The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1483 This is a Miracle

Li Zedao stopped talking to Mr. Pete, but walked up to the patriarch Maier who had passed out, patted him a few times, and sealed some of his acupuncture points so that he would not bleed like this. He grabbed Walker's head, threw the corpse into the bathroom with the other hand, put the strange corpse and head inside, then left the bathroom and strode out of the bloody room.

Teacher Pete looked at his back, opened his mouth, and tried to say something, but in the end, he couldn't say anything, but let out a soft sigh, and then slowly closed his eyes.


In the spacious and luxurious classical-style study room, there is a whole wall of books, including astronomy and geography, world famous books, banned books from various countries, and even a priceless hand-copied "Bible" by George W. Wington, the father of the United States.

Moreover, most of these books are not brand new, and each one has traces of being turned over countless times. It can be seen that the owner of the study set up such a study not just for the sake of being arty, but really spent time on these books.

"Oh, dear father, in Chinese, it's called...General!"

In front of the huge desk, Miss Mitty pushed the cannon in her hand and aimed at the opponent's "shogun". The delicate little face that was slightly haggard and made people feel distressed at first sight was full of pride.

Although her expression was haggard, and there was an indelible sadness between her brows, her green eyes were still bright, as if the two most precious gemstones in the world were inlaid there.

Patriarch Moss frowned and carefully studied the chess game. In the end, he shrugged his shoulders helplessly and said with a smile: "Oh, my precious angel, I lost again."

The father and daughter have been imprisoned in this study room completely isolated from the outside world for five whole days. During these five days, the father and daughter either read books, or chatted about various interesting things that happened in the past, or It was about Miss Mitty's mother who passed away due to illness a few years ago, and of course, about what happened before them.

Sorrow and moaning are unavoidable. They never thought that their closest family member, Mr. Pete, would betray them. However, neither father nor daughter really blamed Mr. Pete. Mr. Pete has treated the Luciano family and them for decades. The father and daughter have put too much effort into their comeback, even though he has betrayed now, he still has a lot of gratitude and understanding in his heart.

Occasionally, they also play various chess games, including Chinese chess.

In the United States, Chinese chess is very unpopular. Except for those Chinese, few people in the United States can play this kind of thing, and they may have never even seen it. The chess games they popularize are chess and Go.

Patriarch Moss likes some Chinese culture very much.

For example, in his study room, there are many Chinese classics, such as "Thirty-Six Strategies", such as "The Analects", such as "Five Thousand Essays of Laozi", so, a long time ago, Patriarch Mos liked this kind of books Chess contains all kinds of wisdom and philosophy of life, and has been studied quite a lot. Affected by it, Miss Mitty liked this kind of chess a long time ago, and the father and daughter would occasionally play against each other.

At the beginning, the Moss patriarch coaxed his daughter to play, so he lost more and won less. In the end, he played chess seriously with his daughter, but in the end, he still lost more than he won.

"Oh, of course, dear father, how can you play with me? Except my dear, I don't think anyone can play with me..."

Dear...Miss Mitty's smug little face gradually dimmed.

Before being placed under house arrest in this study, Mr. Pete seemed to be unable to bear to see her worry, and told her that Li Zedao and the girl named Nai were fine and had returned to Phoenix City.

After hearing this news, Miss Mitty felt relieved all of a sudden, and of course all the worries and fears she had had for so many days were gone.

However, another worry quickly lingered in her mind.

She knew very well that once the news of her engagement to William of the Rothschild family spread, Li Zedao would probably sneak into Deakin Manor before the day of the engagement came.

His appearance was not necessarily to take him away, after all, after such a thing happened, he might think that his father and himself had betrayed him, and he just came to confirm this matter.

And Teacher Pete and Patriarch Meier will definitely set up a hunting trap. As long as Li Zedao dares to come, basically there will be no return.

Miss Mitty was very conflicted. On the one hand, he hoped that Li Zedao would come over. She missed him very much, thinking about it every minute and every second. She also wanted to tell him that she did not betray him and that she loved him so much. Thinking that he was worried about him, she hoped that Li Zedao would appear like a superman, and then relieve the crisis of the Luciano family, and rescue herself and her father from this quagmire.

But on the other hand, she didn't want him to come over at all, because coming might mean death.

This kind of contradictory mood has troubled her for five days.

When Patriarch Moss saw his daughter like this, his heart twitched, and his heart ached so badly. His daughter is his life, holding it in his hand for fear of breaking it, holding it in his mouth for fear of melting, seeing it in his eyes for fear of losing it, even if her brows frown slightly, his heart throbs with pain. It was as if the heart had been stabbed severely.

"Oh, my angel, it will be fine." Patriarch Moss stretched out his hand, gently stroked her beautiful hair, and comforted him softly, "He is the smartest and most infatuated young man I have ever met. People, so I believe that your dear must find a way to defeat them and rescue you."

"Oh, no, father, I don't want him to come here, I don't want to see him in any danger, even if he loses a hair." Miss Mitty gently grabbed her father's big hand, with a sad expression explain.

A voice suddenly sounded in the huge study: "Good evening, dear Miss Mitty."

Miss Mitty's face froze suddenly, her body trembled slightly, she stared at her father with wide eyes, and said in an incredible voice, "Oh, father, I seem to have heard my dear's voice..."

Then he patted himself on the head and smiled wryly: "Oh, how is this possible? I must be hallucinating because I miss him so much. These days, as long as I close my eyes, I can see his shadow in front of me."

Patriarch Moss showed a relaxed and joyful smile on his face, the wrinkles between his brows were completely relaxed, and he said softly: "Oh, my baby angel, I don't think this is an illusion, because, I also heard it."

"Father, what did you say?" Miss Mitty's beautiful eyes were wide open, and her expression was dull.

"Your dear, oh, he's right behind you." Patriarch Moss said again with a kind smile on his face.

He was sitting facing the door, so he had already seen Li Zedao who entered quietly like a ghost.

The moment he saw him, Patriarch Moss was stunned for a moment, and then his heart that was hanging all the time was completely relaxed, because Li Zedao entered the study safe and sound, and no one killed him right away, that means One thing, that is, he took care of Mr. Pete, Myer, and the others.

Miss Mitty's body trembled again, then she stood up, turned around slowly, and then, she saw the face that made her miss day and night.

"Good evening, dear Miss Mitty." Li Zedao said with a slight smile and opened his arms.

"Oh, my dear, I'm not dreaming?" Miss Mitty's face had already bloomed, and she rushed towards him like a bird returning to its nest, and tears of various emotions were flying.

"Oh, honey..." She threw herself heavily into his open arms, tightly wrapped her hands around his neck, and her two straight-sleeved legs tightly clamped his waist, and then His lips had already blocked his mouth heavily.

At this moment, only a passionate kiss could express how much she missed him.

Looking at the sweet couple who were kissing passionately over there, Patriarch Moss had a loving and comfortable smile on his face, and then began to pack up the chess pieces scattered on the table that he bought at a high price and carved with high-quality crystals. Well, after packing up the chess pieces, I have to clean up Meyer and Mr. Pete.

It wasn't until Miss Mitty couldn't breathe from the kiss that Xiaozui took the initiative to leave Li Zedao's mouth, and said emotionally: "Oh, honey, I'm not dreaming, I miss you so much..."

Then Li Zedao was never given a chance to speak, and her mouth blocked Li Zedao's again.

It wasn't until they were almost out of breath again that they separated again, and then looked at each other affectionately and said, "I didn't lie to you, neither did my father, nor did the Luciano family."

"I know, I knew it a long time ago." Li Zedao said with a slight smile, and felt ashamed again in his heart. At a certain moment, he even wondered whether Miss Mitty was involved in this matter. It was really stupid. How could Miss Mitty be involved? Maybe betray yourself?

Looking at this haggard little face with obviously less flesh, he said with distress, "You've lost weight."

"I miss you so much, I can't eat it." Miss Mitty's big eyes were full of tenderness, as if filled with water, "Oh, honey, I want to eat your baked sweet potatoes."

"Well, I'll roast sweet potatoes for you after I throw Meier and the others out of the manor." Li Zedao said with a slight smile.

After getting off Li Zedao, Miss Mitty still hugged his arm tightly, as if she was afraid that he would lose him.

Li Zedao looked at Patriarch Moss who was looking at him with a smile, nodded his head slightly and said, "Good evening, Uncle Moss."

"I'm not surprised by your appearance at all, but when I couldn't hear any movement, you actually solved Mr. Pete and the old guy Meyer...I'm so surprised, oh, God, this It can be said to be a miracle." Patriarch Meyer said sincerely.

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