The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1454 The Candidate Jumping from the Building

"Why did you do this to me? Why? Why?" He muttered to himself nervously, then grabbed the window with his trembling hands, and climbed up tremblingly, finally the somewhat thin figure stood on the window sill .

Under the dim light of the street lamp, his pale face was full of despair, and he looked hopeless.

Then, he let go of the hand that was holding the window, and then his legs went limp, and his body left the window sill and fell down rapidly.

"Bang!" A muffled sound resounded in the darkness, and soon fell into a strange dead silence.

The next day, when it was just dawn, Aunt Zhang, who lives in this community, went downstairs and walked out of the unit door as usual, planning to go to the small square of the community to exercise.

As soon as she walked out of the door of the unit, her eyes were immediately attracted by a person lying there.

"Who is this who drank too much and slept here all night? Fortunately, it's not winter, otherwise he wouldn't be frozen to death outside?" The kind-hearted Aunt Zhang muttered helplessly in her heart.

But soon, Aunt Zhang realized that something was wrong, and she moved closer to take a look while she was puzzled. In an instant, her pupils widened, as if she had seen a ghost.

Blood, scarlet blood that has dried up!

"Ah..." A sharp exclamation broke the tranquility of the morning.


Zhou Qian and Li Zedao sat face to face, sipping breakfast with their heads down, a blush that hadn't subsided on that delicate little face.

The ancients said: Beautiful and delicious, Li Zedao thinks this word is too good to describe. For example, now, he didn't eat a bite of breakfast, and he felt full just by looking at Zhou Qian's pretty face.

"You said you want to do an internship at Tiandao Group during your summer vacation?" Li Zedao asked.

Zhou Qian looked up at Li Zedao and nodded slightly with a shy smile, with a hint of charm on her face.

The two have already broken through that relationship. Zhou Qian changed from a girl to a woman, her face became ruddy and charming, but it was the first time after all. Although Li Zedao restrained a bit, he was still a little cruel after all. Zhou Qian was far from being an opponent but she was full of The heart works hard to cooperate, so it is inevitable that there is a trace of fatigue between the eyebrows and eyes.

"I want to learn something first. My sisters are all so good and can help brother Zedao with a lot of things. I can't be too stupid." Zhou Qian said in a soft voice, a little embarrassed.

"That's fine, let your sister Ren arrange it later." Li Zedao smiled and nodded.

Although there is a Yin Qi in his body that will explode completely without knowing what, once it explodes, his body functions will be burned out in an instant, and there is no possibility of survival, but Li Zedao did not make the kind called "" This is for your own good" often appears in movies or TV dramas.

The male protagonist knows that he is seriously ill and will not live long, or that he may be killed at any time due to being hunted down by his enemies, or other things are not far from death anyway, so he finds a lame excuse to not drag the female protagonist down. Kicked the heroine, and then the heroine hated the hero to death, but after knowing the truth, she was so moved... I can’t say that the hero’s actions are wrong, after all, he will indeed drag the heroine down, so he made a There is nothing wrong with that kind of hurtful behavior.

The central idea of ​​this kind of plot is that it is better to be hurt for a while than for a lifetime, but the final ending proves that the hero is wrong, and his so-called "I am doing this for your own good" does not hurt A period of time is a lifetime, and even, in the next life, the next life will continue to be entangled... The three lives, three lives, ten miles, and so on are all entangled in this way.

Li Zedao didn't let them leave, but instead made "Zhou Qian" a scourge, just because he knew very clearly that it was impossible to let them leave...even if he could die at any time.

If some extreme methods are adopted now, such as leaving quietly by themselves, the harm they will suffer will only be greater.

And just imagine the scene where Zhou Qian was hugged by another man... I can't bear it,

In this regard, Li Zedao is a complete jealousy.

Besides, it doesn't have to be dead, right? Maybe he was lucky, maybe the multicolored stones integrated into his tongue were more awesome than he imagined, and could completely suppress the yin energy brought by the ghost pill.

In addition, Qingxuzi left Li Zedao an ancient book called "Tianji Tujuan" before belching his fart. As long as he reads through it, it is very possible to eliminate the Yin Qi in his body... If Qingxuzi is not lying.

In the past few days, Li Zedao flipped through it, and he found that he could understand the traditional Chinese characters or the more jerky ancient characters in it, but he didn't quite understand what these characters combined to express. Every time I turned it over, I felt sleepy for no reason.

Since I have this "Tianji Tujuan", my mother doesn't have to worry about Li Zedao's sleep problems...

In short, Li Zedao now puts his mentality very calmly. He should eat, drink, and sleep, but do his best and let each one live in peace.

Zhou Qian's cell phone on the table rang. She picked it up and looked at it, and said to Li Zedao, "Brother Zedao, it's Su Li's phone."

Feeling a little embarrassed, Su Li called her early in the morning, didn't she want to question herself?

"Yeah." Li Zedao nodded with a slight smile, "It's okay if it's a boy's phone..."

"Where is it? There is no phone number from the boy..." Zhou Qian said quickly.

"I'm joking with you, answer the phone quickly." Li Zedao laughed.

Zhou Qian smiled softly, then picked up the phone: "Su Li..."

Soon, Su Li's anxious and terrified voice came over: "Qianqian, it's not good, something happened, something happened..."

Zhou Qian was slightly stunned: "What happened?" Although Su Li was usually a little nervous and spoke in an exaggerated tone, she had never used such a panicked tone like now.

Su Li's voice was still terrified: "Hou Xiaolong jumped out of the window of his room in the middle of the night yesterday and died."

"Ah..." Zhou Qian's face became pale all of a sudden, her voice trembling, "You...what did you say?"

"Classmate Hou Xiaolong committed suicide."



Hou Xiaolong, who just finished the college entrance examination, if he didn't fail the college entrance examination, then with his grades, he could at least be admitted to the top 15 prestigious schools in China. After Zhou Qian's confession was rejected, she chose to jump off the building and ended her life.

On his desk, which was full of various test papers and reference books that hadn't been cleaned up in time, there was still a suicide note. There was such a line of text on the suicide note, and it was written with a scarlet red pen.

"Mom and Dad, I'm sorry for you; Zhou Qian, I really really really like you... How can you be so cruel? If you can't be with the one you love, you lose the meaning of life..."

When the news of his suicide was posted on the Internet, the entire Internet was instantly detonated. After all, the college entrance examination is over, so words like "a college entrance examination student cannot confess suicide" can easily attract the attention of others.

Netizens took to the Internet to express their views on the incident.

Some people regret, after all, he is so young, he has just finished the college entrance examination and is said to have excellent grades, so a wonderful life is just about to begin, how do you say that suicide is suicide? It's such a pity.

There are also people who attack and criticize, not only the dead, but also the entire younger generation. Now the younger generation has endured too little suffering, their ability to bear it is too poor, and they seldom realize the responsibility of their own existence to their relatives. Once they get into a dead end emotionally, it is difficult to extricate themselves. This is a manifestation of immaturity. It's also an extremely irresponsible behavior... So it's good to die. If you don't die, who knows if you will go to extremes and hurt someone in the future?

Someone even targeted Zhou Qian. If this female student hadn't rejected her courtship so cruelly, leaving no room for turning things around, could this Hou Xiaolong commit suicide? Therefore, this female student is really selfish, and she doesn't care for others at all.

What's more, soon someone directly distorted the whole matter, and the whole story became that Hou Xiaolong and Zhou Qian were originally a couple. In the six years of junior high school, Hou Xiaolong gave almost everything to Zhou Qian, and it was also helping with tutoring and being a couple. She tried her best to meet Zhou Qian's reasonable or unreasonable demands, but at the class reunion on the night of the college entrance examination, Zhou Qian ruthlessly proposed to break up. The reason for breaking up was because this shameless woman cheated on her. It is said that It was because she got involved with a rich second generation, and she also spoke quite nasty and vicious words, which made Hou Xiaolong completely humiliated in front of the classmates, so Hou Xiaolong couldn't stand it anymore and chose to commit suicide.

As soon as this "truth" was released, it detonated the entire Internet. Therefore, in less than two days, Zhou Qian completely became a "celebrity". It was posted to the top, and became the target of verbal and verbal abuse by netizens.


At Zhou Qian's house in Lingdou District, Zhou Qian, who was sitting on the sofa, curled up in Li Zedao's arms with her small face. Her face was so pale that she didn't have much blood. She covered her ears with her hands, and her body was trembling slightly. , teardrops slipped down from time to time in the frightened and helpless eyes.

Zhou's father, Zhou's mother, and Zhou Yan were also there, and the expressions of the three of them were all ugly.

At the same time, there were unbearable insults, deafening and scalp-numbing dirges, and the sound of banging doors came from the room door.

"Open the door... Let me come to the door, let that bitch who killed people come out, and put sackcloth and filial piety on our little dragon..."

"Oh, my God, our little dragon died so badly... He was forced to death by a vicious woman..."


Li Zedao looked calm, and gently patted Zhou Qian's shoulder to try to comfort him, but his eyes were terribly cold.

When he learned that the boy who failed to confess his love to Zhou Qian at the breakup meal chose to commit suicide by jumping off the building, Li Zedao also looked confused. That boy is too fragile, right?

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