The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1493 Flattering each other

Li Zedao laughed: "Uncle Moss, it's too late to regret... Besides, it's useless for you to regret, I don't think you dare to say 'no' to Miss Mitty."

Moss smiled wryly. He really didn't dare. To be precise, he was reluctant. In this world, he was not afraid of anyone...except his own woman.

After closing the video, Li Zedao sat down beside Bei, put his hand on her shoulder and said with a smile, "Dear sister Bei, there is something I want to tell you."

"There's no need to talk about the beasts." Bei raised his head and glanced at him, his ears began to feel hot for no reason, "I'm afraid the plane will fall."

"Ahem..." Li Zedao was speechless, why did he keep thinking about these things all day long? Besides, is it his fault? If you all look like flowers, can I think about it? I'm afraid I vomited early.

"Who made you so good-looking?" Li Zedao said in a low voice.

Seeing that he was so depressed, Bei Bei looked like an emotional child, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up in a charming way, and he gently held his hand that was wrapping around his shoulder.

Li Zedao chuckled and pointed to his face.

"Get out." Bei said, but there was a hint of a smile in his big eyes, then his lips moved closer, imprinted on his face, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Li Zedao's expression became slightly serious: "Do you still remember what Chen Tuan said when he came out of the Devil's Cave Forest?"

Bei's heart tightened all of a sudden, how could she forget? The guy who looked a little nervous to her said that even though Li Zedao had already integrated the yellow part of the five-colored stone into his tongue, he might not be able to suppress the violent spirit of the ghost pill refined by Duanmu Weizhuang.

Once that violent air erupted, his body functions would be burnt instantly and he would die unexpectedly.

Although Li Zedao said that his words are unreliable and you can just listen to them casually, but Bei cared very much, cared very much, although he had already made a decision in his heart, if he died, she would follow, but wouldn't it be better if he didn't die? Bei was worried that she would not be able to find him after he died, or that she would forget about each other.

Then, her eyes widened slightly, and her face was a little ugly: "Why did you mention this all of a sudden? Could it be... going to explode?"

Li Zedao comforted softly: "There is no explosion, at least I don't feel any signs of an explosion right now."

Only then did Bei's face soften a little.

The inexplicable fear in my heart dissipated a little.

Li Zedao gently held her hand and looked at Bei affectionately, and said, "Of course, there may be signs, but I didn't notice it, maybe I'll...well, why are you covering my mouth? ? You have seen a lot of life and death, and you even died once, and you haven't looked away yet?"

"I disregard other people's, even my own, but I can't disregard you." Bei said coldly. Although this sounds extremely selfish, everyone basically thinks so in their hearts.

Take the hospital as an example, people die every day, but how many people do you see because an irrelevant person died and then they were very sad, crying to death?

When someone you care about dies, that means a life is lost. If someone who has nothing to do with you dies, it's just subtracting one from the total number of people.

"Can you look away from me? Look away from your other women?" There was inexplicable emotion in Bei's indifferent eyes.

Li Zedao was speechless, how could he look away?

He smiled wryly, nodded and said, "Do you still remember the two methods he said that day that might eliminate the violent energy of physical strength?"

Bei nodded. Although she said that she could just listen to the two methods mentioned by the magic stick, but she kept them firmly in her heart.

"First, he asked me to comprehend the "Tianji Tuan" he gave me...Actually, I don't expect that book to eliminate the hostility in my body at all, because it is an ancient book that should be worthy That’s all you need is a lot of money.” Li Zedao eased the atmosphere and made a little joke, of course he really thought so in his heart at that time.

"Get lost!" Bei said, even clenched Li Zedao's hand tightly.

She has also read that book, um, it is a very good hypnotic book, its hypnotic effect is stronger than sleeping pills, not to mention the ancient characters in it, many of them don't know it, even if they do, they don't know why.

"As for the second method, that is to find some unnamed cave and pass some tests in the unnamed cave, then you can reincarnate, cleanse the marrow and cut down the bones, and the strength in your body will naturally be relieved..."

"It's not as good as the first method." Bei said.

That seemingly unreliable magic stick talked about finding a nameless hole and passing the test of the nameless hole, but he didn't say the most important thing... Where is the nameless hole located? At the very least, you have to talk about the geographical location, right?

"But... I seem to have found the Wuming Cave." Li Zedao's expression became serious.

Bei's eyes widened all of a sudden: "What did you say? Did you really find it? When?"

"Sichuan-Tibet Plateau, the cave you and I were almost trapped in is called Wuming least the words 'Wuming Cave' are engraved on the entrance." Li Zedao said, "As for whether it was what Qing Xuzi said I don't know much about that nameless cave."

Li Zedao is more inclined to say that it is the Wuming Cave that Qing Xuzi said. Believe it or not, some things are so coincidental, or God has arranged them long ago.

Bei was stunned for a few seconds, then nodded slightly and said: "No matter if it is or not, hurry up and go there sometime, check it carefully, maybe you will gain something."

Li Zedao said with a smile: "I thought the same way, I should find some time to check it out in the past, maybe I can gain something."

"Forget it, we will start after getting off the plane." Bei said.

"Uh...don't be in such a hurry, right?" Li Zedao felt helpless.

Peking University stared at Li Zedao, and said word by word: "In my eyes, there is nothing more important than your life, and there is nothing more urgent than this matter."

Li Zedao hugged her gently, and said apologetically, "I know, I made you worry."

Bei was the only one who knew about this matter, so naturally, all the pressure and worries were borne by her alone.

Although she was so indifferent, Li Zedao knew very clearly in his heart how worried this woman was. On a certain night, Li Zedao clearly felt that the woman hugged his body tightly, her little face was tight. Tightly buried in his chest, and then, he clearly felt the damp heat in his chest.

The woman was crying silently.

"At have to go back to Phoenix City before starting." Li Zedao said, "Of course, you follow."

Bei looked deeply righteous: "I know, you have to feed them first... Oh, to be more precise, let them feed you... a beast!"

"..." Li Zedao was almost choked to death by these words. Although the truth is true, you can't say it out. How embarrassed I am that you say it like that.

"Then... are you full?" Li Zedao asked with an ambiguous expression, "Would you like to have a meal now?"

"Get lost!" Bei's ears began to feel hot again.

In the end, Bei ate Li Zedao. She couldn't bear Miss Mitty, who was more open than her in this aspect, to eat alone there. As for whether the plane would fall... She didn't have any extra thoughts to think about it. problem.

More than ten hours later, this luxurious private jet finally landed steadily at Yanjing International Airport. Before Li Zedao left the airport, he saw that the Dark Emperor and his subordinates who were waiting there had gone dark.

Director Yang and An both restrained their aura very well, and because of their unattractive appearance, the two of them were not noticed at all.

On the contrary, the combination of a handsome guy and two beauties, one middle-aged and one foreigner, is extremely eye-catching, so Li Zedao, Bei and Miss Mitty seem to have become the object of everyone's secret drooling and discussion.

Director Yang looked at Li Zedao, a faint smile appeared on his face, and he waved to him.

Li Zedao looked at him and nodded slightly, then looked back at Bei and Miss Mitty and said, "Go to the coffee shop at the airport and wait for me for a cup of coffee."

Bei glanced at Director Yang who appeared there, nodded slightly, and said nothing. Of course, she was not as indifferent as she appeared on the surface. After all, standing in front of her was the dark emperor who commanded the entire dark group.

Miss Mitty smiled ambiguously and said, "Oh, yes, my dear." Then her fragrant lips moved over and made a sip on Li Zedao's lips.

Li Zedao slammed his lips, his eyes fell on Bei's body ambiguously, and he pouted his mouth, indicating that you have to kiss me too.

"Get out!" Bei said angrily, but moved his lips over, and made a smack on Li Zedao's lips.

As a result, the people around who cast their eyes on this place began to poke their chests out one after another. This is a dragon and two phoenixes... Beasts, they are really beasts, how can this be done? How can you do such a shameless thing in public? What if this teaches the children badly?

Besides, this is Huaxia. Huaxia's marriage law stipulates monogamy. If you do this, it is against the law. I want to call the police and arrest you...

After parting, Li Zedao followed Director Yang into the large off-road vehicle they drove, and Li Zedao looked at Director Yang with a sarcasm in his tone: "Director Yang is really busy."

In fact, he wanted to say, you shameless old man really lingers.

"National affairs are urgent, don't dare to slack off." Director Yang smiled slightly.

The corners of Li Zedao's mouth twitched, and if he was complaining, his unpatriotic hat would be taken off again.

"Director Yang devoted himself to the country and the people until he died, and I admire him." Li Zedao said.

"To each other." Director Yang smiled slightly.

Li Zedao quickly responded modestly: "Don't dare, dare not."

An An, who was sitting in the driver's seat, really wanted to open the door and get out of the car. It was really torture to hear these two shameless guys chattering.

"You said on the phone that you have something very important to give me?" Director Yang looked expectant, as if he attached great importance to what Li Zedao said on the phone.

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