In the luxurious suite of the Venetian Hotel that only belonged to Patriarch Meier, Meier half-lyed on the generous and soft sofa, squinting slightly at the light decoration on the ceiling, he was waiting for a call.

Many people don't like to wait. In addition to their temperament, they don't like to wait because they are afraid that what they wait for will be the result they don't want to see.

But Meier likes to wait very much, because he strategizes, he knows clearly, and he is very confident. He believes that what awaits him will be the result he wants to see.

The cell phone in front of her rang.

The corners of Meier's mouth curled up slightly with a trace of cruelty, and there was a ferocious look in his eyes with a murderous light of choosing someone to devour. He stretched out his hand slowly, picked up the mobile phone, and then picked up the phone.

"Patriarch, they boarded Moss's private plane, and the box with the corpse has already been sent to the plane." A deep voice came, "The plane will take off in fifteen minutes."

Meier smiled, and that hideous face showed a neurotic smile. He didn't reply, but hung up the phone very simply, looking at the old hanging on the wall counting down the time.

Then after ten minutes passed, he picked up the phone again, and then dialed a phone number, which was left to him by General Moore before. Sometimes someone will take care of things.

The phone was connected quickly, and an unfamiliar voice came over: "The * has been activated, and the countdown is three minutes."

"Oh, thank you," Chief Meyer said.

There was no sound, and the other party hung up the phone without delay.

"Oh, I'm so proud." Patriarch Meyer muttered to himself, and then made another call.

Soon, the phone was picked up again, and the old friend's familiar voice came over: "Oh, good morning, Moss, my friend, we really have a good understanding, I just wanted to call you, no I thought of your phone and called."

"Good morning, Moss." Meyer said, and then involuntarily let out a very piercing laugh.

"Oh, my friend, what's the matter with you?" Moss asked with concern.

"Oh, it's okay, I accidentally remembered a big joke, so I couldn't help laughing... You said you just wanted to call me?" Meier asked.

"Oh yeah, I'm concerned about your injury, oh God bless you," Moss said.

"Dear Moss, I'm fine, and I wanted to tell you... oh, thank you, thank you for your prayers and concern," Meyer said. Of course, what he really wanted to say was held back in his heart very simply.

Thank you for your future son-in-law being bombed, thank you for your precious angel being bombed, thank you for the great grief you are about to have... oh god it's a good day.

Then, Meier continued to count down the countdown in his heart with a comfortable but nervous smile on his face.

"Oh, my friend, you are too polite. Apart from caring about your injury, I would like to remind you." Moss also smiled, with a sinister smile, as if he was engaged in some conspiracy.

"Reminder?" Meier frowned.

"Oh, yes, it's a reminder... If I'm not mistaken, you must be counting down in your heart right now, right? Oh, three minutes, how much time is left now? Oh, less than one minute..."

"..." Meier's face changed wildly, and if it wasn't for the serious injury to his lower body, he might have jumped up from the sofa by now.

How does this old fellow Moss know?

"Oh, my friend, I suggest you hide under the table quickly, otherwise... oh, there are still twenty seconds, you have to hurry up." Moss' gloating voice came over.

Meier's face was even more ugly. He suddenly thought of something, and then resisted the severe pain that would come from his crotch as if it came from the depths of his soul, and quickly followed what Moss said, Struggling to get up, he crawled under the table in a terrible embarrassment.

"Ah..." He couldn't help screaming, his body trembling.

pain! Heartbreaking pain! He clearly felt that his crotch started to ooze blood again.

The next second, suddenly there was a muffled "Boom!", and the ceiling of his room pressed down like a big bubble that had been squeezed, and some finely broken bricks and stones scattered in all directions, piercing the air and carrying The howling wind rolled around, and then the whole room seemed to be shaking.

Meier, who was hiding under the table, stared wide-eyed and listened to the muffled sound of the clods hitting the table from time to time. His forehead was already covered with cold sweat. If it wasn't for Moss not wanting him to die, he would I'm afraid he has been crushed to death by the falling ceiling, right?

"Oh, damn...dammit..." he growled hoarsely.

The god of war guarding outside heard the huge movement and rushed in, and then he was also shocked by the tragic scene in front of him.

"Patriarch Meyer... where are you?" He shouted anxiously. The ceiling on the top floor fell down, which was equivalent to making Chief Meyer, who was sitting on the sofa, into a sandwich hamburger... or a meat pit.

At first glance, it was all floor slabs and exposed steel bars, as well as chairs that fell from above, and the shadow of Patriarch Meyer could not be seen anywhere.

Patriarch Meier's very weak voice came: "I...I am here..."

"Boom!" There was another muffled sound.

"Ah..." Meier's voice sounded like killing a pig. It turned out that the table he was hiding under could no longer withstand the gravity of the ceiling that fell on it, and it collapsed simply. Therefore, Maier Er decided to be tragic, and was crushed alive.


After two hours of flying in a luxurious private jet, Li Zedao received a video request from the Mos patriarch.

As soon as the video was connected, Li Zedao had already seen the happy face of the patriarch Moss, and it seemed that some happy event had happened.

"Dear Uncle Moss, what makes you so happy?" Li Zedao asked with a slight smile. Of course, he knew what made him so happy.

"Haha... That old bastard Meyer is such an idiot, I already reminded him to hide, but he still got a broken rib and a leg, and then another big bleeding in his crotch, oh, God... ...I just went to visit him, and after seeing his miserable state, I quickly turned away ... oh, because I couldn't help laughing."

Li Zedao also asked with a laugh: "Is there any trouble?"

"Trouble?" Patriarch Moss became murderous, "That bastard wanted to kill you and my precious angel, we just returned the gun to him, and only made him break a few bones, He's already done his best, so what trouble can there be? Even, he will leave Las Vegas quickly and go back to his ghost place. "

His daughter is his reverse scale, and now Meier is secretly planning to blow up his daughter, which undoubtedly makes Moss very angry! Fortunately, Li Zedao discovered it early and secretly sent the corpse to the upper room of the suite where Meier lived.

As for the aluminum alloy box that was sent to the plane, it was full of Miss Mitty's favorite things, and there were also various gifts, which were selected by Miss Mitty for the sisters and future mother-in-law.

Of course, in Moss' view, it would not be a pity for Meyer to die ten thousand times. He was indeed intent on killing, but he was persuaded by Li Zedao. After all, this is Las Vegas, and it is the territory of the Luciano family, and the two families have just had a bad relationship. If Maier dies at this time, all the dirty water will be poured on the head of the Luciano family. , so it is enough to punish him.

And even though Meier broke a few bones, he knew that he was throwing a rock at his own foot, so he didn't dare to say anything at all, he would just obediently find a reason for the explosion to block other people's mouths, and then get out of here Go back to his Lourdes castle, because once he is still in Las Vegas, he can't even think about recuperating... How could Moss give him such a chance? Have to visit from time to time?

Maybe, he will be pissed to death.

In addition, after being dug out of the ruins by God of War and his men, Meier's bones were broken, and what's more, his lower body was severely injured again, so he was rushed to the hospital. Therefore, he More people know about the loss of that thing, so his situation in the family will be very difficult in the future... How could those arrogant guys in the family allow a guy who is neither male nor female to ride a horse? What about on their heads?

"Oh, let's not talk about that old bastard, where is my precious angel?" As soon as Miss Mitty was mentioned, Patriarch Moss' voice suddenly became cheerful, and his face was full of smiles.

"Oh, I went to the bathroom." Li Zedao laughed.

"When she comes back and asks her to send me a video request, I feel so empty after not seeing my little angel for a few hours... oh Zedo, I regret it, I regret letting my precious angel be handed over You have it in your hands." The Moss patriarch laughed. His original idea was to help his daughter find a reliable and capable young talent. After they got married, they would naturally have to live in Deakin Manor, and then he could see his daughter every day.

But now, his daughter is naturally married to an extremely outstanding young man. Unfortunately, it is impossible for him to live in the Deacon Manor, and it is impossible for him to put all his thoughts on the affairs of the Luciano family.

He has his own career and his own legend. If he is willing, the wealth in his hands will definitely exceed that of the Luciano family in the future.

It's a pity that he doesn't have that much ambition and lacks that kind of courage. It can even be said that he is a bit of a loser!

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