Director Yang took another look at the stinking dead fish floating on the water, and then said: "Start searching with this pool as the center, and don't let go of any clues. In addition, let two people go into the water to search for it. Have you found anything?"

"Yes." The subordinate nodded and said, then turned around and gave the order.

"Li Zedao, Li Zedao, where did you go? I don't believe that a few people in this area can leave you with no bones left." Director Yang muttered to himself with a solemn expression.

If something really happened to Li Zedao, or if he hid those women who didn't care about him in this way, then what if the United States successfully researched that terrible genetic superman and let him sneak into China secretly? , who can resist then?

The answer is, no one!

Unless during this period, their research on Gene Superman and Onimaru also made a breakthrough, then maybe they would have the capital to stop the opponent.

Yes, now fc is still secretly researching Onimaru and the genetic superman belonging to Huaxia. In the United States, there are such supermen as the captain of the United States, Spiderman. There is also Bai Qi in the Warring States Period, none of them were first-class fierce generals, and the genetic supermen in those experiments were named after this.

In addition, Onimaru is still in the stage of continuing research. FC hopes to be able to research the most perfect Onimaru that can provide unlimited combat power without any sequelae. If it is really produced, Huaxia will undoubtedly become the world's military leader. overlord.

In addition, there is another way, that is to send people to enter the Moku Forest again, enter the tomb of Duanmuwei Village, and successfully obtain the miraculous medicine inside.

For fc, the second method is undoubtedly more difficult than successfully researching the genetic superman belonging to China and developing the most perfect ghost pill. After all, they know nothing about the magic cave forest and have nothing to do. Besides, director Yang always thinks that magical It is very likely that the medicine has fallen into Li Zedao's hands.


While Director Yang was staring at the stinky water surface floating on the water, at the peak of a mountain with an altitude of about 2,000 meters, which was about a thousand meters away from the pool, there was a piece of water with a diameter of about one meter. The boulder suddenly shook slightly, and then the frequency of the shaking became faster and faster.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, this huge boulder weighing two to three hundred catties rolled to the side, and collided fiercely with another boulder, sparking directly from the collision.

As the big rock rolled to the side, a dark hole with a diameter of about seventy centimeters appeared there.

A few more minutes passed, and suddenly, a head emerged from the hole.

north! The small face is pale, the lips are dry and cracked, the eyes are closed, and the back of the head is still full of dried blood!

Then, her whole body was pushed out of the hole, and she collapsed on the overgrown rocks beside her. Immediately afterwards, a pair of dirty hands covered with various bloodstains stretched out of the hole, fingers clasped He stopped at the edge of the hole, and then, Li Zedao's head stuck out.

Compared with Beilai, his complexion and state are much better, but his face is still covered with dust, his eyes full of joy and relief are also bloodshot, and there are crystal clear teardrops.

Stronger than Li Zedao, because he survived the catastrophe, his mood fluctuated a lot at this time, and there was no one else around except Bei who was in a coma, so Li Zedao directly revealed his true feelings.

"Whoosh!" With a soft sound, Li Zedao jumped out of the hole.

At that moment, he was so distressed that he quickly hugged Bei Cong from the weedy ground, and then he looked around for a few times, but found that he was on the top of a mountain, so his vision was naturally very wide. The snow cover is clearly visible.

Looking back at the big rock pushed away by him, Li Zedao secretly rejoiced.

In that nameless cave,

The hole inlaid with an unknown material on the roof of the cave dimmed twice, which meant that he and Bei were trapped in it for two nights.

In these two days and two nights, Li Zedao hardly rested. He jumped up again and again, grasping the protruding stone on the top with great difficulty, hanging there upside down, and then tried to see if he could lift any stone. Push away.

Failed again and again, and time and time again, one of them was overstretched and missed, and then fell directly from the top. Fortunately, the body was there and the body was light, so it didn't suffer any injuries.

Just as Li Zedao thought, there was indeed a transparent glass-like thing inlaid in the holes one after another, but this kind of thing was extremely hard, and it was very tightly stuck to the gap. Li Zedao aimed at a hole He punched directly and fiercely, but apart from a muffled sound of "bang!", the transparent "glass" was still in good condition, there was no crack, and it did not break away from the hole.

Therefore, the method of leaving through these holes may not work.

After failing again and again, Li Zedao also kissed Bei again and again. Every time he kissed this woman, Li Zedao was able to resurrect with full blood, full of confidence and energy.

There was almost only one thought left in his mind, that is, he must find the exit quickly, take Bei out quickly, and she must receive treatment quickly, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Finally, after touching almost every inch of the roof of the cave, Li Zedao finally found that the material of the stone directly above the entrance he entered into the Wuming Cave seemed to be different from other places. They are all extremely hard, but the stones here are like rotten wood. With a little force, the stone chips will fall down one after another.

Of course, for ordinary people, the stones here are naturally extremely hard.

After discovering this situation, Li Zedao was overjoyed. If this place is made of this material, does it mean that a hole can be opened and then go up? At that moment, he simply took out the mobile phone made of aluminum alloy, firmly grasped the protruding stone on the roof of the cave with one hand, tried hard not to let himself fall, and used the mobile phone as a digging tool with the other hand. Dig up little by little.

Finally, a hole with a diameter of about 70 centimeters and a depth of about half a meter was dug out, and then Li Zedao's heart sank slightly, because when he put his hand into the hole with great effort, he continued to use When the mobile phone in his hand scratched the stone, there was a muffled sound of "click! click! click...".

Li Zedao tapped twice with his mobile phone, and there was a muffled sound of "哐! 哐!", so there is only such a small piece of stone of this material that is easy to be scraped off, and the material of the stone is the same as other places. Incomparably hard?

Li Zedao was full of reconciliation, stretched his hand back, put the broken cell phone into his pocket casually, then reached into the hole, gritted his teeth, and tried to push it up hard.

Then, Li Zedao's heart was overwhelmed with ecstasy. It moved, and even pushed it up. Even in the process of pushing it up, Li Zedao saw light coming in from the gap, so as long as he pressed it here, he finally found it And the stone on the excavated hole was pushed back, which meant that it could go out.

"Get out of here!" Li Zedao roared muffledly, and made a sudden force with his hand.

Then, the stone on the top of his head was pushed open by him very simply, and the long-lost scorching and dazzling sunlight instantly shone into the hole, shining on Li Zedao's haggard face covered with fine dust, and then, Li Zedao Laughing, the hand that was holding on to the protruding stone on the top of the cave loosened, and the body was in a free fall movement, falling towards the ground.

Seeing that his back was about to hit the ground heavily, Li Zedao's body twisted strangely in mid-air, and then his feet landed firmly.

Without stopping, he trotted to Bei, picked him up, looked at this pale little face, and said with a sore nose: "Sister Bei, we can go out, if you wake up, I will spank your ass. "


He pushed back the stone he pushed back to its original position, and removed some traces. Subconsciously, Li Zedao regarded this unnamed cave as his private territory, so he didn't want anyone to find this mysterious-looking cave, especially fc.

After cleaning up the traces, Li Zedao hugged Bei and looked for a way to get down to the top of the mountain, and then quickly rushed down. The most important thing to do now is to send Bei to the hospital for treatment.

Not walking down for too long, Li Zedao's rushing pace stopped suddenly, his brows were frowned, he already felt several strong breaths approaching here, and his body flashed at the moment, already Hiding in the weeds that are enough to drown a person, he held his breath.

If those bastards of the Rothschild family and Mr. Pete searched around without finding the bodies of him and Bei, and now they found this place, Li Zedao would not mind at all to kill them right now , it is regarded as collecting some interest first.

While the unconcealed and unreserved aura came closer and closer, the voice of speaking floated over.

"You said you heard a strange noise?"

"Yes, Director Yang, it seems to be the sound made by the stone hitting the stone. The source of the sound should be transmitted from the top of this mountain."

"Well, go up and have a look... Everyone pay attention, and be ready for battle at any time."

Hearing this conversation, Li Zedao loosened his clenched fist a little bit, and restrained his killing intent a little bit. He was familiar with the owner of the voice, so who else was it, Director Yang who seemed very shameless to him?

It must be that the person Director Yang sent out to follow him lost his whereabouts, and found that the surrounding area of ​​the water pool had been baptized by the police, so Director Yang personally brought someone over to find out.

Director Yang's body, who was walking up quickly, stopped abruptly, and his eyes narrowed slightly. At that moment, he waved his hand, and the subordinates who followed him also stopped, staring around with vigilant expressions. They all knew that Director Yang had sensed the presence of the enemy.

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