The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1508 Why are you bullying me?

After a while of silence, Sun Lingfei's mood eased a bit, and her thinking ability recovered. She glanced at Li Zedao, and finally shook her head slightly and said, "Forget it, I don't think you are capable of helping me."

It was just that Sun Lingfei was impulsive when she asked for help. Now that she has calmed down and thought about it seriously, she doesn't think this annoying guy can help her, even if he looks so mysterious, even if his driving skills are so terrifying People, even if he wears hundreds of thousands of watches so he is either rich or expensive, even if he says he is a swordsman who kills one person in ten steps and leaves no name for thousands of miles.

But compared with that kind of top family, the halo on his body instantly dimmed, like an ordinary light bulb facing the sun, and even compared to himself, the wealth he owned was nothing.

So, don't hurt others, and he also said, help if it's not too big a problem. This problem is big, so he can't help.

Li Zedao continued to tear up the magazine and rewrap Xuanyuan Xia Yujian, and said helplessly, "You don't believe in the ability of this swordsman."

"...Should I believe it?" Sun Lingfei asked back, looking a little annoyed, and really wanted to snatch the magazine from the other party's hand and tear it into pieces, "I don't even know who you are and where you live, so you said I should Believe you? Don't pretend to be like this, can you?"

Li Zedao smiled lightly: "Let me guess what problems you have encountered. Is the company run by your father in crisis? At this time, the savior who can save the company appeared, but that savior took a fancy to you, so your father I just hope you can marry that savior, but you don’t like that savior very much, but for your father, for your father’s painstaking efforts for most of his life, you really have no way to escape, so you are very painful, very irritable, very depressed... …Is it this way?"

Sun Lingfei's eyes widened slightly, as if seeing a ghost: "You... how do you know?"

"It's all written on your face, and it was your father who called you just now, right? My swordsman's ears are a little sensitive, so I overheard some." Li Zedao said.

Sun Lingfei had a painful expression, and bit her lips lightly: "Mr. Swordsman... I'll call you Zhou Yan, what do you think I should do? If I marry that person, I will be disgusted and miserable for the rest of my life, but if I don't marry, my father His company is likely to go bankrupt, and I really don't want to see him lose most of his life's hard work like this."

Li Zedao really wanted to say that my name is Li Zedao, but he said that he was Zhou Yan before, and it is not easy to correct him now, but he said: "I can see that you were impulsive just now and asked me to do you a favor. You want me to help you." What are you? Appear in front of your father as your boyfriend and tell him that you already have a boyfriend and let him fulfill you. Are you thinking of another way? Or let this swordsman take you away? It can’t be that this swordsman takes that Has the savior been killed?"

"I want you to kill that bastard!" Sun Lingfei said angrily,

Then he stepped on the accelerator, and the car continued to roar on the road.

"It's impossible for the two of us, and it's impossible for a fake one." Sun Lingfei added, feeling a little hot at the base of his ears.

"That's good." Li Zedao was obviously relieved.

"You..." Ms. Sun has never wanted to beat someone so much as she does now.

Li Zedao laughed, and asked, "What is your father's profession?"

"Food and drink." Sun Lingfei glanced at him and said, "There are many restaurants under our banner, maybe the one you've been to is owned by our family."

Li Zedao smiled: "I don't have the money to eat out."

Sun Lingfei rolled her eyes, and didn't bother to pay attention to this bastard who likes to pretend to be weak and like to show weakness.

"Where's the savior? What's the origin?"

"I don't know if you have heard of the Yanjing Wei family. This family is one of the wealthy families in China, and they are very influential in military, government and business."

"Wei family?" Li Zedao was stunned for a moment, and then the corners of his mouth curled up slightly inexplicably, and then he nodded, expressing that he had heard of this family before, and then muttered in his heart that it was nothing special, what did he say in the military, political, and commercial fields? influential in all aspects? It's just too shameless to brag about yourself like that.

"That person is Wei Fengsheng from the Wei family. Wei Fengsheng is also my college classmate. He has been pursuing me since college. He is an ugly monster, a pervert, a beast, and a scum!" Wei Fengsheng was beaten violently.

"Wei Fengsheng?" Li Zedao muttered in his heart, never heard of it, which younger brother Wei Xiaobao or Wei Yaoming?

"I seriously suspect that the crisis in my dad's company was caused by Wei Fengsheng secretly, and his purpose was to get me." Sun Lingfei continued to grit his teeth, and his eyes were about to burst into flames.

Li Zedao tore another page of the magazine, wrapped Xuanyuan Xia Yujian while nodding and said: "It's not a big problem, I'll help with this."

Sun Lingfei's body trembled suddenly, and she slammed on the brakes. The car shook violently a few times and stopped. Then, she stared at Li Ze with wide-eyed disbelief and said, "You...what did you say?"

"I said, this is not a big problem for me, and I will help you with this." Li Zedao said.

"Aren't you kidding?" Sun Lingfei said with difficulty, she didn't think Li Zedao could help her. She just doesn't think this person is annoying... No, it's annoying, but talking to him will inexplicably improve her mood. As for asking for help before, it was just a momentary fever.

But now, he says it's not a big problem for him.

"As a swordsman, I don't tell lies, and I never do things I'm not sure about." Li Zedao was helpless, thinking when did his character become so unbearable?

"Then... what are you going to do? Let me tell you, pretending to be my boyfriend won't work. Even if I'm pregnant with your child now, my dad will let me kill it..." Sun Lingfei said Then, the ears were hot again, "Of course, that's impossible, I just want you to know my father's attitude..."

"It's really impossible." Li Zedao nodded, even if I have the heart, I don't have the strength, damn colorful stones, damn yellow stones.

Sun Lingfei was very angry, and wanted to kick this guy out of the car.

"Then what do you want to do?"

Li Zedao smiled evilly and said, "I just heard it accidentally, your father told you not to forget the meeting tomorrow night, right? This is to let you have a meal with that Wei or something? I will sneak in secretly at that time, With a wave of the sword in his hand, he put it directly on the neck of that Wei or something, so as not to scare him to his knees and beg for mercy? If he is threatening him, he will not dare to continue to trick you in the dark... Do you think I What's the solution?"

Sun Lingfei only felt that her face was so twitched that she could barely feel it, and immediately resisted the urge to hit someone, and said, "I don't think it's very good."

Not only is it not very good, it is simply an idiot.

Li Zedao still felt that his method was good, and insisted: "I think..."

"Okay, stop talking, thank you for your kindness, I want to be quiet." Sun Lingfei felt powerless in her heart, and stepped on the accelerator again, and the car continued to gallop forward.

What's more, he was depressed at first, but now he was stupidly brushed by Zhou Yankai, which made him even more depressed, so he slammed on the accelerator, and the red Ferrari was like a red lightning bolt.

Li Zedao smiled, and didn't say much, but continued to tear the magazine, and continued to wrap the Xuanyuan Xia Yu sword patiently or boringly.

Half an hour later, the red Ferrari stopped abruptly. Sun Lingfei glanced at Li Zedao indifferently, and said, "You can get a taxi here."

"Thank you for giving me a ride, otherwise I would have to bask in the sun for a while longer in that damn place, and thank you for your magazine." Li Zedao said with a smile.

Sun Lingfei nodded with a gloomy and indifferent expression, and said nothing.

Li Zedao didn't take it seriously either, and took the tightly wrapped Xuanyuan Xia Yujian, opened the door and got out of the car.

In the car, Sun Lingfei stepped on the accelerator, and the car continued to roar forward, and then a feeling of extreme grievance filled his heart.

"Why do you bully me? Why? Why?"


After taking a taxi back to the small apartment that Jin Suyan rented, it was Miss Mitty who opened the door. After seeing Li Zedao, her small face was already full of ambiguity: "Oh, dear, I miss you to death."

Then he stretched out his hands, hugged Li Zedao's, and kissed his lips.

After a long kiss in the dark, the two entered the room. At this time, Jin Suyan and Bei were sitting and eating in the kitchen. Bei had always been alone, so the level of cooking was good, especially It's western food. As for Kim So-yeon, her life is oppressive and she is in charge of the family early, and her cooking skills are even better.

Li Zedao walked into the kitchen, and both of them looked back at him with ambiguous smiles on their faces.

"I'll come." Li Zedao said.

"Go take a shower, it stinks too much," Bei said.

Jin Suyan chuckled: "That's right, brother Zedao, you smell strange, you should take a bath first, the meal will be ready soon."

Li Zedao chuckled: "Dare you say I stink?"

As he spoke, he moved closer to each other, hugged the two daughters respectively, and made a few mouth marks on their faces, and then left the kitchen contentedly and went to take a shower.

After the meal, the dishes and chopsticks didn't have time to clean up. Li Zedao rushed towards the three girls in a hungry tiger. After this extremely fragrant scene was over, it was already more than two hours later. Afterwards, Miss Mitty and Jin Suyan fell asleep sweetly Bei Ze, who is far stronger than them in physical strength, packed up the dishes with Li Zedao.

Looking at Bei who was doing the dishes over there like a good wife and loving mother, Li Zedao was inexplicably touched, if Dong and the others were still alive, or if other people in fc saw that they were the devil in their eyes, Bei, who must not be provoked, is washing dishes in an apron over there. I'm afraid it will scare the eyeballs out, right?

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