The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1467 Shameless Master

What makes people feel even more sad and hopeless is that this matter cannot be spread at all. Even if someone finds the pool and goes into the water, nine times out of ten they won't be able to find the channel that has collapsed, they won't find their own body at the bottom of the pool, they will only think that they have supernatural powers or something, and then they will go to the place where the bomb explodes. Where did he escape in an instant?

No one will find his and Bei's bodies! no one!

Li Zedao suddenly felt a little gloating. If those damn Rothschild family members and Mr. Pete went into the pool after throwing away the gun, but they couldn't find their bodies, then they must be very nervous, right?

Thinking that they might have trouble sleeping and eating, Li Zedao laughed inexplicably, his voice became dry and hard, and he couldn't continue laughing anymore.

"Idiot, are you still in the mood to laugh at others after this?" Li Zedao couldn't help but slap himself.


In front of the pool, God of War looked at the little fish floating on the turbid water, waved his hand to Xiaosi and said, "Oh, you idiot, why are you still standing there? Why don't you take two people to the bottom of the water and kill that damned fish?" Pick up the corpse of the guy? Even if the corpse has turned into pieces of meat, you have to pick it up for me, even if one piece is missing!"

But Patriarch Meyer confessed that if he was alive, he would see the dead body. If he was still alive, he would torture him to death with his own hands. If he died, he would chop up his body and feed it to the dogs.

Stoudemire and the other two men quickly put on the diving equipment they had prepared earlier, and then jumped into the muddy pool one by one, and dived to the bottom.

Fifteen minutes later, the heads of Stoudemire and two other men emerged from the water. Xiaosi first let out a few breaths, then looked at Mr. Zhanshen, and said hesitantly: "Mr. Zhanshen, we didn't find the bodies of the man and the woman..."

God of War interrupted Xiao Si's words and yelled directly: "Oh, Xiao Si, you stupid guy, I told you, even if they become minced meat, you have to fish them up for me."

I thought that wasn't nonsense? They went forward and threw more than a dozen amazingly powerful guns into the pool, and the corpse had been blown to pieces long ago, so where is there any corpse?

"There's no minced meat either." Stoudemire said with difficulty.

God of War's face froze suddenly, and he asked with great difficulty: "Oh, damn it, do you know what you're talking about?"

"Yes, Mr. God of War, I know." Xiao Si said, "The three of us searched the entire water pool, but we didn't find any pieces of meat..."

"Oh, there's fish." Xiaosi realized that his words were too absolute, so he quickly added.


God of War was dumbfounded for a few seconds, and his expression became a little messy: "Oh, damn it, how is this possible?"

Not far away, after hearing Stoudemire's report, Mr. Pete frowned. How is this possible?

Or, at the moment the bomb exploded, Li Zedao and Ms. Nai did not dive into the pool but fled to another place... This is even more impossible!

Although he was certain in his heart that such a situation was impossible, Mr. Pete subconsciously looked around, as if Li Zedao was hiding there and staring at him with cold eyes.

"Oh, fuck, Stoudemire, you stupid guy, do you know what you're talking about?" God of War was furious. He felt that his IQ was insulted by these idiots, and that his authority was being insulted by these idiots. The subordinates are provocative.

"Mr. God of War, I think it is necessary for you to go into the water yourself." Mr. Pete walked up to him, looked at the water surface solemnly and said.

God of War glanced at his old face, gritted his teeth: "Damn it, I'll go down there myself."

Soon after putting on the diving suit, God of War jumped into the pool and dived to the bottom of the pool. This time, it took a full twenty minutes for his head to come out of the water.

Going ashore, he tore off his diving suit, and looked at Mr. Pete with a shocked expression on his face.

Seeing such an expression on his face, Teacher Pete's heart sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant. Therefore, there are indeed no corpses of Li Zedao and Miss Nai at the bottom of the pond, nor any part of the corpses... So, where did they go?

"Oh, damn it, it's impossible, it's impossible!" God of War's face was extremely gloomy. This trap is so perfect that even a master like the Hand of God cannot escape without being caught, but they are missing, which makes God of War feel that he has really failed.

"Nothing is impossible. He is a guy who will always bring you miracles." Teacher Pete said with a gloomy face.

"Miracle?" God of War was very depressed, this damn old man actually said it was a miracle.

"It's still possible to escape under such circumstances, and I didn't notice it at all when I escaped. There is only one explanation." Teacher Pete's tone was extremely dignified.

"What explanation?"

"the student surpasses the master!"

God of War narrowed his eyes, puzzled: "Oh, what does that mean?"

"It means that his skill is more terrifying than the hand of God! Moreover, it is much more terrifying!" Teacher Pete said.

"..." God of War's eyes widened, and he was speechless for a long time with his mouth wide open. He had to admit that this was the only and most reasonable explanation.

"However, we also smelled blood before, so it must be injured, and now that he didn't make a move, it means that he or that woman was seriously injured... So, I think what we have to do now He should leave immediately instead of waiting for him to come back to seek revenge on us." Teacher Pete said.

God of War shuddered inexplicably. Indeed, the most important thing they should do now is to leave this place quickly, leave Huaxia and return to the Rothschild family, otherwise they might die in a foreign land. He doesn't think they It will be the opponent of that damned Li Zedao whose skill is more terrifying than the hand of God.


At this time, Li Zedao, who they thought might come back at any time, was gently embracing Bei's body in the cave, kissing her lips from time to time... Maybe he would starve to death Yes, hurry up and kiss more.

Suddenly, Li Zedao narrowed his eyes slightly, and he found that there seemed to be words written on the uneven ground not far away, but it was too dim, and Li Zedao had always focused all his attention on the surroundings of the cave. And the top, I really didn't look down at the ground.

So, Li Zedao quickly put Bei down gently, then walked quickly to the front, bent down, and took a look at the faint light from the phone screen, and then, the whole person shook, his mouth grew wide eyes, as if seeing a ghost.

These are not ancient characters, but modern Chinese characters that he is very familiar with, even a three-year-old child can now understand.

The few modern Chinese characters on the top are: The hand of God is here to visit!

So, the master came here, and left these words in such a leisurely manner, did he even urinate? So did Master come here earlier or did he come here when he was waiting for those who wanted to kill him?

Li Zedao stretched out his hand and stroked the big characters. His fingers were already black, so these characters were undoubtedly written with burnt charcoal.

Under the big characters that are flamboyant and phoenix dancing, there are a few smaller lines of text: If someone enters here by accident in the future, they will definitely ask who is the Hand of God, right? So, let me briefly introduce myself. The hand of God is the man in the world who loves everyone, sees flowers bloom, and sees a car with a flat tire. He is well-educated, tall and mighty, has tens of millions of "fans", and fascinates thousands of girls. The jade-faced little white dragon who is known as a pear blossom crushing a begonia, the man who is so handsome...

Li Zedao looked at it and almost fell over. He only felt that his face was twitching so badly that he almost couldn't feel it. He knew that Master was an extremely shameless guy, but he didn't expect him to be so shameless. , how can anyone boast of themselves so much? Even if it was me, such an outstanding and handsome young man wouldn't dare to praise himself like that.

Then, feeling uncomfortable again, he suddenly thought of how enjoyable it is to drink the tea he brewed with the master.

Unfortunately, those days will never come again.

Although Li Zedao knew very well that the master's soul was in the white safety button, Li Zedao didn't know how to get the master's soul out to be a human again.

In addition, Li Zedao learned from the dark emperor that the master is actually a person who was resurrected with a different body, so maybe the old man, the master, has a way to make him come back to life again.

After boasting, there was another line of writing at the bottom. After reading it, Li Zedao's eyes widened again.

"Friendly reminder, this small area written by this handsome guy is a bit weird, it seems to be hollow, so there may be a hole in the bottom... Take risks! Boy!"

So, this place leads down?

Li Zedao took a deep breath, stretched out his hand, and tapped lightly on it. Sure enough, the sound seemed a little hollow, not the dullness of knocking on the wall before, so even if it is a stone wall here, it is very thin. kind of.

Li Zedao knocked on the side again, and his voice became dull again.

Knocking left and right, Li Zedao finally came to a conclusion that the stone wall in a small area where Master wrote the words was thin, while in other places it was thick.

This is like an attic, and Li Zedao is in the attic, and the place where the master wrote the words is the small door leading to the downstairs. As long as the small door is opened, there may be a passageway The stairs going downstairs.

It's just that the door is almost integrated with the ground, at least from the surface, you can't see any clues at all.

However, Li Zedao discovered the clue very quickly. It was four straight and extremely tiny gaps that fit together into a square about one meter long! In other words, the area that Master wrote is actually a large square slab of stone, and this large slab of stone covers the entrance leading to the bottom!

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