The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1473 Lourdes Castle

This is a luxurious decoration to the extreme...the magnificent suspended ceiling, the cumbersome and beautiful chandeliers, the thick and solid leather sofa seats, and the handicrafts that just play a role in embellishment can be seen everywhere...but this will not give people a feeling It feels like a nouveau riche, and even through this decoration, you can imagine that the owner here is not only rich, but also very tasteful!

As for the backyard of the castle, it is a huge golf course, and the owner of the castle can come out to play a few shots at any time.

This castle is the headquarters of the powerful and mysterious Rothschild family. The patriarch Meyer Rothschild and his family, his important clansmen and his subordinates live in this castle.

At this time, the patriarch Meier was swinging his club and preparing to hit the ball. He was tall and straight with a standard posture, and he seemed to be an expert in this field.

"Whoosh!" Patriarch Meyer swung his club, but the ball remained motionless.

He took a break!

The faces of those standing aside all showed some unscrupulous smiles, and Patriarch Meier didn't feel ashamed or embarrassed. Instead, he laughed and said, "Oh, it turns out that I don't have any talent in golf."

"Oh, dear Patriarch Meier, you have proved this matter a long time ago." A handsome man said with a slight smile.

He is one of the Rothschild family's three major combat powers, Vulcan, and is known for his violent temper and turning his face, even before Firefox died, he dared to turn his face against Firefox!

In this world, there are very few people who can live well after falling out with Firefox, and Vulcan is one of them. On the one hand, it is impossible for Firefox to kill him after all. On the other hand, it also indirectly proves Vulcan's skill. Naturally, it is inferior to Firefox, but if it is a life-and-death fight, Firefox will suffer a bit.

However, such a person with a violent temper is extremely docile and has no temper in front of Chief Meyer.

Patriarch Meyer laughed again, then turned around, casually handed the cue in his hand to the overburdened giant horse beside him, looked back at Vulcan and said, "God of War is coming back?"

"Oh, yes, Patriarch Meyer, that simple-minded idiot with stiff limbs is coming back, accompanied by Teacher Pete and the beautiful Miss Mitty." Vulcan said.

He and God of War didn't like each other, so they didn't do much. Of course, it was far from a life-threatening situation, so no one could do anything to anyone.

In Vulcan's view, God of War is indeed an idiot, even Mr. Pete is an idiot, it's exaggerated, the two teamed up, cooperated inside and outside, and even carried out a *sneak attack, and even let that kid lead everyone, it's really embarrassing Extremely, Vulcan felt that if he was the God of War, he would have no face to come back.

"Oh, I think it's time for me to change into formal clothes to welcome the new members of our family, Mr. Pete, and the beautiful Miss Mitty." Patriarch Meyer said with a smile, and then walked to the castle to change into formal clothes. Clothes go.

He knew Miss Mitty's beauty and nobility. A man wanted to own her whenever he saw her, and Patriarch Meyer was no exception.

Once, he took his youngest son William to visit the head of the Luciano family, Moss, and expressed his intention to marry the Luciano family. Unsurprisingly, the Luciano family refused.

The refusal was expected, but the reason for the refusal was that Patriarch Meyer almost turned the table over...if it wasn't Deakin Manor.

"You are too ugly to match my beauty..." These are Miss Mitty's original words.

This made Patriarch Meyer almost vomit blood, but he couldn't refute it, because, the fact is, anyone who is not blind can see that the difference between his son and Miss Mitty is like the difference between a dwarf and Snow White of.

However, his youngest son, William, is not good enough for him, and the rest of the Rothschild family is not good enough for her. His Rothschild family has a lot of handsome guys, such as Meyer Rothschild. It is himself!

Although in terms of age,

He can be her father now, but Patriarch Meyer is still very confident that he is mature, stable and handsome enough to match the nobility of Miss Mitty!

Patriarch Meyer's heart is already starting to itch, no matter what, he must press a woman like Miss Mitty under his body and bear his own attack.

Of course, there is no rush for this kind of thing. After all, before you want to deal with Miss Mitty, you must first get rid of Mr. Pete and the Luciano family. Otherwise, even if Mr. Pete has betrayed the Luciano family, he will stop him. It's still useful, so Chief Meyer doesn't want to turn his face against this terrifying man.

And when the time comes, that mad dog of Moss will definitely launch a deadly revenge. At that time, even if the Rothschild family can resist the revenge of Luciano's old family, they will suffer heavy losses.

So, now that woman is untouchable!

However, it’s okay to have some sexual desires in my heart, so after some sexual desires, Patriarch Meier’s body began to heat up, and his crotch also reacted, so he smiled and faced the big Yangma who was helping him tie a bow Said: "Oh, baby, don't rush to tie the bow tie, there is one very important thing you need to do first."

While speaking, his hand was even more violently stretched in from the neckline of Dayan Ma's clothes, and he grabbed it vigorously.

"Oh..." Dayan Ma made a seductive nasal sound, looked up at Patriarch Meyer charmingly, then knelt down in front of him, and started to work.

"Oh, you bitch, oh, dear Miss Mitty, you are a bitch, and beneath your noble and beautiful appearance, you have a slutty soul..." Patriarch Meyer murmured While speaking, he held down the head of the big ocean horse, and then his hips swung wildly back and forth.

"Oh... vomit..."


A helicopter hovers in the sky.

In the plane, Miss Mitty was sitting there, her eyes were sad and her face was haggard, but she still couldn't conceal her nobility. Her eyes were like the most precious emeralds in the world, which fascinated people.

She doesn't make trouble now, and she doesn't blame Teacher Pete anymore. She is a calm and smart girl, so she knows very well that her noisy accusations are so weak and useless.

It's just that her heart is full of worries. She is worried about whether Li Zedao and sister Nai are injured, or even... She can't imagine it anymore. The only consolation is that Mr. Pete and the others failed to find his body, so they had an accident. Unlikely.

In addition, what worries Miss Mitty is whether Li Zedao misunderstood after escaping from danger. Will he think that Mr. Pete's move was ordered by his father? Even... He ordered it himself!

Miss Mitty's heart is full of sadness, oh, dear, she must think that way, after all, only her father and herself can make Mr. Pete do such a thing... But dear, it's not like that, There is another person who can make Mr. Pete do such a thing, and that is himself.

"Oh, God..." Miss Mitty prayed in her heart, praying that Li Zedao would be fine and come quickly to rescue herself.

Teacher Pete was sitting opposite her, his expression was as calm as ever, occasionally his eyes fell on Miss Mitty, and there would be a kind smile on his face that was no different from before.

In his heart, this beautiful girl was always his child. Although he betrayed her, he did not allow her to suffer any harm.

He also believed that even if he came to Lourdes Castle and Rothschild's headquarters, the famous old satyr of Patriarch Meyer would not dare to mess around, because he is not that stupid! So, now Miss Mitty is safe, as for the future...

Teacher Pete's eyes narrowed. He felt that it was time for him to think of a surefire way to ensure the safety of Chief Moss and Miss Mitty.

"Oh, dear Mr. Pete, Lourdes Castle is here, and our patriarch Meyer is ready to welcome him at the gate of the castle." The voice of God of War interrupted Mr. Pete's thoughts.

Mr. Pete glanced at God of War and nodded, his eyes fell outside the window and he looked down, and he saw the gloomy outside but the extremely luxurious Lourdes Castle inside.

He has been to this castle several times with Patriarch Moss before, so he is quite familiar with it. Of course, he is only familiar with its appearance, not its interior.

Of course, what is certain is that the security of this castle is far worse than that of the Luciano family's Deacon Manor.

The helicopter hovered, and finally landed steadily on the lawn in the huge and beautiful front yard in front of the castle. The cabin door was quickly opened, God of War jumped down first, followed by Mr. Pete, and then Turning around, he stretched out his hand to Miss Mitty, with a caring smile on his face no different from usual.

Miss Mitty glanced at the old face that had become unfamiliar to her, turned her eyes away, ignored his outstretched hand, and got off the plane by herself.

Teacher Pete smiled, stretched out his hand, and didn't care...Have you ever seen an elder who is as knowledgeable as a junior who is at odds with him? Mr. Pete has this kind of mentality now.

In order to show the importance he attaches to Mr. Pete, Chief Meyer had already waited there with several important members of the clan. Seeing Mr. Pete got off the plane, he hurriedly led people to greet him, stretched out his hand and smiled. Say, "Oh, dear Mr. Pete, welcome to our Rothschild family."

"My honor." Teacher Pete said lightly, and reached out to shake his hand. The attitude was not enthusiastic, but it was not rude.

"Oh, hello, beautiful and honorable Miss Mitty." Patriarch Meyer looked at Miss Mitty and said enthusiastically, "Welcome to Lourdes Castle."

Miss Mitty glanced at him indifferently with a small face, and said nothing.

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