The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1461 Sichuan-Tibet Plateau

Seeing Li Zedao's wretched smile, Bei inexplicably wanted to beat him up. I'm still not used to it, I'm not used to seeing him act flirtatiously with other sisters, although it's normal, but...

Anyway, Bei decided to find an excuse to beat him up in a short while.

Li Zedao looked at Bei with an indifferent expression and smiled, stretched out the other hand towards her, and winked to express don't be jealous, I still have one hand for you to hug.

Although it is extremely dangerous to be hugged left and right by such two stunning beauties, maybe someone will not stand it anymore and come over to beat him up, but in order to take care of Bei's emotions, for a bowl of water Ping, Li Zedao went all out, disregarding life and death.

"Get out!" Bei said coldly, this beast wants to hug left and right in this crowded public place at the airport, show off its capital and make others jealous? I won't let you succeed! Besides, I am not as open as this foreign girl.

Miss Mitty looked at Bei with a smile and said, "Sister Nai, are you shy?" Then she leaned her little head on Li Zedao's shoulder, and her actions became even more intimate.

Is this provocative? Bei gritted his teeth slightly, wanting to say let go of my man! But how could she say that? How could she say that? This man belongs to herself but also belongs to many women. This is an iron fact, something she can't change.

It is impossible for her to kill all those other women, let alone leave this man to find another man who only loves her.

So... an idea has already formed in my heart, this man is me... At least half of it is mine now!

So, she glanced at Li Zedao as if she was looking at a dead person, but she simply put her arms around Li Zedao's other hand, and her lips actively touched Li Zedao's face, and then leaned her head on his shoulder Anyway, whatever Miss Mitty did, she did.

Anyway, she fell in love with this foreign girl whom she didn't know very well. I will do to your man what you do to my man... It's weird.

There are two beauties, one Chinese and one foreign. The foreign girl looks fiery and sexy with a smile, while the Chinese beauty is cold. One is like a burning fire, and the other is like a thousand-year-old ice. A feeling of incompatibility.

Originally, this overly beautiful foreign girl hugged the boy's arm, and many hearts were already broken. Now, seeing this stunning beauty hug the boy's other arm and give her lips or something, it caused As a result, many more hearts were broken, and those who had already been broken were broken again.

What's so good about this kid that he actually made these two beauties jealous of him... Well, he must be very rich, how can girls nowadays worship money like this?

If eyes could kill, Li Zedao, who was enjoying the blessing of being equal to others, would probably have died tens of thousands of times.

In the bathroom, Mr. Pete was sitting on the toilet, but his old and withered fingers quickly lit on the screen of the mobile phone, and edited a text message.

Not long after, a text message came in.

Teacher Pete glanced at the text message, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up a bit bitterly, and then he deleted the text message casually, then got up, put the phone back in his pocket, opened the door of the compartment, and came to In front of the faucet.

Turn on the faucet and wash his dry and old hands carefully, but his sharp eyes look at his old face in the mirror, which can be seen with a trace of sickness.

Then, suddenly there was no sign of severe coughing, and he covered his mouth with his hands, but he still coughed so badly, as if it would never stop.

At this moment, the eyes of the master who can at least rank in the top five in skill are full of pain, looking like an old man who is very sick and on the verge of death.

His other hand quickly reached into his pocket, took out a medicine bottle,

He opened it with trembling hands, and put a pill into his mouth everywhere. Finally, the cough gradually stopped, replaced by violent gasping. After a while, the violent gasping gradually subsided, returning to the previous appearance.

"I have had a severe cough in the last two or three days, so the effect of that medicine is weakening, so the condition is gradually getting worse...Although I always tell myself that I have lived for such a long time, I should see you area, but still... I can't bear to die after all."

Mr. Pete thought about looking at the old face in the mirror that was flushed with difficulty breathing for a while, then washed it with water in his hands, wiped it clean with a paper towel, and then left the bathroom as if nothing happened, and followed there Li Zedao, who was waiting, met them.

"Oh, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting." Teacher Pete, who had completely recovered his previous expression, looked at Li Zedao and nodded, and then looked at Miss Mitty, who had a trace of worry on her face. A loving smile.

All along, he and Patriarch Moss are like father and son, and his relationship with Miss Mitty is like grandson. Whenever he sees Miss Mitty, his mood will become very good.

"Ms. Pete, are you okay?" Miss Mitty asked. After all, it took too long for Mr. Pete to go to the bathroom, and he was seriously ill, so Miss Mitty was really worried about his physical condition.

"Oh, it's all right, I just coughed again, so I wasted a little time, but I've already taken the medicine, so I'm much better now." Teacher Pete said with a smile.

"Ms. Pete..." Miss Mitty has a sad expression on her face. She is the princess of the Luciano family. She has an enviable appearance and wisdom. She can control the life and death of many people, but Mr. Pete is not among them.

For a long time, for the Luciano family, Mr. Pete's illness has been the family's top priority. Although there are a large number of extremely expensive medicines to control Mr. Pete's illness, this can't stop the illness at all. A little heavier step.

Although Miss Mitty didn't want to admit it, she also knew that Mr. Pete's days were numbered.

"Oh, dear Miss Mitty, I feel fine, I'm fine." Mrs. Pete comforted with a smile, then gently hugged Miss Mitty and kissed her gently on the forehead.

"Oh, Mr. Pete, I don't allow you to have trouble, I don't allow you to die." Miss Mitty said in a sad but domineering tone.

Teacher Pete showed a loving smile on his face, and said, "Miss Mitty, my little princess, I promise you, I will be fine and I will not die."


A group of four set off from Rong City, and finally entered the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau, which stretches thousands of miles.

In this vast land, the huge mountains are steep, vigorous and rough, with towering peaks and cold light.

The forest resources are extremely rich, and the large and small plateau lakes and exotic flowers and plants together constitute an extraordinary wonder of the world.

Most of the high mountains covered with snow all the year round are above six or seven thousand meters above sea level. Being on the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau, even the horizon under your feet is thousands of meters above sea level.

When they entered this vast land, Li Zedao and the others met many backpackers. Of course, in the eyes of these backpackers, Li Zedao and the others were backpackers just like them. If there is any difference, it is These four people are really old, and they are still foreigners.

The young ones are too dazzling, the men are handsome and the women are beautiful, so naturally they become the focus of these backpackers.

Some backpackers who are good at talking even came over to express their enthusiasm for traveling together, but the eyes of these guys were too bright when they secretly looked at Bei and Miss Mitty, and even looked at Li Zedao with bright eyes, which made Li Zedao Very depressed, damn it, this is really courting death! Everyone has a love of beauty, so I don't care about you if you look at my woman with such bright eyes, but why do you have weird eyes when you look at me?

For the sake of their little brother, Li Zedao simply refused, saying that we don't like crowds and we like quietness.

Does this mean they are too loud? So these backpackers with ulterior motives are naturally very depressed. They rely on the fact that they are doing some disgusting and nasty things in the wilderness here, and no one should know about it. They also rely on the large number of them, so I want to tell Li Zedao something. It is reasonable.

Bei glanced at the boy as if he was looking at a dead person, raised his long legs and kicked them on a small tree as thick as a bowl.

"Crack!" The small tree rented by Wankou was broken by Bei very simply.

These backpackers who interrupted their reasoning turned pale with fright, as if they had seen a ghost. If they were kicked with such would be too terrifying, I can't even imagine it.

So these people didn't dare to provoke them anymore, and they all hid far away.

The further you went in, the fewer backpackers, and in the end, only Li Zedao and the others were left, and there were no other people around.

It is already very deep here, and the mountain road is steep and difficult to walk, so basically no backpackers come here. After all, the purpose of these backpackers is to embrace nature, challenge themselves, exercise perseverance and teamwork spirit, Improving the ability to survive in the wild or something, but in any case, life is the most important, so they won't go too deep.

Standing on the top of the mountain, looking from a distance, I can see that the mountains in the distance are mostly covered in silver, with jagged rocks, silent, sharp edges and corners, straightforward and open, each with its own unique vitality.

Li Zedao looked at Teacher Pete who was looking around and asked, "Mr. Pete, is this here?"

"Oh, God, yes, it's here." Teacher Pete nodded and said, "This is the first place where we met the hand of God. I'm so impressed with that stone, it's here Exactly."

As he spoke, he pointed to a large rock with a strange shape that looked like a tiger from a distance not far away.

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