The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1472 What to do if you forget me

At this moment, everyone felt that a figure had appeared in front of everyone in a flash.

Oh, not one figure, but two, because there was another woman who was hugged by a man who suddenly appeared in front of them, with her face pressed against the man's chest, so her appearance and expression could not be seen clearly. As for the man Yes, disheveled, looking so embarrassed, but unfortunately, his bloodshot eyes are so bright, like the stars in the sky.

He stood there with his head held high, as if nothing and things in the world could overwhelm him, and there was an inexplicable smile on his face that seemed a bit embarrassing.

However, he didn't dare to go forward and beat him, because the powerful aura emanating from him made people feel palpitations.

This is a powerhouse!

Those who knew him already knew that he was a strong man, and those who didn't know him before now also knew how terrifying the skill of this sudden appearance was.

Director Yang was stunned for a moment, then a smile appeared on his face, he stepped forward and looked at Li Zedao and said, "I knew it, those *s can't do anything to you."

Since Li Zedao has already appeared, and the woman of unknown origin in his arms seems to have been seriously injured, it proves that they were indeed attacked. Li Zedao took his woman and escaped from the enemy somewhere Chasing, he only appeared after hearing the sound of them coming.

And there was no sign of Mr. Pete and Miss Mitty from the Luciano family, so something happened to them? Or...taken away by their attackers?

But no matter what it is, the people who attacked Li Zedao, Mr. Pete, and the woman of unknown origin in Li Zedao's arms were undoubtedly very least their planning must be very thorough.

Director Yang's heart became serious. He didn't know that there was such a powerful person hiding in Huaxia?

"If it wasn't for luck, what you see now is probably a pile of minced meat." Li Zedao smiled wryly.

"Who is the other party?" A trace of murderous look appeared on Director Yang's face. He has to let Li Zedao know that the entire fc organization is his backing! Of course, what he wants to know more is who is the enemy that can make Li Zedao and Mr. Pete so embarrassed.

"Ms. Pete." Li Zedao said.

"..." Director Yang's eyes widened slightly, the person who attacked Li Zedao turned out to be Mr. Pete? Director Yang has simulated many possible scenarios, but he never thought that the person who attacked them would be the "insider" Mr. Pete.

"Now is not the time to talk about these things. My woman is injured and needs to be treated quickly. Also, give me the phone...I'm afraid, those women in my family are dying of anxiety." Li Zedao smiled wryly again.


Just as Li Zedao expected, the women in the family were indeed in a hurry, and they were like headless chickens who couldn't sleep or eat.

Occasionally they would comfort each other, but in fact they were so worried that they would wipe each other's tears from each other's eyes, but in fact they were also crying silently.

In the end, the calmest strong women couldn't calm down anymore. Baili Bing gulped down the coffee she didn't like very much, while Nintendo walked around with heavy strides, breathing heavily and rapidly.

"I'm going to find him... If something really happens to him, I'll follow!" Nintendo stopped, with red eyes, and said with gritted teeth, and then strode towards the gate of the villa.

Before the other women could react, Nintendo was stopped.

What stopped her was darkness!

After Li Zedao disappeared, he secretly received an order from his superiors to protect the safety of these women here, but there were too many women, and he only had one, so he simply stayed in the villa and waited for news, and no one went out.

Fortunately, these women were all thinking about Li Zedao, so no one was in the mood to go out.

But now, this woman who looks so stunning and domineering is planning to go out, so An naturally has to stop her quickly.

"Go away!" Nintendo's face was full of anger, and his eyes were scarlet, staring at this strange man who had been the door god for two days.

Such a master guards here, and none of the women in the family is an idiot, so basically everyone can guess what happened to Li Zedao. His "colleagues" are worried that the enemy will find them women, So send this person to protect.

"You can't leave here. If you leave, I can't guarantee your safety." He said dimly.

This cold guy looked at Nintendo as if he was looking at an ordinary Chinese cabbage. In fact, these women in the villa were all Chinese cabbages in his eyes. He didn't regard them as beauties at all, nor He didn't bother to look at them more, if it wasn't for the order from above, he would have left long ago.

Facing the crying of these women, he felt extremely bored, and the smell of the villa's fragrance after another made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Go away, I don't need your protection, I'm going to find him..." Nintendo shouted.

Unmoved, his strong body was still stuck there: "Please go back."

Nintendo was about to slap her, and Alice hurried over and grabbed her hand: "Sister Ren, don't be like this..."

"I...I'm going to find him..." Nintendo looked back at Alice, bit his lips, tears came down all of a sudden.

As soon as the words fell, Li Mengchen's pleasantly surprised shout came from behind: "The phone number of the's the slut-thief... woo..."

Both Nintendo and Alice could clearly see each other's stiffened face, and when they looked back, they saw that Li Mengchen was already surrounded by all the girls.

Li Mengchen looked at the very familiar phone number, covered his mouth with his hand, let the tears flow down, sobbing choked up, and then connected the phone with the other hand.

"It's me." An extremely familiar voice came from the phone. This voice was like the sound of heaven, and it made these women who were already restless and in a state of collapse break free from the shackles of the invisible swamp. Now they deeply understand that they have a deep feeling for this little boy. That kind of dependence and concern far exceeds what they think in their hearts.


"Big idiot……"

"Captain America..."



"Little man..."


The sound of choking, sobbing sound, and then all kinds of concerns about acacia indicate that you are going to scare me. Various threats threatening and intimidation, indicating that when you come back to kill you, this bastard will make you exhausted.

On the other end of the phone, Li Zedao listened to the endless sound like white birds chirping in the woods in the early morning, and his heart was filled with happiness.

But thinking of Bei's injury and Miss Mitty who doesn't know what's going on now, I can't help but twitch again.

If anything happened to Bei, Li Zedao would never let the Rothschild family and Mr. Pete go, they would all have to be buried with him!

If Miss Mitty had known that her family had cooperated with the Rothschild family, if she had known that Mr. Pete buried her there and wanted to kill herself, then... what should I do?


Bei was quickly sent by helicopter to the General Hospital of the Rong City Military Region. At the same time, the experts in the hospital had already been notified and were waiting in the hospital, so Bei was immediately sent to the hospital for surgery as soon as he arrived. room for treatment.

At the door of the operating room, Li Zedao had a cigarette in his mouth, but he didn't light it. The cigarettes are from Director Yang.

"You can smoke." Director Yang said, "No one will come and tell you that smoking is not allowed here."

"I'm not as civic-minded as you are," Li Zedao responded.

Director Yang is helpless, he doesn't smoke at all, okay?

In the next second, what made him almost spit out a mouthful of blood was that Li Zedao had already taken out the lighter, and lit the cigarette in his mouth with a "pop!"

The corners of Yanhuang's mouth twitched, too lazy to argue with the boy, he said immediately: "The doctors in there are all the best in the country, so don't worry, your woman will be fine."

"It's true that her life will not be in danger." Li Zedao shook his head, his eyes showing a violent look, "However, the injured part is the brain after all, what if it causes amnesia or something and forgets me?" what to do?"

"..." The Dark Emperor didn't know what to say anymore.

I had to change the subject and said, "What the hell happened? Aren't you the son-in-law of the Luciano family? Why did Mr. Pete attack you?"

The Dark Emperor couldn't figure it out, so he touched his nose habitually.

Li Zedao exhaled a puff of smoke slowly, and said not too politely: "I don't want to talk about this, and besides, it has nothing to do with you."

The Dark Emperor really wanted to hit someone, but he had no choice but to take out a cigarette, and smoked it very depressed.

More than an hour later, the door of the operating room was pushed open, and the doctor who was performing surgery on Bei came out, looked at Li Zedao and Anhuang who greeted him, and said, "The patient's vital signs are stable, but the back of the head was hit hard. There is a blood clot in it, we have already removed the blood clot through surgery, as for when we will wake up and whether it will cause amnesia, we have to observe further."

Li Zedao took a deep breath and nodded. The result of this operation was within his expectations, and it was the best result compared to being directly killed by a bomb or being trapped to death in that cave. .


Lourdes Castle, which is located somewhere in Europe is known as the world's largest, most mysterious and most luxurious castle.

This castle is located on a high mountain, on the edge of a cliff, that is to say, behind the castle is an abyss. From the outside, the castle looks simple and vicissitudes, full of old age, giving people a gloomy feeling , as if there were vampires living in it.

But if you have the opportunity to go inside, you will see that the decoration inside is completely different from its appearance.

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