The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1465 no sense of public morality

However, Li Zedao couldn't do that. His body was in the water, and his skills had to be restricted by at least half. Therefore, once his head left the water, it was difficult for him to avoid the overwhelming blows that seemed to fill up the entire pool. up stone.

Not to mention that there is still a violent explosion happening by the pool at this time, you don’t need to think about it, you can know that there must be experts watching, as long as they see a head sticking out of the water, maybe hundreds of bullets will go directly, and then it will be counted. You are a master of returning to basics, and you have to be beaten into a hornet's nest.

The only thing that makes Li Zedao feel a little lucky is that although the bottom of the water is extremely dark, his eyesight is there, so he can still see some things under the water, but it is not a very comfortable thing to keep his eyes open in the water.

While diving quickly, Li Zedao also struggled to avoid the stones one after another. There were quite a few stones. The largest stone was one meter long and wide, and most of them were as big as basketballs. Can be ignored.

Li Zedao avoided most of the stones, but it was inevitable that he got hit a few times. Fortunately, it was in the water, so he wouldn't be injured.

This pool is indeed quite deep, and of course it’s not that exaggeratedly deep. After diving down for about 30 meters, Li Zedao stepped on an unknown algae-like plant at the bottom of the pool. Of course, follow him What arrived at the bottom of the pool was one piece after another, large or small stones.

Li Zedao, who was at the bottom of the pool, quickly calmed down. He hugged Bei's limp body tightly with his hands. Just now, he touched several acupuncture points on Bei's body. Sealing these acupuncture points can make Bei's body function Being temporarily in a semi-enclosed state simply means that her body's desire for fresh air is not so urgent, so that she can stay in the water for a short time longer, so as not to drown.

Of course, this can only last for a short period of time. In addition, Li Zedao estimated that she was in a coma after being injured in the head by the aftermath of the North Pole. It's life-threatening.

At that moment Li Zedao looked up slightly, he could see the stones sinking one after another, and he could vaguely hear the sound of the explosion and the sound of the stones hitting the water. To his enemies, he had planned it long ago, but to him, he was caught off guard by the explosion, and the explosion continued.

After about two minutes, it may even be shorter... Of course, for Li Zedao, this short period of less than two minutes seems to have passed several months, or even longer.

Li Zedao now has a deep understanding of what it means to spend seconds like the sun, minutes like the moon, and days like years. This feeling is really painful.

Finally, there was no more sound of explosions, nor the sound of stones hitting the water. The large and small stones that were thrown into the water before sank to the pond one by one and stopped floating. Then, The entire bottom of the pool has fallen into a very strange silence, as if there are no living things.

Li Zedao looked up intently, he didn't dare to say anything now, because he understood a truth, those hunters who were hiding in the dark would definitely show up to check if the prey fell into the trap, now as long as If they have a slight change, they will definitely be discovered. At that time, they don't need to go into the water at all, they just need to throw a few * in the water, and then they and Bei may have to stop eating.

Therefore, for Li Zedao, this is a huge test both physically and psychologically.

Compared with the body, the psychological test is even greater. He is worried about Bei's physical condition, he is worried about Miss Mitty's safety, and he also wants to ask whether he and Bei will die here. manage? At the same time, he felt extremely uncomfortable, because there was actually a hunter lurking beside him, but he knew nothing about it.

Mr. Pete! He is the hunter lurking beside him! This made Li Zedao very sad,

I can't accept anything.

Because Mr. Pete tipped off the news, the enemy had enough time to place that kind of powerful gun here... This kind of gun even gave Li Zedao a very familiar feeling. When he was in Lang Village, he and Bei met. Once, so, the identity of the enemy is almost revealed.

Li Zedao also guessed that the reason why Mr. Pete came back after leaving for a long time was not because of constipation or something, but because he had to give himself enough time to soak his feet. The more you relax your vigilance, the less likely you will be able to avoid the subsequent attacks.

Finally, Mr. Pete came back, he expressed his concern to Miss Mitty, and found a reason to take Miss Mitty away from the pool.

Then, *was detonated the moment Mr. Pete led Miss Mitty out of the way!

So, Mr. Pete betrayed the Luciano family and chose to join the Rothschild family? Or maybe the two families have reached some kind of cooperation agreement?

Li Zedao is more inclined to the latter! It is said that loyalty is because there are not enough bargaining chips for betrayal, but Li Zedao does not think that the Rothschild family can provide any bargaining chips to make Mr. Pete betray the Luciano family, because what the Rothschild family can give him, the Luciano family can also Give!

Besides, Mr. Pete has only been alive for a few days, how could he choose to betray himself to infamy before he died?

Therefore, there is a high probability that the Rothschild family and the Luciano family have secretly reached an agreement! In order to show their sincerity to the Rothschild family, the Luciano family chose to sell themselves!

"Bastards! Miss Mitty must be so sad when you do this?" Li Zedao's heart was full of violence, and he had an urge to kill.

Then, he vaguely heard the sound of a conversation coming into his ears, it wasn't so clear, but after all, his hearing was amazing, so he could barely hear it clearly!

So, it really is Mr. Pete!

While Li Zedao gritted his teeth, he continued to listen.

When someone suggested to go into the water to have a look, Li Zedao's heart twitched slightly. The area of ​​the pool is not that big. If someone came down, he would be found immediately. If the other party shot in his heart, Where to hide?

And when he heard that the other party was planning to throw guns into the water, Li Zedao was quite cold in the cold water, but cold sweat broke out involuntarily on his forehead, and he cursed in his heart, mom Egg, do you still have a sense of public morality? Don't know if there are fish in this pool? If you throw a gun, it will kill the fish, you know that? You are destroying nature, do you know that?

Li Zedao was very anxious, what should we do? Float as fast as possible and find a chance to leave this pool? This idea was quickly passed by Li Zedao, and the same sentence, if you go up, you will definitely die, and the enemy's bullets are enough to turn you into a hornet's nest.

Since the enemy chooses to use * such despicable behavior, it proves that they don't want to fight you head-on one-on-one at all!

Pray not to be infected? How can it be?

what to do? what to do?

Just when Li Zedao gritted his teeth and decided to come out of the water to see if he could fight to the death, he suddenly saw that there seemed to be a dark hole in the wall of the pool on the left, as if it was a natural hole that was big enough If it is deep enough, people hiding in it may be able to escape the attack wave of *.

Li Zedao hugged Bei tightly, moved his body gently, and came to the circular hole with a diameter of about one meter, which was wide enough for Li Zedao to take Bei to swim in.

"Could there be a snake living in it? Or some dangerous creature?"

Although he can be regarded as bold, Li Zedao still felt a little nervous when faced with this hole hidden at the bottom of the pool where he couldn't see clearly and didn't know how deep it was.

However, there was no time for him to hesitate for too long, because the hunters above were about to throw guns into the pool soon.

Li Zedao gritted his teeth, hugged Bei tightly, and burrowed into the small hole. After all, there was still a person in his arms, and the small hole was not that spacious, and Li Zedao was afraid of being scratched by the stones on the wall of the North cave. Yes, so the movement moved forward slowly.

Just when Li Zedao's feet were fully retracted into the hole, "Boom!" There was a muffled sound, and immediately a huge water pressure was squeezed into the hole, making Li Zedao really uncomfortable.

Of course, after the water was pushed into the hole, it also brought a benefit, that is, it directly pushed Li Zedao to go deeper into the hole.

At the same time, Li Zedao clearly felt that the air in his chest was decreasing little by little, that is to say, he couldn't last too long, and if he didn't get out of the water quickly, he would really die in the water. here.

"Boom!" There was another muffled sound, accompanied by an extremely strong water pressure, which made Li Zedao's body, who continued to move forward, feel uncomfortable again. It's shaking, so... If those bastards above continue to throw a few more * down, will this passage that leads to nowhere and is almost at the end collapse like this?

As soon as he had such a terrifying thought in his heart, Li Zedao struggled to lead Bei to swim forward along the water flowing in because of the explosion.

After swimming about ten meters forward, Li Zedao's eyes suddenly lit up, and he vaguely saw a circular exit. Therefore, there was a pool in another place, and there was such a pool between the two pools. A naturally formed channel?

Such a discovery is tantamount to a drowning person catching a large log floating on the water, and Li Zedao, the drowning person, naturally grabbed it tightly.

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