carry her upstairs, but asked Zhou Qian to give Su Li's parents a Call, let them go downstairs to answer it.

Su Li's parents naturally knew about Zhou Qian, but when they saw their daughter lying there drooling and sleeping soundly, smelling of alcohol, they were unavoidably terrified. Why drink too much? Are you not afraid of being taken advantage of? Or... is it already occupied?

So it was inevitable that he scrutinized Li Zedao a few more times... Although this kid introduced himself as Zhou Qian's boyfriend, how could a man not steal food? Even if you don't do it, who knows if there are any more lewd glances?

Being scrutinized by such eyes, Li Zedao didn't care that much, and smiled kindly, as if I was a gentleman.

After handing Su Li back to them, Li Zedao took Zhou Qian and drove away from the community.

"Are you looking forward to it?" Li Zedao glanced at Zhou Qian and asked casually. Of course, when he said this, he was very pure in his heart. He secretly helped Zhou Qian prepare a birthday present. He also believed that Zhou Qian would be very pleasantly surprised when she saw it, so he asked what he expected ?

But what Zhou Qian was thinking in her heart was completely different from what Li Zedao said. She had already deviated from what Li Zedao said. But, unfortunately, although she was extremely shy and her face was very hot, she liked it very much in her heart, and was looking forward to it... She had secretly fantasized about that scene before...


" she snorted softly.

Not long after, the car came to the sea. This is the eastern sea area. The shore has not been fully developed. It doesn't have a sandy beach like the western sea area. There are no businesses around, so few people come here for a walk.

The sea breeze is blowing, and the waves are roaring.

Li Zedao stood on the shore with Zhou Qian with her head down, looking at the black waves in the distance, her mood suddenly calmed down.

He was quiet, but Zhou Qian's heart fluctuated even more. She originally thought which hotel she would go to, but she didn't expect to come to this beach where there are no people in the end, so...Brother Ze Dao is planning to stay at the beach ? Zedao brother's preferences... so unique... that is, it's too embarrassing.

Look, if you love someone, even if he picks his feet in front of you, you will feel that his posture of picking his feet is too dazzling, making people reluctant to leave their eyes after seeing him.

So, even if Li Zedao wanted to pounce on Zhou Qian in this kind of place, even if Zhou Qian was too ashamed, she couldn't feel any resistance in her heart...

"Look at the front, don't blink." Li Zedao pointed to the dark sea in the distance and smiled at Zhou Qian whose heart was beating hard, "Then countdown to ten seconds..."


Zhou Qian raised her head and glanced at Li Zedao. She didn't quite understand what Li Zedao was talking about, didn't seem to be what she thought.

At that moment, she followed Li Zedao's words and looked at the dark sea, her eyes were wide open, she didn't dare to blink at all, and she followed Li Zedao to count down the time in her heart.

"five four three two one……"

"Hoo..." There was a muffled sound, and then a burst of sparks shot high into the sky.

"Crack!" The fireworks exploded like a rain of stars.

The pitch-black sky was instantly lit up, as if a hole had been torn in the black cloth covering the sky and the earth. Outside the opening is the rolling nebula, colorfully hung with neon lights.

"Crack!" Another firework rushed into the sky, screaming so loudly and crying so loudly. Then, they show off their colorful clothes to everyone.

Then, there were fireworks bursting in the sky non-stop, lighting up the whole sky.

Zhou Qian opened her eyes wide and looked at the rain of colorful flowers all over the sky. Her long eyelashes did not blink, but her nose was slightly sore. She remembered that a few days ago when her brother Zedao was helping her with pre-exam counseling, she asked her what was the most important thing. what do you like.

At that time, she shyly said in her heart that she liked Brother Zedao the most, but she said in her mouth: "Fireworks..."

Then he said embarrassingly, "It's just that I dare not let it go."

Brother Zedao smiled and didn't say much.

but now……

"I know it was your birthday yesterday, but you have to take the college entrance examination, so don't be distracted. Now that the college entrance examination is over...Happy birthday." Li Zedao looked at Zhou Qian and smiled.

Zhou Qian's heart trembled slightly, and her nose became more sore. Because of the college entrance examination, even she herself forgot about her birthday, but she didn't expect Brother Zedao to remember it.

As soon as the words fell, four more fireworks exploded in the sky at the same time, but what was completely different from before was that after the four fireworks exploded, the colorful sparks were pieced together to form four large golden characters ...Happy birthday, and it hasn't been gone for a long time.

It was very straightforward, Zhou Qian was so moved that her nose was so sore, she turned her head, looked at Li Zedao with tears in her eyes, and said softly, "Brother Zedao..."

Li Zedao hurriedly wiped away her tears with his hands, and said with a smile, "Why are you crying? It's like I'm bullying you."

Zhou Qian wanted to say, if you didn't bully me, I would cry even more sadly.

"I... I will never forget tonight in my life." She looked at Li Zedao very seriously with her big teary eyes, sniffed and said in a choked voice.

"If you can't forget it, then don't forget it." Li Zedao patted her weak shoulder and said with a smile, "Besides, I have put so much effort into it. If you forget it all at once, won't it appear that I am a failure?"

"Brother Zedao... I will never forget it, and I will never forget it for the rest of my life." Zhou Qian said in a low voice, and immediately threw herself into Li Zedao's arms, her small hands tightly wrapped around his waist, her small face pressed against the his chest.

"Brother Zedao, I...I want to be your woman..." she whispered.

"You are." Li Zedao smiled.

"I...I want to be like her sister..." Zhou Qian raised her head, her pretty face was flushed, her voice was trembling, not only her voice, but her body was also trembling slightly, it was conceivable that she could say something It took her a lot of courage to say such a thing, "You want me."

"Your too reasonable." Li Zedao said softly, putting his arms around the trembling delicate body.

"...I... think so too." She said in a low voice, with her small face slightly tilted up, her clear eyes with crystal teardrops staring at Li Zedao shyly but persistently, a cute look that you can taste.

Li Zedao bowed his head and gently kissed Zhou Qian's delicate red lips. Putting her soft mouth that seemed to melt at any moment into his big mouth, he sucked gently.

Zhou Qian was immediately fascinated. She felt that her body seemed to be floating on the clouds all the time, and she felt so comfortable that she wanted to yell out loud.

Then, the cell phone in Zhou Qian's pocket rang untimely.

Like a frightened rabbit, Zhou Qian quickly pulled her mouth out of Li Zedao's mouth, lowered her head, and bit her lips lightly, extremely ashamed.

"Hurry up and answer the phone." Li Zedao smiled and reminded.

Only then did Zhou Qian remember that the phone in her pocket was still ringing non-stop. She glanced at Li Zedao shyly, then lowered her head to answer the phone.

After saying a few words softly, she raised her head, looked at Li Zedao very embarrassedly and whispered: "My mother's phone number..."

"What did you say?" Li Ze asked.

"Say... Do you need to wait for me to go back tonight and leave the door open for me..." Zhou Qian lowered her head again, her voice was like a mosquito, "I said, no..."


In the middle of the night, a certain building in a certain community was located in front of a window on the seventh floor, and a black figure stood there. Under the light of the street lamp outside, his face looked so desolate and pale.

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