Qing Xuzi hung up when he said this, so Li Zedao didn't even know which mountain the so-called Wuming Cave was on, and what characteristics it had.

Therefore, for Li Zedao, the first method Qing Xuzi said was to listen to it casually, and as for the second method, he was too lazy to even listen to it casually.

But what I didn't expect was that the cave I entered by mistake is also called the Wuming Cave. As for whether this is the Wuming Cave that Qing Xuzi mentioned, it is unknown.

As for the test that Qing Xuzi said, Li Zedao didn't even know.

"Forget it, it's more important to find the exit quickly." Li Zedao muttered, putting this matter aside for the time being, turned around and came to the high platform, with a slight kick, he jumped up.

"Excuse me, excuse me." Li Zedao looked at the dry bone in the middle and muttered to himself a little boringly. Then he looked up at the round holes on the top of the cave, took a deep breath, and then stretched his legs. Jumping up suddenly, his hands are like eagle claws, and he has already firmly grasped the protruding stone.


Li Zedao's phone couldn't get through, so did Bei's phone, Mr. Pete's, and Miss Mitty's, so the women who lived in the Youyue Villa headed by Li Mengchen were as anxious as headless chickens at this moment. Can't eat, can't sleep, really restless, anxious.

It had been a day and a night, and they still couldn't get in touch with Li Zedao and the four of them, and Li Zedao's well-established colleagues didn't send any news back.

They were used to Li Zedao's strength and protection, but now that Li Zedao couldn't be contacted, they might be in some danger. They really felt like the sky was about to fall.

The first person who found out that Li Zedao's phone couldn't get through was the shadow. Her aunt came, so she hated Li Zedao so much that she vomited bubbles and muttered unhappily. This big idiot is too heartless. I know to make a phone call to take care of it.

You know, when these women will have their period every month, Li Zedao almost remembers it clearly, and will be very considerate to help cook a cup of steaming ginger soup and deliver it to you, then coax you to drink it.

But this time...you have to at least give a call and ask, dear Miss Shadow, I count your aunt is coming soon, so please obediently ask your sister to cook some ginger soup for you...

So the shadow called Li Zedao, intending to question this unconscionable bastard. Anyway, Li Zedao's purpose this time was to visit Lao Wang, and it could even be said that he was going on a trip, and he was not performing any important tasks. Not afraid to disturb him.

However, Li Zedao's cell phone was unavailable.

The one who called Sister Bei turned off the phone, and Sister Mitty... still turned off the phone.

Therefore, the shadow's expression suddenly became solemn, hmph, these three people will not meet together to play 3P together, do not want to be disturbed, so they collectively shut down, right?

But, it's almost noon now, isn't it too early for you to do such shameful things at this time? What's more, there is an old man accompanying you, so you don't respect the old man's feelings too much, don't you?

However, in the end, Alice, who was the only one who had Mr. Pete's contact information, couldn't contact Mr. Pete. Only then did everyone realize that something might have happened to them!

And at this moment, a strange man appeared at the door of the villa.

The bodyguards in the villa all looked at the man with solemn and vigilant expressions. They felt inexplicable pressure from this man.

"Who are you? What's the matter?" Alice, who was worried about not being able to contact Li Zedao, frowned and asked the man who brought her danger. She clearly felt that this man was very strong. What he wants to do, these bodyguards and himself may not be able to stop him.

"I'm... Li Zedao's colleague." He secretly said. Before Li Zedao left Fenghuang City for the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau,

An Huang once asked An Huang to send someone to Fenghuang City to help him "take care" of his family. An Huang knew that Li Zedao wanted to strengthen the relationship and trust between each other, so he readily agreed, so he sent An Huang to Fenghuang City to let him take care of his family. He was secretly responsible for all the safety of the villa where Li Zedao lived.

It's just that An An received a call from An Huang. An Huang said on the phone that they had lost track of Li Zedao. Some signs indicated that something might have happened to him. Let An An ask Li Zedao's women whether Li Zedao had contacted them If not, just stay where you are and protect them.

So he appeared secretly and appeared in front of the villa.

"Colleague? Oh, hello." Alice nodded slightly, feeling a little relieved.

"Yes." He nodded secretly, "We lost contact with Li Zedao, and found some traces along the way. It is very likely that something happened to him. I don't know if he has contacted you."

Alice's complexion changed suddenly. They were anxious that they could not contact Li Zedao and Miss Mitty. Of course, they were also secretly comforting themselves that nothing would happen to them. After all, Teacher Pete, Li Zedao and Miss Mitty. Nai's skills are there, no one can hurt these three masters at the same time.

In addition, they went to the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau, which is the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau in China. Li Zedao can say that he can walk sideways in China without any problem. How could something happen?

But now, Li Zedao's colleagues actually came over and said that they also lost contact with Li Zedao, and even said that some traces were found along the way, and something might happen to him...

Alice forced herself to calm down a little, and asked, "Is what you said true?"

He nodded secretly and said: "My boss has already led people to search, and if there is any result, he will contact me immediately."

"I'm going to find him," said Alice.

Shaking his head secretly: "If even my boss can't find him, then I don't think you can find him. My order is to protect your safety, so please wait patiently."


But now, two days and two nights have passed, and no news about Li Zedao has been sent back. These women have hardly eaten anything for two days and two nights, and they have not closed their eyes. Strong women like Nintendo Bailibing and the others can still Stabilize my emotions, and girls like Ying Ying and Pan Xiaoyan kept wiping away their tears.

He Xiaoyue is the oldest among these women. She brought cups of brewed coffee to these girls and comforted them softly: "Zedao, Mitty and Nai will definitely be fine."

"Well, it will be fine." Pan Xiaoyan's tears kept falling, "He is so powerful, how could something happen?"

Pan Xiaoting stretched out her hand to help her wipe away her tears, and softly comforted her with red eyes: "Well, it will be fine, it will be fine."

At the same time, in front of the water pool, which had undergone the baptism of the * so that the area had grown a lot and the water level had dropped a lot, Dark Yellow frowned and stared at the dead fish with a white belly on the water surface.

The dead fish already gave off a stench, so the surrounding air was very bad.

Although Li Zedao expressed his dislike not to follow, An Huang told his subordinates to continue to follow, but not too closely, anyway, he knew the end of Li Zedao's trip to the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau.

However, in the end, his subordinate who was in charge of tracking Li Zedao sent back a message saying that he had lost Li Zedao's whereabouts, and the situation was very wrong.

After listening to the report of his subordinates, An Huang was also taken aback, feeling that something was wrong, so he hurried over as fast as he could.

At this time, various speculations emerged in his heart.

His subordinates had reported to him before that the surrounding area of ​​the water pool and the hillside opposite the water pool had been baptized by violent violence, but they only found a body that had been turned into bones at the scene. In this place the bones of the hand of God.

Other than that, no corpse or anything left at the scene was found within a radius of ten miles around or in the pool.

Therefore, Li Zedao and his two women who came with him were not found, one of them was Miss Mitty from the Luciano family, and the other was the silver-haired lady with outstanding skills but unknown origin...Of course , the woman who has now been dyed black, and the body of Mr. Pete.

However, there is no way to find their traces, and those wives in Li Zedao's family are already worried to death, so it can be proved that Li Zedao did not contact them...

There are two possibilities that An Huang can think of.

First, Li Zedao directed and acted on his own. He arranged these things to blow himself up. Afterwards, the four of them chose to hide. As for the purpose... An Huang had to think whether Li Zedao was trying to avoid himself or fc Organization... But this is not right. After all, with Li Zedao's personality, how could he be willing to leave the rest of the women behind and hide?

Two women can't satisfy his appetite.

In the second case, they were indeed attacked. The other party probably placed a lot of guns waiting for them in this place in advance. They were caught off guard and all of them were killed. Afterwards, those who placed guns took their bodies And all the belongings have been cleaned up, but... the skill of that woman of unknown origin is not in the dark, let alone Mr. Xiang Pete, who is almost at the same level as himself, and Li Zedao, he It is very possible that he is hiding clumsiness, he is even a master of returning to basics!

With such a terrifying three people together, anyone who meets them will have to walk around. How could it be possible to fall into the trap set by others? Even if one accidentally falls into it, it is impossible for all of them to escape.

"What's going on?" An Huang rubbed his nose and muttered to himself. This is a habit of his. When there is something in his mind that he can't understand, he will habitually touch his nose.

Then, he turned his head and waved to one of his subordinates, who quickly walked up to him: "Director Yang."

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