The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1507 Throwing Up

In the next second, the car drifted into the corner beautifully. At the same time, Sun Lingfei's face became even paler, and her little hands tightly grasped the seat. The veins on it were exposed. One can imagine the strength she used How big is it.

"Stop, hurry up, stop..." Feeling that her stomach was twisted and uncomfortable, and something was about to come out of her throat at any moment, she couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted weakly.

Li Zedao glanced at her, and stopped the car quickly and steadily. As the car stopped, Sun Lingfei pushed the door and got out of the car. Clutching his abnormally distorted stomach, he vomited sour water.


She only felt that her stomach was twisted badly, and her head was dizzy, just like the reaction she had when she went on a roller coaster for the first time.

Li Zedao shook his head helplessly, he said he had to fasten his seat belt, and he might vomit, why didn't he believe it? At the moment, he didn't intend to get out of the car to pat the other person's back to care, but took out a cigarette and a lighter, lit one, and started puffing out the smoke.

After vomiting acid water for five full minutes, Sun Lingfei felt better, but her stomach was still twisted, her head was still dizzy, her smiling face was even paler, and it was covered with thick cold sweat. As if most of it had been emptied, the fingers were weakening.

Sitting back in the car with difficulty, and sweeping the guy sitting there frowning and smoking a cigarette without knowing what he was thinking, Sun Lingfei had an urge to beat someone up, bastard, this is a car, not an airplane, so drive like that Do it soon?

What made Sun Lingfei even more depressed was that he vomited all his own, and he was smoking like a normal person, and he didn't know how to care.

He glared fiercely at this guy for several times, but unfortunately, this guy didn't react at all, and he was still frowning and thinking about something. In the end, Sun Lingfei's eyes were tired, so she looked back, took a tissue and wiped it off. I picked up the water again, but after being tossed like this, I didn't have much strength at all, so I used all the strength of breastfeeding, but I still couldn't unscrew the lid.

"Give it to me." Li Zedao said.

Sun Lingfei glared at him, but also passed the water over, wouldn't it be nice to take the initiative a little earlier? asshole!

Li Zedao smiled and didn't take it seriously, took it, unscrewed the cap for him, and handed it back, Sun Lingfei took it with a little anger, raised his head and filled half of the bottle, only then did he feel more comfortable.

Glancing at Li Zedao out of the corner of his eye, he found that this guy was frowning again, thinking about something, and he was even more depressed. Would he really care?

Even she herself can't figure it out,

Why this guy didn't care about it would make him so unhappy.

What's more, the development of the matter has completely exceeded her expectations. She originally wanted to feel the speed at which Zhou Yan was driving. Who knows, she couldn't bear that speed at all, or more precisely, she In fact, she couldn't trust the man she met for the first time. She was worried that the car would crash and kill her in the next second, so she felt unprecedented panic in her heart, so she vomited in embarrassment.

Sun Lingfei often likes to call herself a racing driver, but as a racing driver, she vomits while riding in someone else's car. No matter how she thinks about it, she feels ashamed.

Looking at this guy again from the corner of her eye, Sun Lingfei couldn't help but say, "Hey..."

"Huh?" Li Zedao turned his head and looked at Sun Lingfei, "Do you want to continue?"

"Uh..." Sun Lingfei glared at Li Zedao fiercely, thinking that Zhou Yan was extremely annoying, and continued after throwing up? But if you don't continue, don't you admit that you are afraid?

Gritting his silver teeth, he looked desperate: "Continue... what are you doing?"

After getting out of the car, Li Zedao said without looking back, "Pee."

"..." The muscles on Sun Lingfei's face twitched slightly, and that little face that was originally pale from fear gradually turned a blush at this time.

"Oh, you can drive next. I don't like driving sports cars." The other party's voice came again.

The corner of Sun Lingfei's mouth twitched again, as if you were tired of driving a sports car, but you also moved your seat and sat back in the driving seat. Although this is a bit embarrassing, it would be embarrassing if you were throwing up.

Looking up, looking at the guy who was swaying forward and finally disappeared behind a big tree on the side of the road, Sun Lingfei muttered: "Could it be that you are the legendary... car god?"

Two minutes later, Li Zedao returned, opened the co-pilot's door and got in.

Sun Lingfei glanced at him, didn't say anything, stepped on the accelerator, and the car continued to move forward, but Sun Lingfei was not racing, but was running at a slower speed than normal. For some reason, She herself is not too clear about it, she just hopes that time can slow down and this road can be longer.

"Can you give me this magazine?" Li Zedao pointed to a fashion magazine in the car and said.

Sun Lingfei glanced at him, and his face was a little weird for a moment: "There are tissues..."

"Paper towels are too soft, this paper is just right."

"...soft...isn't it good?" Sun Lingfei said with difficulty, and just when she was about to stop the car, she saw that guy stretched out his hand, picked up the ancient sword behind him, and then The magazine was torn all night and began to wrap the sword.

It turned out that it was to include the sword, not the one I thought... Sun Lingfei just felt that his face was extremely hot at this time, and it was really embarrassing. Fortunately, this guy didn't hear anything.

"Is this sword an antique? Isn't it expensive?" Sun Lingfei quickly changed the subject.

She suddenly felt that this boy was a bit mysterious. First of all, it was naturally because of his terrifying driving skills. In addition, he appeared in the wilderness in the middle of the night and it should not be for racing. Why did he go? In addition, he donated 200,000 yuan to the Tiandao Foundation without blinking an eye. It can be seen from this that he is very caring and at the same time he is also a rich man. out of this.

However, the well-informed Sun Lingfei knew the watch on Li Zedao's wrist. Its price is enough to buy three or four Ford Focuses. Therefore, this guy is not as simple as it seems on the surface, either rich or expensive!

Li Zedao glanced at her and smiled: "What do you think? You can't buy it with money."

Sun Lingfei disagrees. She doesn't think there is anything in this world that cannot be bought with money, including family affection, friendship, and love. In the same way, you can also sell your family, friendship and love for money.

In the eyes, an extremely complicated emotion flashed by, Sun Lingfei adjusted her mentality, and asked, "Who are you?"

"Zhou Yan." Li Zedao continued to move Zhou Yan out.

"I mean, your occupation...student? No, you are a professional racing driver, right? You won't be the legendary car god, right?"

"I'm a swordsman! A swordsman who kills one person in ten steps and remains unknown for thousands of miles!" Li Zedao continued to tear out pages of magazines to wrap the Xuanyuan Xia Yu Sword. I don't think I'm mentally ill anymore.

"...Okay, you are a swordsman." Sun Lingfei patted her forehead, feeling an inexplicable urge to kick this guy out of the car.

The eyeballs moved slightly, glanced at the side face, and bit the silver teeth slightly, his face was embarrassed and difficult, but there was expectation in his eyes: "Mr. Swordsman, do me a favor?"

"No help." Li Zedao said without thinking. He is troublesome enough now, and that kind of fraternity is gradually disappearing, so he doesn't want to get involved with this girl anymore.

He knows how outstanding he is, how handsome he is, and how coquettish he is, so this classmate who met by chance may be tempted by him, but, classmate, I'm sorry.

Sun Lingfei's face turned red again, this time because of anger and inexplicable grievances, she pouted: "If you don't help, you won't help, what's the big deal? What kind of bullshit swordsman? You can't save yourself from death Can you count as a swordsman?"

Li Zedao smiled, did not respond, and continued to wrap the ancient sword.

"The magazine is mine, give it back to me." Sun Lingfei was even more frantic, braked suddenly, and stretched out her hand, about to tear off the magazine on the ancient sword that Li Zedao was holding.

Li Zedao had no choice but to let her tear off all the wrapped paper on the sword, tear it into pieces, and throw them on him indiscriminately.

Li Zedao also knew that this girl was not so much angry at herself as it was a manifestation of her extreme depression. She was venting her dissatisfaction.

Then, a mobile phone that was plastered with bling diamonds on it rang.

Sun Lingfei raised her head, glared at Li Zedao fiercely with some red eyes, took a few breaths, stretched out her hand, and picked up the phone that was calling Zhenghuan vigorously.

Li Zedao saw that her expression was so tangled and painful, she didn't want to answer the call, but she had to.

Finally, she answered: "Hey, Dad..."

Her attitude and tone are not very good, or very bad: "I know... I know... I know, can't I..."

Finally, there was a hint of crying in her voice.

After hanging up the phone, she bit her lip and slammed the steering wheel twice with both hands, two teardrops fell from her red eyes, her expression was so aggrieved and unwilling.

Li Zedao saw her like this, and his fraternity overflowed again. He thought, classmate, don't be like this. If you cry like this and I don't help you, my conscience will be condemned.

Li Zedao sighed: "Let's hear it, if it's not too difficult, I, the swordsman, will help you out."

Sun Lingfei glared at Li Zedao with his big red eyes, and really wanted to stubbornly tell this bastard that he didn't need it, but for some reason, he became inexplicably dependent on this "swordsman" whom he had just met for a short time. OK

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