The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1468 Lourdes Castle

Of course, it doesn't have to be the entrance to the bottom, or it may be a pit for storing things, but no matter what, there must be a hole under the stone slab.

There is no tool, and the gap is extremely small, so it is impossible to pick up the stone slab with bare hands. Of course, it doesn't need to be so troublesome for Li Zedao, because now his eyes have been integrated into the pure blue peace Buckle, so he now has a super mind.

His eyes fell on the slate inlaid there, and when the thought of "I want that slate" appeared in his head, it was as if an invisible hand was pressing the heavy slate hard under the slate. It's like going up.

Of course, before doing this, Li Zedao took a few steps back. Who knows what's under the stone slab. It's better to stay far away so that you have more time to deal with the danger. In short, everything should be careful.

"Crack! Crack! Crack..." The dull voice continued, and the stone slab began to move up little by little.

In the end, the stone slab, which was usually about one meter wide and about ten centimeters thick and uneven on the surface, completely left the ground, and then slowly floated in front of Li Zedao.

Then, a dark hole with a length of one meter and a width of one meter appeared in front of Li Zedao.

Li Zedao reached out and grabbed the stone slab, then gently put it aside, took a deep breath, and walked to the hole that appeared, but found that it was a narrow step down. Where to go, Li Zedao doesn't know. With his current eyesight, he can't see the end of the steps at all, so it should be quite deep.

Li Zedao bit his lip lightly, went down to have a look?

Li Zedao didn't hesitate for too long. Anyway, sitting here foolishly is waiting to die. Why don't you go and have a look? Although this leads to an unknown world, and the unknown means danger or even death, but no matter what It's better than doing nothing here and waiting to die, besides, what if another exit is found?

Of course, Bei can't be left here alone. If he dies, he will die together.

At that moment, Li Zedao turned his head and carried Bei gently on his back, and then walked down the steps step by step.


Miss Mitty slowly opened her eyes, and those two emerald green eyeballs that seemed to be out of the world slightly turned left and right, and then met a pair of familiar smiling faces full of kindness and caring.

"Ms. Pete, are we in the car? Where's my dear? What happened? I... fell asleep?" Miss Mitty's face was blank, and her mind was full of questions.

She found that she was in a spacious car with the strange driver besides Mr. Pete. The car was driving fast on the road, but the scenery on both sides was so strange .

Where is my dear? What about sister Nai? They are in another car? Why did I just... fall asleep?

Miss Mitty's memory is still stuck in the scene that happened in front of the pool. She wanted to make a phone call with her father after putting on her shoes. After that, she felt her body float up. Afterwards, she seemed to hear a loud noise. There was a muffled sound, and after that, she didn't know anything.

Teacher Pete's expression remained the same as before, and his tone didn't change much, but the content of his speech made Miss Mitty's eyes widen.

"Yes, Miss Mitty, we are in the car now. You are not asleep, you were knocked out by me. As for where Zedao and Miss Nye are, I don't know."

"Oh, Mr. Pete, do you know what you're talking about? What's going on here?" Miss Mitty was stunned and asked with some difficulty.

Mr. Pete is still the same Mr. Pete, with the same expression and the same tone, but Miss Mitty feels that this Mr. Pete has become a little strange.

"We detonated the bombs that had been placed around the pool beforehand, but we didn't find the bodies of Li Zedao and Miss Nai afterwards, so,

They should still be alive. "Mr. Pete said with a kind smile on his face.

Miss Mitty's eyes widened: "Oh, Mr. Pete, this joke is not funny..."

"Miss Mitty, I'm not joking, what I said is true." Teacher Pete explained patiently.

Miss Mitty stared blankly at this familiar yet unfamiliar face for a while, and then the little face cooled down little by little. She was 100% sure that Mr. Pete was really not joking with herself, Mr. Pete It was really realized that guns were placed around the pool, so the loud noise that I vaguely heard before I passed out was the sound of guns exploding.

It's just, why does Mr. Pete treat my dear and sister Nai like this, because of his father? Only the father can give such an order to Mr. Pete, isn't it?

"Oh, God, did father make you do this?" Miss Mitty's face was cold and anxious, but at the same time, she was full of anger.

The disquiet is naturally because he is extremely worried about Li Zedao's current situation. Although Teacher Pete said that he did not find the bodies of dear and sister Nai, so they should have escaped smoothly, but they did not see anyone with their own eyes, so they could not feel at ease after all.

The anger was because of his father... How could he give such a killing order to Mr. Pete? What the hell is he trying to do?

Teacher Pete's expression remained unchanged, and he still had a kind smile on his face. He shook his head and said, "Oh, no, it was not Chief Moss who gave me such an order, but... Chief Meyer."

Miss Mitty's eyes that were already wide open widened even further, and she said in a voice, "Mr. Pete, you said... Patriarch Meyer? The Rothschild family?"

"Oh, yes, it's Patriarch Meyer of the Rothschild family." Teacher Pete said with a slight smile.

"You betrayed the Luciano family and joined the Rothschild family? Why? Why?" Miss Mitty's face was pale, full of disbelief, and felt as if a piece of her heart had been ripped out It seemed that she was almost suffocating in pain.

Since childhood, the teacher Pete who loved her the most and cared for her meticulously chose to betray her, her father, and the Luciano family. Miss Mitty couldn't accept anything she said.

Teacher Pete sighed slightly: "Because, I still don't want to die, I don't want to go to see God."


"Miss Mitty, don't you want me to die? I promise you too, I will work hard to live a few more days..."

"Oh, shut up, shut up, shut up! I don't want your death to have anything to do with your betrayal?" Miss Mitty's eyes were red, and she asked angrily.

"It does matter, they have a way to control my illness and make me live longer." Teacher Pete said with a slight smile, "Dear Miss Mitty, are you happy after hearing this news?"

"Oh, no, I feel very angry. I never thought that you would betray me, my father, the Luciano family, and you even did something to my dear. If something happens to him, I will definitely not I will let you go." Miss Mitty said angrily.

When she thought that something might happen to Li Zedao and Sister Nai, she became very anxious. Mr. Pete's skills and wisdom were there, and there were experts from the Rothschild family to assist him, and it was a sneak attack, so Dear Sister Henai and the others must be in a very bad situation now.

Teacher Pete sighed slightly, and said: "I have almost given my whole life to the Luciano family. I live for the Luciano family, for the Moss clan chief, and for the Maier clan chief. Now I will It's almost the end of my life and I want to live for myself and I don't think it's wrong."

"You are betraying!" Miss Mitty's face was full of anger.

"Oh, betraying your true inner thoughts is the real betrayal." Teacher Pete said with a slight smile, "Okay, dear Miss Mitty, you can have a good rest."

"Where are you taking me?"

"Castle of Lourdes," said Mr. Pete.

Miss Mitty's complexion changed slightly. The Castle of Lourdes is the headquarters of the Rothschild family.


Li Zedao walked down the dark steps step by step, paying attention to the movement around him, in case some unknown creature lived in the dark crack and suddenly appeared, it is true. Scary enough.

It's just that from the beginning to the end, the surroundings are extremely quiet, the only sound is his and Bei's breathing, although his breathing is almost non-existent, while Bei's breathing is quite weak, but because it's too quiet here, That's why the sound of breathing is particularly harsh.

The downward steps soon disappeared, replaced by an upward, extremely steep, and quite narrow crack in the mountain, with dripping stone walls on both sides, and it was curved, and I didn't know where it led, that is, Said, then began to continue to go up.

Li Zedao reckoned that the cave was formed naturally, and the crack was also formed naturally. As for the square opening and the steps, they were naturally dug out by hand, just to connect the cave and this natural crack.

As for whether the sink and the passage leading to the water pool are natural, half natural and half man-made, or all of them are man-made, it is unknown, after all, there is no way to study such things.

The further you go, the steeper the road ahead is. The slope is about 60 degrees, and even when it is steeper, it becomes straight up and down. Fortunately, Li Zedao is now a master of returning to the basics... False, but after all, he is Possesses the strength of a back-to-basics master, so even if he recites himself, he can easily deal with it, just like walking in a courtyard.

As for where this naturally formed crack will eventually lead, Li Zedao doesn't know. He only knows that he should be walking inside a certain mountain on the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau.

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