The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1466 starve to death

Therefore, Li Zedao swam forward even more vigorously. Finally, he led Bei out of this passage, and then he didn't bother to look at the surrounding situation. He only felt that the surroundings were dark, as if they were all stone walls. In other words, the area of ​​this pool is smaller than the previous one.

Li Zedao couldn't wait to take a breath of fresh air, and the north needed air even more, so Li Zedao desperately went upstream.

"Huh!" Finally, Li Zedao and Bei got their heads out of the water, and then breathed in the air greedily, as if the air was full of sweetness. The heart also relaxes a little bit.

After taking a few deep breaths of air, Li Zedao took a little look at the surrounding situation, but found that he seemed to be in a dark cave with a small area, and the place he was in was not so much It is better to say that it is a large water tank with a diameter of less than two meters.

It's just that this large tank is connected to the previous pool through the channel he drilled just now, which is like two ends of a "U" shape, drilling in from one end and coming out from the other end.

Before he had time to think about it, Li Zedao hurriedly took Bei to the shore, let her lie down, quickly checked her physical condition, and found that there was a big wound on the back of her head, most likely caused by a gunshot wound Or it was hit by the stone that exploded like a bullet, and then fell into a coma after falling into the water.

Li Zedao's heart is already full of murderous intent. You must know that the back of the brain is one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body. There are many nerves in the back of the brain, which are connected to the brain at the top and the spine at the bottom. They are important transmission channels for the brain to send orders to various parts of the body. And all kinds of stimuli enter the channel of the brain. After this part is hit hard, it can cause coma in mild cases, and it can lead to death in severe cases. Moreover, that kind of coma is not an ordinary coma, and there may be a danger of becoming a vegetative state.

Now Li Zedao can only ensure that Bei is not in danger of life, but he cannot guarantee whether her brain will be damaged or even become a vegetable.

"The Rothschild family... Teacher Pete..." Li Zedao roared in a low voice, his face full of murderous intent, like a beast in a state of rage after being attacked.

At the same time, the water in the tank is still rippling and has not calmed down. It is conceivable that those people are still throwing guns into the pool. If they hadn't found the passage in time and arrived at this dark place smoothly In the cave, now maybe his and Bei's bodies have been blown to pieces by the guns, or if they try their best to get out of the water and fight out, they will be shot into a hornet's nest in all likelihood.

Conditions are limited, so he can only help Bei to treat the wound briefly. It is not impossible to burn a fire. Occasionally, because of smoking, he has a lighter in his pocket that Nintendo gave him after returning to Phoenix City.

At that time, it was in Nintendo's office, Nintendo was sitting on his lap, with a lazy and charming expression, saying that little man, your performance is good, my wife is very satisfied, this is a reward for you...

Li Zedao said helplessly that he was too stingy and rewarded him with a lighter.

The way Nintendo looks at Li Zedao is no different from looking at the turtle, which means that this is my wife who specially contacted a luxury brand to order it for you, and it cost me 500,000 yuan.

Li Zedao was dumbfounded, and at the same time, he slapped Nintendo's buttocks. This prodigal bitch, you spent half a million yuan on lighters that can be wholesaled for hundreds of dollars? Even if you are a rich woman, you can't spend like this...

Li Zedao didn't think that there were such things as wood and dry firewood in this cave with an area of ​​about 30 to 40 square meters, so even if his lighter was worth half a million yuan, Li Zedao couldn't make a fire.

Fortunately, although Bei was in a coma after being hit hard on the back of the head, after all, his physique was there, so his body gradually became hot, so there was no need to worry too much about her being cold, and Li Zedao didn't need it.

The mobile phone is also there, and this mobile phone is waterproof.

So even though it has been soaked in water for so long, it is not damaged, but the signal is completely blocked in this cave, so don't even think about calling for help, and the phone seems to be running out of battery.

The only function of the mobile phone now is to temporarily act as a flashlight. Although Li Zedao doesn't need such a flashlight so much, after all, brighter light can make people feel more comfortable.

As soon as the screen of the mobile phone lit up, the darkness nearby was dispelled. As expected, Li Zedao's heart also calmed down a lot.

Now there is nothing more than one problem before him, and that is to get out of here quickly.

He was really worried that Bei was injured, and now she urgently needs to be rushed to the hospital for a proper examination of her head.

Li Zedao absolutely couldn't accept becoming a vegetative person. If he was fragmented, he would lose his memory and forget him. Li Zedao couldn't accept it either.

What worries Li Zedao is not that those damned guys are still uneasy after throwing away the guns, and then go into the water to find their bodies. In the end, they didn't find the bodies, but they found the secret passage at the bottom of the pool and found this place. If they really came However, Li Zedao couldn't be happier. In this case, he is in the dark, while the enemy is in the open, so one will kill one, and two will kill one pair.

Li Zedao was worried that the passage would collapse under the influence of one after another *? What if it really collapsed? Li Zedao didn't think he had the ability to dig out such a passage when he was underwater.

Or, is there another exit for this seemingly naturally formed cave? Li Zedao looked up and glanced around, wanting to see the naturally formed stalactite above his head, so basically there is no such possibility.

Therefore, this is an extremely serious problem. If he really can't get out in the end, he and Bei will starve to death here.

The water in the pool was still rippling, and there were even subtle muffled noises. If it wasn't for the fact that the cave was too quiet and Li Zedao's hearing was amazing, he might not have heard it.

"Bastard, don't you need money?" Li Zedao couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

Li Zedao estimated that those bastards from the Rothschild family in front of the pool threw at least ten or more * * into the pool. If it were not in the water, ten such * * would be enough to cover a small mountain. Fried flat.

Holding Bei Heng up, Li Zedao lowered his head and kissed her slightly whitish and cold tightly closed lips, feeling distressed again.

As for Miss Mitty's safety, I'm not so worried at this moment. After all, Mr. Pete's daring to fight Beixia does not mean that he will be attacked by Miss Mitty, otherwise he will not take her away before the bomb explodes. explosion site.

But, she must be very sad, right?

Throwing away all the messy thoughts in his heart, Li Zedao began to look at the cave. Anyway, there is no way to check whether the passage is collapsed now, so first look for other caves in this cave. exit.

This is a cave with an area of ​​about 30 to 40 square meters. Looking at the stone walls around the cave, there is no trace of artificial excavation, so it should be formed naturally.

Of course, this cannot be 100% sure. After all, after thousands of years of corrosion, even if it is artificially excavated, it will not be much different from the natural one.

After walking around the cave for a few times, Li Zedao checked the walls of the cave and found no gaps or exits. Therefore, his heart began to sink little by little. As the waterway left, there should be no other exit for this cave that was probably formed naturally.

As for playing with an exit with bare hands, Li Zedao felt that this was simply a fantasy. This should be a small hole formed inside a certain hill. In other words, the thickness of the wall of this hole is basically more than tens of meters. It is also hard granite, how to dig it with bare hands?

After searching two more times, even jumped up, grabbed the stalactite and checked the top of the cave, but still found nothing, Li Zedao could only give up temporarily and sat down beside Bei in a somewhat dejected manner.

Of course, it's not the most desperate time yet. After all, it's not yet determined whether the passage from the pool to the sink here has been blown up.

At this time, the water in the sink was no longer surging, and the slight sound was no longer heard, so the other party stopped throwing* down.

After waiting for another ten minutes, Li Zedao lowered his head and kissed Bei's lips, and said softly, "Wait for me here, I'll go down and have a look, and I'll be back soon."

Then, Li Zedao stood up and walked to the sink, took a deep breath, and entered the sink.

The body began to dive forward quickly, and soon, he came to the round hole that was drilled out before. Li Zedao looked inside, but his nose was sore that he almost cried.

The entrance of the passageway is still there, but inside... If you talk too much, it will be full of tears. I saw a big stone blocked there about one meter away from the entrance of the cave. Li Zedao stretched out his hand and tried to push it, but it didn't move , Therefore, the last thing he wanted to see really happened. Under the bombing of that *, this channel simply collapsed.

Staring at the stone stuck there for a few seconds, Li Zedao was not reconciled, and stretched his hand in again, exerting all his strength, but the stone stuck there did not move at all, and then, he only felt that he was His anger was almost vented, Li Zedao had no choice but to dive up, then turned his head out of the water, and crawled out of the tank.

"Fuck! Fuck!" Li Zedao cursed viciously in a low voice, his heart was so bad that he never expected the ultimate death of a super rich man who, in Nintendo's words, is money and to him is a string of numbers Fa turned out to be starved to death, if this gets out, will he be laughed to death?

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