This seems to be a little different from what they knew before, but they believed it, and the truth turned out to be like this. No wonder their little dragon couldn't stand it and chose to commit suicide.

So, the seven aunts and the eight aunts got together to hold a family meeting, and everyone unanimously decided to come and make trouble! But they have no experience in this kind of thing, so naturally they have to "contract" it to someone with experience.

So, this group of people "killed" in such a mighty way, laying wreaths, burning paper money, playing mourning, crying, and constantly swearing, just to make your whole family feel restless.

If you want to be peaceful, you can obediently compensate them for their spiritual loss... No matter how many hundreds of thousands... No, how can hundreds of thousands be possible? How could their little dragon's life be so cheap? So at least several million must be compensated.

However, what they never expected was that the energy of this family was so great that more than a hundred people surrounded them in turn, and the bones of the punks they invited were all broken without exception. There are a few.

Li Zedao lightly exhaled a puff of smoke and nodded, "Let me introduce the rest of you as well."

Hou Shijin didn't dare not answer, so he quickly introduced them one by one: "This is Hou Xiaolong's second uncle, Hou Shixiong, his second trial Li Hong, his uncle Liang Chun, and his aunt Bi Minmin."

Li Zedao nodded, looked at Hou Xiaolong's uncle, Liang Chun, and then at Hou Xiaolong's aunt, Bi Minmin, with strange eyes.

The two were looked at by Li Zedao with such eyes, and naturally their scalps were a little numb, and they felt uneasy, especially the aunt Bi Minmin, who thought she was quite pretty, unavoidably frightened and said that this kid would not like her type, so she wanted to treat her Do something out of the ordinary?

"Does your family live in Unit 601, Unit 4, Building 3, No. 1 Middle School? And you are a Chinese teacher in the middle school of No. 1 Middle School, right?" Li Zedao's eyes fell on Liang Chun.

" did you know?" Liang Chun looked at Li Zedao with even more panic, and his body trembled slightly. It felt like he was standing naked in front of this young man, and any privacy was blocked. I've seen it all.

However, Li Zedao did not answer his question, but said lightly: "Hello, let me introduce myself, I am Zhou Qian's boyfriend, oh, it is Zhou Qian who you said kicked your little dragon away and then cheated on Fu The second generation..."

"..." Their hearts were full of anger. This kid's self-introduction is too arrogant, right?

"I know that you are crying, threatening, threatening, and making dirges in this community. Why didn't the police come? Because no one called the police? No, because I called them and let them pretend that they didn't know. I'm not afraid that you will know, not to mention those little policemen, even the director of the Fenghuang City Bureau, you have to be polite in front of me, do you believe it or not?"

"..." These words became even more arrogant.

"So, no policeman came to stop me, let you mess around here, let you vent your emotions here." Li Zedao exhaled another puff of smoke and said, "That's because I know that mood swings must be Great, I feel so sad, so I really need to vent... So, do you understand what I said? The reason why you can appear here, and you are crying and making trouble, is because I acquiesced, otherwise you Before you reach the gate of the community, someone has already taken you to the hospital."

The faces of these five people were extremely pale and ugly, and they were so panicked that they didn't even dare to breathe. Such a person, how could such a small person like them afford to offend them?

Li Zedao slowly exhaled another puff of smoke, and said lightly: "I have known Zhou Qian for almost a year, and I am very rich, let alone branded bags, beautiful clothes, high-tech electronic products, etc. A sports car worth millions or even tens of millions is just a matter of phone calls to me, that is to say, no matter what Zhou Qian wants to buy,

It's not a problem for me, so, what do you think she will ask Hou Xiaolong to help her buy? Repay loan usury to buy? Don't you think such rhetoric is funny? "

The faces of these five people turned green and white. Of course, they basically felt that this kid was suspected of bragging. Maybe he was really rich, but he didn't reach that level.

"I know, you don't believe what I said, and I didn't expect you to believe it." Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders and said, "But there is one thing you should really believe, that is, if you dare to mess around, then you will It's not just as simple as being slapped on the mouth a few times, but staying in the hospital for ten days and a half months is considered light."

The five people were inexplicably relieved. This kid said that he planned to let them go?

Li Zedao flicked his fingers, and the cigarette butt in his hand crossed a beautiful line, and accurately went into the trash can not far away. This move undoubtedly made Brother Haobei and his dozen or so subordinates dumbfounded. If they can learn this trick, those girls will be fascinated by their trick?

Li Zedao looked back at Brother Haobei, and stretched out his hand: "Give me a stick."

Brother Haobei quickly took the stick from the younger brother's hand and sent it to Li Zedao.

When the five people saw that this kid wanted a stick, their hearts, which had finally relaxed a little, suddenly pulled up. Is this kid trying to beat someone?

So Hou Xiaolong's second uncle and uncle hurriedly pulled their respective daughters-in-law behind them, and then looked at Li Zedao with nervous and panicked eyes.

Li Zedao slightly grasped the stick in his hand, looked back at Liang Chun and Bi Minmin who was protected by him behind him, and said with a very strange smile on his face: "Ms. Liang is a Chinese teacher, so the writing must be very good, right?"

"...What do you want to do?" Liang Chun swallowed, he felt that this kid seemed to have something to say.

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to learn writing techniques from you, Mr. Liang. For example, a post called "The Truth Behind College Entrance Examination Students' Suicides" that has been circulating on the Internet in the past two days is very well written..."

"..." Liang Chun's face suddenly changed violently. Why did this kid who they could never afford to offend suddenly bring up this matter? Does he know something?

"The voice and appearance are so rich. After reading it, people feel extremely sympathetic to Hou Xiaolong, and at the same time hate this woman Zhou Qian extremely... Leaving aside whether the content of this post is true or not, just in terms of writing style, what does Teacher Liang think?" ?”

"I don't know what you're talking about, I haven't seen it, I haven't seen it." Liang Chun said with some difficulty, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Li Zedao sneered and continued: "Using some means, it is very easy to find the Internet IP of the person who posted at the beginning, that is the Internet IP of your computer, so... Teacher Liang really doesn't know ?”

Liang Chun's face was already pale and bloodless.

The uncle, the second uncle, and Liang Chun's wife, Bi Minmin, also looked at Liang Chun with slightly wide eyes. They were more or less knowledgeable, so they already had certain guesses in their hearts.

"So, you didn't post that post? Was it your wife? Or was it your daughter who was in the first grade of junior high school and heard that her grades were good?" Li Zedao said gloomyly.

Liang Chun's knees went limp, and he knelt down on the ground, begging with a panicked expression: "No... I did it, I wrote and posted that post, and it has nothing to do with my wife and children. None, please, don't trouble them, I did it all...I...I just wanted to vent my anger on Xiaolong...I'm sorry..."

The uncle, the second uncle, the second judge, and Bi Minmin were all dumbfounded. They stared at Liang Chun who was kneeling there. They never thought that the post they had all read made them feel extremely resentful towards that Zhou Qian. It was actually written by Liang Chun. If it gets out, how will they go out to meet people in the future?

Hou Xiaolong failed to pursue a girl from another family, he was too fragile and chose to commit suicide by jumping off a building. Afterwards, Hou Xiaolong’s uncle intentionally distorted the facts and deliberately attacked that girl. Afterwards, they made trouble at the door of other people’s house... Will they be caught by others? Drowning in saliva.

"Since you have admitted it yourself, I will naturally not trouble your wife and children. As for you..." Li Zedao's eyes were terribly cold, and his tone was devoid of human warmth, "First, I am posting again , As for the content of the post, don’t I need to teach you?”

"No need, no need, I'll go back and post." Liang Chun said quickly.

"Second, resign, how can someone like you be qualified to be a teacher?" Li Zedao said again.

Liang Chun bit his lip, and said with great difficulty: "I...will resign." He knew that even if he didn't resign, the school would most likely dismiss him under pressure, and in the future he would Don't even think about mixing in the education field.

"In the end, you vented your emotions, but as Zhou Qian's boyfriend, I was completely pissed off by you, so it's reasonable for me to vent to you, right?" Li Zedao waved the stick in his hand and said , "A hand or a leg is broken, you choose."

"..." Liang Chun's face was extremely frightened. This is a multiple-choice question, a multiple-choice question that he can't make a choice.

"You can do it for me if you want." Li Zedao looked up and glanced at the four of Hou Shijin, and then the four of them, including Bi Minmin, took a step back in horror, as if avoiding a snake.

This made Liang Chun's heart even colder to the extreme. It was fine if the two brothers of the Hou family had such a reaction, but his wife also backed away.

"Left...left hand?" He tried to calm himself down.

Li Zedao was still very negotiable, nodded and said, "Then stretch out your left hand."

Liang Chun closed his eyes, and slowly stretched out his hands trembling extremely.

Li Zedao showed no mercy, and slammed down with a stick! "Crack!" The hand broke!


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