The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1494 Gene Superman

While secretly despising this old guy for being too pretentious, Li Zedao didn't bother to talk nonsense, and simply took out the needle with a little green liquid left in it and handed it over.

Director Yang took it over, squinted his eyes slightly, and was full of doubts in his heart: "This is it?"

"you guess."

"..." Director Yang dared to swear on his own character, no one had ever dared to talk to him like that, he really didn't know what to do.

"Just kidding." Li Zedao said with a smile, "I think this thing is extremely important to you, Director Yang, to the entire fc organization, and to the country, so in order to get this thing, I risked my life and went through all kinds of troubles. After a lot of hard work, I finally got it..."

Li Zedao had a bitter expression on his face, as if he had experienced so many inhuman ordeals.

"Your spirit of dedicating yourself to the country and the people before you die is really touching and commendable." Director Yang hurriedly interrupted Li Zedao's words. After listening to the words, he was afraid that he would do something if he couldn't hold back.

At the same time, his expression was even more expectant, and his eyes were bright, showing great interest in this thing... Although he didn't know what it was at all, in his opinion, it was more like a The liquid pumped out of the stinking gutter, though, he'd love to hit someone! Your sister, I believe you are strange.

Director Yang felt that Ultimate's temper was getting better and better. If anyone dared to pretend to be like this with him before this change, he would have slapped him long ago.

"So this is?"

Li Zedao looked mysterious: "I saw Meyer of Rothschild inject the liquid into a guy's tongue, and then that guy...well, that guy easily beat Mr. Pete's legs broken."

Director Yang's expression was slightly moved, who is Mr. Pete? That is a master who can be ranked in the top few. Even if you face him, even if you can beat him, you will have to spend a lot of effort and even pay a lot of money, but now someone can easily beat him with two legs break...

Wait... Director Yang suddenly thought of something, his eyes widened, he stared at the syringe in his hand for a long time, and finally asked with great difficulty: "You mean... Superman? The one who defeated Mr. Pete was the Gene Superman? The liquid in the syringe is related to the Gene Superman?"

"Yes, this should be some kind of necessary potion to create a genetic superman." Li Zedao nodded and expressed his thoughts, "or some kind of necessary potion that can make a genetic superman evolve again, and Or it has other functions, but it must be related to the genetic superman,

Of course, what exactly it is, can only be studied by you. "

Director Yang nodded, and he who was always calm was extremely restless at this moment.

An Ye, who was in the driving seat, turned his head and stared at the syringe in Director Yang's hand with a dull face, with complicated glints flickering in his eyes.

You know, they have lost many people before and after, but the last information they got is only a little bit. They only know that the United States is conducting research on genetic superhumans, and they have achieved initial success, and the research process is quite complicated. For smoothness, it is only one step away from the final success.

I also probably know how terrifying the combat power of this kind of genetic superman is. It is said that a perfect genetic superman is enough to rival the kind of back-to-basics masters that can only be said to appear in legends.

As for other information, nothing is known.

But now Li Zedao brought them a syringe with liquid in it, and told them that the liquid in it was the medicine developed by the American side that can make people become genetically superhuman. Set off a huge wave?

It's a pity that the amount of medicine in the needle tube is too small, there is only a negligible bit left on the tube wall, so it may be difficult to thoroughly study its effect.

Li Zedao briefly explained the situation of the genetic superman.

Director Yang listened, his expression became extremely solemn, and his heart was full of shock. Although the information collected before showed that the combat effectiveness of that kind of genetic superman is enough to rival the master of returning to the basics, but after all, I still have a bit of luck in my heart.

It is possible that the research in the United States will not be successful... Even if it is not far from success now, but not far from success does not mean success.

Even if it succeeds, it might not be that powerful, right? Isn't the American guy's favorite thing to do is pretend to be a kid and exaggerate? For example, the photo of the moon landing decades ago, now there are voices saying that it was a hoax directed and staged by the Americans.

But now, even though the genetic superman is motionless without any order from the master, you can cut off his head, but after getting the order, he can beat a super master like Mr. Pete, what is this? the horror? The most important thing is that it is just a failed product with immature technology that has been eliminated!

The failed product can defeat a master like Mr. Pete after being ordered, so when the final thorough research is successful, how terrifying will the perfect genetic superman's skills be? Especially in terms of "IQ", there must be a qualitative improvement, right? At least he won't just stand there obediently and ask you to cut off his head without getting any order, right? This kind of genetic superman is enough to rival the master of returning to basics, it is not an exaggeration at all.

So, no way to get away with it.

Moreover, the body of the genetic superman is actually equipped with a weapon that can be remotely controlled. In this way, if the genetic superman breaks into an important place and the other party detonates it, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Director Yang stared at the needle tube, his old face was covered with a layer of solemnity: "It seems that the situation is more serious than I imagined, and that kind of genetic superman is more terrifying than I imagined."

"It's really scary." Li Zedao agreed with this shameless old man's words for a rare time.

"Oh, by the way, have you heard of the Skull Organization?" Li Zedao asked after a silence.

"Skull?" Director Yang frowned and shook his head.

Li Zedao said with emotion: "Even you have never heard of it. It seems that this organization is deeply hidden, just like the fc you lead."

Director Yang immediately understood: "You mean, the genetic superman was developed by this organization called Skull?"

They have known for a long time that there are mysterious powers that belong to them that are not known to others. As for other information, they naturally know nothing, such as the United States. They know that there is a powerful mysterious power in China. But I didn't know that mysterious power was called fx.

"According to Patriarch Rothschild Meyer, this is an organization secretly formed by the US government. This organization is mainly responsible for the research of powerful weapons, which naturally includes genetic superman." Li Zedao said, "As for the Rothschild family, this organization does have cooperation. According to Meyer, this kind of cooperation is not as close as we imagined. They have no access to core secrets. They are more like buyers and sellers. They were killed by me. He bought the genetic superman from the Skull Organization."

"So." Director Yang frowned tightly, as if talking to himself, "It would be great if I could get more information about this organization."

Li Zedao pretended not to hear, he had to be careful to think that this shameless old man was hinting to him that he would trouble you to help collect information about this organization next.

"Is there any other information?" Director Yang was quite helpless about Li Zedao's irresponsible reaction.

"Meier once went to a stronghold of the Skull organization." Li Zedao said.

Director Yang's eyes widened slightly: "Where is it?" Such news is undoubtedly extremely important to the fc organization.

"Island country, dj, but I don't know exactly where dj is located. Chief Meier said that his eyes were blinded when he passed by, and the car went around several times before he arrived." Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders Said.

"Island country, dj..." Director Yang narrowed his eyes slightly, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

After a while, he looked up at Li Zedao with a serious expression on his face, as if the fate of this country was in Li Zedao's hands: "I will immediately send someone to secretly go to the island country DJ to investigate this matter, of course, the most important thing right now Of course, it is the medicine in the tomb of Duanmu Weizhuang, it is urgent to enter the magic cave forest to get that magical medicine, otherwise we will become more and more passive, so you have to work hard and hurry up."

Li Zedao was helpless, the old man began to teach him how to be patriotic again. Immediately shrugged his shoulders and responded: "Actually, you can tell me clearly that the two months agreed before are coming soon, so that it will not sound so harsh to me."

Under the coercion of this shameless old man, Li Zedao had no choice but to give me two months to study and study, and now the two-month deadline is not a few days away.

Director Yang is used to this kid's "frankness", so he immediately laughed: "Well, you still have three days, I think you must have gained something by now, right?"

Li Zedao said: "Maybe, maybe, seems that I have already said it before, and I may not be able to study it thoroughly."

"Did you say that?" Director Yang pretended to be confused, but he was slightly relieved in his heart. Since this kid said such a thing, it means that he has gained something... Even if there is no gain, At least he won't be stubborn and stay out of it.

Director Yang is still seriously doubting that this kid has actually obtained the medicine in the grave and has become a master of returning to basics.

""Compendium of Materia Medica" records that eating more walnuts can improve the symptoms of amnesia in the elderly." Li Zedao said.


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