Faced with Miss Midixia's indifference, Patriarch Meier still smiled on the surface, but of course he muttered in his heart that there is always something that will make you a bitch.

When the group of people entered the beautiful castle, Miss Mitty was taken to the guest room that had been prepared by the servants of the castle. Naturally, her every move was completely restricted and she lost contact with the outside world.

As for Mr. Pete, he followed Patriarch Meyer and several core members of the Rothschild family, including God of War and God of Vulcan, to the living room that could be described as "luxury".

"Dear Mr. Pete, please take a seat. Please treat this place as your own home in the future." The patriarch Meier said with a slight smile. Mr. Pete's attention.

Teacher Pete nodded and said, "Oh, I think after I spared Mr. War God's life, this castle of Lourdes is already my home."

Now that they have chosen to betray, there is no way back, especially if they failed to find Li Zedao's body, it means that Li Zedao is still alive in all likelihood. In this case, he has to face Li Zedao, a terrifying young man. People and the entire Luciano family.

Mr. Pete is very strong, but he is not strong enough to face such a powerful enemy at the same time. Holding the big tree of the Rothschild family tightly, and Miss Mitty in his hands will undoubtedly make him His situation became a little safer.

"Oh, yes, it was my fault." Patriarch Meyer nodded with a slight smile.

The old fox naturally understood what Mr. Pete meant, so he actively took out a thumb-thick glass bottle from his pocket, and handed it to Mr. Pete: "Dear Mr. Pete, this is my way to help you." The prepared medicine, this kind of gene medicine is enough to kill many cancer cells in your body, and can make your condition change from advanced cancer to mid-stage cancer. With some treatment at that time, it is no problem to live another five years. In the next five years, I will definitely be able to get this kind of genetic medicine, and by then, Mr. Pete, your disease will definitely be cured."

Teacher Pete glanced at Patriarch Meyer, reached out to take the glass jar unceremoniously, looked at the black medicine in the glass jar, and asked, "How long will it take to see the effect after taking the medicine? "

Although he looked calm on the surface, it was a lie if he didn't fluctuate in his heart. After all, after taking this medicine, he could live at least five years longer.

Mr. Pete has lived for most of his life, and has a wealth of experience, but even so, there is a question that he still hasn't figured out until now, that is, why do people live?

He has always lived for Patriarch Moss, Miss Mitty, and the Luciano family, but in the dead of night, he would think, this doesn't seem to be the purpose of his life, why should he live for them?

But no matter what, it is good to continue to live.

"Oh, in about a week, when Mr. Pete checks his body, he will know that I haven't lied to you." Patriarch Meyer said with a slight smile.

Soon, a servant brought boiling water for Mr. Pete to take the medicine, and felt the medicine enter his body along with the water along his throat.

Then, I don't know whether it is the effect of the heart or the magical medicine that is worth up to 100 million U.S. dollars and even if you can't buy 100 million U.S. dollars, it works instantly. In short, Mr. Pete quickly felt that there seemed to be an extremely mysterious As if his strength was silently repairing his dilapidated internal organs, he felt much more comfortable.

The servants quickly brought delicious coffee and exquisite desserts.

When he was in Phoenix before, Mr. Pete lived with God of Cooking. The coffee he drank was baked by God of Cooking himself, and the pastries and delicacies he ate were prepared by Mr. God of Cooking, so his mouth has long been raised It's so tricky, drinking this coffee now, I feel that compared with the coffee made by Mr. Chef God, it is really different.

Patriarch Meier held the golden scissors to trim the high-quality cigar in his hand, glanced at God of War and asked, "So, that apprentice Li Zedao who failed to kill the Hand of God?"

God of War glanced at Mr. Pete, who was sipping coffee with a calm expression, nodded and said, "Oh, yes, Chief Meyer, after the explosion, we searched the surroundings, but we couldn't find his body, so he must have escaped. That's right, but he must have been seriously injured."

"Oh, this idiot." Vulcan murmured in his heart, his eyes were full of sarcasm and he glanced at War God.

Patriarch Meyer nodded with a serious expression, and looked at Mr. Pete: "Dear Mr. Pete, what do you think?"

Mr. Pete put down the coffee that was almost inedible, looked at Patriarch Meyer and said, "If he didn't find his body, it means that he escaped, but that is a young man full of mysteries, and his body is amazing."

"Oh, dear Mr. Pete, what do you mean by that?" Patriarch Meyer asked.

"His body has a strong self-healing ability. If he is seriously injured, as long as he is not dead, he will be able to recover quickly." Teacher Pete said, "So, this attack is equivalent to that he has not suffered any injuries. It is equivalent to that we lost a good opportunity to get rid of him."

Patriarch Meyer nodded, and felt it was a pity. After all, it was impossible for Mr. Pete to betray him again, and they couldn't find a better opportunity to get rid of that kid.

"That is to say, that damned old bastard Moss already knows about your actions, Mr. Pete, and also knows that his precious woman, Miss Mitty, is a guest at Lourdes Castle?" Patriarch Meyer asked.

Mr. Pete shook his head: "Oh, I don't think so. Even if Li Zedao didn't think that it had anything to do with Miss Mitty, he would definitely think that my behavior must be caused by Patriarch Moss. He will think that the Luciano family has reached an agreement with the Rothschild family. He never thought that I would betray the Luciano family, so it is impossible for him to contact Chief Meyer .”


After a while of silence, Mr. Pete continued: "It is very likely that he will sneak into Las Vegas and sneak into Deakin Manor."

"Oh, I understand, he is reluctant to part with the beautiful and noble Miss Mitty." Patriarch Meyer said with a slight smile, "Then, what should we do?"

"Chief Meyer, you can go to Las Vegas to visit Patriarch Moss." Teacher Pete said, "It's best to go early, for example, today. The earlier, the easier it is for us to arrange things."

"Oh, yes, I miss my old friend Moss so much, I will contact my old friend right now to express my miss." Chief Meyer said with a smile, with a hot and sinister smile .

"Also, I hope Chief Meyer will not forget what you promised me." Teacher Pete looked at Chief Meyer with a hint of threat in his tone, "No matter when, I want to make sure that Chief Moss and Miss Mitty's Lives are safe and I will not allow anyone to humiliate them."

"Oh, dear teacher Pete, you can rest assured that Moss and I are rivals and old friends. Even if I swallow the entire Luciano family in the end, I will not attack him, let alone allow anyone to humiliate him... ...I think it's the same in reverse, how could Moss be willing to kill me? As for Miss Mitty, oh, that's really an angel, the most beautiful woman in the world, and I won't embarrass her, I I will treat her as my angel." Chief Meyer promised again with a smile.

"It's better." Mr. Pete nodded and said.

Patriarch Meier was smiling, and there was a murderous look deep in his eyes that no one else could feel.


Including being trapped in the cave for a little more than two full days, plus three days in a coma in the hospital, Bei has been in a coma for five full days. During the two days in the cave, Li Zedao did not leave her for a moment. During the three days in the hospital, The same was true for Li Zedao, who didn't leave for a moment.

As for when she would wake up, the doctor couldn't say for sure, maybe she would wake up in a minute, or maybe she would stay in this deep sleep forever.

Sitting on the edge of the bed and looking at this pale, bloodless little face, Li Zedao's heart twitched in pain again, and then, that familiar face inevitably appeared in his mind, especially those charming green eyes. With green eyes, the heart twitched even more violently.

Naturally, Mr. Pete was ordered by the Moss patriarch to set up such a trap with the Rothschild family. Miss Mitty must have no knowledge, yes, she did not know!

However, in this way, isn't it difficult for her? On one side is her beloved man, on the other side is her father, her family...

Just when Li Zedao was in a mess, he saw his eyelids tremble slightly while lying on the hospital bed, and then his heart trembled instantly.

"Sister Bei, you're awake, you're finally awake..." His voice was trembling, the hand holding her little hand was trembling, and his nose was inexplicably sore.

At the same time, Bei's eyelids continued to tremble, and then slowly opened a small gap, and then the gap became bigger and bigger, and finally the still bright black and white eyes without impurities were completely opened, and then Facing the pair of worried and joyful eyes that belonged to Li Zedao appeared in his own eyes.

"Do you still remember who I am?" Li Zedao said again, this is a question he is very concerned about.

Bei opened his lips slightly and said, "Who are you?"

"..." As if struck by a thunderbolt, Li Zedao's body stiffened suddenly, his eyes widened, and his face was extremely stiff.

So... another terrible possibility happened? Maybe she lost her memory? She forgot about herself?

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