The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1485 Brave Meyer

Patriarch Meier breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a good mood: "Oh, I'll send someone over to help him treat him, but I can't let him die like this. We are a good friend in the department."

"Oh, dear father, let someone take care of the next thing and go to rest quickly. I'm tired and want to go back to my room to rest." Miss Mitty said.

"Oh, my baby angel, you haven't slept well for a few days, go back and rest quickly." Patriarch Meyer said with an ambiguous smile on his face, like a mirror in his heart, he naturally knew what his daughter was thinking .

"Father..." Miss Mitty's pretty face flushed slightly, and she twitched slightly.

"Uncle Moss, there is still a corpse in the bathroom. Its death is a bit scary and weird. Please don't make a fuss and dispose of it. That corpse is still useful to me." Li Zedao said.

Walker's body was too weird, his head was broken without bleeding, and it was still green. Li Zedao was afraid of scaring Miss Mitty, so he temporarily threw him into the bathroom.

Of course, this corpse is indeed useful to him, and he intends to take it back to Director Yang. Isn't Director Yang having a headache how to deal with this genetic superman? The corpse might be of help to them.

At the same time, Li Zedao also put away a needle tube. Earlier, Patriarch Meier injected the weird green liquid in the needle tube from the tongue of the genetic superman, and then threw the needle tube away. The needle tube was taken away. Li Zedao picked it up, and there was still some liquid left in the needle tube. Li Zedao also planned to give it to Director Yang for him to study.

After walking out of Teacher Pete's room, Miss Mitty looked at Li Zedao with watery eyes, and said softly, "Oh, dear, I want you to hug me over there."

Li Zedao smiled ambiguously, hugged her horizontally, and walked towards her room with big strides.

"Oh, honey, I miss you so much." She put her hands tightly around Li Zedao's neck and said, her big green eyes were watery, as if they could seduce people's souls.

"Me too." Li Zedao responded softly.

"I want to bite you." She said, and made a very cute look about to bite someone.

Li Zedao became angry instantly, and at the same time he walked faster and said embarrassedly: "This...what if I bite it off?"

"Oh, my dear, you are so annoying. Why weren't you afraid of biting you when you were biting before?" Miss Mitty's voice was unusually charming, panting softly, and she was already emotional, "I don't care, I just want to bite you,

Honey, you are so annoying, I won't bite it off, which time I don't bite it lightly? "


Patriarch Moss showed up and gave several orders. Soon, King Kong brought A-level members into Area A. After hearing the simple explanation of Patriarch Moss, King Kong broke into a cold sweat instantly. He never thought that Patriarch Moss would Miss Mitty was imprisoned in his own home, not to mention that Mr. Pete would betray the Luciano family.

In fact, King Kong and those members of the family who have the right to speak expressed great incomprehension about what happened in the past few days.

First of all, of course, Miss Mitty wanted to be engaged to William of the Rothschild family.

With the halo of the Rothschild family, William Rothschild is very famous in Las Vegas. On the surface, everyone compliments him and flatters him. They would scream and violate their conscience to say that you are so handsome, Mr. William, but secretly everyone firmly agreed that the head of Patriarch Meyer is likely to be green, otherwise how could such a thing be born?

Those who want looks without looks, courage without courage, methods without means, are purely a nympho and an idiot.

And Miss Mitty? She seems to be the angel who broke off her wings and stayed in the world. Her beauty and nobility are sacred and cannot be profaned. Her wisdom is even worse than that of Mr. Pete.

Now that Miss Mitty is suddenly going to hold an engagement ceremony with William, isn't that the same as putting flowers on cow dung? Didn't that completely embarrass the Luciano family? Even if Miss Mitty accidentally went blind, Patriarch Meyer couldn't have agreed to the marriage so foolishly.

It can't be that the family has encountered some major crisis and is at a critical moment of life and death, so it needs the strength of the Rothschild family to overcome this difficulty?

What are you kidding? If something really happened, how could the backbone elites not know about it?

There is another thing that makes them even more incomprehensible, that is, Mr. Pete actually allowed the bodyguards brought by Patriarch Meyer to enter the manor. You know, this is against the rules. What if they are restless? What about small actions? Forget it, he actually allowed Patriarch Meier to live in Area A, and he even ordered the withdrawal of all the guards in Area A. Now guarding Area A are the bodyguards that Patriarch Meier brought... …

Everyone is very depressed, why do you think that Meyer is the owner of this manor?

It’s just that it was Mr. Pete who gave the order, who can fully represent the Moss patriarch, so Mr. Pete’s order is the order of the Moss patriarch. What they have to do is to obey and execute absolutely, so the depressed ones are depressed. King Kong and the core elites in the family who have the right to speak did not dare to ask more questions, but followed the words.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Pete actually rebelled. He actually imprisoned Patriarch Moss and Miss Mitty, and then acted in the name of the patriarch.

King Kong and those members were terrified but also extremely uncomfortable. It is really unacceptable that Mr. Pete, who has always been respected by them, did such a thing.

When they entered Mrs. Pete's room and saw Mrs. Pete's tragic situation, they felt uncomfortable again, but when they saw the "tragedy situation" of Chief Meyer, the expressions of each of them suddenly became wonderful again, dignified The patriarch of the Rothschild family and one of the richest and most powerful people in the world, Meyer, has come to such an end, which is even more unimaginable than Miss Mitty's engagement to that idiot William.

If it weren't for the fact that Meier's background was too big and terrifying, King Kong and the others would have said that they took out their mobile phones to take a few photos and then posted them on Twitter.

"Hurry up and take him out for treatment, but don't let my good friend lose too much blood and die." The patriarch Moss looked at Meier who fainted and explained to King Kong, "Oh, don't need to be too careful, just bandage it casually That's enough... Patriarch Meyer is an extremely brave person, this injury is a very small thing for him."

King Kong suppressed a smile and said, "Oh, I see, Team Leader Moss."

Team leader Moss looked back at Mr. Pete, who had always closed his eyes, and sighed softly, "Also, let someone take good care of Mr. Pete."

"Yes." King Kong looked at Teacher Pete, nodded and said.

Teacher Pete slowly opened his eyes, looked at the Moss patriarch with the same expression as before, and said in a weak voice: "Dear Moss patriarch, there is something I would like to trouble you for."

Patriarch Moss came to him, sat cross-legged on the ground, and said softly, "Whatever, tell me, I will help you if I can."

For this old man who has devoted a lot of effort to the Luciano family, and for this old man who regards him as his father in his heart, even though he is now a traitor, Patriarch Moss still showed his greatest respect come out.

"I'm tired." Teacher Pete said with a slight smile, "Two years ago, I felt very tired. At that time, if I hadn't worried about the Luciano family and was reluctant to leave Miss Mitty, I would have chosen to see God... Oh, I should go to hell, how can a sinful person like me go to heaven?"

Patriarch Moss was silent, with a sad look on his face. Since two years ago, Mr. Pete has been suffering from illness. Even with the treatment of expensive drugs, his body and mind are still devastated by the disease.

"So, let me go to hell and repent." Teacher Pete said again

"I didn't blame you." Patriarch Moss stretched out his hand and held his dry and cold old hand and said.

Teacher Pete smiled and said, "Oh, I know, neither you nor Miss Mitty blamed me."

Patriarch Moss took a deep breath, and said with a choked voice: "I'm really sorry, Mr. Pete, I can't promise you what you said. You know, I have always regarded you as my father, even my heart You are still a father, so please live well."

Teacher Pete smiled and said nothing more.


As soon as the two entered the room, Miss Mitty was already tightly wrapped around Li Zedao's body like a water snake. While tearing Li Zedao's clothes, she whispered in his ear: "Oh, my dear..."

Li Zedao's desire was instantly ignited.

Standing... Sitting... Lying... Asking again and again, giving again and again, I don't know how many times it was crazy, the two finally lay silently on the floor covered with soft and precious carpets .

Miss Mitty was so exhausted that she didn't even have the strength to take a big breath, her eyes were closed tightly, like a naked corpse.

Li Zedao got up from the ground, picked up Miss Mitty who was naked, put her gently on the soft bed, and hugged her in his arms.

"Oh, my dear, I'm so happy." After recovering a bit of strength, Miss Mitty got up slightly and put her head on Li Zedao's chest. circle.

"I've been very conflicted these days. I hope that you will appear as soon as a superman and defeat Mr. Pete and Chief Meyer, but I'm also afraid that something will happen to you..."

Li Zedao smiled slightly and said, "So you have no confidence in me?"

"Oh, no, I just don't want you to be hurt in the slightest." Miss Mitty raised her head and said to Li Zedao with her big beautiful eyes.

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