The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1482 Gene Superman

However, the time passed by every minute and every second, and the moment when the ghost pill lost its effect was delayed. Mr. Pete wanted to yell, did you take the ghost pill? Yeah? If so, how could it last so long?

You know, even Onimaru No. 2, its action time is only ten minutes. Counting the time, ten minutes have passed... Could it be that Onimaru No. 3 has also come out? Action time doubled? What are you kidding? If there is such a thing as Onimaru No. 3, how could he not know about it?

As time passed, Mr. Pete felt more and more powerless to dodge the opponent's attack, and he was now at the end of his strength.

At the same time, Patriarch Meyer looked up at the ceiling with his head up, with a face full of comfort and intoxication, and his hand was firmly holding down the head of the Dayan horse, and his body was twitching lightly.

Patriarch Meyer's body pumped lightly, and Teacher Pete's body also began to pump up. The next second, he felt as if the strength in his body had been sucked out, and then the feet that had been jumping up In an instant, he was soft, and in the next second, there was a muffled "bang!", his stomach was kicked hard by the opponent's sweeping kick, and his body flew upside down.

While flying backwards, another mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

In the end, his thin body slammed heavily on the precious oil painting hanging on the wall, and then his body, together with the oil painting, fell to the ground.

At that moment, Mr. Pete was vomiting blood and couldn't get up anymore.

He knew very clearly that his internal organs had been severely injured, and if he could not be treated in time, he would not last long.

In a flash, Walker appeared in front of Mr. Pete, and then quickly went over with both feet, kicking Mr. Pete's knees on both legs.

His movements were so fast that the kneecaps of Mr. Pete's legs were kicked to pieces almost at the same time, so there was only a muffled "click!"

Mr. Pete's gray and gray old face has been distorted into a ball, his eyes are wide open, his forehead is sweating, his body is trembling, and the biting parts are colliding violently. The whole person looks so embarrassed Poor, like a stray dog ​​waiting to die shivering in the cold wind and rain by the side of the road.

After kicking off Mr. Pete's two legs, Walker stopped attacking because he was ordered to break the target's two legs. Now, he has completed the task.

At the same time, with an extremely comfortable expression on his face, while continuing to enjoy the warm and moist service from Dayan Ma's cherry mouth, his eyes fell on the trembling Mr. Pete lying there,

He said with a smile: "Dear Mr. Pete... ah..."

A shrill scream that no one expected suddenly popped out from the mouth of Patriarch Meyer, and his face was instantly distorted into a ball, like a trampled bun of.

Looking at his crotch, blood was dripping everywhere, gurgling.

Looking at the big horse that served him, his pale face was covered in blood, the blood on his mouth was the thickest, and his mouth seemed to be bulging.

The blood-stained face of the big yangma was already full of horror, as if seeing a ghost, and then, the small mouth opened, and an ugly object fell on Meier with a "click". On the patriarch's trembling thigh.

The big yanma stared blankly at the stuff that came out of her mouth with wide eyes, so she actually bit off the stuff of patriarch Meyer...?

"Ah, I bought it, I bought it..." Dayang Ma screamed, rolled his eyes, fell limply on the ground, and fainted from fright.

Then, Patriarch Meier passed out with his eyes turned white because of the severe pain.

And Teacher Pete instantly forgot the unprecedented heart-pounding pain caused by his legs and knees, and looked at this weird scene with a dazed expression.

It's really weird. One second, the patriarch Maier was planning to say something with a calm and arrogant face, but the next second, the big ocean horse who was working hard to help him bit off his thing. This...

Teacher Pete suddenly thought, is that woman an undercover agent sent by the family to lurk beside Meier? At this critical juncture, she abolished Meier? Otherwise, how to explain the scene in front of you?

After Mrs. Pete was in a daze, he suddenly wanted to laugh. Immediately, he opened his mouth and laughed loudly, until tears came out.

He regretted it in his heart, why did he betray him? why? Of course, there is no regret medicine in this world.

As for Walker, he stood there like a piece of wood. All his actions were originally from the chief of the Myer tribe. If the Mayer tribe asked him to kill, he would kill. Eat shit, Patriarch Meier screamed "Ah...", he didn't understand what it meant, so he didn't take any action.

As for the fact that Patriarch Meyer fainted from the pain after being bitten by that thing for unknown reasons, Walker was indifferent, let alone going to save him or something. He is a soulless, thoughtless The body of a humanoid robot.

It can also be compared in this way, he is a tool with powerful combat effectiveness, you can compare him to a rocket launcher with full lethality, but the owner throws the rocket launcher instead of using it, and the rocket launcher loses its due lethal.

Smiling and laughing, Mr. Pete suddenly started coughing, a heart-piercing cough, and what he coughed up was not phlegm, but blood. He clearly felt that his body functions were disappearing bit by bit, so , he was going to die.

This is undoubtedly ironic. The reason why he betrayed the Luciano family was to live a few more years, but unexpectedly, it made him die faster. Mr. Pete knew very well that even if he agreed to the so-called "request" of Chief Meyer, this Walker would do it. After all, he was a threat to Chief Meyer, and this threat would make him sleepless. .

When coughing blood violently, Mr. Pete suddenly felt a strong hand patting his back gently, and then miraculously, the desire to cough disappeared little by little.

With great difficulty, he raised his thickened head, looked forward with cloudy eyes that had already appeared phantoms, and then he saw a familiar young and handsome face.

"Li... Li Zedao..." He was taken aback for a moment, and then a comfortable smile appeared on his face.

He knew that Li Zedao would definitely sneak into Deacon Manor, but he never thought that the two would meet in such a way.

In his opinion, when he and Li Zedao met again, Li Zedao would be a very miserable stray dog ​​with no ability to resist and be slaughtered by others, but he did not expect that he would be the one who became a stray dog.

The reason why he showed a comfortable smile was because he knew that with Li Zedao around, the safety of Miss Mitty and Patriarch Moss would be guaranteed.

"Don't worry, I won't die, at least not now." Li Zedao said lightly, stretched out his hand, and patted him a few times.

For this old man who betrayed the Luciano family and almost killed himself and Bei, Li Zedao didn't like him at all. Of course, he didn't want to kill him either.

Whether to kill him or punish him, it is up to Patriarch Moss and Miss Mitty to decide.

Mr. Pete smiled comfortably and leaned his back against the wall. He was too tired and needed a rest.

Li Zedao turned his head, looked at Walker who was still as motionless as a piece of wood, stretched out his hand, and tore off the sunglasses he was wearing on his face. dead eye.

So, as expected, this is a genetic superman, and this kind of genetic superman will act according to the instructions of a specific person. When there is no instruction, this is a dead body without any danger .

"Slap!" Li Zedao slapped him across the face. The tentacles were cold and hard, as if they had been slapped on a rock.

Of course, this genetic superman didn't react in any way, and his body remained motionless.

And when this scene fell into the eyes of Mr. Pete, it was inevitable that his eyes would widen. You know, this guy just attacked him like a mad dog, but now, his sunglasses have been ripped off again, and his face is still covered He smoked, but he remained motionless, without any reaction... What did Li Zedao do to him?

In the next second, a scene that made Teacher Pete feel even more horrified appeared. Li Zedao took out a dagger and swung it at Walker's neck.

There was a flash of the knife, and then, the body fell straight and made a dull sound, as if a stone pillar fell to the ground, and the head rolled all over the ground like a ball, but the legendary blood spatter was Nothing happened, not even a drop of blood, and, looking at the surface of the wound, it was not red flesh, but green!

It has been all-powerful for decades, what hasn't Mr. Pete seen? But he was still stunned by the scene in front of him. What kind of monster is this? It was so weird that the head was broken without bleeding, and the flesh under the skin was still green.

A flash of inspiration flashed, and Teacher Pete subconsciously shouted, "Gene Superman?"

"Yes, Mr. Pete, this should be the kind of genetic superman that I asked you to pay attention to last time. The Rothschild family secretly helped a certain organization in the United States to study..." Li Zedao glanced at Mr. Pete and said simply, "Of course , this should be an imperfect genetic super talent, otherwise, it would be too idiotic."

What is it if you cut off his head without any instructions from the master?

"..." Teacher Pete almost vomited blood again. He said he was too idiotic? If such a master is an idiot, what is he?

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