Once a real-name post was published, it immediately attracted the attention of many netizens.

The post was posted by a Chinese teacher named Liang Chun from Fenghuang City No. 1 Middle School. He has another identity, that is, the uncle of Hou Xiaolong, a college entrance examination student who has made a lot of noise recently.

Liang Chun said in the post that the previous post titled "The Truth Behind College Entrance Examination Students' Suicides" was posted anonymously by him, and the content in it was all fabricated by him, and his nephew Hou Xiaolong had never talked to Zhou Qian In love, even the two have been classmates for six years and haven't said a few words. It has always been Hou Xiaolong's unilateral love for Zhou Qian.

He also said that the only reason why he posted that post was because he was Hou Xiaolong's uncle, he had a very good relationship with Hou Xiaolong, and he was like a father and son. He left like this and his spirit was greatly damaged. Tortured, it was only then that he published the post that maliciously distorted the facts.

And now, the reason for posting again is because his conscience has been tortured for the past two days. How could he post such a post in an attempt to destroy a kind girl? How could he encourage Hou Xiaolong's parents, relatives and friends to go to classmate Zhou Qian's house to make trouble and even demand that classmate Zhou Qian pay for his life?

Liang Chun also said that he was wrong. He sincerely said sorry to Zhou Qian and Zhou Qian's family, and also wanted to say sorry to No. 1 Middle School, and to his relatives and friends...

As soon as this post was released, it undoubtedly poured a large bucket of oil on the fire. No one expected that things would reverse so quickly. The girl they maliciously insulted before turned out to be the biggest victim besides the deceased, because A maliciously fabricated post, because of the malicious speculation of netizens, is tantamount to setting her on fire.

At the same time, the official Weibo of the Fenghuang City Education Bureau also released such a message in time: "We express our sorrow and regret for the misfortune of student Hou Xiaolong. We have to say that our education is flawed. Most of the time we It only requires students to constantly overcome one problem after another, but it does not help them relieve their psychological barriers in time, which makes them so vulnerable."

"What makes us feel even more distressed is that before the matter was investigated clearly, some people began to maliciously slander Zhou Qian, and indiscriminately pushed Hou Xiaolong's death on Zhou Qian. Teachers and students who know the truth but don’t know why they are unwilling to tell the truth, and some students even signed the name of the Education Bureau to request that Zhou Qian’s test scores be revoked.”

"Seeing the good but not thinking about it, seeing the evil without stopping it, and even blindly following the trend... We are sorry for such teachers and students, and we will deal with them seriously..."

In short, the plot has taken a 180-degree turn. The insults towards Zhou Qian on the Internet have gradually disappeared, replaced by all kinds of distressed comfort.

Of course, there are also a small number of people over there who doubt whether Zhou Qian's background is big or something, otherwise why did the Education Bureau jump out to help her clarify?

Of course, such remarks were quickly overwritten and could not be found.

As for Hou Xiaolong's uncle, Liang Chun, and the students who jointly requested the Education Bureau to revoke Zhou Qian's college entrance examination results, they were scolded by netizens, which was even worse than when Zhou Qian was attacked before.


At Zhou Qian's house, Li Zedao was preparing lunch, while Zhou Qian stood and watched with a blissful look. Occasionally, Li Zedao looked back at her, and she quickly lowered her head with a shy smile.

The others were not there. Zhou Yan was cramming at school to prepare for the next final exam, so he wouldn't come back at noon. As for Zhou's father and Zhou's mother, because Zhou Qian's matter was resolved, they were in a good mood. Yes, and to let the people in the community know that their daughter has not done anything wrong to others, and will never allow others to bully them! So the couple decided to get a 10% discount on all products in the supermarket as a big bargain, and now they are busy in the supermarket.

The door of the house was knocked lightly, as if the people outside were afraid of disturbing the people inside.

"I'll open the door. If anyone comes to make trouble, just beat him to death." Li Zedao looked at Zhou Qian and said with a smile.

"Probably not." Zhou Qian also smiled, looking at Li Zedao with soft but shy eyes. She knew that brother Ze Dao had so many people come over, and broke Hou Xiaolong's uncle's hand on the spot, just to let everyone know that they are extremely difficult to mess with, and now everyone knows that he is Innocent, how could anyone dare to come and make trouble?

"Then who do you think it is?" Li Zedao smiled, picked up a cloth beside him and wiped his wet hands from washing vegetables.

"Come here and apologize." Zhou Qian thought for a while and said.

Li Zedao gently took her little hand: "Are you going to forgive them?"

Zhou Qian bit her lip lightly, and said, "Brother Zedao, you can just handle it."

Li Zedao went to open the door, and saw a dozen people standing outside, most of them were girls, and there were also three boys. The leader was Zhou Qian's class teacher, Teacher Yang, and Su Li was also there.

Except for Su Li, other people including Teacher Yang had weird expressions. It gave people the feeling that they actually wanted to laugh, but they seemed to have forgotten how to laugh.

"Handsome guy..." Su Li waved her hand at Li Zedao with a grin and giggled, and then she walked around him and grabbed Zhou Qian's hand who was standing behind Li Zedao, her pink face was full of distress, "Qianqian , I have wronged you for the past few days. I wanted to contact you, but your cell phone was turned off. I wanted to come out to find you, but my parents refused to let me. I was so angry that I had a fight with them. They still refused Let me come out, I can only scold those vicious netizens on the Internet... How can they say that about you, those idiots, you are too bullying."

When she said this, Su Li glanced back from the corner of her eye, obviously she meant something else.

As a result, the faces of those students, including Teacher Yang, were a little hot, as if they had been slapped several times by an invisible hand.

"It's all right now, thank you." Zhou Qian said with a soft smile. The whole class, only this best friend spoke for her, worried for her, and even quarreled with her parents because of her. Come down and eat."

"Okay..." Su Li's eyes brightened, she looked back at Li Zedao, "Handsome guy, you don't mind me being your light bulb, do you? Don't worry, you can tell by looking at my hair, my wattage is very small "

Li Zedao was a little dumbfounded, nodded and said, "Of course you are welcome."

Then he looked at the teacher and student standing at the door and said, "Do you have anything to do? If there is nothing to do, I will close the door. I have to help my girlfriend make lunch."

"..." The faces of these people became even hotter, but they couldn't get angry again. It's fine if they didn't help to clarify before, but they still did that kind of thing that made things worse.

Liu Cuizhu, the life committee member of the class, was the one who requested the Education Bureau to revoke Zhou Qian's college entrance examination results. This is a pretty girl. At this time, she was standing behind the embarrassing Teacher Yang, her face was pale. Yes, there are grievances and embarrassments, and more panic.

She is Hou Xiaolong's admirer. Hou Xiaolong confessed that Zhou Qian failed and chose to commit suicide by jumping off a building. This made Liu Cuizhu hate Zhou Qian. At this time, the article that distorted the facts and slandered Zhou Qian appeared, and netizens almost collectively condemned Zhou Qian.

Liu Cuizhu also felt that something should be done, otherwise she would be too sorry for such a powerful netizen, and even more sorry for Hou Xiaolong who was forced to death by Zhou Qian.

So, she united with the classmates in the class and jointly requested the Education Bureau to cancel Zhou Qian's college entrance examination results. This got the response of many people, especially those girls who also silently liked Hou Xiaolong.

Liu Cuizhu's uncle was a very powerful director of the Education Bureau, and he quickly helped Liu Cuizhu hand over the joint name to the desk of a certain leader of the Education Bureau.

Who would have thought that the plot would suddenly turn around, and their co-signed students are now in an extremely passive state.

Liu Cuizhu's uncle told Liu Cuizhu with a solemn expression, that your classmate should have a great background, so things have become very troublesome now, and even he was severely scolded by the leader. Your practice of maliciously slandering your classmates may be recorded in your files and accompany you for the rest of your life. Even if your scores are up this time, I am afraid that no college is willing to admit you.

After hearing this, Liu Cuizhu burst into tears like a bolt from the blue.

She hurriedly found Teacher Yang and the other classmates who participated in the joint name, and came to Zhou Qian's home together, intending to apologize sincerely, and only asked for her forgiveness, and there might be room for a turning point in the matter.

As for Su Li... She came here to find Zhou Qian, but she just happened to meet these people outside, so she couldn't escape, so she had to come up together.

Su Li felt that these people were really disgusting, and they did such a thing secretly. As for Teacher Yang, whom she respected and loved, she never stood up and said a word for Zhou Qian, so Su Li didn't intend to respect and love her. So now seeing Zhou Qian's Ze Dao brother hurting them so much, I feel really relieved.

Teacher Yang smiled awkwardly at Li Zedao, then looked at Zhou Qian: "Student Zhou Qian..."

"Hello, Teacher Yang." Zhou Qian said, her tone was the same as the greeting after meeting in the past, then she turned her head and looked at Su Li and said, "Let's go, let's help Brother Zedao wash the dishes first .”

She has a weak temper and a kind heart, but that doesn't mean she has no anger in her heart. Teacher Yang's actions and the indifference of her classmates have completely hurt her in this matter.

Zhou Qian didn't understand. Although she usually didn't talk much, she didn't even say a bad word about her classmates. Why did they treat her like this.

Feel angry!

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