"I know." Li Zedao gently hugged this delicate body that makes people want to commit crimes at the first sight and said: "Actually, when Mr. Pete drove you back to this manor, I sneaked into this manor at that time After that, I have been lurking in this manor most of the time, looking for a chance to rescue you and Uncle Moss."

Miss Mitty's eyes widened slightly, and she pretended to complain: "Oh, dear, you could have rescued me a long time ago, but you kept me waiting for a few days, and made me miss you so much." I have been worrying for several days, how do you think I should punish you?"

Li Zedao said aggrievedly: "Didn't you punish me just now? You have bitten me several times." Miss Mitty went crazy just now, and even in some moments, Li Zedao was afraid of what would happen to her. It won't be the same as Patriarch Meyer. Fortunately, that kind of thing didn't happen.

"Oh, that didn't count just now, I want to punish you again."

"My dear Miss Mitty, no matter what punishment you want to punish me, I will not complain." Li Zedao said with a smile.

"Really?" Miss Mitty blinked her big eyes.

"I can swear it in the name of God."

"Then help me bake sweet potatoes, I'm hungry." Miss Mitty was pitiful. During the past few days under house arrest, she almost didn't think about eating or drinking. She had consumed so much energy just now, and she was already starving.


"Oh, yes, now." Miss Mitty said with a sweet smile, "but I'm exhausted, so you still have to help me get dressed, and then carry me to Moon Lake."

"Oh, your request is too reasonable, my Miss Mitty."

Miss Mitty made a phone call, and when Li Zedao came to the Moon Lake with her behind her back, Mr. Walid, the butler of the manor, had already delivered sweet potatoes and chopped wood. There are also many clods of various shapes.

Knowing that Miss Mitty likes to do this kind of thing, Mr. Walid had already had these things prepared.

As for her being engaged to Mr. William in this manor the day after tomorrow, but now she is still romantically involved with this young man he is familiar with... This is not something he, a housekeeper, should worry about, so he didn't think much about it.

"Thank you, Mr. Waleed, good night." Miss Mitty waved to Waleed a little excitedly.

"Miss Mitty, this is what I should do,

Good night, I hope you have a nice night. "Walid looked at Miss Mitty and Li Zedao, nodded and smiled, and then led them away.

Moon Lake at night is beautiful. Under the breeze blowing, ripples appear on the water surface, and the crescent moon in the sky is reflected on the lake surface, giving people a very peaceful and beautiful feeling.

Li Zedao began to pile up the "towers" with ease, while Miss Mitty put her hands on her cheeks and looked at him with eyes filled with water. Men who work hard are undoubtedly the most handsome, so Miss Mitty has a straightforward face. Crazy: "Oh, honey, what should I do if I want to eat you again?"

She is emotional again.

"This...isn't it good here? There are dark whistles all around." Li Zedao looked at her delicate little face, those eyes shining with a seductive light, and inexplicably became angry again.

Such a stunner looks at you with such eyes, speaks to you with such a tone, and the content of her words is so charming and ambiguous... Li Zedao, who didn't want to carry it at all, couldn't bear it decisively.

"Oh, I don't think so either." Miss Mitty said with a shy expression. She was indeed open, but not to the extent that she and Li Zedao were directly flirting here. After all, there were many people around.

"Well, are you cold? Why don't we go back to the room and put on some clothes before we come back?" Li Zedao said.

Miss Mitty giggled, looked at Li Zedao with extremely ambiguous eyes and said, "Oh, dear, it's really cold, take me back to the room, I want... oh, find some clothes to wear."


After Patriarch Meier woke up, it was already the morning of the next day, and the scorching sun in the morning shone on his pale, haggard, bloodless face, stimulating his eyes and directly waking him up.

The trauma he suffered was serious. If Li Zedao hadn't stopped the bleeding in time, he would have lost too much blood and died before the doctor in the manor gave him treatment. As for the piece of flesh that fell from his body , Patriarch Moss sent someone directly to feed the big wolfhounds raised in the manor... No matter how small it is, it is a piece of meat. Besides, it is a shameful thing to waste food these days, isn't it?

The light was too scorching, and Patriarch Meier opened his eyes slightly, then closed them immediately, and then opened them with great effort, adapting to the dazzling light little by little.

He only felt that his body was in severe pain, but for a moment he didn't know which part of his body was the pain, as if every inch of skin on his body was pierced by a needle.

His mind was in a daze, and his memory was still stuck in the scene where the idiot Walker broke both of Mr. Pete's legs and knees and was served by the hot tongue of the sexy Erin... Then, what happened?

His eyes finally got used to the intense light, so he opened them completely, only to find himself in a luxurious but strange room.

It's very strange, so this is not the room that originally belonged to Moss but now belongs to him.

So, what happened? And who sent himself to this room?

Meier tried to move, and a pain that seemed to come from the depths of his soul instantly swept through his whole body, making him unable to help but groan "Ah...", but the voice was extremely weak, without any hesitation. The pride of the past.

Then, he saw a pair of eyes, a pair of eyes that were smiling at him but smiling so maliciously, and these eyes were so familiar, but so surprising to Meier.

Yes, it was an accident, very unexpected, because in Meier's opinion, it was impossible for these eyes to appear in front of him in his whole life if he didn't want to.

"Oh, dear Meyer, my friend, God bless you, you are finally awake." Patriarch Moss' voice was full of concern, but his expression showed an undisguised gloating smile.

Last night he was busy until late, after which he took a very comfortable bath and fell asleep beautifully, and woke up with a smile in the morning.

"Moss..." Patriarch Meyer's eyes turned sharp all of a sudden. He has already realized that things seem to have gotten extremely bad. It seems that his and Moss' identities have been switched. Moss was originally a prisoner, but now, the change He is a prisoner. Otherwise, how dare Moss show such an unscrupulous smile in this old guy?

Just, what the hell happened? Where's that idiot Walker? What about those bodyguards? Where's Mr. Pete?

"Dear Meyer, you were injured too badly. You didn't even know I was worried. You thought you couldn't make it through to see God. The old man is gone. Oh, God bless, Amen." Chief Moss continued to sneer Said, then sat back in the chair and continued to peel the apple in his hand. He peeled the apple very skillfully. The whole peel was connected into one piece and dragged in the air for a long time, which looked very beautiful.

Looking at the apple, Meyer swallowed inexplicably, and felt his throat was starting to become extremely thirsty, then tried to calm himself down, and asked in a cold voice: "What did you do to me? Moss, Do you dare to hurt me?"

"Oh, God, I should be the one to say this, isn't it?" Patriarch Moss's smile suddenly cooled down, "You seduced Mr. Pete, let him betray me, and you imprisoned me and my precious angel Wake up and you're still sleeping in my room... oh god..."

Patriarch Moss looked disgusted: "It seems that I have to ask the housekeeper to remove all the things in it and replace them with new ones, and then spray more air cleaner and let the wind flow for a few more days. Otherwise, how can people live in that room?"

"The most insulting thing to me is that you actually want my precious angel to be engaged to your idiot son who doesn't know if it's your own..." Patriarch Moss shook his head and said, "Meyer, what are you doing?" You plan to humiliate me, my precious angel, and the Luciano family to death!"

Meier's eyes were cold, looking at Moss as if he was looking at a dead person, it didn't make any difference. William was a pain point in his heart, so painful that he even thought about killing him? If anyone dared to say that William didn't look like him in front of him, Meier would turn his face directly, so now, he wanted to turn his face.

In addition, he didn't like being looked down upon by the old bastard Moss, so he really wanted to sit up, but the pain was so bad all over his body, as if his soul was shaking, especially the crotch. , as long as the muscles on his thighs are slightly tensed, his soul will tremble a few times.

"Oh, but even though you did such things to me, to the Luciano family, and especially to my precious angel, I didn't intend to settle accounts with you. On the contrary, I was too kind. On the other hand, on the other hand..." Moss's strangely smiling eyes moved away from Meier's face, and finally landed on the crotch that had been smeared with some medicine powder and not even bandaged, and shrugged. Shoulder said, "Since you are no longer a man without a little JJ, I won't care about anything with you."

"...you...what did you say?" Meier's face changed wildly, and he suddenly found that his lower body seemed to be light, but it was just because of the summer, so he didn't feel chilly. What's wrong, it seems that some parts are missing, I quickly gritted my teeth and raised my head to look at my crotch, and then my eyes widened suddenly, and the whole person just stood there, and his mind went blank Yes, as if seeing a ghost.

"Crack!" Patriarch Moss finished peeling the whole apple, and the peel fell neatly into the trash can on the ground.

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