On the third day after the final exam, Li Zedao started his planned trip to the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau.

Go west out of Rong City, pass Erlang Mountain, look at Gongga Mountain, the king of Shu Mountain, and enter the highest plateau in the world...the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau.

On the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau, you can't see hundreds of miles of plains, but you can see countless stretching and towering mountains.

Gongga Mountain, Queer Mountain, Goers Mountain, Damara Mountain, Dongdala Mountain, Mira Mountain, Gangdise Mountain... one after another all kinds of mountains are lingering by your side, and finally Connected to the roof of the world... the Himalayas.

So this kind of trip is naturally a test of physical strength. In addition, Li Zedao didn't go there for travel at this time, but mainly to find the bones of his master who were buried on this plateau that stretches thousands of miles. Therefore, there are only four people on this trip, Li Zedao , Bei, Miss Mitty and Mr. Pete.

Miss Mitty naturally has to follow, because Mr. Pete's mission is to protect her safety. Where she is, Mr. Pete will be there. In the same way, wherever Teacher Pete is, she will be there too.

Although her skills are insignificant, she has been dragging Mr. Pete around the world since she was a child, so her physical strength is naturally not a problem.

Besides, even if she couldn't walk anymore, Li Zedao could easily carry her on his back.

As for Bei, she told Li Zedao coldly that she was left alone in Fenghuang City. She couldn't guarantee whether she would conflict with any woman or even fight. Li Zedao turned pale with fright and quickly said that I had decided to let you follow through.

For Bei, it can be regarded as the initial integration into this big family composed of many women and one man, but her temperament is there, so if Li Zedao is not around, she will not adapt and be troubled.

The group of four traveled lightly and first took a plane to Rong City, where the north was not so willing to go. As soon as the plane arrived at Rong City Airport, Li Zedao received a call from Director Yang, who is also known as the Dark Emperor.

"I heard that you're going to the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau?" Anhuang's voice came over, seeming a little enthusiastic.

Li Zedao's tone became much colder. He is a stingy person, so he was really worried about the intimidation of this sinister old man before, and he couldn't swallow that tone: "Who said it?"

On the other end of the phone, the Dark Emperor choked on Li Zedao's words and almost spit out some old blood.

Who else said it? Can you listen to what my men say? But the Dark Emperor couldn't answer this way, because he promised Li Zedao not to send anyone to follow him, but in fact, Li Zedao had some eyeliners around him. Of course, he also knew that with Li Zedao's ability, he would definitely Also found those eyeliners too.

The Dark Emperor found it very strange. According to his own cultivation base, current status and various experiences in the past few decades, he was even on the verge of death several times, so it stands to reason that he still reached the level of "Mountain collapse". "Being in the front but not changing the color, the elk is on the left but not blinking", there is nothing at all that can make his mood fluctuate too much.

But why does he feel so depressed as soon as he talks to this kid? The thought of wanting to beat up the other party severely has already begun.

Because this kid is his nemesis?

Then the Dark Emperor remembered the boy's master, God's Hand, another man who could make his mood fluctuate greatly, and some words he said made the Dark Emperor want to vomit a few mouthfuls of old blood.

"Don't worry, I just want to find my master's bones and pay homage, and relax by the way. In addition, I have also studied the materials you gave me very carefully. I can understand most of the words on them, but I don't understand these words. What do you want to express when you get up?" Li Zedao said, "So you don't have to follow me? I don't like people sneaking behind me...Of course, if you send a beautiful woman over, I can Consider letting her follow."

The Dark Emperor didn't want to continue talking to Li Ze about this matter, so he said in a solemn tone: "Information has come, and the American side has made new breakthroughs in the research on that kind of superman.

It has entered the final stage of experimentation, and I am afraid that it is not far from success. "

"Well, then make preparations, defense that should be defended, transfer that should be diverted, and prevent the opponent from attacking...Of course, the most important thing is to find out the traitor who is hiding around you. Isn't it because you are in the Is there your eyeliner in the opponent's team? Similarly, there must be the opponent's eyeliner beside you." Li Zedao analyzed in a serious tone.

The Dark Emperor almost spat out another mouthful of old blood, nonsense, do you need to teach me this kind of thing? I'm telling you this to remind you to quickly study the information left by Huang Longfeng and enter the magic cave to get the medicine in the tomb, okay? Or maybe you simply admit that you are a back-to-basics master?

The Dark Emperor was actually wondering if Li Zedao had already broken through to the legendary level and now he is now a master of turning things around, but he couldn't be sure after all, so he didn't have much confidence in his heart.

In fact, when he met the Hand of God and begged him to "quickly die", there was still such a conversation between the two, but the Dark Emperor didn't talk to anyone, not even the No. 1 chief.


"Even if I get the safety button on my body, I don't think Huang Wen can successfully get the things in Duanmu Weizhuang's tomb." The hand of God looked at the dark emperor lazily and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, I made a mistake. , because he must not be able to successfully get the things in Duanmuweizhuang's tomb."

The Dark Emperor was a little puzzled: "Are you so sure?"

"I have integrated the blue safety buckle, so my feeling has always been very accurate." The Hand of God said with a smile.

The dark emperor didn't know what to say.

"In addition, I have another feeling. If you didn't fool me, the American side is really studying the so-called genetic superman whose strength is probably no less than that of the master of returning to the basics..."

The Dark Emperor was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood, he interrupted him and said, "I don't need to lie to you." Who is he, he is the Dark Emperor, he can be said to be the number one master in China, just to meet your God's hand, You can't get any cheap, how can a master like me lie to you?

"Oh, just pretend it's true."


"My sixth sense tells me that in the future, the only person capable of fighting against the genetic superman you mentioned is my apprentice Li Zedao, so treat him better and don't let him suffer." The Hand of God said with a smile.


Regarding the words of the hand of God, the Dark Emperor naturally doubted even the punctuation marks, and he was more inclined to say that it was nothing more than a kind of protection for his apprentice.

So afterwards, the Dark Emperor didn't say that Li Zedao's life was too important.

Therefore, when Huang Wen and his group set off for the Devil's Cave Forest, only Li Zedao came back alive, the Dark Emperor even wanted to kill him. In his opinion, this kid must be secretly messing with Huang Wen. It directly led to the death of Huang Wen and the others, and even led to the failure of the mission.

Of course, the mission may not have failed, the medicine has already fallen into the hands of that kid, so that kid is now a master of returning to basics?

The dark emperor is not sure, a master like him can hide his own strength at will, let alone the kind of master who returns to basics.

So he had people follow him secretly, and even looked for opportunities to test him. In other words, his subordinates were not so much trying to test the mysterious woman who appeared out of nowhere, but rather trying to test Li Zedao.

The result of the trial was within his expectations. In the face of Li Zedao's formidable strength, his subordinates had no power to resist.

In any case, the Dark Emperor is now willing to believe in his so-called sixth sense that the Hand of God said before. In the future, only Li Zedao will be able to fight against your genetic superman.

"It's still the same sentence, we need you, this country needs you, please hurry up." Dark Emperor said.

Another patriotic kidnapping! Li Zedao said helplessly: "I never thought that I would be such an important person."

"You are indeed very important." The Dark Emperor said, "I said, if there is a person who can understand the information left by Huang Longfeng in the shortest possible time, and then enter the Demon Cave Forest again to obtain the information in the tomb of Duanmuweizhuang That medicine, that person must be you."

"Thank you for valuing me so much, I will try my best." Li Zedao said.

"I know you will." The dark emperor smiled, "Let's find a time to fight and let me see the terrifying strength of a back-to-basics master."

"Let's talk about it after I become a master of returning to basics." Li Zedao said lightly. This cunning old man, who thought he was an idiot, turned out to be aboveboard.

"Haha..." The Dark Emperor laughed, feeling really puzzled, this kid's reaction was so fast.

"If possible, find someone to help me look after my home." Li Zedao said.

Anhuang was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood the meaning of Li Zedao's words, and said with a smile, "I'll let Anhuang go."

After hanging up the phone, Li Zedao looked back at Miss Mitty who was standing there looking at him with an ambiguous expression, and looked indifferently as if someone owed her five million and didn't pay her back, but he didn't see Mr. Pete.

"Where's Mr. Pete?" Li Zedao asked. Earlier, he asked Mr. Pete to help him investigate the matter of the Rothschild family's participation in the study of genetic superhumans in the United States. Mr. Pete told Li Zedao that he had asked the nail hidden inside Rothschild to pay attention to this matter. Yes, I will report back as soon as there is news.

"Oh, dear, Mr. Pete has gone to the bathroom, and he will be back soon." Miss Mitty said, hugged Li Zedao's arm, and her red lips even printed a mouthful on Li Zedao's face.

Originally, two peerless beauties and even one of them was a foreign girl standing over there, which was attractive enough, but now everyone saw that foreign girl took the initiative to kiss a boy who came out of nowhere. The heart of the beast that smacked the babe was broken.

In fact, Li Zedao had been standing there the whole time, but Bei and Miss Mitty were too dazzling, so everyone didn't notice that there was a man standing beside them.

Recommend the new book of urban master Lao Shi:

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